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St. Helena Vineyard Series_Promise Me Forever_A St. Helena Thriller

Page 6

by Natalie Middleton

  “Okay,” she said, biting her lip. “I’m going to try something. Close your eyes and don’t move.”

  Alex looked surprised but he closed his eyes. A few seconds later, he felt soft lips touching his. A jolt of electricity went through his body and he parted his lips. He felt his hands turn to stone and his mind tune out. He was stunned.

  He opened his eyes to see Arianna blush fiercely. As her eyes met his, a fire spread through Alex’s chest and he took a step forward. He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her, taking his time. She responded and he pulled her closer. She probed deeper, wanting more, and he responded, kissing her more urgently. Every nerve in his body was suddenly tingling. After what seemed like an eternity, they broke away.

  “That made my day.”

  Arianna’s words softly caressed him. His breath was ragged and he wanted to take her someplace and show her just what he could do to make her day even better. But looking at her, all flushed, all he did was hold her hand and hoped that would be enough to calm his raging heart.


  Surprisingly, it didn’t take them as long to descend. They walked hand in hand, talking about funny incidents. Narrations were punctuated with laughter. That kiss had changed things, made them more open to the possibility of ending up with the other person.

  “We’re almost at the entrance. That was quick,” Alex commented.

  “Maybe you should have kissed me while we were climbing up and we’d have reached the clearing sooner,” Arianna retorted, a smile on her face.

  “Touché,” Alex replied.

  Arianna stretched when she sat in the car. It felt good to be back to creature comforts. She was not an outdoorsy person and this hike proved it. She immediately turned the air on and was relieved to feel cool air on her face.

  When Alex entered, he had the picnic basket in his hand, which he’d forgotten on the backseat. He opened the box with the pasta and was relieved to find it smelled fine. The heat had thankfully not got to it yet. Sophie had packed metal forks from the kitchen and he took a bite of the pasta and sighed. It was delicious.

  “Remind me to thank Sophie for this. This pasta is heavenly.”

  Arianna took a second box with pasta and dug in.

  “She’s my sister, she has to be good.” Alex guffawed and poked her. Arianna laughed and took out some of the homemade bread and cold cuts. It was a simple meal, eaten crammed in a car, but after their strenuous workout, it hit the spot.

  “You know,” Alex said, biting into his bread and cold cuts. “This was a great date. You make it easy to have fun.” He looked into her eyes.

  Arianna blushed fiercely and looked away. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to kiss Alex. She was hesitant, wondering if the kiss felt as good as it did ten years ago, and it did!

  I want to kiss him again, just to see his eyes light up.

  And that’s exactly what she did. She turned towards him and softly called his name. Before he could react, she planted a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes widened and a wide smile replaced how shocked he was feeling.

  I can get used to this.

  This was dangerous. Feeling this way was dangerous. She had no plans of making any promises with Alex. Besides, their lives were too different. It wasn’t going to work out.

  “Let’s go home.” She nodded at Alex’s words and started the radio. Alex started the car and they drove back to their life, their brief escapade having ended.

  Arianna noticed something very familiar when she reached the estate. Her father’s car was parked right outside the house. Since he was in Anchorage, it was stored in a garage in town.

  Papa is back from Anchorage? What is happening?”

  As they entered the house, they could hear loud sounds of a heated argument.

  That sounds like Papa and Sophie.

  Arianna quickened her pace. She turned to find Alex matched her steps. They entered the house together to find her father and Sophie arguing.

  “You think I enjoy getting yanked out of my chair in Anchorage to come here and discipline my daughters?”

  “Why do you think you need to discipline us, Papa? How about telling us the truth about what is really happening here?”

  “You don’t deserve the truth. I cannot believe I let you take over the winery. Heaven knows what came over me when I decided to listen to Maria and retire. I should have handled this. You have shown your incompetence.”

  Arianna couldn’t take it. Neither of them had done anything wrong and Papa’s barbs had pushed her to the limit.

  “Are you sure it is Sophie who is incompetent, Papa?” Judging by Antonio’s red face, Arianna had chosen the absolute worst moment to strike.

  “Arianna Gisele, do not forget this is my house you are standing in,” her father thundered.

  “Papa, if I did not remember it, I wouldn’t have tried to do everything I could to still make sure it stays your house.”

  Her father fumed. He looked absolutely disgusted.

  “Papa, we sent you to Anchorage to be out of harm’s way, so that there was no way you would be threatened. Why are you back? Where is Mama?” Sophie pleaded.

  Antonio Belmonte turned. He was a cross man, wrinkles and lines having eaten every ounce of his once handsome features. He could make anyone quake in their boots with his tough words, but, Alex observed, Arianna stood her ground many times. His respect for her rose.

  “I am here because I want the estate to be sold. Whatever it is some idiot told you to do, it is causing problems to my buyer. I will make sure everything goes as planned. Mama is with Tina, where she should be.”

  Sophie shook her head. She turned and ran to her room.

  Alex stepped forward.

  “Excuse me, sir. I am the ‘idiot’ who advised Arianna to send communication to the parties involved. I’m a lawyer and I assure you they were not rookie steps. Your sale agreement looks dubious, and if I feel it is not in the interest of my client, I can move court to set aside the sale.” He stared at Antonio, trying to tell him he was not going to back down.

  “I don’t care who you are, you are no lawyer of mine. This house is mine and I will do as I see fit. Arianna, you disappoint me.” He turned and went back into the room.

  Arianna groaned and sat down. Her father seemed to be in no mood to budge. She didn’t understand his reluctance to explain what the matter was with his daughters. Arianna wondered if her mother knew about this too.

  “Is there any way you can get through that man?” Alex said, sitting down beside her.

  “I don’t think so, believe me. We’ve tried,” Arianna said, sounding listless.

  Alex’s lips stretched into a thin line. Who was the mystery buyer controlling Arianna’s father like that? What was the whole mystery behind everything? They had hardly done anything adverse, and the letters they sent via post would not have even reached the recipients the next day. What prompted Antonio to come down from Anchorage?

  “Do you think it would help if you went through your mother?” Alex wondered.

  Arianna laughed mirthlessly.

  “Mama? Mama is only funny, sweet, and kind when it comes to her children. In front of her husband, she is a mute spectator, set to a default setting. She has never ever spoken against him, or even raised her voice at him. Papa had made it very clear to Mama that if she wanted to be happy, she had to treat him as the decision maker, and it was her job to keep house and raise his children. And she was happy to comply. My mother has never been very strong. She is loving, just not strong. Even now, she stays with Tina. She would rather pretend none of this is happening than come here and deal with this.”

  Alex looked grim. This was not good. He hated long drawn family battles. He had seen so many families completely destroyed by their fights, when it would have been much simpler had they opened up. Even now, selling the estate was their father’s right. But his desire to exclude his daughters from decision making made them want to save their house with more fervor. He was nobo
dy to interfere in family matters, especially without invitation.

  He felt frustrated. The day had started out so well, and till the time they reached St. Helena, it was magical. The hike, their kiss, everything was a beautiful memory. It was simply unfortunate Antonio Belmonte had chosen this moment to land in their lives.

  “I’d better get going,” Alex said, getting up. He looked inside. Sophie was nowhere to be seen. Arianna nodded.

  “Please thank Sophie for me, okay?” He put his thumb below Arianna’s chin and lifted her face so that their eyes met. He quickly bent down and lightly kissed her lips. His lips immediately started tingling. He had to get out before he lost control.

  “Thanks for today,” Arianna whispered. Alex touched her lips with his thumb and walked away.

  He would make things better for her. But with her unsolved problem looming over their heads, would things really get better?


  Alex decided to check in with Buzz the next day about the status of the investigation. Inspector Malcolm ‘Buzz’ Hughson worked with Seattle PD on white collar crimes, and Schneider & Pratt had been working with the Seattle PD to get information to bring down criminals who engaged in financial fraud. Their work on different cases had ensured a friendship with each other. Alex was confident Buzz would be able to shed light on the whole matter.

  “Hey, Alex. What’s up?” Buzz’s booming voice reminded Alex of their times together. Buzz may look like he was slow, but he had a very sharp mind that noticed even the smallest of details.

  “Hey to you. I wanted to check in on that investigation that Brian was leading. He said Mr. Schneider was doing an independent investigation into the data leak from our office.”

  “Wait a minute, what investigation are you talking about? We’re not doing anything with Schneider & Pratt. As per official communications, we’re supposed to cease our work with you till the upper brass sort this out.”

  “Hold on. Why would Brian tell me they were looking through surveillance footage of everyone? Did he mention I found a connection to the Moretti’s in St. Helena? I’d sent him some details on his personal email address…” Alex’s voice trailed.

  “You found a connection to the Moretti’s and didn’t inform me? Send me that information quick. It might save your ass in this data leak. I’ll hold on.”

  Alex quickly sent across everything he had, including the news report he found and the addresses of all the firms. He filled Buzz in about Arianna being pressured to sell and the agreement having dubious clauses. Finally, even though it pained him to say it, he mentioned Brian getting excited about whatever action he was planning to take.

  “That’s a connection we didn’t explore before, Moretti pressurizing people to sell their properties. But something about this seems off. It’s not the Moretti MO to pressure people for this. Those firms with monthly payouts you mentioned sound like a classic money laundering operation, whether it is related to the Morettis or not. I’ll have my team check.”

  Alex sighed. This was not looking good for either Brian or him. But he had no proof of Brian opening or looking into the data leak except for his word, and that was not going to be enough evidence in any court of law. All he had were his suspicions as to why Brian would lie to him. He waited on call for Buzz to talk to his contacts in the FBI. He only hoped this would not be another dead end. If it was, his career was probably finished. There would be no evidence to prove his innocence, and his conversations with Brian indicated he had information he hadn’t disclosed to the authorities. Alex put the phone on speaker and paced around the room nervously.

  Buzz’s excited voice broke through his thoughts. Alex quickly turned off the speaker and paid attention to what Buzz was saying.

  “Alex, we’ve hit pay dirt. My source in the FBI confirmed one of those parties, Birken Pharmacy, is one they’ve been tracking for suspicious activity for a while. These names you’ve given, along with their addresses, is a huge lead for them to gather more intel.”

  Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I guess the authorities will consider this when they take up my case. I’ve not had anything to do with the data leak, Buzz. All my mails, phone records, everything is clean. I’m innocent.”

  “I know, kiddo. But there’s something suspicious that is connecting your girl’s property deal and the data leak, and there’s an alarm bell ringing with regards to Brian. I’ll have my folks check him out, maybe tail him for a bit.”

  Alex turned serious. The matter had become too complicated. Even if he didn’t want to, his life was horribly tangled with Arianna’s at the moment. He only hoped nobody would get hurt.

  “And, Alex?” Buzz sounded cautious. “Take care and be alert. There’s no saying when or who the Morettis work with, and you’ve gone and jumped right into a hornet's nest. You better be careful. Send that message to your girl too.”

  “Noted. Keep me posted.” Alex hung up and sat thoughtfully.

  Was there a threat to his family that he was ignoring? Were Mama and Mark in danger simply because of his association to this case? There were no visible threats so far to their house or to either of them. There were no threatening calls or messages to them. But Arianna had received threats, or her father had, rather.

  That realization made him stand up. Arianna and her family could be in very real danger. But before he left for their house, he had to ensure Mama was safe, and he had to check in on his brother. He rushed to Mama’s bedroom and found her awake, reading a book. He came clean about his leave and the trouble that Arianna’s family was facing. His mother was shocked.

  “Mama, I want you to be very, very careful. If you see anything suspicious around, please call this number. He left Buzz’s contact number on her bedside table. I’m going to check in on Mark and then go check in on Arianna.”

  His mother nodded.

  “I’ll be careful.” She waved him off. “Now go, go and make sure Arianna and her family are safe.”

  Alex did not need to be told twice. He grabbed his phone and called Mark, who was safe at work, only puzzled about Alex’s sudden concern. For some reason, Alex shivered. Arianna’s phone went to voicemail. He tried Sophie and her phone went to voicemail too. Did that mean they were okay? Or were they in danger. Danger. The word made his heart beat faster. He didn’t want anything to happen to Arianna, or Sophie too. In these past few days, he had felt closer to them and more protective of them.

  Just as he was sitting in the car, his phone rang. It was Arianna. Relief flooded through him.

  “Arianna, I was just calling to check if you were alright. Where are you? And is Sophie alright?” Alex fired questions as soon as he picked up the call.

  There was silence on the line. Alex was puzzled. That wasn’t like Arianna. She said something softly, so softly that Alex didn’t catch anything.

  “Alex. It’s Sophie. Something’s happened. Please come quick.” She almost screamed. There was raw panic in her voice.

  Alex’s blood ran cold. It was weird to talk to Arianna in such an impersonal way. All his conversations with her involved her talking with a lot of emotion. This phone call was Something must be terribly wrong for her to behave like this.

  I’m coming, Arianna. I’m coming.

  Alex drove as fast as he could and reached the Belmonte Estate without incident. All throughout the journey, the only thought in his mind was concern for Arianna and Sophie.

  Please, please, please. Let them be alright.

  He parked and rushed to the house. The house was oddly quiet. No Oreo to come rushing at him and no Sophie waving out of the window. It was weird how some things felt so familiar even after a short time, and how some people and places became home.

  He stopped when he entered the door. The house looked like it had been hit by a tornado. There were feathers everywhere from a punctured pillow and pages flying around. Things on the dresser were on the floor and books had been thrown down from their shelves. He walked over things and
went into the kitchen, and that’s when he stopped.

  Arianna sat on the floor, trying desperately to revive Sophie. Alex was aghast. Sophie was unconscious and had a huge gash on her forehead. There was a large bruise on her left arm where the attacker’s fingers had left marks. Anger swept through Alex. Alex dialed 9-1-1 and called for an ambulance at the address.

  Arianna’s CPR efforts bore some fruit and Sophie’s eyes fluttered a little before falling still. Sirens pierced the air, and within a few minutes, there were medical attendants lifting Sophie on to a stretcher. Arianna looked at them, unable to comprehend anything at all. She had gone white. She noticed Alex talking but she couldn’t hear anything at all.

  “Sophie? Arianna? What the hell happened here?” Her father walked in to the room. Arianna sat on the floor, mute and shocked into inaction. Within a few minutes, she felt something warm around her. Alex had placed a blanket around her shoulders, and she held it tight. He sat beside her and she leaned into him for comfort.

  Antonio looked around at the house, surveying the damage. His face was pale but he wasn’t surprised. He sat in front of Arianna on the couch.

  “What happened here, Arianna?” he asked. Alex looked up sharply. He didn’t have much respect for the man, but this was it. His tone was formal, even accusatory, and he had not even given a second glance to Sophie. That man was cold. Alex glared at him and then turned back to Arianna.

  Alex’s arms provided Arianna the comfort she needed, and her heaving breaths turned to sobs. Alex pulled her in. She was in shock. He wanted to know what happened, and more importantly, who was responsible for this. Sophie was like a loving sister and he was pissed. But now, Arianna needed him, and he had to keep his head above water for her.

  Soon, Arianna’s sobs ceased. Once again, Antonio looked at her and repeated his question in the same tone. This time, Arianna looked at him as if she could see him for the first time.

  “I don’t know what happened. I went to the market to pick up some stuff for dinner. Sophie was taking the day off. And when I came home, this is how I found the living room. Sophie was in the kitchen. Who would do something like this? Who would want to hurt Sophie? Why Sophie?” Arianna choked the last part. Fresh tears streamed down her face. She shivered.


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