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Imperfect Match

Page 19

by Melanie Harlow

  “I didn’t think I did. But I think a lot of that was fear—I was scared I’d fail and you’d end up hating me, resenting me for everything I’m not. But I’m not afraid anymore.”

  “You’re not?”

  He shook his head. “No. Because even though I know I’m not perfect, I’m not my father. You were right. I don’t think like him, and I’m not doomed to make the mistakes he made.”

  “No,” I say, tears making his face go blurry. “You’re not. But how do I know you’re really ready to commit to a future with me? I’m done fooling around, Reid. I’m ready for the next stage of my life to begin. How can I trust that you are too?”

  He takes me by the shoulders, his expression serious. “I know you’re scared, and I don’t blame you. If you’ve been half as miserable as I have this week, you never want to go through this again. But I’m asking you to give me a chance. Let me prove to you that I mean what I’m saying. That I can make you happy. That I will be the man you want me to be.”

  All of this sounds perfect. It’s what I’ve hoped, prayed, and dreamed he’d say all in one fell swoop. And while he might not be scared, I sure as hell am. “I can’t endure losing you again,” I confess as a tear falls down my face.

  “Believe me, Willow, I can’t handle the idea of it either. I was a fucking basket case.”

  “In the elevator …”

  I don’t want to remember it, but it was utter agony for me. I wanted to rush into his arms, take the comfort of my best friend, but he was the cause of the pain.

  “What about it?”

  “You were fine!”

  He shakes his head. “I was the furthest thing from that, Willow. I was a coward, but I wasn’t fine. But in a way, I’m glad I had to see you. It made me see everything so clearly. Looking at you, being that close to you, but not being able to have you was too much. I’d had enough of being ruled by my past.”

  “How did you figure all this out?”

  “I saw him.”


  “My father,” he says as he takes a step closer. “I went there. I wanted answers from him. I needed to know why he was such a piece of shit and a coward.”

  “Did he tell you?” Another tear falls. I imagine him standing there, asking his father to explain himself, knowing how hard that must’ve been.

  “That’s the thing.” Reid captures my face in his hands. His eyes are full of emotion as he looks down at me. “I didn’t care about those answers anymore, Wills. I got the answer to the only question that mattered and it didn’t even come from him.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It came from you. The way you looked at me. The way you smile. The way you’re strong in your convictions even when it meant walking away from me. You would never become my mother and I am nothing like my father.”

  A sob breaks from my chest and Reid pulls me tight in his arms. As he holds me, my world starts to piece itself back together. “I told you,” I mutter and he chuckles.

  “I know you did. I wasn’t ready to hear it. I will never treat you like he treats my mother. Our kids won’t have to wonder if I love them because it would never be in question.”

  “Tell me this isn’t a dream.” My eyes meet his again and even through the blurry tears that continue to fall, I see the honesty there.

  He wants this. He wants us. Not some half-assed relationship—he wants it all. Reid slayed his dragon so he could come back and win me.

  “No, sweetheart, it’s not a dream. But I have one more thing …” Then he takes my hands in his and drops to his knee. My eyes are wide and my heart is racing.

  “Reid …” I say, giving him the out because he has to be out of his mind.

  “I know I don’t deserve you. I know you’re better than me in every way. I’ve lived the last seven days without you, and I never want to live another one like that. I want to wake up beside you, kiss you, make love to you. I want to give you the family you want. There will never be a day that you don’t know how much I love you. I want to watch you walk down the aisle, give you as many kids as you want, and grow old beside you. So I’m asking you Willow Hayes, will you marry me?”

  My heart is pounding as I stare down at this man I love with my whole heart. This is everything I’ve ever wanted to hear and nothing I thought I ever would. “Yes,” I say, and then inhale, trying to hold it together. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  His smile is triumphant as he gets to his feet. He pulls me to his chest and then his lips are on mine. Our mouths move together, and my fingers hold his face to mine. I wasn’t sure I would ever do this again. I thought it was gone forever, and now, I don’t think I can stop.

  I love him so much it hurts.

  Reid puts me back down and breaks the kiss. He steps back, reaching into his pocket. “I got so swept up, I completely forgot this part.” He pulls out a little black box. “This wasn’t a kneejerk reaction. You see, I was walking back after my talk, knowing that you were the only thing in the world I wanted and when I looked up, I was in front of a jewelry store.” He opens the box, showing me the stunning pear-shaped diamond ring nestled in the velvet slot. “I looked in the window and there was this ring. I didn’t hesitate one second. I knew right then it was meant to be on your hand.”

  I try so hard not to cry. I’ve done so much of it, but I’m so overwhelmed. “Reid …”

  He removes the ring and takes my hand. “I never believed in love before you, Willow. It was this myth that people told themselves to feel better about their lives, but then you gave me your heart, and I realized that I was the one living a lie. I don’t want that anymore. You’re my truth, and remember …” Reid smiles as he pushes the ring over my knuckle. “You already said yes.”

  I reach up, touching my hand to his cheek, the light catching the diamond, sending prisms around the room. “You really are perfect.”

  “I’m only perfect because I have you.”


  That whole thing about grooms being late for their weddings is crap, as far as I’m concerned. It’s the bride who’s late for mine. We should be married already!

  I’m standing here with Leo—who is no damn help—like a fool, shifting around and pretending I’m not being impatient.

  I look back up at her parents’ lake house, wondering what the hell is going on. It’s not like she didn’t get here on time—we slept here. Well, sleeping wasn’t really what we did.

  Sure, we started off in separate bedrooms—she wanted to play the role of the virginal bride on her wedding night, but when I snuck in and woke her up with my head between her legs, she didn’t kick me out. I quite enjoyed the rest of my night.

  Aspen comes walking up with an uncomfortable smile. “Hey, so she’ll be just a bit longer.”

  I smile back and talk through my teeth. “What is taking so long?”

  She turns her back to the people sitting in the blistering sun so she can talk. “Well, her dress isn’t fitting right thanks to the fact that you knocked her up, so she’s in tears.”

  “Tell her I’m baking out here.”

  “I would, but she probably doesn’t care, so you’re going to have to be a little understanding.”

  I square my shoulders, rather proud of the fact that just three months into our engagement, we learned that she was pregnant. We weren’t really trying to do it or trying to stop it. It just happened, and I was thrilled about it. I proved my male prowess without needing to stick a turkey baster anywhere near her.

  I am man, hear me make baby.

  Aspen rolls her eyes. “You can tone down your testosterone there buddy, we get it, you did your manly duty. Pride and all that is beaming from your aura.”

  No matter how much time I spend around my soon-to-be sister-in-law, I’ll never understand her. “I made her happy.”

  “Yes, good job.”

  Leo snorts. “At least he can do one thing right.”

  I turn and smirk at my brother. “I definitely do that right.”
r />   “Yeah, we’ve all had the pleasure of overhearing it too.”

  I don’t even feel bad about that. Willow and I love sex, and that’s not a bad thing. Come to think of it, I’m shocked we didn’t get pregnant sooner. Once we got back together, we were going at it all the time.

  “Oh, Jesus,” Aspen groans. “You’re practically glowing red now. Can’t you two keep yourselves in check? I made a mention of you before and she lit up like a Christmas tree.”

  “Nope. When you love someone, that’s sort of how it goes.”

  “Says the new expert on love?” Leo laughs once.

  “As much fun as this is,” Aspen interrupts, “I’m going to check on my very pregnant and uncomfortable sister. You should ... entertain the crowd or something. I would suggest not discussing your sexual abilities, since my Aunt Louise might have a heart attack.”

  “How the hell am I going to do that?” I ask.

  “I don’t know, think of something.”

  She’s off before I can say anything else, smiling and waving at what was supposed to be a very small group of people. We thought maybe twenty people, but it’s over a hundred sitting here staring at me. Willow’s mother wasn’t having it any other way.

  When she found out we were having a baby, Willow regretted that choice since there is no denying it with her very prominent bump. She’s seven months along and absolutely radiant.

  “I’ll do improv,” Leo offers. “My teacher says I’m totally ready.” And before I can stop him, he’s in the center of the aisle.

  “Hey everyone! I’m excited to be here with you today. My brother is marrying Willow, which you all know, but in case you made a wrong right turn on your way to someone else’s wedding …”


  Oh, I’m going to die for this.

  “Tough crowd.” He chuckles. “I met Willow a few years ago when my brother let me come live in his apartment, which I guess is now my apartment, since he’s moved out. I’ve known Reid since, well, since the day I was born. Since he’s my brother and all …”

  Dear God, this is why he’s broke. It’s time to take matters into my own hands before my brother is booed out of my wedding.

  “Okay,” I say and clap Leo on the shoulder. “Willow is going to be down soon and then we’ll get on with the wedding. I know it’s hot, and you’re all sweltering, but just give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back. Try not to kill the entertainment, it’s unpaid.”

  I head up the aisle and into the house. After climbing the stairs two at a time, I hear her voice.

  “He’s never going to want me!”

  “Willow, stop, you’re being crazy, of course Reid will want you,” her mother tries to soothe her.

  “What’s that saying? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? I’m an entire herd of cows, and he’s going to take one look at me and run away.”

  I never understood the guys at work who would talk about their pregnant wives being irrational. It made no sense how a woman that was perfectly normal became someone else, and now I get it. The hormones make them fucking crazy.

  Well, I can handle crazy, I was born and raised in that. What I can’t handle is her thinking that I don’t want her.

  “Not a chance of that, Wills,” I tell her as I open the door and look at her. I know we’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding, but I snuck out at six am this morning, so I think that ship sailed.

  However, nothing could’ve ever prepared me for this moment. She’s stunning. Her long blond hair is in some kind of twists and curls down at the base of her neck. She has a lace veil that frames her perfect face, and she rests her hands on her swollen belly over the robe she’s wearing. Willow is absolutely breathtaking.

  “Run away while you can, Reid.” She sniffs and turns her back to me.

  “Only place I’m running is to you, so get your gorgeous ass down there and marry me.”

  “Just go away.”

  “Not a chance of that.”

  Her tear-filled eyes meet mine. “I can’t zip my dress. I can’t marry you if I don’t have a dress.”

  “I don’t care if you’re naked. We’re getting married today.”

  She shakes her head and points at her stomach. “You did this.”

  “Damn right I did.”

  “Well, I’m not going down there naked. No dress, no wedding.”

  I walk over to her, cupping her face in my hand. “Willow Hayes, that’s the last time that name will ever be used. I don’t care if you’re wearing a bedsheet, nothing is going to stop me from making you my wife today. If that means I get the priest up here and I marry you in this bedroom, then so be it.”

  A tear falls down her cheek. “You still want me?”

  As if that’s a question. “Always.”

  “Even now when I’m fat and puffy?”

  “You’re not fat and you’re not puffy. You’re perfect.”

  I wipe the tear as she lets out a laugh. “You’re blind, but I’m glad you are.”

  Aspen sniffs. “That was the sweetest thing ever, and you’re in luck.” We both look over as she holds up a white sheet. “I happen to make clothes, and I can fix this.”

  “Oh, Jesus. My sister is going to make my wedding dress? I give up,” Willow grumbles and I pull her to my chest with a chuckle.

  I look over at Aspen. “You have five minutes and then I’m coming back in here and marrying her with or without a dress, got it?”

  Aspen grins. “Consider it done. Now, let me work my magic.”

  I head out of the room, check my watch, and run down to check on Leo. This may end up being a small wedding after all once he scares off the guests.

  When I get out there, I hear them all laugh. Leo is actually working the crowd. He’s smiling, telling them some sort of story, and at this point, I just have to pray it’s not about me. Then I take a second to see how happy he is. He’s at ease, and there’s no sense of the doom that usually follows him around.

  It makes it just a little easier, knowing I’m leaving him on his own. Although, that’s not really true either, since he’ll be across the hall and I’m still paying his rent. He’s like a teenager I can’t get rid of.

  When I get back inside, the door opens before the five minutes are up. Aspen emerges first, pushing against my chest. “Oh no, buddy, you already saw her once, you’re not seeing her in the dress. Now, go back to your spot and wait.”

  “You fixed it?”

  She grins. “I did. She’s right behind me, in her dress that fits now, and there’s no more tears.” Thank God. “Now, go!”

  Practically sprinting back outside, I give Leo a thumbs up and he stops talking. The music cues a minute later and the bridal procession starts. First her mother, then Aspen after her, and I’ve never been more grateful that we at least kept this part small.

  I look down at the grass, wanting to savor the moment when I’ll see her for the last time as Willow Hayes, my best friend, my love, my everything.

  Slowly, I lift my gaze, and when I do, I can’t breathe. My heart swells and tears blur my vision. God, how could she become even more beautiful in five minutes? How could she manage to steal my breath so easily when I just saw her?

  Everything fades away, except for her.

  Her smile is soft as she walks toward me. Then she stops, her brown eyes shining with so much love it humbles me beyond words.

  “Hi,” she says.


  “Do you like the dress?”

  I don’t even see the dress. Is she wearing one?

  “I love you.”

  Willow releases a quiet giggle. “I love you too.”

  “Good thing since we’re getting married.”

  She squeezes my hand. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For giving me everything I ever wanted.”

  She has no idea how much she gives me. All I want is to make her happy and prove each day that I deserve her. I bring my free
hand to her face, wiping the lone tear that rests on her cheek. “No, Wills, it’s you that did that for me, and I will do everything I can to deserve it.”

  She smiles at me, and our new life together begins.

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  About the Authors

  Corinne Michaels is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of romance novels. Her stories are chock full of emotion, humor, and unrelenting love, and she enjoys putting her characters through intense heartbreak before finding a way to heal them through their struggles.

  Corinne is a former Navy wife and happily married to the man of her dreams. She began her writing career after spending months away from her husband while he was deployed—reading and writing were her escapes from the loneliness. Corinne now lives in Virginia with her husband and is the emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun-loving mom of two beautiful children.

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