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Painted Memories

Page 7

by Flowers, Loni

  “No problem. Enjoy your night.” He put his hands in his jeans pocket, then turned and walked away.

  I looked at Tyler and moved to open my door. “Let me put this up and grab my—.”

  “Oh, Lilly, I forgot,” Drew called from behind me. He pulled his hand from his pocket, bringing out a tube, wrapped with a red label. Walking closer to me, he said, “You’re going to need this.” Then he dropped his voice lower “for the lunch date I owe you. A deal’s a deal.” He winked at me with a smirk and walked away without another word.

  Sneaking a look in my hand, I read the label on the tube and felt the temperature rise twenty degrees in my cheeks.

  Strawberry ChapStick.

  I didn’t even look at Tyler. I couldn’t bear to see his reaction, if he had one. Instead, I slipped the tube in my pocket and grabbed my purse from the kitchen counter before throwing the sweater on the couch. “Sorry about the delay. Are we still going to have time to see the movie?” I asked, pulling the door shut.

  “I don’t know,” he said, looking at his watch. “It’s already ten to seven. If I hadn’t gotten all turned around coming here, I would’ve been here sooner. We might miss the previews, but that’s probably all.”

  “Oh, I don’t care about that. I’m starved.” Remembering how things ended at the studio, lunch was the last thing on my mind. Up until that moment, I didn’t even realize I was hungry.

  “We can grab a quick bite to eat somewhere. Where would you like to go?”

  Tyler rested his hand on my lower back as we walked through the courtyard to his truck. “You decide,” I said. “Take me someplace I haven’t been before.”

  Opening the truck door, he watched and waited as I hopped into my seat. “I think I can do that, but we’ll miss the previews for sure.”

  “Not a problem,” I assured him. “In fact, we can skip it all together; it doesn’t make a difference to me.”

  After about a twenty-minute drive, we ended up at Tacos and More, a Mexican restaurant. By its name alone, I was convinced it was one of those hole-in-the-wall places. Tyler told me not to let the outside deceive me, because they had authentic Mexican cuisine, from the various species of cacti to the iron-framed, pebbled-rock tabletops. “Will we have enough time if we eat here?” I asked, opening the car door.

  “Don’t!” he yelled.

  My eyes widened, surprised by his unexpected outburst. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “This is a date, I’m supposed to be the gentleman here… I’ll open the door for you.”

  “Seriously, it’s the twenty-first century. I think I can manage,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t believe his tone. It was unexpected so I took a breath and reminded myself that I’d been out of practice for quite some time. Maybe I needed to freshen up on the rules of dating again. Apparently, I’d forgotten most of them.

  We took our seats and gave the waiter our drink orders. “Their service is excellent, so depending on how long it takes to eat, we should be in and out.”

  I sat across from him, finally having the time to take in his appearance while he studied the menu. His black Polo shirt fit loosely over his chest, and I could only imagine what lay hidden beneath it. His sleeves were tight around his large biceps and I couldn’t deny I wanted to know what it felt like to have them wrapped around me. A girl could dream, right?

  Tyler caught me staring over the top of his menu and smiled. “They seem a bit busy, and I’m not sure we’ll be out in time.”

  “Well, we don’t have to go to a movie tonight. Maybe another night?” I suggested, giving him an option for a third date.

  “Absolutely. Anything else you have in mind for tonight?”

  From what I had running through my head, that was a loaded question. Kissing those lips seemed to be all I could think about, which meant going to a movie wouldn’t be such a good idea. I’d hate to revert to my teenage years and spend ten dollars just to make out. “How about bowling? I completely suck, but I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of it.”

  He grinned, and his wide smile and perfect teeth illuminated his face. “Oh, that sounds fun. We both can suck and laugh together then. I haven’t been bowling in a long time.”

  “Great, then we don’t have to hurry through this dinner. Maybe I’ll order a margarita.”

  “Yes, please do. That will make bowling so much more interesting.”

  It was a little before eleven when we pulled back into my apartment complex. I waited for Tyler to come around and help me out of the truck, since his complaint about me not doing so at the restaurant. He was worried about not looking like a gentleman, whatever that meant. Apparently, he was a bit confused on the gentlemen part since he failed to hold the door open at the restaurant, or wait for me to take my seat. Normally, these things would not have stood out to me, but considering the comment he made, I thought it better if I wait in the car. It helped that I could probably use a sturdy hand getting out. Tyler bought me a couple of beers while we were bowling. Not my drink of choice, but I didn’t want to turn them down when he already paid for them. I stopped him from buying a third, because two beers and a margarita at the restaurant were making me a bit wobbly… and giggly.

  We held hands as he walked me to my door, where a white piece of paper taped on it caught my attention. Seeing Drew’s name at the bottom, without reading it, I pulled it off the door and stuffed it into my purse.

  “Aren’t you even going to read it?” Tyler asked.

  “I did. It was a note from a friend who came by while I was out. I’ll call her tomorrow. You want to come in for a few minutes?” I asked, trying to change the subject. Of course, I didn’t read it. I assumed it was another snarky comment and I didn’t see the need in aggravating my annoyance by reading it. Already pissed at his previous comment, there was no way I would bring him up to Tyler. It would be my luck that he’d start asking questions… questions I didn’t have answers for. I jiggled the lock. Damn key! It never worked when I wanted it to.

  “Here, let me try,” Tyler said just as the lock cooperated and opened.

  “Got it!” I exclaimed as I stepped in and threw my bag on the counter. “Have a seat,” I said, walking into the kitchen and pulling a glass from the cabinet. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  “No, thanks.”

  Filling a glass with tap water, I gulped it down in an effort to wash away my tipsy personality. I walked to the couch and settled next to Tyler, who was sitting comfortably with his arm thrown across the back. Slipping my sandals off next to the coffee table, I tucked one leg underneath me before sitting down next to him. I suppose I was not as close as he hoped, but he smiled and patted my knee.

  “I had a great time tonight,” he said as his hand slipped an inch past my knee.

  “I did too. Thank you for calling me. I wasn’t expecting to go out again until this weekend.”

  Twirling his finger over my thigh, he circled my skin as he moved up my leg to the hem of my shorts. My heart rate increased, but I kept my breathing even. I didn’t want him to see how much his simple touch affected me. He seemed to have a thing for my thigh. That’s where his hands stayed every chance he could get while we were bowling. Not that I minded too much. I caught many women eyeing him while we were out, and I couldn’t deny it felt good to be the one getting all the attention.

  With his arm behind me, I felt his fingers pull though my hair before brushing against the back of my neck. He leaned forward, his big, brown eyes droopy with lust.

  “I couldn’t wait for this weekend. A woman like you is hard to resist,” he said, sliding his fingertips under the hem of my shorts.

  His hand cupped around the back of my neck and he leaned in, kissing me on the lips. Slipping further up my leg, his hand moved between my thighs and I gasped slightly at his boldness. Taking advantage of my unguarded desire, he pressed harder against my mouth, pushing his tongue between my lips. Slowly at first, our tongues rubbed together in unison until I got lost in the momen
t. After not being in a relationship for so long, it felt good to be desired and I slid my hands up his chest. It was every bit as firm and chiseled as I imagined. When his firm hand slipped under the hem of my shirt, I sucked in a sharp breath. He groaned against my mouth and pulled me tighter against his chest. His tongue became too possessive in my mouth, and I felt exhausted trying to keep up with the rhythm of his. I pushed at his shoulders, suddenly feeling smothered by him. My push wasn’t enough to break his hold on me and I tried again with more force before I finally tore my lips away from his.

  “Whoa, we need to stop,” I said, out of breath.

  “What? Why? What’s the matter?” he asked, confused.

  “I don’t think I’m ready to move this fast.”

  Tyler arched his brow, “Yet you had no problem flirting with me all night?”

  “Well, if I knew flirting was going to turn into all of this, maybe I wouldn’t have.” I mean, you only flirted to keep them interested. What was wrong with that?

  “You’re seeing someone else, aren’t you? That guy I saw today when I came to pick you up. What was his name…? Dew?”

  “Drew. His name is Drew, and no, I’m not dating him. Last I checked, I’m not seeing anyone seriously.” I glared at him. How could he assume I was dating someone else and why did it even matter? We’d only been out twice. As far as I was concerned, he could be seeing other women too. I didn’t ask him out to have a boyfriend. I asked him out to have fun, live a little, but that didn’t mean I was looking for a one-night stand either.

  “Oh,” he said, looking deflated.

  I moved back, putting more space between us. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on. It wasn’t my intention, and I wasn’t expecting to get carried away like that.” I reached for his hand and hoped he gained a bit of confidence for what I was about to say. “I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you. I’m not looking for anyone else to date, but I’m also not going to settle either. If what’s going on here turns into more, I’m fine with that. But I’m not rushing into anything. And I’m most certainly not into one-night stands, so if that’s what you’re expecting out of this… out of me, I’m not your girl.”

  “No… not at all. I mean, I won’t lie and say I haven’t had my share of one-nighters, but that’s not what I’m after here. I’m sorry I came on so strong.” He stroked the top of my hand with his thumb. “It doesn’t take much for me to get caught up in the moment, and you make it easy.” He smirked and leaned in, holding my chin between his fingers. His kisses were small. Tiny, soft kisses against my lips, as if testing the waters again. They were everything they should have been when we started kissing. But it was too late. I wasn’t in the mood to be romanced anymore. I pulled back, giving him a small smile. “It’s getting late and I need to get up early tomorrow.”

  “Oh, okay.” Tyler stood up, my hand still in his and I followed him to the door.

  “Thank you again for dinner and bowling.”

  “I really hope I haven’t ruined things. I’d still like to go out again, if you’re willing to give it another shot?” he said in a defeated voice.

  “I’ll be busy this week with my students. Testing is coming up, so I’ll have a lot of work to do to prepare them. What about Saturday night?”

  “Perfect. I’m taking you someplace fancy, so dress to impress.”

  “Sounds nice. Pick me up at six?”

  “Six it is. Good night, Lilly.”

  I rose higher and kissed him gently on the lips. “Good night, Tyler.” Maybe our third date would be smoother. Third time’s a charm… maybe.

  Chapter 8

  I sat at a table in the back, going over my lesson plan for the week, as I waited for Andrea to meet me for another fattening cappuccino at Starbucks. I had no intention of going to the gym and didn’t want to risk the chance of running into Tyler. Right now, I really wanted some time to myself without men around, at least the men in my life who kept trying to kiss me.

  The place smelled of coffee and baked sweets, making me thankful I decided to eat lunch before I came. The need to get out of my apartment and be around someone who lacked testosterone became immediate once I finally dragged my sleep-deprived butt out of my fluffy sheets. My thoughts were overpowering after spending all day yesterday with Drew and Tyler. I felt stressed out, and for once, my family wasn’t the source of it. No matter how hard I tried not to think about the guys, I did anyway. All night, I tossed and turned, playing back the time I spent with them. I started to wonder what the potential of Tyler’s kisses could be if he learned to tame his raw urges. At the same time, my thoughts included Drew, and the simple, yet sweet kiss we shared. Both men shocked me with their sudden boldness. What the crap was I doing? Finding myself interested in two different men, total opposites, wasn’t like me. I never intended for this to happen and I didn’t want to feel like I was playing both of them behind their backs… that wasn’t me. I needed to talk this through, and since Andrea was the only girlfriend I had, she was obliged to give me advice.

  When she walked through the door, I couldn’t help laughing. Here she was, carrying a professional briefcase, wearing a baggy, grey tee shirt and even baggier sweat pants. Professionalism dripping from one hand, while copping an “I don’t give a shit” attitude in the other. I loved it. She greeted me with a smile and plopped the briefcase on the table in front of me before she sat down.

  “There’s a whole stack of geometry proofs in there. Don’t you want to help me grade them?”

  I held my hands up, referencing the papers underneath them. “High school geometry… uh no, thank you! I’ll stick to my two-plus-two worksheets.”

  “I only brought them because you said to, but something makes me think this isn’t coffee and ‘let’s grade papers’ bonding time.”

  Andrea narrowed her eyes at me and I knew she caught on to my mood when I called her this morning. “How did you know I—”

  “Spill it. What happened? He didn’t hurt you, did he? Take advantage of you? I’ll drop a twenty-pound weight on his head if he—”

  “No! Chill out. He didn’t do anything like that. I mean, he was a little aggressive on the kissing, but I knocked him down a peg or two for it.”

  Andrea moved her briefcase to the floor before propping her elbows on the table. “Oh, you two kissed. How was it? I can only imagine it was hot, because naturally, he’s hot so it had to have been hot.”

  “Whoa… too many ‘hots’ in one sentence,” I laughed. “Anyway, it’s kind of hard to tell, considering he was trying to force his tongue down my throat.”

  “Hmmm… so he’s hot and demanding. I think I could get used to that,” she snickered.

  I rolled my eyes. She was being sarcastic and I knew she wouldn’t like it either. “And then there’s Drew and I didn’t even know he liked—”

  “Hold up… who is Drew? I’ve never heard you talk about him. At least, I don’t think I have.”

  I smirked at her, clucking my tongue at her forgetfulness. “Yes, you have. Do you listen to anything I say when we’re at the gym? Oh wait, I should have known. You don’t know how to concentrate with hot guys are around, do you?”

  “Maybe you’re right… I’m kidding. Yes, I do! Tell me about him again. I’m sure it will come back to me.”

  So I filled her in… again. I told her about the pond and his mail. About his beautiful paintings and that he was the newest art teacher at work. I filled her in about studio-hunting yesterday, and the moment he kissed me, possibly dooming our newfound friendship forever. She listened intently, giving oohs and ahhs in all the right places.

  “Well, he sounds great too. So you have two good-looking guys who are into you, what’s the problem? What are you so stressed out about?”

  I stared at her, dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe she didn’t see anything wrong with what I told her. “What do you mean? I’ve got two guys, two completely different guys… kissing me! I don’t know what to do. What should I do?” I could f
eel the anxiety building up again. I had honestly never been in this situation before. I’d always found a guy, stuck with him and didn’t look at anyone else until things didn’t work out. I moved on after getting dumped or doing the dumping.

  She laughed, “I still don’t see the big deal. So what? They both kissed you. Did you like it?”


  “Do you want to kiss them again? Truthfully?”


  “Do you like one over the other?”

  I thought about that for a minute. I’d spent more time with Drew, but I couldn’t say I liked either one more. Not yet. “I don’t know.”

  “That’s fair enough. I still don’t see a problem here. You said they both know you aren’t searching for someone. You’re not lying to them about being exclusive with anyone. So why can’t you date them both and see what happens? You’re not married yet; it’s not a crime.”

  “It feels wrong, I guess.” I stared into my paper coffee cup, thinking about right and wrong and not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. I didn’t like getting mine hurt and always vowed not to hurt others. Andrea patted my hand across the table with a look of reassurance and understanding.

  “Remember when you told me once that you wanted to live life and have fun without anyone holding you back?”


  “Don’t let this hold you back. Have fun, live life. There is nothing wrong with having fun with Drew or Tyler, or even both of them… on different occasions, of course. If not, we’re going to have to switch to a whole different subject matter.” She snickered and I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face. “What I’m trying to say is, if at the end of the day you find you would have rather spent time alone than with the guy you were with… then maybe that guy isn’t the guy for you. And that’s okay. You don’t have to figure everything out, one guy at a time. If you’re upfront with your intentions, which it sounds like you have been, you have nothing to feel guilty over.”

  I let her words sink in for a minute. She was right. It made sense after she said everything out loud. I’d never been interested in two guys at once, and even if I didn’t feel right about it, I would have to get used to it until I knew whom I liked more. I was relieved that I’d already indicated to both of them where I stood with the whole dating scene.


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