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Witch Queens: Tales from Oz (Dark Fairy Tales Book 2)

Page 3

by S Cinders

  I liked to bake a little, but I had nothing like this back at my place.

  He went to the fridge and pulled out the eggs, cheese, and some vegetables. Soon the kitchen smelled like heaven as he flipped our omelets making sure that they were cooked evenly.

  “Where did you learn to cook?” I asked as he handed me a plate with a perfectly made omelet.

  “Here and there,” his noncommittal answer had my teeth on edge.

  “Here and there—Where?” I questioned.

  He turned to look at me, “Listen, Indy. I don’t do relationships. So, there is no point getting to know one another. This is merely a business arrangement. I get what I want, and I will help you rid your territory of the murdering Dorothy.”

  His words hurt and yet I didn’t know why. I didn’t want anything with him. I knew full well what my future held. I was going to win the challenge between my sisters, and rule all of Oz. I could never do that with him at my side.

  Scarecrow was more of an outlaw than a law-abiding citizen. He wasn’t ruler material, and we both knew it.

  “I was only trying to be friendly,” I shrugged my shoulder. “I am not falling for you, so don’t flatter yourself.”

  His eyes were stoic, “Good, then we both know where we stand.”

  I nodded and went to eat my omelet. But it no longer tasted like it had smelled. The eggs were ash in my mouth, and after two bites, I couldn’t force myself to eat anymore.

  Pushing my plate away, I stood, “I am going to shower.”

  I saw his eyes darken and I put my hand out, “Alone.”

  He growled at me, but didn’t fight my decision. I walked with his glare on my back like a target until I was back in his room. It wasn’t hard to find my clothes now that I was really looking.

  He had them draped over a chair near the bathroom. I gathered them up and went in to turn on the shower.

  My appearance in the mirror had me gasping with shock. I looked like I had been pulled through the ringer. My hair was knotted and sticking out all over the place. My neck had purple love bites, and when I lifted his shirt away from me, I saw the same bites on my breasts.

  I looked thoroughly fucked—which was accurate in too many ways to count.

  Saying a quick spell to make my clothes clean, I crossed my fingers that it would actually work how I wanted it to. I wasn’t the best at magic and I didn’t use it very often.

  I held my clothes up to my nose and noted that they smelled spring fresh, perhaps something in my world was going right.

  Scarecrow had a massive shower with multiple shower heads. I had to use his soap and shampoo to clean myself. But once I was done, I felt immeasurably better.

  I toweled myself off and then reached for my clothes. My underwear felt a little snug, but I didn’t worry too much about it until I got to my bra which would not latch no matter how hard I tried.

  Stupid magic—I had shrunk my clothes!

  I was able to shimmy into the jeans, but they were indecently tight. And as for my t-shirt, you could see a good inch of my stomach no matter how much I tugged.

  But that wasn’t the worst of it. The thin cotton clung to every inch of my breasts, and my nipples were poking through as if they wanted to say hi to the world.

  “Shit,” Scarecrow’s muttered curse brought my eyes to the doorway where he was standing. His hands were clenched at his side. “If this is for my benefit, I am more than thankful, Princess. But we will never get anything done this way.”

  I sputtered, “I didn’t do this for you! I accidentally shrunk my clothes!”

  His dark eyes were undressing me as he moved closer to where I was standing, “Sure you did Princess, and I am the Easter Bunny.”

  I was going to kill him.


  Scarecrow didn’t say anything as we rode his death machine back to my place. I, of course, was holding on for dear life, as I said prayers to every deity I could think of. Equal opportunity had nothing on me at that moment.

  I may have inadvertently drawn blood on his stomach while digging in my nails. All I knew was that as soon as we stopped, he whipped around and yanked me off the bike.

  Taking a deep breath, I could see the lust and hunger in his eyes. He may not do relationships, but his eyes were doing me 24/7. And it was becoming mighty uncomfortable to walk around with wet panties.

  I turned away from him and walked up to the little bakery below my apartment. The wafts of vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon greeted me as I opened the doorway into the stairwell. My apartment was the only one above Mrs. Brooks Bakery.

  I had it renovated when I came to Munchkin Land. Everything had been miniaturized and bathing with your legs hanging out of the tub left much to be desired.

  I turned to see if Scarecrow was following me and ran straight into his hard chest.

  “Ouch!” I rubbed my nose before whipping back around to climb the stairs.

  We were halfway up with I heard his breathing increase.

  “Stop staring at my ass, Scarecrow!” I snapped.

  “Just enjoying the view, Princess,” he muttered.

  Images flooded my head of things that he had done in the past forty-eight hours and things that I still wanted him to do.

  I put an extra swing in my hips as we reached the landing and was rewarded when his hands grasped my ass cheeks hard.

  “You are asking for trouble, Princess,” his dark tone causing my nipples to tighten.

  I still wasn’t wearing a bra and Scarecrow didn’t miss a second of it.

  I didn’t pretend that I didn’t know what he was talking about. There was just something about him that made me act outrageously.

  I opened my door and invited him in. I had an open floor plan with exposed brick walls and a massive set of bookshelves that held some of my prized books on them.

  The furniture I had selected was dark and comfortable. I had a large flat screen television mounted on one wall and a cozy fireplace on the other. My kitchen was off to one side, and I didn’t particularly care that my place wasn’t as fancy as his was.

  I loved my home. It was a good representation of who I was.

  “I like your place,” Scarecrow said as he sunk down into my dark leather sofa picking up a remote to surf through the channels.

  Rolling my eyes, I went into my room to find something more acceptable to wear. A few moments later, I had changed into some ripped skinny jeans, a pink V-neck top, and a matching pink lace panty set.

  I sprayed some of my favorite perfume so that I felt more like me then I went out into the living area.

  Scarecrow had been watching some sports game, but he turned it off the moment I sat down in the overstuffed chair across him.

  He sniffed the air as his eyes darkened, “You smell good.”

  I tried not to blush, “Thank you,” I took a deep breath, “We need to get rid of Dorothy.”

  His eyebrow raised, “You want to take her out?”

  I blanched, “No! What? Why would you even suggest such a thing?”

  Scarecrow shrugged his massive shoulders, “You said you wanted to get rid of her. And if what you think is really true, she is killing off your dependents.”

  He did have a point. But I was not a murderer, “We can’t go killing everyone that we think is doing something wrong.”

  Scarecrow smiled, “Indeed, or I would have been taken out long ago.”

  I had a distinct impression that he was enjoying riling me up.

  “Yes,” I said dryly, “It’s a pity.”

  He threw his head back and laughed, “Princess, if I wasn’t around, who would give you those massive orgasms?”

  I hated that he was right. “It’s not that great,” I mumbled.

  His shit-eating grin was almost more than I could take. “Are you saying that you didn’t scream my name, over and over again, to fuck you harder, faster?”

  I tried to cover my blush with my hands, “Can we please stick to the topic? How are we going to appro
ach Dorothy?”

  Scarecrow thought for a moment, “Where was she last seen?”

  “The last murder was off Juniper street. The butcher said that he had never seen anything like it.”

  “That’s not far from Gilcrease Cove. I would bet that they're headed towards Gillikin County,” He mused.

  I beamed, “That would be perfect! Then it would be my sister Mombi’s problem!”

  He frowned, and I immediately backtracked, “Not that I would make my sister deal with my problems.”

  He smiled knowingly, “You are all heart, Indy, aren’t you?”

  I threw a pillow at him, scowling when he easily caught it.

  “Bastard,” I grumbled.

  Scarecrow smiled, “Come on now, Princess, let’s go have a talk with your sister.”

  MY OLDER SISTER MOMBI ruled the northern territory, Gillikin County. Beyond her lands lay the Impassable Dessert.

  Mombi was the oldest of us girls. She mostly kept to herself, claiming that we were crazy bitches.

  She wasn’t exactly wrong about that.

  But I knew that my sister cared for me, and I was actually happy to see her. Mostly, I was glad to get off of Scarecrow’s death machine.

  When we rolled into her territory, some of the giants waved in greeting. They tended to keep to themselves, as a rule, but they were always respectful to the royal family.

  “Well, if it isn’t one of the twinkle toes,” my sister's amused voice washed over me. I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.

  “Who is that old witch talking about?” I launched myself at her, and we almost went sprawling to the ground.

  “It’s good to see you, Indy,” her sparkling green eyes were the exact replica of mine and El’s. But Mombi had thick red hair that flowed down her back. And her body was one that had men salivating.

  I noticed that beyond a first glance, Scarecrow hadn’t let his gaze linger. I stored that information in my head for later.

  “Good to see you too, Mombi,” I breathed heavily, “But I am not here for a social call.”

  She raised one of her perfectly formed eyebrows and I desperately wanted to know how to do it. Mombi has always been a siren and I wanted to exude the confidence that she did.

  “You had better come inside then, so we will talk. Are you bringing in the eye-candy as well?”

  I flushed, realizing that I hadn’t said anything about traveling with Scarecrow.

  “Mombi, you know Scarecrow,” I motioned over to him.

  Her smile was seductive, “I do, what brings you here, Outlaw?”

  He smiled back, and I had the sudden urge to stomp on his foot. I didn’t like how friendly he and my sister were acting.

  Did they have a history?

  “I'm working under the orders of my Princess,” he bowed, and I choked.

  Scarecrow had never worked under anyone unless you count the time I was grinding on his cock.

  He winked at me like he knew what I was thinking—dammit!

  Mombi’s smile widened, “Well then, this is a story I cannot wait to hear.”


  Her bright auburn hair cascaded over her like a cloud as she threw her head back for the umpteenth time, her rich laughter filling the air.

  “Stop!” she said in between clutching her stomach, “You are making this up!”

  I wanted to commit sororicide—you know, kill your own sister. But I had just told Scarecrow that we don’t kill everyone that annoys us.

  Damn morals.

  Mombi’s eyes glittered with amusement, “The bitch actually tried to drop a house on you, stole your best Jimmie Choo's, and is now picking off the Munchkins?”

  When she put it like that, it sounded pretty bad even to me—like I couldn’t handle my own shit. I folded my arms defensively.

  “Look,” I said sharply, “I am just trying to be a good sister. I thought Dorothy might be headed here next.”

  Mombi’s smile widened, “And you were worried about the giants? Darling, you shouldn’t, they are made of tough stock.”

  She was impossible! I looked over at Scarecrow, who seemed to be deriving a great deal of amusement out of my frustration.

  “Are you going to back me up here?” I demanded.

  He glanced my way and damn if I didn’t get caught for the shortest moment on the rugged cut of his whiskered chin. No man should ever be that attractive.

  “No need, Princess, you are doing so well on your own.”

  I really needed to rethink that killing policy. “Fine! Whatever. At least I know that I tried to warn you.”

  Mombi stood, stretching her long legs, and looking like a playboy bunny rising from her bed.

  “Darling, do come by again soon, I had forgotten just how witty you could be. And Scarecrow, it has been too long my friend.”

  Just what in the hell did she mean by that?

  Scarecrow took his sweet ass time bowing over her hand. By the time our goodbyes were said, and we had gotten back on the bike, I was dreaming up all kinds of histories that they could have had together.

  Night had fallen when we pulled up to his place. The lights from the bar were shrouded by the dirty windows.

  I hopped off the bike and went straight inside not stopping until I hit the bar.

  Jake grinned at me, his massive arms flexing as he rubbed a spot off a tall tumbler. “Hello, Beautiful, what can I do for you?”

  “Gin and tonic,” I replied, my head sinking into my palm.

  He started fixing my drink, “Not a good day?”

  Scarecrow came up behind me and took the drink that Jake had just finished making for me. Throwing it back with one swallow before he set the cup down.

  “What has your panties in a twist?” his dark eyes held a hint of danger.

  “That was my fucking drink!” I scowled.

  “It’s my fucking bar!” he challenged, moving in close so that I could smell his woodsy cologne and that scent that was all him.

  I tried to scoot back, and almost tell off my stool.

  Scarecrow grabbed me before I fell and threw me over his shoulder, “Night, Jake.”

  “I don’t want to go to bed. I want a drink, you, asshole!” I pounded on his back as he sauntered upstairs.

  I tried not to think about how hard his back muscles felt against my fists or the sexy sway of his tight ass.

  “Night, Scarecrow,” Jake’s voice rang out, “Night, Beautiful!”

  I felt a sharp slap on my ass right before Scarecrow dropped me onto his soft couch.

  I glared up at him, “I don’t like you.”

  Scarecrow shrugged as if he didn’t care one way or the other and went to the fridge pulling out two beers. After popping the top, he handed me one.

  It tasted cool and refreshing.

  “Thank you,” I said grudgingly.

  His lips twitched, “I hope that didn’t hurt too bad.”

  “Why are you always trying to piss me off?” I demanded, setting the bottle down.

  Scarecrow sat back on the couch next to me, kicking his long legs out and placing them on the coffee table.

  “Why do you have that impression, Indy? I am helping you, aren’t I?”

  I turned so that I could poke him in the shoulder, but he didn’t even flinch.

  “Are you, Scarecrow? Are you really? Because how could you possibly qualify what happened at my sisters’ as help? Please, enlighten me.”

  He closed his eyes laying his head back against the back of the couch, “Mombi already had her mind set, there was no reason for me to interfere.”

  I hit his shoulder with a clenched fist, “There was every reason to interfere! She might have believed you! She might have taken you seriously! But all that ended up happening was her thinking I'm delusional.”

  A smile cracked his lips, “Princess, she thought that before you ever opened your mouth.”

  “Argh!” I attacked, but my small fists were useless against his massive frame. And in
a matter of moments, I found myself straddling an irate man.

  “You want to play rough?” his silky voice was edged with danger and I knew I had pushed him too far. But he had pushed me too far as well, and I didn’t care what came of it.

  “You sat there flirting with my sister! Right in front of my face, no less! Did you sleep with her?” The words came barreling out of nowhere and I couldn’t stop them.

  His jaw tightened, “I am not interested in your sister.”

  But my emotions were too high, I couldn’t stop the accusations, “I saw the way you two looked at each other! I can’t believe that I am so stupid. I don’t need Mombi’s cast-offs!”

  Scarecrow growled low in his throat, “I will tell you this once more because, apparently, you are hard of hearing. I have no interest in your sister. I never have, and I never will.”

  “But...” I was cut off when he picked me up and marched us towards his bedroom.

  “You need to know who you are dealing with, Princess,” he pulled some cuffs out of the drawer and I looked up in alarm.

  “What are you going to do to me?” I stammered.

  “Don’t talk unless you want a gag,” he used the cuffs on my wrists and attached them to the top of the bed.

  My eyes were wide as I watched him lean into me. He took my shoes off and then pulled my jeans and panties down at the same time.

  I flushed as Scarecrow’s eyes darkened when he took in my nakedness.

  “Too damn beautiful for your own good,” he muttered and then ripped my V-neck in half.

  I cried out, “You can't keep ruining my clothes!”

  His gaze shot to my face, “Gag it is, then.”

  I started protesting, but he was fast, and within seconds, I had a red cloth tied around my mouth.

  My eyes glittered angrily.

  He had the audacity to smile, “I know you are pissed, Indy. But there is something that you need to understand. You are mine now. I don’t share, and I sure as hell, don’t cheat.”

  Scarecrow looked down at my chest. I still had the pink lace bra covering me.

  He leaned down and took one of my nipples into his mouth. Sucking hard against the lace so that it rubbed just enough to drive me crazy.


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