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Stolen by the Highlander

Page 19


  The kind of husband she would like to have.

  The pain of that realisation pierced her heart and she nearly gasped out loud. Luckily Margaret had turned to leave and did not seem to notice it.

  The man who would be the perfect husband for her—if only he had not been the one to kill Malcolm. He’d been right in saying that her father would never accept a peace that included him. Her heart might have fallen to him, but her hand in marriage would not.

  So, mayhap her actions which had pushed him away were for the best? He would never trust her again. She sighed and sat back down on the pallet once more.

  With Margaret gone, Arabella had managed to sleep for several hours. She had woken to the sound of orders being called out and people passing by the cave carrying out those orders. Part of her had wanted to offer her help. The part that won knew she would be more of a distraction than a help so she had remained within, getting the rest she did not get the night before.

  So, as the sun rose on this morn, she decided she must face the day and any repercussions to her actions—both those with Brodie and in helping Alan to get away. Pushing back the cocoon of blankets she’d fashioned, she stood up and shook out her gown. As she stood, her body protested once more, so she stretched tall to ease the tightness in her back and legs.

  Although they would be busy with the preparations to move the camp that she could hear being ordered outside, there would be a cooking pot in the centre of the camp. She gathered her hair up into a braid, grabbed a length of plaid to use as a shawl in the cool air of morning and walked outside. Nodding to the guard who would now dog her every step, Arabella headed to the centre of the camp.

  The reactions of those who met her gaze were varied. As Margaret had said, they all knew what had happened between her and Brodie. A mixture of curiosity, sympathy and knowing filled the eyes of those who looked at her. But some greeted her as she walked by, so that had not changed.

  In the next moment, the somewhat organised chaos of the busy camp turned into mayhem.

  Mounted warriors and more on foot flooded in from all sides. Their shouts blended with the screaming of men, women and children who fled their swinging swords. She pressed herself into a copse of trees and tried to find the safest way out. And then she saw one man on a horse pursuing Fia from behind.

  Running out from her shadowed hiding place, she scrambled around the fighting and got to her first. Pulling the crying girl close, she ran to the nearest shelter and pushed her inside. Across the clearing, Arabella saw more children and women clustered in fear and not moving. Skirting the horses and the men, she ran to them. She heard Brodie’s voice calling out orders to his men and then saw him leading a group of his men against the invaders.

  For a part of a moment their gazes connected across the camp. Her heart pounded in her chest at the way he stared.

  ‘Get to safety!’ he yelled, and the spell broke between them.

  She grabbed the hands of two of the boys and called for the women to come. Ducking and running, stopping when they got too close to the warriors now engaged in battle, Arabella managed to get this small group to one of the caves. As she ran back to find Margaret, she heard her name being called and stopped to look.

  A man bore down on her with his sword in hand. Just before he began to swing his sword down at her, he pulled up hard on the reins and brought his horse to a halt in front of her. Shielding her eyes from the spraying dirt sent into the air by the horse’s hooves, she stumbled and fell.

  Someone grabbed her arm and pulled her to stand. Arabella then found herself face down over the saddle of a man’s legs. When she tried to push off, a strong hand on her back held her in place.

  ‘Have no fear, Lady Arabella. I will get you to safety. Be still!’

  Through the confusion and screaming, the fighting and people running around below her, she could not tell the direction they travelled, but soon they were away from all of that and on the road leading down the mountain.

  ‘I cannot stop until we are safely away, lady,’ the rider warned her.

  She heard the sound of a small group of riders massing along and around them and then nothing.

  * * *

  ‘What do you mean she’s gone?’ Brodie asked as he ran towards the place where they were gathering the wounded. ‘I saw her taking the women to the caves.’

  ‘Aye, she did. Then she came back this way. Was she struck down?’ Rob asked.

  A terrible fear pierced deep into him then. Had she been killed in this attack? They ran along the path, checking every injured person and not finding her. He called out for help when they found someone needing attention. Margaret and the other women were already helping.

  ‘Arabella!’ he called out as they made their way around.

  Then he stopped and looked one more time across the clearing where he’d seen her.

  ‘The man took her.’ Brodie whirled around and found Bradana’s daughter there.

  ‘What man?’ he asked, crouching down to speak to her. Rob came to his side and waited.

  ‘The man on the horse. He grabbed her up and rode off there with the others,’ Fia said, pointing towards the path out of the camp. The girl winced as both he and Rob let loose several curses.

  ‘Go to your mother, Fia,’ he said, pushing the girl to where he could see Bradana working.

  ‘Ye will bring her back, Brodie? She looked scared. She didna want to go,’ the little girl said. He wanted to give his word, but he could not. Not right now.

  ‘Go to your mam now.’ She ran off as he said, but her sad eyes pleaded with him to follow Arabella. Then he turned to his friend. ‘Gather the men,’ he ordered. He knew the horses were safe so they could follow them.


  Brodie turned to look at Rob. ‘Nay?’

  ‘Chasing them down the mountain is likely to end up with the lady’s death. We know the paths and trails, they do not. It will be a simple thing to ride off the cliffs near the turns. Is that what you want?’ When he did not answer quickly, Rob pushed it. ‘Well, do you?’

  ‘You know I do not.’

  ‘Stop for a minute and think about this. They were Mackintoshes from Caelan. They will return to Drumlui Keep. That’s where they’re taking her. Caelan wants her back.’

  True. Caelan would take her back, if for nothing else than to prove he could best Brodie. But did he still plan to go through with his plot? To marry her and destroy the Camerons? If he wed her, and the betrothal yet stood as legal unless her father broke it, then he would control a fortune and be able to pay out the promised bribes.

  ‘And we know how to get into the keep.’

  ‘Aye, we do. But we cannot defeat all of them with the men we have. We’ve lost at least three just now and more are injured.’

  ‘Then our best weapon is our planning and stealth. That has kept us alive all these months. Do not play into his hand now.’

  Brodie tried to bring his thoughts to clarity. Rob made sense. He nodded. ‘Our original plan but with a few changes. We need to get the others moving north, just as we planned. Then, once we have a better idea of how many can fight, we will know what we can do.’

  * * *

  They spent the rest of the day gathering up survivors, treating the injured and organising those who would leave in the morning. Just before they sought their night’s rest, Brodie called them together—men and women—to discuss their next step.

  * * *

  The next morning, after escorting those going to his uncle’s lands down to the road that would take them north, he waited until they were well away and then gathered those remaining and told them his true plan.

  ‘We do not have enough men to fight our way in or out of Drumlui Keep,’ he announced. ‘We have the proof we need but not enough of us to see it through.’

Rob cast him a dark look and Brodie shrugged.

  ‘We could...’ Rob began.

  ‘Nay. I will not be the one who orders you to your deaths. You have fought well at my side, for my quest.’

  ‘We didna fight for ye, Brodie. We fought for our families and our homes,’ Duncan said. ‘Well, we fought for ye also.’ A few laughs and chuckles echoed around them.

  ‘And now it is time to seek new homes with my uncle. Pledge your service and loyalty to him.’

  ‘What will ye do?’ Hamish asked. ‘Ye rescued the lady once. Will ye leave her to her fate now with that bloody bastard?’

  Rob had been watching him closely and now stepped forward, arms crossed over his chest. ‘So what is your plan then, Brodie?’

  Brodie had thought about this all night. Without enough men, he could never be successful in his challenge. Their conflict had already torn apart the Mackintoshes and split loyalties.

  ‘In order to put Grigor in the chieftain’s chair, we need to remove Caelan and destroy his right to hold that seat in the eyes of both our allies and our enemies.

  ‘The documents and evidence that’ve been gathered there—’ he stopped and pointed to the locked strongbox that sat next to him on the ground ‘—are part of it. The other part is getting the Camerons to agree to back this.’

  The shouting he knew would erupt did, so he waited while they all called out their objections, some rational and calm and others seething mad. He said nothing, but only acknowledged their contributions, until everyone, even Margaret and the other women, had spoken their piece.

  The lass had given him the only possible answer to this quandary when she’d said she would convince her father about Caelan. If Euan Cameron had not truly wanted peace, he would have broken the betrothal contract and attacked the Mackintoshes when his son was killed. That Lachlan had been able to work out a new truce and treaty spoke of The Cameron’s commitment to ending this feud, ending the relentless deaths and destruction.

  Brodie planned to take advantage of knowing that when he approached Arabella’s father. If he lived long enough to actually speak to the man.

  ‘My plan is to go to Achnacarry and speak to Euan.’ At their shouts, he paused. ‘’Tis up to you whether or not you follow me.’ More shouts and objections. ‘I think the man wants peace. I think he wants his daughter back. I think he will help us.’

  ‘Before or after he guts you and hangs your innards from his wall?’ Rob said. Brodie walked to his friend and placed his hand on Rob’s shoulder.

  ‘That is where you will come and play your part. I will make my attempt and you and any who stand with us will wait outside Achnacarry with the proof that we have paid for with our blood and tears. If The Cameron agrees, we will attack Drumlui together to rescue Arabella and defeat Caelan.’

  ‘And if he does not?’ Jamie asked. ‘If you are dead?’

  ‘Then you must decide if your fight is over or not. Take the proof to my uncle. If nothing else, it will buy you all a place with him. It will be up to you to make that choice.’

  Silence descended over them as they considered his words and their very limited choices. They had been at his back through every day and week since the moment of his exile. Rob had left with him, trailing him by only hours and finding him in their favourite hunting place. The rest came and, as word spread about his gathering flock, more and more had appeared. Everyone had done their part and given a full measure of effort and loyalty.

  Never once had they refused his orders. But would they accept his plan now? And could it work?

  ‘Seeing as how you saved my arse more than once, I will have your back in this, Brodie.’ Magnus stepped forward, offering his hand. Though barely healed, he had refused to go north with the others.

  ‘I canna let him have all the fun,’ Duncan said. ‘And Bradana and my lass would tan my hide if I did not help get the lady back safely.’ Brodie reached out and accepted his hand.

  One by one, they all accepted his words and his insane plan. All but Rob, who watched as all the others came forward. Rob’s faith in him and his friendship was all that had kept him alive during this ordeal. If he did not support him now...

  ‘You think that Grigor is the man to lead us, then?’ Rob asked, facing him. ‘And not you?’

  ‘Grigor would have my full backing, Rob. You know he will be able to pick up the damaged pieces and put them back together. The elders will unite behind him once Caelan is exposed.’

  ‘Why not you? You should be tanist.’ Murmurs and whispers of agreement made their way through the group.

  ‘You know well why it cannot ever be. With the blood of The Cameron’s heir on my hands, it would never be accepted.’

  ‘But they’ve been murdering thieves for generations. Euan himself put many Mackintoshes to the sword,’ Hamish called out.

  ‘Killing a man in the middle of a truce is a different matter,’ he said. That was what made his crime worse than many that had come before.

  ‘But if Caelan is discredited, no one will believe his friend’s words, either. Mayhap they are even lying?’ Duncan suggested.

  He clenched his jaws together. This was exactly what Arabella had tried to tell him.

  ‘There was another witness there that night.’

  Rob walked up to him. ‘Why did you not tell me this?’

  ‘I just discovered it.’

  ‘Not the lady? Surely she would not have been there?’ he asked as the noise of the others began to lessen.

  ‘One who believed himself too old to be stuck in the nursery with the bairns that night.’ Rob’s eyes widened as he comprehended who the witness was.

  ‘Before or after his escape?’

  ‘The reason for it,’ Brodie admitted. ‘In fear of something like this.’ Brodie called out to them now. ‘We have talked over this matter many times. Grigor is our best hope. He stands high in the respect of many of our allies. Will you support him? Will you be at my back now?’

  A short time later, they made their way to the north-east, towards Loch Arkaig. If the weather held and the fates smiled, they would arrive at Achnacarry before Arabella reached Drumlui. He only prayed that he would be alive to say the words to her that he should have said that night.

  Chapter Twenty

  They passed the clearing where Brodie had brought her to share the incredible views of Mackintosh lands and she struggled to keep up the charade of being grateful to be rescued. All she wanted to do was return to the mountains and find out if he was still alive. If any of them were.

  The past three days had passed slowly for her, her heart and thoughts filled with fear while she had to smile and act as the gracious lady these warriors expected her to be. She’d slowed them down with every possible excuse, including one real reason. Her courses had come upon her that first night and had truly made her ill.

  She used it to gain almost a day of rest, for men could not bear to hear about the pains and other unpleasant parts that women faced each month. She required more rest and more stops along the way to see to her private needs. These men were young enough that they did not know the truth of it and polite enough not to ask too closely.

  At first she thought that Brodie would follow them, but then she realised that he would see to everyone’s safety and needs before his own. From the glance they’d exchanged in the camp during the attack, she knew that it was not finished between them. So, she had no doubt that he would come for her. None at all.

  Until she rode into Drumlui and stood before Caelan.

  That was when his men gave their report and her heart broke with every word they spoke. Worse, she could not show it or Caelan would know she knew about his plan.

  Instead, she did what would be expected of the gracious, ladylike Arabella—she wept incessantly.

  And then fainted.
  Caelan saw what he wanted to see—his rescued betrothed, overwrought and overwhelmed and exhausted from being held prisoner by his dastardly cousin. Her skills at acting the part were out of practice for she had become used to behaving as the woman she truly was while she lived with Brodie. He had given her the freedom to use her mind and her skills and was not threatened by her.

  Her betrothed called the servants to see to her needs and sent the healer to her chambers. When she asked for her father and her aunt, knowing well they were not here, Caelan promised to send for them immediately. If she had not known the truth, she could have believed him when he said how distraught he’d been at this separation and how he had sent so many search parties out to find her. And, she acted her part, fuelled by Brodie’s bitter truth.

  She’d been at Drumlui for two days and he’d summoned her to the hall to speak to her. This could not be good. The servants would tell her nothing. At least she’d eaten well and had soaked in the longest, hottest bath in her life. And she discovered a gold-and-jewelled circlet waiting for her as she was dressed—a gift to celebrate her safe return.

  Garbed in a shift, gown and stockings that were her own and with her new circlet in her hair now arranged in an artful braid instead of the plain, serviceable ones she’d become accustomed to these last weeks, Arabella Cameron, the only daughter and heir to The Cameron, entered the hall and prepared for the fight of her life.

  But first, she placed that smile, the one that drove Brodie to madness and the one that pacified Caelan, on her face. It would be more shield than any targe carried into battle.

  ‘My lady,’ Caelan said as she stood before him. ‘I am gladdened that you have left your chamber to be here with us for the noon meal. Too much time has passed since you graced us with your presence and I thank the Almighty for your safe return.’

  He sat in the chieftain’s chair as he had before, but now she noticed so much about him. How his smile was more a smirk. How he stared at her breasts. How others kept their distance from him. How his words were as much a falsehood as hers were.


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