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Cherished: A Perri & Hans Spin-off Novella (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 4.5)

Page 3

by May Freighter

  “I’m fine. Where is Lotte? She should be guarding you tonight.”

  “She went to check the grounds, I think.” Perri rubbed her hands together. “Could I come in?”

  Hans observed her face for a long second and opened the door wide enough for her to enter. “I will make you some tea to relax before you return to your room.”

  He started to walk towards the lounge that was through the double set of ornate doors in his bedroom. She followed close behind, noticing that his shirt had red stains on it. Unable to stop herself, she grasped him by the arm and moved to block his way.

  “What is what?” She pointed at the stains on his collar.

  “It is nothing to worry about. A mere scratch from the hunt.”

  Perri shook her head. “You got hurt!”

  Hans took hold of her quivering hands and pulled her into a loose embrace. “You worry too much. It is nothing serious, I promise.”

  She pressed her forehead against his chest and inhaled his scent. The hint of his cologne had woody notes in it. “Do you need any help treating it?”

  His hand landed on her head, stroking her hair with an unbelievable gentleness that soothed her shaking heart. “Andrea took good care of dressing my wound. I promise you, Perri, you have nothing to worry about.” He moved his hand and lifted her chin to make her look at him. His green eyes shone with his honesty. “Shall we have that tea now?”

  She bobbed her head and separated from him.

  As Hans made his way to the bar in the corner of the lounge, she sat on the plush sofa that had red flowery embroidery on its golden material. She stroked the design absent-mindedly, all the while stealing glances at his shoulder. He had to be in pain. Even with her as his partner, he preferred not to show any weaknesses. Are we not close enough for him to confide in me? Such bitter thoughts twisted her stomach, and she rubbed it better.

  When he returned with a porcelain cup of chamomile tea in hand, he offered it to her on a small saucer. She accepted it with a smile that she struggled to make reach her eyes.

  Hans sat next to her and took off his suit jacket. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white shirt that had a large blood stain on it and relaxed in his seat.

  She stole glances at him and sipped her tea, inhaling the calming aroma of camomile. “You are hiding it well, but I know the wounds hurt you. I can tell by the slight wrinkling around your eyes and the sternness of your mouth.”

  His brows rose. “You can tell that much from so little?”

  “I grew up attending to Master Vincent’s guests and friends. I know when someone is hiding the truth from me.”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

  Her cheeks turned pink at the simple gesture of affection he showed her. “I’m not upset. I’m a little disappointed that you don’t see me as someone you can confide in.”

  “You are here with me, aren’t you?” He leant in and placed a feather-light kiss on her forehead. “No one else is allowed in my room except you.”

  Perri set her cup on the maple coffee table. She looked him straight in the eye and folded her arms across her ample chest. “That doesn’t mean you confide in me, Master Hans. You have been trying to cover everything up with pleasantries and kindness. It’s unfair!”

  Hans’ irises lit slightly with a green glow. He immediately pulled back and covered his mouth with his hand. Clearing his throat, he looked away from her to the paintings of ancient castles on the other side of the room. “Is the tea not to your liking?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are changing the subject and your eyes—”

  He stood and offered her his hand. The glow she saw earlier in the depths of his eyes vanished like it was a mirage. “Would you like me to escort you to your room? It is late and you need to get some sleep.”

  Perri pressed her lips into a thin line. She couldn’t take his hand when he was so obviously avoiding the subject she desperately wanted to discuss. She rose and straightened her black silk chemise. Ignoring his hand, she headed for the door. If he wasn’t going to talk to her properly, she had no choice but to leave. She knew when she wasn’t wanted. He was just too kind to tell her that he no longer wanted her to be with him. The spirit-bond they shared didn’t mean to him the same thing it meant to her. She saw it as a perfect connection to the man she loved since she was a child, and he saw it as a noose around his neck. How could she have been so stupid? She was a burden to him. All along, she was blind to the signs. Now that she realised her mistake, her heart was rupturing in her chest.

  Hans caught her wrist and turned her on the spot before she could reach the door handle. His cool lips collided with hers, summoning a surprised moan out of her throat.

  Her back was pressed against the door and his hands cupped her cheeks. He deepened the kiss, using his tongue in a possessive and overwhelming way to dance with hers.

  It was becoming hard to breathe with the intensity of his desire that permeated through his desperate kiss. Her legs were getting weaker, but she didn’t wish for the joyous event to end. This was the first time he had given her such a passion-filled kiss. She wanted it to last forever.

  His hands slipped away from her, and he broke the kiss, pressing his forehead to hers. “I am sorry if I have startled you. Are you hurt anywhere?”

  Perri’s face was bright red. The heat in my cheeks could melt snow. She caressed his jawline with her fingers. “You didn’t hurt me.”

  He nodded and straightened his posture. “That is good.” He took her hand and led her back to her room. Stopping at her door, he lowered his voice and added, “Sleep well, Perri.”

  She smiled, still in a daze after what happened. “You too.”

  He left her with another restrained kiss on her cheek.

  Perri entered her room and pressed her back to the door. Her mind and heart were racing to the stars. He wouldn’t have kissed her in such a way if he felt nothing for her. She was certain of it. Yet, why wasn’t he willing to take their relationship to the next level? She balled her hands at her sides and grinned.

  All hope isn’t lost yet.


  His body ached and not from the wounds inflicted by the possessed vampire. Clutching the material of his shirt on his chest, he panted. The craving for her blood and the sweet citrus smell she possessed was enticing his senses to near insanity. And the way the round mounds of her milky breasts stretched her chemise was the last straw. He was close to losing control of his senses with her and taking her to bed swiftly.

  He closed his eyes and buried his hand in his hair. The look of sadness she had given him tonight was enough to dispel his need to pursue his carnal urges. If he was not mistaken, she was on the verge of tears. Is my need to hide my weaknesses affecting her to this extent?

  Throughout the centuries that he spent as Master Vincent’s right-hand man on the Council, he not once seen his sire showing affection towards any one woman. He kept his feelings for the witch, Madeline, a secret even after she perished in the fight against the demons. In Hans’ case, he almost openly declared tonight that Perri was his lover. She would be in danger first and foremost. Until he could ensure her safety, he had no right to think of spending nights between the sheets with her.

  His breathing levelled out, and he made his way to the mini fridge under the bar’s counter. He took out a blood bag from the top shelf and consumed the contents, satiating his thirst. Unlike his first wife—Sofia—Perri was a pure, kind-hearted soul whom he wanted to protect from any harm. She saw beyond the mask he put on when he wanted others to see his strengths and not their lack of.

  The hounds were too perceptive for his liking. They were beginning to question his orders and doubt his abilities as a leader. He could not allow for such an eventuality. The Council had to stay intact, and he would do anything to hold his sire’s and grandsire’s legacy together.

  He threw the empty blood bag into the nearby bin and returned to his bedro
om where he collapsed on the bed and allowed himself to rest. Sleep took over faster than he had hoped and his dreams turned to the past.

  Close to dawn, he awoke to the sound of a knock on his door. After checking the time on his phone, he sat up and grumbled, “Come in.”

  It was Lotte. She excused herself and came in. Her dyed green hair with black streaks had him questioning why she had committed to such an odd and stand-offish hairstyle. Not only that. The Goth clothes that this small vampire woman preferred to wear made her outward appearance seem like that of a modern teenager. Lotte’s grey eyes were barely visible from under her heavy black eyelashes and thick eyeliner.

  “Master Hans, I am sorry for disturbing your rest. I have come to give my report to you,” she said in a militaristic tone she often used in his and Lucious’ presence.

  He waved for her to continue as he checked the wound on his shoulder. The bite was still there. It wasn’t healing at all for some reason. He assumed the story was the same for his neck bite.

  Lotte folded her arms behind her back and took in a deep breath. “The wards Miss Hawthorn has put up around the property and its grounds remain intact. I’ve also scouted new areas last night. There is another nest of possessed vampires near Watford. They are fanning out faster than we can contain them. According to our friends in the police force, they are unable to keep these cases entirely buried. We may need to request help from the Crown, sir.”

  “No. The Crown should not be involved in such trivial matters. Send a hound to the police stations in question and permit them the use of their influence. Erase the memories of those who suspect something is off.” He rubbed his chin in thought. “Before the night falls, I want you to arrange for a party of four hounds to be ready to head out to Watford. I will accompany them.”

  “But, sir, I heard you were injured…”

  “I am perfectly fine. There is no need for concern.”

  Lotte bowed her head. “Understood.” She paused and lifted her head to meet his gaze. “What about your woman? She has requested from one of the hounds to clean the Council building. He denied it, but I can see that the young lady needs something to do while you are away.”

  “You may be right,” Hans agreed. “Let her do as she pleases. I do not want to restrict her too much.” Almost as an afterthought, he added, “Do not let her leave your sight. There are many of those here who may be hiding their discontent with how we run this Council.”

  “Yes, Master Hans.” Lotte relaxed her posture and rubbed her hands nervously together.

  “What is bothering you?”

  “Since Levile’s death, I am unable to find peace. My sire never required me to be by his side to aid him and now that he’s gone… Somehow, I have been feeling the urge to do something that would honour his death.”

  “My blood-brother was a good man. It is too bad that he did not survive the hunters’ attack on the Council Archives. To the very end, he stayed true to his duty to protect Helena.” Hans had missed his younger blood-brother. Levile was too serious and duty-bound for his own good. Then again, Hans had inherited the serious trait from his sire also. “If there is something you wish to do for him, do it. I am certain he would appreciate the thought.”

  Lotte smiled weakly. “I consider you to be my sire after his passing, sir. There is nothing I won’t do if you order it.”

  He laughed. “Trust me, I am not as noble as you believe me to be. In my human life, I was nothing more than a farmer who had terrible luck with women and money.”

  “It is who you are now that’s important.” Lotte inclined her head. “My report to you is complete. I will do my best to protect Perri in your absence.”

  Hans’ expression turned serious. He got up and walked to her. Lowering his voice, he asked, “Have there been any changes in the attitude of the remaining hounds? Can they be trusted?”

  “I have not finished my investigation. What I can tell you is that the team you were with last night is loyal to you and Master Lucious. The remaining seven have not yet shown any inclination for revolt or desire to overthrow you.”

  “Good. Keep an eye on them and, if anything happens, report to me immediately.”

  She bobbed her head and left his room.

  Hans could not afford for any one hound to betray them when they were not at full strength. There were two seats left free on the Council that had to be filled, and he and Lucious needed to select powerful people they could work with. Not only that, Mistress Xi Yi had abandoned her duty when the Demon Gate was pried open by Eliza. Because of that, she became a wanted fugitive and must be killed on sight. So far, no news of her surfacing had reached his ears. She was an old vampire with many connections and friends on multiple continents. There was a good chance that someone was hiding her from the Council. Though, he could not blame her for running away at that time. If she had stayed, she could have become possessed like many others.

  His shoulder started to ache, and he undid his shirt. Taking another look at his bandages, he noticed that his blood was seeping through the gauze. When he lifted it, his eyes widened. The bite not only didn’t heal, the skin underneath it was turning black. This was unlike anything he had observed before. The hounds who were bitten by the possessed until now were able to heal over time. So, why was his bite reacting in such a way?

  From his wardrobe, he selected a black shirt and threw on a new suit. Allowing that bite to fester would be stupid of him. There had to be someone he could trust who could take a look at it.




  The next day, Lotte gave Perri great news. She was permitted to clean to stave her mind off of boredom. Not like she would be allowed to go outside of the Council’s grounds without an escort to do some shopping. She didn’t want to needlessly worry Hans. He had an important job, and it was her duty as his counterpart to help him in any way she could.

  After breakfast, she got hold of a dusting brush and some cleaning wipes. Wiping the dust in the rooms would keep her occupied for a few hours and give her time to think about the previous night. She was glad to have received such a passionate kiss from him. Too bad it did not lead to more.

  Is this what people call being sexually frustrated?

  She sighed and ran the brush over the door frame of one of the spare rooms. Standing on tiptoes, she swayed a little. Once she was satisfied, she moved on to cleaning the furniture.

  On the other side of the door, she overheard people talking as they passed by. She didn’t mean to listen in on their conversation but, when Hans’ name was mentioned, she couldn’t help herself. Inching closer to the door, she pressed her ear to it.

  “…is as you’ve said. I could smell blood on Hans today. The poison must be working,” the first man said.

  “Great. He isn’t healing!” an excited woman replied. “He won’t last more than a week. The others will take care of Lucious in Italy, and we can take control of the Council.”

  A hand covered Perri’s mouth, keeping her surprise in at the horrible things those people were saying.

  Is it an enemy? She turned her head to find Lotte with her index finger pressed to her lips.

  Perri slowly nodded. The second the voices faded and were no longer in the earshot, Lotte released her and stepped back.

  “I apologise for my behaviour. It was imperative that I keep you from exposing your position to those vampires. They would have killed you otherwise.”

  “I—I understand. But is it true what they said? Is Hans hurt? Are Lucious and Helena in danger, too?”

  Lotte seemed thoughtful for a long minute. “Master Hans should be in his office right now. We must head there and inform him of this development.”

  “You’re right,” Perri agreed. “What about Helena?”

  “Master Lucious is not weak enough to die easily or permit his lover to get hurt. I am certain he will be able to fend off any attacks. After all, he is a Royal now and blood of the original vampire courses thro
ugh his veins.”

  Although Perri wanted to make sure her friends were okay, she needed to focus on Hans. If he was, indeed, poisoned as those people had said, he needed help. “Let’s find Hans.”

  Lotte opened the door, scanning the hallway outside for anyone suspicious. When she did so, Perri discarded the dust brush on the nearby chair and followed close behind her. They pretended to talk about their day and the weather on their way to his office that was located in the east wing.

  As they were about to arrive, Andrea—another hound Perri recognised—strode to Lotte with a serious look on her face.

  “Lotte, we need you to come to the strategy meeting downstairs. You were the one who scouted the area in Watford, so it’s your job to provide a full report of your findings,” Andrea said with sharpness in her tone. “Things would be much easier if Ghoul Master didn’t tuck his tail between his legs and run to the Russian Council.”

  Pushing Perri behind her protectively, Lotte replied, “I will be there in a moment. I must see Master Hans.”

  “Why is the human coming with you?” Andrea pressed.

  Perri smiled awkwardly at the vampire woman. “I have some things to say to him.”

  Andrea raised a brow. “It would be best for Master Hans if you left this place. You are a weakness that can be exploited.”

  Those words hurt Perri to her core. She couldn’t deny that she was a normal human without any super powers or magical abilities. Lowering her gaze, she twisted her knotted fingers in front of her.

  “Are you saying I am incapable of doing my job?” Lotte demanded.

  Perri raised her head to find Lotte glaring at Andrea.

  “You are one of the youngest hounds here,” Andrea shot back. “You can’t be perfect at protecting someone who can’t defend themselves.”

  “Her protection is my duty, and I would die for her. That is Master Hans’ wish.”

  Perri bit her lip. Her eyes were wide at the scene before her. She never expected Lotte to be so devoted to Hans. Not only that, she didn’t think another vampire would defend her to such an extent.


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