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Reaper Page 8

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  My lips parted, releasing a moan. I had never been this close to bliss. No battle had ever felt this good. Fighting couldn’t compare to Aria’s mouth around my cock. I fought the urge to fist my hands into her hair instead of the sheets. I lifted my head, dying to see her.

  Aria’s pink lips were a stark contrast against the dark-gray of my cock. She bobbed up and down, swallowing as much of me as she could, her fingers tightening their grip to draw me closer to the edge. No way was I going to last. Every muscle drawn so tight I might snap. My head fell back against the bed. “Aria. I can’t...It feels too good,” I hissed.

  My words only encouraged her to increase her efforts, her hands stroking faster as my cock bumped against the back of her throat. Her mouth took me as deep as possible before she swallowed, the muscles in her throat contracted around the head of my cock. That was my undoing. I came, showering her throat with my release as I bellowed her name, my eyes rolling back in my head, my vision systems blacking out. I lost control of my hips as they jerked, spilling even more down her throat; she clamped her lips tighter over my cock catching every drop, ignoring my disobedience.

  She released my cock with a smack of her lips as she placed a tender kiss to each hip, causing them to offer up a final twitch. “You okay, big guy? I think your frame might be experiencing spasms. I didn’t break you, did I?”

  I released my death-grip on the sheets and reached for Aria, pulling her on top of my frame.

  She gasped, “Reaper, your eyes!” her hands cupped my cheeks, alarm in her voice. “They’ve gone completely black!”

  I tried to shrug, but my shoulders refused to cooperate. “I might have suffered a slight visual system malfunction. Don’t worry, they will be back online shortly.” As if on cue, my eyes lit up, flashing bright blue. I blinked, focusing my returned sight on Aria’s face.

  Concern was stamped on her features, relaxing as she saw my eyes return to their normal state. “You sure you’re okay?”

  I traced the worry lines creasing her forehead. My gray finger stood out against her pale skin. Did it bother her I was gray? Other models were far more colorful. I was the color of ash and smoke. Easy to blend into a battlefield, nothing special.

  Aria tapped a finger against my forehead. “Hey, what’s going on in that head of yours? You just disappeared.” Suddenly, her hands gripped my cheeks tighter. “Oh God! I really did hurt you, somehow, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, Reaper. Tell me how I can help you.” Aria’s voice flooded with worry and remorse. I kissed her. “Stop fretting. It would take much more than your glorious mouth sucking my cock dry to fry my processors. Even if it was possible, I would gladly risk it to experience another moment like that with you. I would go offline one happy cyborg.”

  Aria shook her head. “Well, I would be one unhappy human if that happened. What about your eyes? Everything working the way it should?”

  My cheeks grew hot under her palms. “The pleasure was so great when I came, they momentarily went offline. They are functioning normally again, I promise.”

  “I guess I should take that as a compliment.” She planted a kiss above each eye. My heart stuttered, once again, in my chest. I really should get that checked out.

  Maybe there was something truly wrong with my systems.

  I hesitated. “Aria, may I ask you something?”

  Aria grinned. “I had your cock in my mouth, I’m sure that qualifies you to ask pretty much anything, Reaper.”

  I blushed harder at her words. “I want you to be honest. Would you prefer it if I was a different color?”

  Aria’s brow furrowed. “Have I ever given you any indication I had a problem with you being gray? I like you the way you are. Not many men could make gray sexy, but you do. You are gorgeous. Perfect.”

  My body relaxed under hers. I don’t know why I cared so much what one tiny human female thought of me, but my chest expanded with pride knowing that she wanted me the way I was. I held her tighter.

  After a few minutes, Aria gave a small sigh. “I should probably go. Theo is probably awake and wondering where I am. Can I come back later?” Hope filled her voice.

  “I wish you could, princess, but I need to bring the cyborgs we found back online and see what was done to them. I am not sure how long that might take.”

  Aria rolled off me and sat up. “Maybe I could come with? I suffered at the hands of Dr. Rosenfield, too. It might be nice to have someone there who understands.”

  My hand shot out pulling Aria onto my lap, delighted by the happy little gasp she made. “I must warn you, it most likely won’t be a pleasant experience. What was done to them is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t want to remind you of what she did to you and Theo.” I ran my hands up and down her arms, loving the way her warm, smooth skin felt under my palms. Now that I could touch her, I never wanted to stop.

  She returned the touch, gliding her fingers over my shoulders and down my back. My chest warmed at the thought she enjoyed touching me, too.

  Her fingers stilled on top of my shoulders. “I think I could help, Reaper.”

  I wanted to tell her no. That it’s not safe. That it will hurt her to see what was done to them and that I didn’t think I could bear watching her get hurt yet again. Yet, a selfish part of me wanted her there. “If you are sure, princess, then meet me at the lab this afternoon. I will wait until you can join me. Dax and Dr. Shaw should be done running their tests by then. I need you to promise that you follow any order I give you. These cyborgs could be dangerous. I won’t risk your safety, Aria. Not even to help them. Understand?”

  She gave me a salute.” I promise, Reaper. You’re in charge.” She wiggled from my grip and her feet hit the floor. I curled my fists by my sides, resisting the urge to drag her back to my lap.

  I kicked my pants the rest of the way off and swiped a sheet from the bed, wrapping it around my waist. I followed Aria to the door, the sheet dragging behind me. Once Aria got to the door she turned back to me, took one look and burst out laughing.

  I raised an eyebrow. “What?” Confusion darkened my features.

  “I can’t decide if I prefer bloody, armed with a battle axe, Reaper or naked except a kilt made out of a sheet, Reaper.”

  I glanced down. I fucking looked ridiculous. I dropped the sheet.

  “Now, that’s my favorite Reaper. Naked, gray and mine.”

  My shoulders straightened as I swelled with pride.


  Military Model.

  Leader of the cyborg rebellion.


  Claimed by a tiny human who caused my systems to malfunction. Leaning down, I brushed my lips against hers. “I like being yours. See you soon, princess.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Reaper asked for the tenth time.

  Dash and Iris were giving Theo a movie and popcorn marathon. Theo had practically skipped to their quarters, excited to get his first taste of popcorn. Dash had explained how incredible it was and Theo had hung on every word the blue cyborg said, like Dash was explaining how the universe worked instead of the process of popping corn and drenching it in butter and salt. I was just grateful it wasn’t pancakes.

  I turned my attention back to the hulking, gray cyborg whose face was twisted with concern. Reaper was worried. Maybe I should be too, but all I could think about was what awful things those two cyborgs had lived through. Just what kind of horrors had that crazy doctor subjected them too? I shuddered slightly, releasing a breath. “I am sure, Reaper.”

  Reaper took a step closer, his large body towering over mine. I shuddered again, but this time not from worry. My body instantly twisted with desire.

  Large and in charge, Reaper was a panty-melter.

  “While we are in there, you will obey me, Aria, understand?” Reaper’s tone didn’t give an inch, strong and commanding, I had the urge to salute again. It was the tone he had used when he threatened to take me over his knee.
  Maybe we should disobey and see if he will spank us.

  Oh, shut up! Now is not the time. Be serious.

  Commence eye-roll. Your default setting is serious. I’m just trying to get me another piece of gray cyborg.

  I shook my head. Ugh I’m so ignoring you right now.

  You know you...


  Fine, spoil sport.

  Nodding, I moved to the side, allowing Reaper to step into the lab first. While following him in, I stared at the broad expanse of his back, hoping to quiet the quiver rattling my stomach. My scalp prickled, and I tugged on my hair, stroking the strands repeatedly to help calm myself.

  I tipped my head to the side, trying to see around Reaper’s massive frame, trying to get a glimpse of the cyborgs Reaper had rescued. My eyes locked on two hulking bodies laid out separately on two different exam tables. One was a solid blue color, like Dash, and the other...oh God...that poor cyborg, or should I say cyborgs? The other cyborg was a patchwork of colors, his body made up of different model types. Blue, red, gray, purple all combined to make his frame. Was he even alive? Mixing that many model types couldn’t be good. I didn’t need to be Dr. Shaw to know that. My heart broke for him—for both of them. I didn’t think. Rushing past Reaper, I felt desperate to get to the cyborgs in front of me.

  “Aria, stop!” Reaper’s order rang out, but I had forgotten all about my promise to obey him. That could have been Theo on those tables. Alone and in pain, terrified of what was coming. Never shown any love or kindness, existing in a world of cruelty and hurt.

  If you ask me, I’ll tell you I don’t know how I outran a pissed-off Military Model, but somehow I did, making it to the tables before him. My hand shot out to grab a bright-red hand, a hand attached to an equally bright-red arm. The red arm was connected to a gray torso, with a gray neck rising to meet a bald, blue head. The cyborg’s other arm was green, his arms together reminding me of a twisted version of Christmas. I traced the lines of his torso with my eyes to discover one purple and one yellow leg anchored to his gray hips.

  As soon as I was done assessing what was done to him, two bright blue eyes snapped open, the red fingers I was clasping tightening around mine. His head jerked to the side, his flashing eyes meeting my wide ones. Sucking back my gasp of surprise, I worked hard to plaster calm across my features. His eyes softened slightly.

  Reaper let out a bellow and the rainbow cyborg tightened his grip further, nearly crushing my fingers with his large, red hand. Pain exploded through my fingers, traveling up my arm to knock against my shoulder like a battering ram. I whimpered. “Please,” I pleaded. “If you hold on any tighter you are going to break my fingers. The doctor who hurt you isn’t here. You are safe.” I counted my heartbeats hoping he understood my words. Maybe he was too damaged. Maybe he didn’t have a clue what I was saying and was simply reacting to what was going on around him. Reaper’s bellow could have been perceived as a threat. The many-colored cyborg could be only trying to protect himself.

  Fuck. Reaper’s warning rolled through my brain. Too damaged. Not safe. My heart had reacted before my head and now I was royalty screwed. Reaper was going to lose his shit the next time we were alone.

  I refuse to let him tell me ‘I told you so’.

  He’s so going to tell you ‘I told you so’. You should start practicing you’re ‘I’m sorrys’ now.

  God damn it.

  The cyborg crushing my hand, blinked once, then the death grip he had on me eased. He didn’t let go completely, my hand was still trapped by a set warm red fingers, but I was pretty sure I wasn’t in danger of losing my hand at least for now anyway. I offered him a small smile. “Thank you.” I whispered.

  A set of gray arms shot around my waist, tearing me from the cyborg on the table with a deep growl. Apparently, for the rainbow cyborg, that was a no-no. He jumped from the table, landing with a hard thud on his purple and yellow toes. A green hand appeared out of nowhere to capture my wrist, tugging with enough force to make my whole-body jolt. Reaper responded by trying to pull me back towards him which only made the rainbow cyborg pull harder in the opposite direction.

  Have you ever watched two dogs fight over a bone? I was the fucking bone.

  “Stop!!! Both of you, stop right now!” I screamed, not caring if every cyborg in this whole place heard me. Both sets of hands stopped pulling instantly. I looked down to make sure I had all my body parts and noticed my wrists were already starting to darken, my pale skin blossoming with fresh, purple bruises. That’s going to hurt like a bitch in the morning.

  Reaper followed my gaze, his lips thinning at the sight of my wrists. “I told you it wasn’t safe. You promised to obey me.” He shook his head at me, and I was waiting for him to start shaking his finger at me, too. “This is what happens when you don’t listen.” I could practically taste anger and disappointment with each word Reaper spewed my way.

  I opened my mouth to apologize, to try and fix things but Reaper cut me off. “You want to ignore my warnings? You want to play with cyborgs who could kill you? Fine. But don’t expect me to try and save you the next time you act like a stupid human.”

  I slammed my mouth closed as tears burned behind my eyes, and I tried blinking them back. Some broke free and I swiped at them with the back of my bruised wrists.

  The rainbow cyborg took a step forward putting himself between me and Reaper. He swallowed hard as if to gather enough fluid to speak. “Don’,” he croaked. He flung a red finger at Reaper then pointed at himself. “ We cyborgs. We stronger. We faster. Humans soft. Weak. Breakable. We hurt. I hurt,” he turned his red finger on me, pointing at my wrists his eyes finding mine. “My fault. Hard to think. Speak. Understand. Me sorry.” Dropping his gaze, he hung his head.

  “It’s okay. I don’t believe you meant to,” I whispered, tugging my sleeves down to cover my wrists. I didn’t think it helped having them on display. The multicolored one looked like he was about to be whipped for treason and believed he deserved it. Reaper was practically blowing smoke from his nostrils. In the end, neither one truly wanted to hurt me.

  The rainbow cyborg shook his head rapidly as if to confirm my belief. “Gray one angry. Thought he would hurt you. I protect.” The words were coming a little easier for him, but he still refused to lift his head, keeping his chin tucked tightly against his chest. I couldn’t leave him standing there all alone looking like that.

  I took a step forward. Reaper threw his hands up, turned his back to me and marched out of the lab.

  He left me!

  What the hell did you expect? You promised to listen to him remember?

  I fucked up, okay? But he didn’t have to call me stupid. It hurt.

  I know. Forget him. He’s an asshole.

  Now you are on my side? You could have stopped me a blow job ago, you know that, right?

  Or maybe before I went and fell for him?

  Sorry. I was distracted by abs and broad shoulders and an impressive cock. But no more. We will be fine. We don’t need him.

  Right. We don’t need him.

  I had never been a good liar, but it didn’t matter. I had a rainbow cyborg to take care of. I was glad the blue one hadn’t stirred in all the commotion. I was reaching my cyborg limit for the day.

  Focusing my attention on the cyborg before me, I stepped close enough to touch him, reaching up slowly, I tapped his chest. I’m Aria. What is your name?”

  For a minute he just stared at where my hand had tapped his chest, but then he lifted his head. “She called me Creature.”

  My hands curled into fists by my sides. Oh, that bitch was going to die.

  Chapter Fifteen


  At the sound of my name, the tiny human scrunched up her pale face and curled her small hands into fists. I backed away, terrified that somehow, I had made her angry. Thoughts of what happened when I made the doctor angry burned through my circuits. Pain. So much pain. I clutched my temple
s trying to forget the bad times and all the hurting.

  The human took one look at me and her face filled with concern, the crease in her brow going smooth as the lines around her light blue eyes softened. “It’s okay. I’m not upset at you. I’m mad at her. The one who did this to you. She hurt me too, along with someone I care about.”

  I let my hands relax, dropping them back to my sides. I tipped my head in the direction the angry one had fled. “The gray one? He hurt too?”

  The human female shook her head. “Reaper wasn’t hurt by the doctor. He saved me, and Theo. Theo is my child. Well not really my child. What I mean is I didn’t give birth to him. He’s a cyborg like you but smaller.”

  My eyes widened in horror. The cruel doctor had succeeded. One of my jobs had been disposing of the remains of the doctor’s failed experiments. Fellow cyborg models, human females and the tiny cyborgs they had been forced to carry. None of the little ones had lived past a few days. Their processors shut down faster than the doctor could repair.

  The doctor would scream, rambling on about how nothing she did was working, shouting that the Global Allegiance was only going to keep funding her research is she could produce viable cyborgs who could be kept controlled. The Global Allegiance didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of their past. They didn’t want failures like me. Then again, there were no other cyborgs like me. I was one of the doctors more unusual experiments. She had created me on a whim, tossing together a bunch of spare parts from other cyborgs to see if it was possible to create a working cyborg from scraps.

  I think she was as shocked as I was that I worked. In addition to all the screaming, I was used as the doctor’s personal punching bag. I was not even a cyborg to her, just a collection of parts. For a cyborg, I was slow and clumsy, my processors working double to coordinate all my different model types and get them to work together.


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