Wolf's Bane

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Wolf's Bane Page 4

by D. H. Cameron

  “She wanted to run some more after we...you know,” he began and Edie rolled her eyes and grumbled in mock disgust at the insinuation. “She’s always all perky after sex. I just wanted to go to sleep,” he finished. I glared at him.

  “Must be an old man thing,” I teased. Edie burst out laughing and Yeager shook his head frowning.

  “Breakfast is ready, you love birds,” Edie announced and brought us plates full of waffles and bottle of syrup. She grabbed her own plate and joined us. We ate, cleaned up the tiny kitchen and then pulled up stakes, so to speak. After we hit a truck stop for showers, gas and supplies, we were ready to push through to Lady Violet’s Wolfsbane Ranch. The ranch, according to the map Violet had given us, was near Gunnison, Colorado, in the Rocky Mountains. It would be a long day on the road but I was eager to see this Wolfsbane Ranch and learn Lady Violet’s secrets, even if I wasn’t sure about her intentions.

  The desert landscape gave way to foothills as we approached the wall that was the Rocky Mountains. Scrub became trees and sand became grass and brush. The highway was no longer straight but meandering through the hills and valleys. Once off the main highway on a narrow county road, we began to climb. Now pine and cedar trees dominated amongst the gray rock of the rugged mountains. Soon, the road became gravel but we had many miles yet to go. After nearly an hour of dusty, treacherous road, we found ourselves in a broad valley covered in green grass and groves of aspen and pine dotting the hill sides.

  At the center of the valley, stood a collection of rustic log buildings with a house built from stone and logs, or maybe mansion was a better term, dominating the others. We passed through a gate and under a wolf’s head wrought from rusty metal marking the entrance to the ranch. There was no security, no one to meet us. Yeager drove towards the big house and parked in the circular gravel drive that sat in front of the large, three story building.

  No one was about but a moment after Yeager shut down the motorhome Lady Violet appeared on the covered front porch of the house, came down the broad steps and made her way towards the motorhome. We climbed from the seats and then opened the door to our home on wheels where Violet greeted us. “Welcome, Cassie,” she said and offered me her hand as I exited the coach.

  “Thank you, Violet,” I replied as she helped me down and then shook my hand.

  “And you as well Yeager and Edie. We’re glad to have you here, all of you,” Violet said but she showed little interest in Yeager and Edie. She focused on me. “Come inside. You must be spent from your journey. We can worry about your...home later,” she offered.

  “All right,” I said as she led me up the stairs onto the porch and inside. Yeager and Edie followed. Inside, we found Agnes waiting, dressed in black like always, as was Violet. The girl smiled as she saw Edie and I looked back to see Edie smiling too. The attraction was evident between the two girls. I’d never thought about it, mainly because until a week ago I thought I was the only female shifter in existence, but I guess there were female shifters that enjoyed the company of other women. Honestly, little truly surprised me anymore.

  Come, sit. Agnes, bring refreshments for our guests,” Violet said. The main room was huge, a stone hearth dominating one side, the walls and floor all wood. Above, a chandelier made from elk antlers hung from the high ceiling. Railings lined two of the high walls above allowing the upper two floors to view the main room. “This house was built as a lodge by the family that homesteaded this land over one hundred years past. As the cattle business became less lucrative during The Great Depression, they turned to tourism to earn a living but eventually the interstate freeways took their patrons elsewhere,” Violet explained as we took seats on the large, leather sofas arranged in a square before the hearth.

  “I bought the ranch from the great grandchildren of the original homesteaders when they lost interest in paying the tax bill, their family fortune exhausted. Sad in a way but this ranch has allowed our kind to gather and roam freely without interference from the outside world. I’m sure you understand of what I speak,” Lady Violet finished. I suppose I did understand. Yeager and I lived on the edges of society to avoid detection. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that most folks wouldn’t understand who and what we were.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you afford this ranch?” I asked. Violet smiled that practiced smile she often wore.

  “Oil. My family made it big in oil,” she replied. Just then, Agnes came back, served us sparkling water with lime wedges and set a tray of fresh fruit on the rustic table between the sofas. “Thank you, Agnes. I trust this is adequate after your journey,” Violet offered.

  “Yes, thanks,” I replied. This felt awkward. There was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on in Violet’s manner. She seemed pleasant and welcoming enough but she was distant as well.

  “Your journey was pleasant?” Violet asked as if she was just marking time.

  “Yes, I suppose. It was three long days of driving but we made time to see some of the sights,” I told her.

  “Good. Well, I’m glad you’re here. We’ve prepared three rooms upstairs. I wasn’t sure if...,” Violet told us and then hesitated.

  “We only need two rooms,” I replied. Violet nodded and there was that smile again. The one that carefully hid her true feelings.

  “I didn’t want to assume anything. Two it is. Dinner is served at seven. I’ve invited a few of the council members to join us. I hope that’s acceptable,” she explained.

  “Council?” I wondered.

  “Yes, we have a small council that helps run things. I, of course, chair the council and some of the more trusted, responsible members of our community help me run things, make decisions. It’s all rather informal,” Violet said dismissively. I suddenly got the feeling she ran things and the council as she called it merely did as she bid them.

  “Oh, sure that’s fine,” I replied referring to the council members joining us.

  “Very well. They are anxious to meet you, child. In the meantime, Agnes will show you to your rooms. You can bathe and dress. I’ve taken the liberty of providing some appropriate clothing,” Violet told us as she looked us up and down, a hint of disapproval in her eyes. I guess jeans, t-shirts and such weren’t good enough for dinner.

  “Oh, thank you. I guess we can get our things out of the motorhome later as we need them,” I answered. Yeager looked at me, a subtle look of annoyance on his face. I’m sure lady Violet was just being accommodating but Yeager wasn’t impressed.

  “Of course, whatever you think best,” she said and then stood. The three of us stood as well. Agnes never took a seat, instead just standing off to the side waiting. “I’ll see you at seven, then. Come down a little early if you’d like and we can talk,” Violet said and then she was off, her high heeled boots clicking severely on the wooden floor. I watched her go, wondering if I’d made the right decision to come to Colorado suddenly.

  “I can show you to your room,” Agnes said.

  “Thanks,” Edie replied and joined Agnes. Yeager and I followed. Agnes took us to the far end of the room and a staircase that led upstairs. As we went, I couldn’t help but ask Agnes about Lady Violet.

  “She’s rather stern, isn’t she?” I asked. Agnes turned to look over her shoulder as we walked, looking about before speaking in a hushed tone.

  “Lady Violet? Yes, she can be quite severe,” Agnes answered.

  “How did you come to be with her?” Yeager asked echoing my own thoughts.

  “She found me wandering when I was a young girl. I’d turned and could not turn back. I lived in the wild for maybe three years as a wolf. She thought I was like you but after she taught me to turn back and she educated me, she learned I wasn’t. I was like her,” Agnes explained but left us with even more questions. Then she stopped and turned, “Here we are. This room is Edie’s and the next one is yours,” the girl indicated and then walked away and entered a third room. She returned with clothing folded over her arm and placed them in t
he second room before she left us.

  “Wait!” I begged her as she emerged from the room and walked past.

  “Yes, do you need something?” the pretty young girl asked.

  “What do you mean you’re like her? Why am I different,” I pressed. Agnes looked at her feet. The question made her clearly uncomfortable.

  “Lady Violet should be the one to say. I’m sorry,” she said and scurried off. I looked at Yeager, then Edie. They were both confused as well but Yeager seem wary too.

  “This place gives me the creeps. That old woman is keeping something from us. I can smell it on her,” Yeager said. I guess I could too. Maybe that’s what I sensed that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  “Poor Agnes seems a bit cowed by her too,” I observed.

  “She’s submitting. Lady Violet is an alpha and Agnes has submitted to her. Like Dolan and his gang,” Yeager explained.

  “But I thought only males could be alpha,” Edie interjected.

  “Usually that’s the way it is with wolves but were not wolves. We’re shifters. Human women can be in charge, a leader, and so can female shifters. I guess. Until now, Cassie is the only one I’ve met but Cassie is an alpha, she’s got the traits and the strength. Even Dolan couldn’t stand against her. I wonder if that’s what Agnes meant. She’s not an alpha but you are,” Yeager explained turning his attention from Edie to me.

  “That makes sense, I suppose. We should go downstairs early like Violet suggested. Maybe she’ll give us some answers,” I said. Yeager nodded, grabbed Edie’s hand and looked at her watch.

  “It’s 5:30. Say we meet out here in forty-five minutes?” he proposed. Edie and I agreed. Yeager and I walked a few steps down the hallway to our room as Edie went into hers. Sure enough, on the rustic bed were laid out a black cocktail dress for me and a suit and tie for Yeager. “I’m not wearing that thing,” he said.

  “The dress is pretty. I’ll wear it. Why don’t you go get something out of the motorhome,” I suggested. Yeager lived in jeans or cargo shorts and T-shirts. I dressed casually as well most of the time but I didn’t have an aversion to dressing up like Yeager did.

  “Yeah, fine,” he replied, kissed me on the forehead and turned to go.

  “Nice jeans, OK. No holes,” I prodded.

  “Yes, dear,” he told me and winked before he left, closing the door behind him. The lodge, or whatever you wanted to call it, was nice even if the place did give off a weird vibe. Rather, if Lady Violet didn’t give off a weird vibe. At least we had our own space, Yeager and I. I undressed and went to shower. When I emerged, Yeager had returned. He showered as I dressed. He’d thoughtfully brought my stuff up to our room so I could dry my hair, put on a little make up and generally make myself presentable.

  The dress Violet had provided fit well and looked pretty. It was a simple black cocktail dress and she had supplied me some black heels too. How she knew my sizes, I wasn’t sure. I guess she had a gift. Yeager wore blue jeans, a plain white T-shirt and a leather vest along with black boots. It was about time to go so we left our room and knocked on Edie’s door. She opened it wearing a pretty white dress, matching heels and a frown.

  “I look stupid!” she announced sourly.

  “You look pretty,” I complimented her but Edie’s frown deepened and she rolled her eyes.

  “Says you. I feel like an idiot in this,” she said. I laughed but then Edie noticed Yeager and his more casual clothing. “Hey! How’d you get away with wearing that?” she asked him pointedly.

  “I grabbed these when I went to the motorhome to get our stuff. I brought you your suitcase,” he informed her.

  “Damn, I wish I would have thought to wear my own clothes. Too late now, I suppose. C’mon, let’s get this over with,” Edie told us and walked past us towards the stairs. Yeager smiled at me and I smiled back amused at Edie’s complaining. As we followed Edie down the stairs, she held the handrail with a death grip, not used to wearing heels. She almost went down once but recovered, though it wasn’t graceful. I could hear her swearing under her breath as she continued down the stairs.

  Downstairs, we found Lady Violet, Agnes and a few others in the dining room off the side of the main room. Violet glanced at Agnes and the girl scurried to pour us some wine. “Well, a considerable improvement,” Violet greeted us, apparently referring to our clothes but she did raise an eyebrow at Yeager and his choice of dinner attire.

  “Thank you, the dress is pretty,” I replied and then added, “Isn’t it, Edie?” She glared at me and then turned to Violet.

  “Yeah, thanks a million,” she said with just a bit of sarcasm. Violet flashed her practiced smile to hide how she really felt about Edie and Yeager. Agnes handed me a glass of wine, but Yeager refused.

  “You have beer around this joint?” he asked. Agnes looked at Violet and the woman nodded indicating it was acceptable to her.

  “Yes, I’ll get you a glass,” Agnes replied.

  “Bottle’s fine, sweetie,” Yeager advised her. Agnes nodded and tried to hand a glass of wine to Edie but she refused as well.

  “I’ll have what he’s having, please,” she told Agnes. The girl, now in a tight fitting black dress that showed of her curvy figure and matching high heels, smiled and went to fetch the beer. Violet watched the proceedings with a flat expression, obviously unimpressed by the whole scene.

  “Let me introduce you around,” she said once Agnes was gone but Violet was looking only at me. She then placed her hand on my back and guided me away. I glanced back at Yeager but he seemed content to stand in the corner and avoid the others. Two men were there along with a woman. One of the men was middle aged with short brown hair and a mustache, the other was maybe in his mid-twenties with a shaven head and a full beard, both wore black suits. The woman was a redhead, thin and pale but beautiful in a red dress and fashionable glasses.

  “Cassie, this is Phillip, Gerard and this lovely creature is Sophia,” Violet introduced them in turn. I shook their hands.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  “We’ve heard all about you,” Sophia replied.

  “You have?” I asked.

  “Of course. A prophecy isn’t fulfilled every day, you know,” Gerard, the bald man with the full beard, told me.

  “What?” I exclaimed and looked at Violet, puzzled. Prophecy?

  “Cassie’s only just arrived. I haven’t explained everything yet,” Violet told the others firmly. Gerard stroked his beard looking as if he’d been scolded.

  “Sorry, Lady Violet,” he said and then to me he added, “It’s not as dramatic as it sounds, I assure you.”

  “Come with me, child. We should speak alone,” Violet suggested and placed her hand on my back again, guiding me from the dining room. Yeager and Edie were drinking their beer while Agnes stood nearby as Violet and I walked by. “Dinner will be served soon,” Violet assured them. I shrugged at Yeager as we passed. He followed me with his eyes but didn’t move to join us.

  “What did he mean?” I asked Violet as she guided me to the front door and onto the porch. There outside in the cool evening air she turned to face me. She was dressed as usual except this time she wore a black knit dress along with her knee-high boots. Her platinum hair was worn up, pulled tight into a bun, as it always seemed to be.

  “Where to begin, child?” Lady Violet began to explain but I wasn’t interested in a long story. I wanted to get right to the heart of it.

  “Start with the prophecy thing,” I told her. She showed me her disarming smile, the one I was sure she used to hide her anger and displeasure as well as put people at ease.

  “Yes, that. Our kind’s history is incomplete. Where we come from, how we evolved, is sketchy at best. We do know that our kind once thrived in Europe and our ancestors came to the new world after it was discovered. With them came legend and myth, most of which is utter foolishness. One legend, however, is known by all of our kind and always has been. You, it appears, are the personification of that lege
nd,” Violet told me.

  “How so? Because I’m an alpha?” I asked.

  “No, child. Many of our women are alphas. The legends speak of the Wolf Mother that will be born to a human woman. Your mother was human and she mated with a shifter, Dolan’s father, your father. You know this, though. However, such pairings may only produce male shifters and human females. That is until you arrived,” she explained.

  “So, I’m a mutant?” I asked only half joking with Violet. She smiled.

  “Hardly. You’re...special. My parents were both shifters. So were Agnes’ and Sophia’s as well. All females of our kind are born to two parents that are able to turn. As you might expect, females are at a premium among our community. Most males find mates among humans and only the strongest and most successful males manage to court a female shifter,” Violet told me.

  “So, I’m the only one born to a human mother?” I asked.

  “Yes, as far as we know. You can imagine our interest when we heard of your existence,” she told me.

  “So, what’s the big deal?” I wondered. So I was born to a human. What did that matter?

  “Legend says, and I believe that the legend is true, you will bear sons that can mate with humans and bear both male and female shifters. If that is true, our kind’s future will be assured. Females will no longer be the exception. That is what the legend, the prophecy, says. That you will save us from extinction. That you will spawn the beginning of a new era,” Violet explained to my astonishment. I hesitated for a moment as I digested her words.

  “I...I don’t know what to say to that. I find it hard to believe I’m going to save shifters from extinction,” I said, my doubt apparent. Violet, despite her calling most of the legends brought over from Europe foolish, seemed to believe this one. I found that a bit odd.

  “You will. You’re sons’ human wives will bear female shifters and so will their sons and so on. You can see why I wanted you to come here, to live amongst us. You’re important and you must be protected. You must find a mate and bear children so that our kind may not only survive but flourish,” she told me.


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