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Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II]

Page 7

by Entangled

  She braced herself, but instead of touching her again, he merely looked at the man who held her hair and gave a short nod, then spoke rapidly.

  The next thing Jane knew, she was being prodded toward Jonathan. The man released her hair, but when she would have lunged into her lover’s embrace, two warning spears blocked her.

  “What are they going to do with us?” she asked Jonathan. His tension seemed to have eased, and his arms now hung at his sides.

  He spoke to the natives briefly, and she wondered again whether he knew them or simply knew how to communicate with them. Was he negotiating their release?

  He looked at her, some undefinable emotion shining in his eyes. “Jane. I don’t know how to tell you this, but…they are taking us back to their village. We must go with them.”

  — VIII —

  Jane considered herself fortunate that the native men didn’t bind her hands as they traveled. Perhaps they assumed their spears were enough of a threat. Or perhaps she and Jonathan weren’t exactly captives as much as…guests.

  A bitter laugh lodged deep in her throat as she traipsed through the jungle away from the hot springs pool. Guests? Guests were allowed to wear clothing, she assumed. But although one of the men gathered up her things, he didn’t allow her to put them on. Instead, he merely raked over her with an appreciative gaze and gestured with his spear for her to walk.

  The ground was prickly and rough beneath her feet, and it wasn’t long before Jane felt the dampness of blood in her footsteps. Dear God, how long would they make her walk like this? Her feet would be in ribbons, and her skin would soon be sliced and scraped from the sharp edges of ferns and palm leaves.

  Thus she was relieved as well as frightened when they reached a group of boats floating in a small river a short distance from the hot pool. The boats were long and narrow, created by hollowed-out tree trunks. Hers tipped wildly as she was forced to climb in.

  Jonathan wasn’t allowed to sit in her boat, and Jane’s apprehension grew when she was surrounded by three men in her boat. If they were traveling by river, that would take them even further away from her father and Effie, and Kellan Darkdale. Even he wouldn’t be able to track them.

  A sudden hopeful thought had her looking up into the trees. Zaren. Could Zaren be up there? Watching? He always seemed to appear just when she needed him.

  She peered up into the thick green canopy as the boats shoved off from shore, hoping and praying she would recognize some human movement. That he’d come swooping down from the trees and snatch her to safety. But it was dark and shadowy, and other than birds, flying squirrels, and other tree inhabitants, she could see little.

  But Zaren had brought her back to her bedchamber secretly, with no farewell. Was that his way of discarding her? He had taken what he wanted—what she’d willingly given—and now he was finished? And even if he wasn’t…what were the chances that he’d be watching at this very moment as she was spirited away?

  Jane’s thoughts spun and sifted thus as the boat sped swiftly down the river. For a small channel, it was rough and quick, and with every moment, Jane knew she was getting farther and farther from ever seeing Papa again.

  Would he even notice? It might be best if he didn’t, after all. She blinked back tears and tried not to think of what sort of grief he might endure, never seeing her again. She was glad, for once, that he was so intent on his work that he paid hardly any attention to the rest of the world. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad for him.

  Miserable and frightened, she made it through the day’s journey. As the sunlight faded, the jungle became darker, and at last, they pulled the boat up onto a shore. If she thought they’d arrived at their destination, Jane was wrong.

  There was no sign of a village or anything other than a simple clearing with the remnants of an old fire. The men made another fire while she was forced to sit and watch. They cooked and then fed her and Jonathan. She ate, despite not knowing what it was. Jane wasn’t a fool. She knew whatever happened, she had to keep up her strength and wait for any opportunity to escape. She could follow the river back upstream and find her way back home if she had the chance.

  If only she had some clothing.

  The natives hadn’t allowed her or Jonathan near each other, and any time she attempted to speak to him, he shushed her, looking apprehensively at their captors.

  Although she’d been unbound all day, when it came time to sleep, the leader came over to Jane and tied her wrists together in front of her. He laid a blanket made from soft woven reeds on the ground and gestured for her to lie on it, which she did with some difficulty due to her bound hands. Then he tied her wrists to the base of a nearby tree, thus ensuring that she would be lying prone all night.

  From her awkward position, Jane tried to crane her head around and see what they’d done with Jonathan. But he was out of sight and when she tried to move into a better position, a spear thrust into the ground in front of her and one of the natives glared down at her. Thus subdued, she sagged back onto the ground and tried to sleep, praying that there wouldn’t be a snake or feline or some other wild animal that attacked their camp. She’d be ripe and ready for its dinner, all trussed up like this. She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax.

  Jane awoke suddenly.

  It was pitch dark. Even the fire had burned out. But someone was there, behind her. She tensed and gathered herself up to scream when a hand clamped over her mouth.

  “Jane, it’s me,” Jonathan said in her ear.

  Relief washed over her and her muscles slacked. “Thank God,” she whispered. “Oh, thank God, Jonathan, you’re free. Can you untie me?”

  “Jane,” he said, his mouth close to her ear. His body was close behind her, long and warm and comforting. “I can’t. They’re watching. They’ll kill me if I try to free you.”

  “But Jonath—”

  “Shhh,” he said, and his hand slid around her from behind. He cupped one of her breasts as he pressed a kiss to her neck. “I know you’re frightened. Everything is going to be all right.” His tongue flicked out and slid into the soft, sensitive crease of her neck and she shivered.

  “Jonathan,” she whispered, but his hand moved back over her mouth before she could ask how he’d gotten free.

  “You must be quiet, Jane,” he said, his voice strident and directly in her ear. His fingers were tight over her lips, almost painful. “They’ll kill me if they know I’m trying to comfort you. Now, relax. And let me comfort you, darling.”

  She realized with a start that he was rubbing a very insistent erection against her backside. Before she could react, he removed his hand from her mouth, whispering, “Don’t make a sound, Jane. You cannot make a sound.”

  She tried to move, but her hands were fixed above and in front of her, and she dared not speak again for fear Jonathan’s threat would come true. If he were killed, what would happen to her?

  He covered her breast again, finding the tender peak of her nipple. Jane closed her eyes, clamping her lips closed as he rolled the tip between his fingers, gently massaging it into a hard point. “Mmm, yes,” he murmured duskily into her ear. “That’s my Jane.”

  Little streaks of pleasure-pain jolted down from his fingerplay to her quim, and Jane felt her body begin to prickle and awaken. Her breathing quickened and she had to close her eyes, concentrating on not making a sound. His cock slid along the crevice of her arse, hard and hot, and she shivered when he buried his face in her neck, licking, nibbling, kissing along the sensitive skin there.

  Then his hand slid down over the trembling skin of her belly, down to the coarse hair that grew between her legs. She shifted her knees apart, allowing him to find her swelling labia and the rock-hard sensitive pearl hidden there. He slid his hand, all four fingers, down and over the front of her quim, slipping through sleek and hot wetness, back and forth and back and forth until she wanted to scream.

  But Jane kept her lips clamped shut, biting her lip, squeezing her eyes closed as the wide sw
ath of his fingers teased and stroked over her nether parts. He moved against her from behind and she felt his breath on her shoulder, panting hard and hot into her steaming skin. Then he moved his hand, prying her legs apart from the front, clearly trying to keep his movements subtle.

  His cock bumped against her from behind, then, after two poorly-aimed attempts, he slid inside. Jane’s eyes flew open at the shock of pleasure, then she closed them again as he began to thrust. Holding her, one-handed, at the hip, he slammed inside her, fast and hard, all the while breathing hot against her neck, murmuring things she couldn’t hear. His other hand gripped her extended arm, as if needing to stabilize himself as he pumped deep and hard inside her.

  Jane gasped silently when she came, the effort of holding herself still and silent making the orgasm all the stronger. The strong shudders rippled through her body as Jonathan pounded into her one last time, then shot his release inside her.

  She was still breathing heavily, still quivering, when he pulled away, silently and quickly. With one last kiss on the shoulder, he left her there, hot, sated, and just as confused as ever.


  Jane was pulled to her feet the next morning after her arms were unbound. Staggering into the overgrowth, she relieved herself, wishing for the hot springs pool again. Last night’s activities had done nothing to alleviate her aches.

  She tried to speak to Jonathan, but once again was rebuffed before being forced back into the boat for what turned out to be another long day of travel.

  But this time, when the boats finally pulled up on shore near the end of the day, Jane immediately saw that this was a permanent residence. Women stood in the river, washing clothing and collecting water. Smoke rose from above a low set of trees, where, presumably, their homes were arranged. Children played on the shore and other adult men came to greet the arrivals.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing as Jane was ushered from the boat at spearpoint once again. If she’d been mortified by her nakedness before, she was even moreso now as dozens of pairs of eyes watched her. Men, women and children stared as she stood on the shore, thankfully, partly covered by her thick hair.

  Her captors gathered around her and Jonathan, directing them to walk away from the river on a well-traveled path into the jungle. The ever-present spears accompanied them, surrounding them in front and behind, and the group was followed by the gawkers.

  When they reached the village, Jane saw a circle of ten or more square-shaped huts made from grasses and bamboo. They looked like the drawings of native houses in Con Bellingsworth’s book. One of the buildings was A-shaped, and smaller than the others. It was raised on low stilts and had steps leading into it. In the center of the circle was a large raised square, like a stage, and to the side burned a massive fire contained by a ring of stones.

  As the group approached the village, more people appeared. They crowded around, speaking excitedly among themselves, pointing and gesturing to her and Jonathan.

  At last, they stopped, and Jane was ushered up on to the stage-like dais by two of the spear-wielding natives. Jonathan remained on the ground, surrounded by their captors. She stood, looking up at the sea of faces, as the leader of her abductors spoke to the villagers.

  To her shame and distress, he once again bundled up her hair and lifted it, forcing her arms up at spear-point. Jane stood on the stage, completely naked and exposed, her arms high, her breasts lifted, for all to see. Her captor forced her to turn in a slow circle to ensure that everyone could see her from every angle, and Jane fought to keep her chin up and her stance proud. If she had nothing else, she had her strength.

  The audience made noises of jubilation and celebration and at last, she was allowed to relax. Then Jonathan was brought onstage with her, and the cries of jubilation and celebration became louder and more raucous.

  She turned to him, surprised when her captor allowed her to rush over to her lover. Clinging to Jonathan, she said, “What is it? What’s happening? What are they doing?”

  He looked down at her, stroking his hand down her long, shimmering hair. “They’ve brought you back here to honor you, Jane,” he said, smiling oddly. “They believe you’re a goddess, a fertility goddess. Their desire is to please you and pleasure you.”

  “But…I…Jonathan! How do you know this? I don’t want to be a fertility goddess,” she said, trying to hide herself with his body. “I’m not a fertility goddess!”

  He stroked the hair from her face and said, “It doesn’t matter what you want, my darling. It matters what they believe. You must submit to them, to whatever they want. You must allow them to do as they wish, to pleasure you as they will. If you don’t…they’ll kill us.”



  Coming soon!

  The next installment in

  Jane’s Erotic Adventures in the Jungle

  Colette Gale is the pen name of an award-winning and bestselling author who has written for three major publishers in a variety of genres.

  She has also written several “seduced classics,” including the popular Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of The Phantom of the Opera.

  Colette can be found on Facebook or through her website and loves to hear from her readers. Do stop by and say hi!

  For information about Colette’s upcoming releases, including the next “Jane” story, please sign up for her newsletter or “like” her on Facebook.


  Other books by Colette Gale:

  Entwined: The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle, Part I

  Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of The Phantom of the Opera

  Master: An Erotic Novel of The Count of Monte Cristo

  Bound by Honor: An Erotic Novel of Maid Marian

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