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Page 42

by Unknown

  We hid in the woods overlooking Middleburg where the Union forces were gathering. Colonel Boswell held an officer’s conference. “I do not think that General Stuart can be north of Middleburg. We will have to cross the pike and continue south to find him.”

  Danny looked down at the map held in the colonel’s hand. “How do we get almost two hundred men through the Union lines sir? There must be five thousand men down there.”

  No-one had an answer. I was idly turning my black slouch hat in my hands. My kepi was still somewhere in the woods near to Hagerstown. I suddenly smiled. Harry looked at me, “What the hell is the smile for?”

  “Let’s just do it like we did when we were the Wildcats.” They looked at me as though I was mad. “If we were still Rangers we would slip through at night. If we were questioned then we would pretend to be Yankees. Why can’t we do that?”

  “Because Jackie Boy , there are five thousand men we have to pass.”

  “No major, not at night. They would have a few cavalry vedettes out and this far from the front they won’t expect a regiment to be passing through.”

  The colonel smiled, “I like the idea but I don’t think that we could slip all the regiment through without someone becoming suspicious.”

  He was probably right. I had another inspiration . “The n why don’t we use a sucker punch sir. Make them notice a small group of men . They will chase them and then the larger group could go through.”

  Harry nodded, “That would work. They would send the cavalry after those and leave great gaps. It would be possible sir.”

  “It sounds like a suicide mission to me, Jack.”

  “No sir. Give me ten good men and we can do it.” I pointed at the map. If you and the regiment are to the east of the town I will cause a ruckus to the west. When they ride to find out what is happening then you slip through. We know the roads around here like the back of our hands. We would meet you at Manassas Junction.”

  I could see the colonel’s dilemma. He did not want to risk losing us and yet there was no other way without losing the whole regiment. Eventually he nodded. “Pick your men. When will you do it?”

  The sun was setting in the west and I said, “Now! It seems as good a time as any.”

  I chose Sergeant Ritchie, Sergeant Jones and eight men who had just been with me. I would have taken Irish but I knew that the colonel needed him. There were no goodbyes. If we didn’t see each other again then they would remember me and what I had done. It was the way we were. They would raise their glasses to toast me and share out the belongings I had left. We headed out just a short time before the colonel. He and the rest of the regiment had a shorter journey. As we waited in the undergrowth just half a mile from the town I explained my plan.

  “We will ride slowly towards the Main Street. I intend to erupt in the middle of the town. I want them to look everywhere for us. We will head south once we are through.” I paused so that they would all hear my words. “We cannot stop for wounded. Keep going and keep firing once we start. We know the effect that has on the enemy.”

  They grinned back at me. They were all ready for the excitement of another madcap run. None of us thought we would die. I had learned that they thought I was so lucky that they, too, might be invincible. I never felt invincible. I just knew that if you pushed it to the limit you had a better chance of surviving.

  We waited until the cavalry patrol had moved west and then rode directly towards the town.

  “Follow me then and keep your pistols ready.”

  I knew just how good they were on a horse; all of us could ride with just our knees if needs be. We rode through the poorer houses which led to Main Street. Once we reached Main Street, I halted us next to a large store and peered down the street. There were only a few people taking the night air. I took a deep breath and led them across the street. The main Union camp was to the south of the town. So far we had been lucky and had remained unseen. Our luck ran out as two soldiers came from a building to our right. I suspect they were going for a call of nature. They could not miss our uniforms; my Union slouch hat would not fool them. One reached in his belt for his gun as the other shouted a warning. My two sergeants shot them both.

  “Right boys! Let’s give them hell!” Giving the rebel yell, we launched our horses forwards. My plan had always been to ride through their camp causing as much confusion as possible and that had not changed.

  The camp was well laid out and there was a wide avenue between the tents. We rode straight down it in two lines. Soldiers appeared from the tents in a confused state. We kept firing as we rode through their camp. I heard their bugle sound and hoped that the colonel would hear it. That was his chance to cross their lines unopposed. Any firing would be confused with our charge. One of my guns emptied and I drew a second. A soldier, dressed in just his pants rushed from his tent screaming at me. He had his rifle with a bayonet on the end. I fired when the end of the bayonet was less than a hand span from my gun. His face disappeared.

  I could hear my men yelling and firing behind me. I knew from experience that we appeared to be more men than we actually were. I saw the end of the line of tents ahead. There was a wooden fence. I yelled, “Fence coming up! Be ready to jump.”

  Copper sailed over it and landed in the field on the other side. I slowed my horse down and watched as the others leapt to safety. Only six men followed me. The two sergeants were safe but we had lost s trooper. They had made the sacrifice to save the rest of the regiment. It was our way. This was no time to rest on our laurels. We were not out of the woods yet.

  “Keep heading south!”

  We galloped across the field. I could hear the bugle calls behind me and recognised the cavalry one. They were sending horsemen after us. I spied a road to the south and we headed for it. Once we made the metalled surface I led us east. I kept scanning ahead of me. I was looking for a good place to ambush our pursuers. I saw, just ahead, some bushes next to the stone wall. I held my hand left and we wheeled behind it.

  “Stay on your horses and reload. When they come down the road give them everything we have got.”

  I heard the hooves as the cavalry thundered after us. We barely had time to reload. As they galloped before us we opened fire. It was point blank range the first eight riders were thrown from their horses. Some were shot others fell as their horses reared in panic at the sudden fusillade.


  Sergeant Jones led the men as they rode parallel to the pike. One braver horseman leapt the wall and landed close to me. He had his sabre out and slashed at me. I blocked his sword with my pistol and leaned Copper into his horse. The wall was quite close and the horse stumbled. I fired blindly and the ball struck his leg and went into the horse’s side. Horse and rider crashed in a heap. Our pursuers had the better surface and were now gaining on us. We needed to move away from the road. The problem was that turning too far left meant heading towards Middleburg. I saw the hills rising ahead.

  “Sergeant Jones, head for the hills.”

  Almost as one man we wheeled left towards the distant shadow that was the safety of the mountains. It took our pursuers a few yards to realise what we had done and then they had to waste time clearing the stone wall. We had our lead again but they were on fresher horses. It was a race. We had to reach the safety of the forest and the hills before they caught us.

  The shadows and the poor light aided us as we headed away from the northerners. None of us risked turning to fire; we just lay low over our horses’ manes and we trusted to their endurance. The trees seemed to be further away than they had ever been. Copper faltered a little on a piece of uneven ground and I slowed down a little. I did not want to be afoot. I was relieved to see the first of the scrubby trees appear before me. As I turned around one I glanced to my right. Our pursuers were a good half a mile away. We now had a chance.

  Sergeant Jones had an old head on his able shoulders and he took us diagonally across the slope. Although it enabled the enemy to close with us
it meant that we conserved our horses whilst tiring out those chasing us. There were now just twenty men pursuing us and we would soon be in a position to turn and fight. If they thought that we were afraid of a fight then they were wrong. We just needed better odds.

  Sergeant Jones found a trail which headed to our left. It was perfect. We were now closing with the cavalry even though we were still moving up the slope. Two of the troopers decided to try the slope with their horses. They slowed almost to a walk and Sergeant Ritchie and Trooper White fired at them. They hit one and the other fell off his horse as he tried to take out his gun. The rest followed our tail and we began to lengthen our lead again. I knew that Copper was struggling and I hoped that Sergeant Jones would find somewhere soon.

  We were almost at the top and we found a spot where they had been logging. The sergeant didn’t need orders to choose this as our last stand. We threw ourselves from our horses and knelt behind the logs. The column hurtled to their doom as they crashed into our ambush. We only had six guns but they were Colts. The first riders fell without even seeing us and then they too dismounted and lay down behind the trees below us.

  “Secure the horses and bring our carbines Trooper White.”

  We kept popping away with our pistols although the range was extreme. It would take a brave man to cross that killing ground. When we had our carbines firing then the tide turned in our favour. They were below us and their cover was not as good as ours. We did not kill any more men but I knew we were hitting them from their cries. Their balls thudded into the thick logs behind which we sheltered. Pieces of wood splintered and flew at them. A splinter travelling at speed can give a nasty wound. I saw the first light of dawn peeping over the ridge to the east of us. It would soon be possible to count our enemies.

  “How are we for ammunition?”

  They all shouted their answers.







  I had fifteen left for my carbine and eight for my Colts although two of my Colts were still in my saddle holsters.

  “Conserve your ammo. Only shoot when you are guaranteed a kill.”

  I wondered if any other troopers would follow this handful. I was merely waiting until our horses were rested before continuing our escape.

  “How many can you see down there, sergeant?”

  “I make it twelve, sir. But I might be wrong. They may have left some holding their horses.”

  With more light I could see that there was cover to their left and their right. White and Carberry were next to me. “I want you two to crawl, one there and one there. Work your way around their flank and when I yell ‘Troop A’, charge, then just let loose with your carbines. Don’t worry about ammunition. If this doesn’t work we will high tail it out of here.”

  “Yes sir.”

  They both slithered away like snakes. I turned to the other four. “When I yell then aim at the ones in the middle.”

  I saw that both men were in position. I yelled, “Troop A, charge!”

  We rose as one and began to fire at anything blue. We heard the two troopers yelling like banshees and suddenly the remaining Yankees leapt to their feet and ran for their horses.

  “After them!”

  I had emptied my carbine and so I shot at the departing troopers with my Colt. We saw the last eight racing down the trail.

  “Check for ammunition and guns. Sergeant Ritchie, secure those four horses. Then its time to head for Manassas.”

  Chapter 12

  When we reached Manassas Junction the colonel and the regiment were there and they had secured the rail head but of General Stuart there was no sign. Danny threw his arms around me, “You did it again Jackie Boy.”

  The colonel nodded and said, “Well done Captain Hogan you have redeemed yourself this night.”

  I saw the flash of anger cross Dago and Cecil’s faces but I just smiled. “Just doing my duty, colonel.”

  “You and your boys better get some sleep captain. We had an easy ride. We arrived hours ago.”

  If that was meant to make me feel better then it failed. I had bought that precious time with the lives of four good men. I think Danny saw the anger in my face for he put his arm around my shoulder so that I could not move towards Colonel Boswell and he led me away.

  “We have some beds made up for you boys.” He put his head next to my ear. “The boys know what you have done, Jack. Just be happy with that. The colonel is getting better but it will take time for him to be his old self again.”

  “And how many dead men will it take to heal him?” I added bitterly. Every time I left on patrol my men and I achieved all that we were supposed to achieve and more; yet each time I left men on the battlefield.

  The men who had not accompanied me greeted us warmly when we headed for our beds. Corporal MacKay pulled me to one side. “Sir, I have the extra ammunition you asked me to keep. What shall I do with it?”

  At one time I would have said to give it to the colonel but I was becoming more concerned with my own men. “Distribute it to the troop. Thanks MacKay.”

  He gave me a lopsided grin, “We look after our own sir.”

  I was woken by the sound of hooves outside and the hubbub of Stuart and his men arriving. I hurriedly dressed. I had appreciated the sleep but I had no idea how long I had slept. I reached General Stuart when he and the rest of the officers were discussing what had gone on.

  “Damn Yankees kept blocking our way with cannon slowed us to hell and back, colonel.”

  “Well sir, we have more bad news. It looks like General Meade and his army are to the north of us and between us and General Lee.”

  “Damn! How did you boys get through?”

  “Captain Hogan caused some commotion and he rode through their camp. We slipped through their lines while they chased him to hell and back.”

  The general spied me and applauded me. “You are a true cavalryman, captain.” He took off his gauntlets. “So colonel what would you suggest? You know the area north of us as well as any man.”

  Colonel Boswell rubbed his chin. “Well sir if we head due north there are a couple of fords which are low enough at this time of year to let us cross. They would not be any use to artillery or even infantry but we could cross. We could then head across country and rejoin the general.”

  “That’s a good idea.” He turned to an aide. “Send a rider to General Lee and tell him what we intend. Colonel Boswell, if your regiment would act as the vanguard I would appreciate it. Your men seem to have a nose for smelling out the enemy.”

  The colonel almost grew a foot at the apparent honour. “Yes sir, we would be delighted.” As the busy little general strode off, Colonel Boswell turned to Major Murphy. “Have the regiment ready to ride in thirty minutes, Major Murphy.”

  Danny glanced at Dago and me. “But sir, some of the men have barely had two hours sleep.”

  “The Yankees are not sleeping Major Murphy. Just do it. This is war and not a Sunday School picnic.”

  I knew that Danny was thinking about my troop in particular. I shrugged. “We can always sleep when we are dead sir.”

  Sergeant James had ensured that our horses had been both well fed and cared for when we had arrived back. Copper looked fresh but I knew that I would have to be careful for a broken horse could never be used in war again. Copper was as much a part of me as my name.

  We were lined up less than twenty five minutes after the orders were given. Colonel Boswell nodded his approval. “Captain Hogan and Lieutenant Spinelli take us north and find a ford without Yankees.”

  We galloped off northwards. Dago turned to me, “You got the short straw again Jack.”

  “I don’t mind. I quite enjoy the freedom.” I grinned. “It means I give myself the orders and I quite like that. What the colonel doesn’t see won’t hurt me.” I swept an expansive hand at the forty men who followed us. “They a
re very loyal and protective. I feel safer with these men around me than when we are with the army.”

  The ford we chose was not a ford in the accepted sense of the term. There was a slope down which was very steep and then the water of the Potomac was quite deep in parts but the mighty river had small islands which acted as giant stepping stones. We had discovered that the knack was to swim upstream in the deeper parts and allow the current to take you to land.

  “Lieutenant Spinelli and Sergeant Jones, you stay here with half the men. I’ll head to the other side and see if it is clear. When I signal then bring the rest across.”

  Copper and I plunged into the chilled waters. We were able to walk the first twenty yards and then we had to swim for the next ten. The water poured from Copper’s flanks as we stood on the first island. We had two swims and that was all. It was summer and we had had little rain lately. When we were all ashore I ordered the men to draw weapons.

  “Trooper White, you stay here and when I yell then wave the lieutenant across.” The bluffs on the northern shore were steep and covered in pine but there was a trail of sorts which zig zagged up to the top. If I had been the Yankees I would have had some sort of sentry post on the bluffs but, when we reached the top it was empty.

  “Send them across, Trooper.”

  We now had to secure this beachhead. We were less than twenty miles from Washington and I could not believe that they would not have patrols out. We soon came to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. I had not heard of boats using it since the war had started but I was taking no chances. We found a lock and an abandoned lock keeper’s house not far from where we had landed.

  “Trooper Lowe, bring Lieutenant Spinelli and his men here. We can use this until the rest of the cavalry come.” I led the fifteen men who remained with me and we headed north towards Rockville. This was good Maryland earth and prosperous looking farms littered the land as we crossed. We used whatever cover we could. I checked my map; Rockville would provide a quick passage to Pennsylvania and General Lee. I was aware that we were still in Union territory.


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