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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

Page 11

by Dee King

  That’s awesome. Just freaking awesome. My best friend in the world, and I can not share anything.

  I walk into my classroom to see Alex sitting at his desk. I look straight ahead to my desk.

  Selene. I am sorry I had to leave you early last night.

  It’s fine.

  No, it’s not. I will make it up to you. Today. I promise.

  Just don’t.

  I look over at Alex. He bats his eyes at me.

  I keep staring at the clock through class knowing that Alex will try and stop me from running to my next class.

  The class is dismissed and I gather my books as fast as I can.

  “Selene. Wait.” I keep walking out of the classroom. I already know what he is going to say. He is going to tell me how some emergency came up, but he will make it up to me with another date.

  I just do not feel like hearing Alex trying to explain to me about him and Cali. I should have trusted my instincts. When I heard them talking last night it was obvious they have a secret plot. I do not care to know what that is either. I am just trying to get through this week.

  “Hey Sis. I didn’t hear from you much this weekend. You missed a killer car show. There was some sick rides there. Where were you?” Chris asks as we walk to our next class together.

  “I was busy surfing. Trying to get ready for the Nationals. Sorry. I thought you were going to send me some pictures? What happened to that, huh?”

  “Oh yea. My bad. I do have some. I will send them to you during class.” He smirks. “You better be careful. The last time you almost got your cell taken away.” “Whatever. I will just flirt with old Miss Hag, and she will give it back.” “You know that is not always going to get you out of everything.”

  “Pretty sure it will.” I slap Chris on the shoulder. He fakes a pain.


  “Dork.” We both laugh at one another as we walk into the next class.

  The rest of the day seems to go by faster than I would like it to. Except for my last class that I have Sebastian in. I felt weary as I walked in knowing that he would ask me questions too.

  “Hi Charming Lady, Did you get your flower?”

  “Charming Lady?”

  “You are charmed Selene.”

  “Awesome. Thanks for the reminder.”

  “So, the flower?”

  “Yes. I got it.”

  “Did you not like it?”

  “It was pretty. Thank you.” I sit down at my desk as Sebastian stands staring at me.

  “Can we talk after school?”

  “About what?”

  “Stuff,” he says with a grin. I just stare at my books as the teacher begins the lesson.

  I am unsure of my feelings towards all of this. I just want to hang out with Chloe, and try to tell her everything I can.

  Class has ended.

  Only four more days of school. This is going too fast. I run to my locker.

  “Chloe. I need a ride home today.”

  “No. I mean no I had totally forgot that I didn’t drive today. I rode with Chris. We better hurry you know how he gets.” She slams her locker door shut.

  “I can take you home.” Sebastian and Ian are standing behind Chloe.

  “Yes. You should definitely have Sebastian take you home Selene.” Chloe winks at me.

  “That’s ok. I will ride home with my brother and Chloe. Thanks though.” I turn to follow Chloe as she makes her way to the parking lot.

  “Seriously. Let me take you home.”

  “Why?” I stop in the middle of the parking lot.

  “I would like to explain what you heard last night.”

  “And what did I hear last night?”

  “You overheard a conversation that really was not about you. Even though it may have sounded like it was.”

  “I will pass.” I start to run to Chris’ car. Sebastian and Ian follow.

  “Sebastian. You need a ride too?”Chris asks Sebastian.

  “Sure. That would be great.” I look at Sebastian as he climbs into the back seat. I am furious. Why does he have to be so stubborn. No means No.

  Chris holds the door open for Ian and I to get in the back seat.

  I look and Chloe is already climbing in to the front seat. I am now stuck between Sebastian and Ian. I swear they planned this.

  I hold my back pack in my lap. It will be a long ride.

  “Hey. I have a great idea. Why don’t we all hang out at my house. It’s the last week of school. What do you guys say?” I see Chloe look at Chris. She shrugs her shoulders.

  “Sure. Sounds good.”

  “Great.” Sebastian sits back. He leans over me and looks at Ian. They both nod at each other.

  Stop. Why are you doing this to me?

  What? I am not doing anything? I am inviting our friends over to my house. What is the big deal, Selene? You scared to be with me?

  Sebastian puts his arm around the back of the seat. He leans his head down, to pull his hair out of his face. I lean forward so he can not touch me.

  Chris pulls into Sebastian’s drive way. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. Maybe more nauseous.

  That’s it. Sebastian makes me nauseous.

  We all get out of Chris’ car. Ian lends a hand to help me out. Sebastian closes the door to the Camaro for Chloe. We wait to walk behind Sebastian.

  “Hey. He must really like you.” Chloe whispers.

  “I have no idea what his intentions are.” I say loudly. I slow down and take Chloe by the arm.

  “There is a lot I need to tell you, but for right now, just know that he might like me more than I ever thought possible.” Chloe stands there staring at me like I just told her my darkest secret.

  “I don’t what my feelings for him are yet.” I glance towards him.

  “You do have feelings for him. I can see it in your eyes. You should definitely go after him. He really likes you. You can tell.”

  “What? Really? Why do you think that?”

  “I do know that he is one sexy dude, and he seems genuine. I don’t think he is truly the way you think he might be. I overheard him tell Cali today that he was serious about you.”

  “Cali and Sebastian were talking about me today?”

  “Yeah, I heard her say something like Alex has no clue, and how she hopes you and Sebastian end up together. She was all serious about it,” Chloe says with a smiling expression.

  “Oh. Good to know.” I fake a smile back at Chloe as we walk through the front door.

  I see the vase in the entry way. It is yet again filled with gorgeous Fire and Ice roses. Except this time they are pink. Pink is one of my favorite colors. Clever. I will give Sebastian that.

  “Pink. Pink is your favorite color. This time I know I got the right ones.” Sebastian whispers in my ear.

  “My friends have big mouths.” I say sarcastically while glaring at Chris. Sebastian leads everyone out to the balcony where I see Colin sitting. Chloe stops suddenly.

  “Is that the guy that is your brother?” Chloe whispers. I stand there staring at Colin.

  “Yea, something like that.” I look at Colin. Colin stands.

  “Sis. Sebastian. Ian. Selene’s friends?” Colin says. Chris steps in front of me.

  “Did he just call you Sis?”

  “Yes.” I answer Chris, knowing this may become an issue.

  “I don’t think so.” Chris turns around and walks straight up to Colin. They are face to face.

  “No one calls my sister, Sis. Unless it’s me.” I see Sebastian coming to the side of Colin.

  “Chris. This is Colin. He is Selene’s brother on her father’s side. They are blood. It’s legit man. I know that she is your sister, but Selene is also his.” Chris stands still. I see his fist clinched at his sides.

  “Chris. I am sorry. I just found out this weekend. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was not sure how.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You are my sister. That will never change.” I put my arms around Chri
s and hug him. He unclenches his fist and puts his arms around me in a big embrace.

  Chapter 16 “You must be Chris. I am Colin.” Colin extends his hand, Chris returns the gesture. “So where is your dead beat Dad then?”

  “I still don’t know. Colin showed up at the beach, but I still have not met my father.” I

  look at Colin, he is grinding his teeth.

  You’re going to have to explain this. You showed up here.

  I know. Chill, I got this.

  “Our Dad is very busy, but Selene knows he loves her.” Colin answers. “Hmm. Doubtful.”Chris states.

  I turn towards Chris. “I have found out a lot about my father through Colin. He really is

  not a bad guy. I just did not understand everything. I do a little better now, and Colin really is a great guy.” I place my hand on Chris’ chest.

  “If you say so.” Chris steps back.

  “This is Chloe. My best friend in this world.”

  “Yes. Chloe. I have heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure.” Colin says with a grin, offering his hand.

  “No, the pleasure is all mine. All mine.” Chloe says in a flirtatious way. Colin and Chloe stand there staring at one another.

  “Okay. That was fun. Sebastian, it looks like you already have company so why don’t Chris, Chloe and I just get out of here.”

  “No, don’t go. Come. Sit.” Sebastian ushers us around to sit. Colin takes his seat where he had been sitting when we came in. Chloe smiles, and sits in the chair next to Colin. I look at Chris as we both sit down on the couch closest to us. Ian stands beside Sebastian, staring at Chloe.

  “Chloe? How was your photo shoot this weekend?” Ian asks.

  “Good. It looks like it could be promising for me.”

  “Promising? The cover of a magazine again?” I ask.

  “No. Like run way model. I might have a spot in the next show in Paris. Two weeks from now. My agent is supposed to let me know today or tomorrow.” I start to clap from excitement.

  “That’s great, Chloe!” I exclaim.

  “I do not want to jinx it though, so I haven’t said much.” Chloe looks away.

  “Well, I am sure you will get it. How could they not want you?”I smile at Chloe.

  “That’s the truth.” Ian says with a smile plastered across his face. Chloe grins.

  “In two weeks Selene, we could be in Paris. I hope you’re ready.” I can feel the stares of Colin and Sebastian.

  “I sure hope so. That’s your dream. It would be great to see you achieve that.” I fidget with my shirt trying to ignore her last statement.

  Chloe shrills while clapping her hands together in excitement. This was a moment I wanted to remember forever. Just being with my friends and not having to think of what my future holds.

  Waiting on the take out food seemed to be taking even longer than it should. I hear a car coming.

  “I think our food is here.” I tell Sebastian. We all start trying to find our money to pay for our food.

  “I got this. It’s on me.” Colin offers to pay for everyone.

  “Really?” Chris says.

  “Yes. No worries.” Colin says as he walks through the open doors leading into the living room.

  Everyone can now hear Colin. Sebastian walks into the living room, Ian follows. I look at Chloe, then to Chris. We decide to find out what was going on with Colin. I see Colin standing in the door way. Then I see Cali.

  “I said No. Stop. Now is not a good time.” I hear Colin say to Cali. I push through Sebastian and Ian. Then I see Alex.

  “Colin? Open the door. Stop.” I move to open the door for them. Alex steps forward with our food and a smirk on his face.

  “Thank you, Selene.”

  “Why the hell are you here?” Sebastian asks Alex.

  “Cali and I were coming over here to see if you wanted to chill, but then we saw the take out dude, so we stopped him. Your welcome.” Alex hands the food to Colin.

  “I could care less why anybody is here. I am starving.” Chris says as he starts to take the food from Colin. I follow Chris. I can hear Colin whispering something. I ignore them.

  “Cali? Are you hungry? I could share.” I offer.

  “Yes. Thank you.” She takes the box from my hand. Sebastian comes to my opposite side.

  Whispering, Sebastian leans in. “I have no idea what is going on, but believe me, something is about to go down between Colin and Alex. I can feel it.” I look at Cali knowing she heard Sebastian. We can all hear Colin’s voice now.

  “I am just curious why you keep showing up? You are never invited, yet here you are again?”

  Colin stands face to face with Alex. Everyone stops what they are doing to listen to the two of them.

  “I am their friend. Also, you know that I like your sister. Jealousy is really beneath you.” Alex stands perfectly still.

  “You know what? Your right. Our time will come, and when it does I will show you who is jealous of who.” Colin steps dangerously close to Alex. Ian walks towards the both of them and puts one arm around Colin, the other around Alex.

  Alex stands stiffly with his arms crossed.

  “Can’t we all just get along?” Combustion of laughter explodes from all of us. Colin removes Ian’s hand, and walks toward the counter where the food is.

  “Of course we can, Ian.” Alex looks delighted with himself. Something inside of me see’s a side of Alex I did not know existed. That look of delight on his face said just how much he hated Colin.

  I see Alex for something more than a crush. I see Alex as I had seen Sebastian just a short time ago. Someone who thinks he can have whatever he wants. I do not know if Alex is who I thought he was. How can someone who seems so genuine turn so fast? Unless, that’s a fake Alex and I never really knew the “Real” Alex.

  “Selene, I am glad you are here. I wanted to talk to you.” Alex says to me.

  “Sure. Since Cali is here I assume you will not be running away this time.” Cali begins to chuckle. I look away from Alex.

  “Funny. No, I wanted to talk about the other night. Is there anyway you have forgiven me?”

  “Forgive you? It was not that big of a deal. Let it go, Alex.”

  “Then you are not mad at me?”

  “No. I am over it.” I answer Alex while I keep eating. Alex tries to sit on the stool beside me.

  “You weren’t going to sit here were you?” Sebastian says. He pulls the stool away from Alex, and takes a seat.

  “No. I guess not.” Alex walks over to sit beside Chloe.

  “Smooth move there.” I whisper to Sebastian.

  “I have moves you don’t even know about yet.” He says with a grin.

  “I am sure plenty of girls know your moves.” I raise my eyebrows at Sebastian.

  “One thing you need to know about me is that I do not lie. I have no need to. What I tell you is the truth.” Sebastian lowers his head.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t really mean that.” I place my hand on his leg for a brief moment.

  “You will see soon that I am the man of your dreams, Selene Athans. Soon.”

  He stands up and pushes the stool back under the counter. I shiver from where his hand accidentally touches my thigh.

  I look at Cali who has a peculiar look on her face.


  “Nothing. Just watching you and Sebastian is something I thought I would never get used to, but honestly I can see it now.”

  “See what?”

  “See that you guys are meant to be.” I almost burst into laughter, but I hold it in. “Meant to be what exactly?” I smile. Cali turns away from me. She stands. “Nothing. Don’t say I said that, okay?” Cali says quietly.

  “Cali? What is the big deal? I know what you meant, but why are you acting so strange about it?”

  “No reason. I said too much. Please excuse me.” She leaves my side while I just look on in confusion.

  “You are popular today.” Chris says as he pulls th
e bar stool out that Cali had just pushed under the counter.

  “I will never be popular. Not like you.” I poke Chris in the arm.

  “Oh, I think you are in every girl’s dream world right now.” Chris is looking at Sebastian.

  “Why? Because your my brother?” I choke down a laugh.

  “That helps, but no.” He says with a pleased look on his face.

  “No. These two.” He points to Alex and Sebastian.

  “What about them?” I know where this conversation is going, but I would like to avoid this at all costs.

  “You can clearly see that they both have the hots for you. You’re not blind. You are just playing hard to get.”

  “No. I am not playing anything. I have the feeling they are playing with me.”

  “That’s not true. Well, for Sebastian it’s not true. He has liked you for a long time. You just never gave him the time of day. What do you even see in Alex?”

  “Excuse me?” I lean in towards Chris.

  “You heard me. All I have heard for almost four years now is Alex this, Alex that. Please. That guy did not even bother with you till this past weekend. Now, all of a sudden he is interested? Surely, you can see that Sis.”

  I just look down at my feet. I do see it. I want to believe what Alex says, but I do see what Chris is saying.

  “Hey, look at me. You are a wonderful person. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Don’t forget that.” I stand up.

  “Um, thanks.” I punch him playfully in the arm.

  It feels kind of awkward.

  Since I do not seem to do well with these types of situations I decide to lighten the mood. “Who wants to see if Colin can beat me at a surfing competition?”

  “When?” Colin stands to his feet.

  “Now. Why, you chicken?” I start flapping my arms around making chicken noises at


  “That is one thing I am not. You’re on.” Colin stands with a smile on his face. “You have a board?” He asks. I look towards Sebastian.

  “No, but I have two boards you and Colin can use.” Sebastian points to the surf boards

  against the stone wall.


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