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Cherished: A Perri & Hans Spin-off Novella (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 4.5)

Page 8

by May Freighter

  He shook his head and kissed her forehead. “There is no need for you to apologise. I should have known that Lotte was a fraud. It was my inability to discern the lies from the truth that brought us here.”

  “This is all very romantic and everything but shouldn’t we get down to business?” Theo inquired.

  Hans and Perri took their seats on the sofa, and he slipped his arm around her shoulders. “What do you want for her safe return?”

  “I want the south.”

  For a second, Hans thought he had heard the werewolf wrong. “You want what?”

  “I want Lucas’ territory. I see no reason why my pack needs to share London with that mutt and his weak dogs,” Theo retorted.

  Hans stiffened. The Council had no strength to prevent the war between the two werewolf packs. Not only that, he had no power to secure peace and rule with an iron fist like Eliza had done.

  “Aren’t you happy with what you already have?” Perri asked, separating from Hans’ touch. “You’re in charge of a lot of strong werewolves, you have your own territory, and you write great fiction that brings hope and warms people’s hearts. What more do you need? And even if you did get more territory, won’t managing an entire city take away from the time dedicated to your writing?”

  The men and the werewolf woman stared at Perri in disbelief. Hans was ready to silence her and plead for her life when Theo burst out laughing.

  “You are one funny human,” Theo said after his mirth had simmered down.

  His Ius glared at Perri, and, in return, Hans glared at the woman.

  “I’m correct, aren’t I? Why go through all this trouble for more land?” Perri pressed.

  Theo’s expression sobered, and he waved for his Ius to leave the room.

  “Leaving you now would be dangerous, sir,” she countered.

  “Leave, Greta,” Theo said with a hint of warning in his tone.

  Greta bowed her head and left the room in a hurry.

  Theo ran his hand through his hair and met Hans’ curious eyes. “I know now why you like this little girl. She is smart and has spirit. Not once did she seem afraid of me while she stayed in my home. It was interesting meeting someone like her. If she wasn’t human, I would have asked her out myself.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Hans asked, uncertain.

  “The girl is right, claiming more territory would put a dent in my writing schedule. Deadlines are piling up as it is, but my pack is not content to share the city with Lucas. As a leader, I must take their wishes into account.”

  Perri slipped her hand into Hans’ and intertwined their fingers. “Why don’t you create one large pack instead and control the city together?”

  Theo waved her comment away. “That’s impossible. Only one alpha can lead the pack, regardless of its size. The other would need to die, and there is no way I’d let that be me.”

  “Her idea isn’t entirely bad,” Hans added. “If you were to merge the packs, you both would have a lot of territory in your pocket and could expand faster. You could maintain your hold on the north and Lucas the south, or swap the territories around whenever you please. That way, you aren’t getting in each other’s way.”

  “That still requires sharing my throne, and there is one other problem.” Theo said. “My pack’s hierarchy is based on strength and fighting ability. Lucas is stuck on the concept of democracy and logic. Our people would rather kill each other than merge.”

  Perri’s hand squeezed Hans’, and he looked at her. She appeared perplexed. Her honest heart and need to help others seemed to extend even towards the werewolves. It pleased him to know that she was compassionate, but it would put her in more danger if she got involved in the vampire-werewolf politics further.

  “Having different opinions is normal. There are many human groups that are just like that. They hate each other for no reason other than the pointless thought that they are somehow superior,” Perri said with certainty. She straightened her back and smiled at the alpha. “You are a good person at heart, Theo. You have shown that to me today. So, if there is anything I can do to help you and the other pack reach middle ground, I would be happy to do it.” She shook her head. “Actually, please let me help no matter what!”

  Theo stared at her, dumbfounded. “What can a human girl like you do to unite two packs of werewolves?”

  “As you’ve said earlier, the other pack is about democracy and logic. If you put your idea forward with an open mind and without prejudice, I’m sure they will be open to negotiations.” She looked up at Hans with glistening eyes full of hope. “Am I wrong?”

  Hans couldn’t shatter her perfectly painted world. Words failed him, and he hugged her close to his chest, stroking her hair as he did so. He looked at Theo to measure his response. The werewolf was surprisingly deep in thought.

  “This is not something we can resolve overnight,” Hans said to Theo. “Lucas would need to be present for the negotiations, and I am willing to provide the neutral grounds for peace talks between your two packs.”

  Theo pointed at Perri. “I want her to come along. Somehow, she has the ability to calm me down, and I believe it will be useful.”

  “I am unsure if Lucas would want a human involved in these talks…” Hans countered.

  “He will agree to anything as long as there is a possibility of peace. That man only cares about his people and their survival. The hunters are a problem, and the chance of us being exposed because of the Vampire Council’s lack of power is troubling. Even I am aware that without my help, the humans will come to know of us sooner rather than later.”

  “I am glad you have changed your mind,” Hans began. “It is rather surprising.”

  The werewolf laughed. “Yes, I am unable to comprehend what that little girl did to me in under twenty-four hours.” He raised a brow. “Did you cast any spells?”

  Perri placed her hand over her heart. “I don’t know any magic.”

  “Then what was that ability you’ve used in the forest?” Theo pressed.

  “Like I said, I don’t know much about it. It was the first time I’ve ever used it.”

  Hans assessed her serious face. “You will have to tell me exactly what Lotte told you. There is a plot to destroy the Council from within, and I need to know if she let any information slip.”

  Theo reclined in his seat and folded his arms. “Seems like you will have many sleepless nights, Hans. When the time to speak with Lucas comes, I will contact you. You and your woman may leave here without worry.”

  Perri nibbled on her lower lip and asked Theo, “Could I get a signed copy of your book? I did mean it when I said I liked your work.”

  The werewolf chuckled. “I will arrange for one to be delivered to you. My agent keeps the spare copies in his office in the city.”

  “Thank you!” she squealed.

  Hans was gobsmacked. He never expected Perri to be able to get on the good side of the most difficult man he had encountered in his life. In a way, he felt jealous that she had shown her warmth and kindness to another man. Even the way she was smiling at Theo had irked him.

  Standing, he took Perri’s hand and helped her up. “It is time for us to leave. Contact me as soon as you have any news from Lucas, and I will provide a place where you two can meet safely.”

  Perri waved to Theo. “It was a pleasure to meet you and spend time with you.”

  Getting up to his full height, Theo offered his hand to Hans and then to Perri in the form of a handshake. “Believe me when I say this, Perri, I have never met anyone as interesting as you. I hope we can become good friends in the future.”

  Hans noticed that the alpha was holding on to Perri’s hand for a little longer than was necessary. He cleared his throat and glared at their united hands. “We must be off.”

  Theo broke their contact and smirked at Hans. “I will send some of my men to help you clean up the mess the previous Council made with the possessed vampires. After all, we must remain hidden for hum
ans to leave their torches and pitchforks in their sheds.”

  “That is very generous of you,” Hans commented, grasping Perri’s hand.

  “Think of it as an investment into our future,” Theo replied.

  Hans led Perri out of the mansion and helped her get into the passenger’s seat of his car. Many thoughts were swirling in his mind, and he didn’t like any of them. He had managed to get Theo to cooperate, but there was no feeling of joy or completion. Instead, he worried that Theo had an ulterior motive and wanted to take Perri away from him.

  He got in the car and started the engine. Since he didn’t want to talk, he turned on the radio that played one of the recent pop songs that he didn’t care for. If Theo was putting on an act to seem kind and caring to gain her trust and affection, Hans needed to keep them apart. Yet, that damn werewolf was finally open to negotiations with Lucas’ pack.

  His head began to hurt from intense thinking, and he blew out a breath.

  Perri patted his hand that was on the gear stick. “Are you feeling unwell anywhere?”

  He stole a glance at her. She seemed to be oblivious to the war that was going on inside of him. His emotions got the best of him, and he pulled to the side of the dirt road.

  “Why are we stopping?” she asked.

  Hans grabbed her by the arms and pulled her against him. Pressing her body to his chest, he inhaled her sweet scent and buried his head in the crook of her neck. “I thought I’d lost you…” He kissed her neck and shoulder, and her breathing hitched.

  Perri wrapped her arms around him and whispered, “I am glad you are okay, too. Lotte told me that you were going to be attacked, and I worried all day long. I’m glad that it was Theo who found me and not someone else.”

  He pulled back enough to see her face. “Have you fallen for him?”

  “Of course not!” She cupped his cheeks. “The only man I’ve ever loved and will always love is you, Hans. My heart only beats for you.”

  He slid her hands away from his face and held the back of her neck as he kissed her. The possessiveness he wanted to hide in the deepest caverns of his soul was escaping. It may scare her, but there was no other choice. His desire for her was skyrocketing with each passing day they spent together. Her voice, smiles, eyes, body—they were what brought him peace of mind and made the living hell that his life was into something worthwhile.

  She opened her mouth for him, and he plunged his tongue inside, seeking to taste her as well as possess her. She was his and no one else’s. No man would ever touch her. He would make sure of it. And, just as he would shower her with his love that burned him from inside, he would make it so that she would never stop loving him.

  He drew away, giving her enough room to catch her breath. The colour had returned to her cheeks, making him smile.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, stroking the golden waves of her hair.

  Her blush deepened, and she tugged on the oversized T-shirt that she was wearing. “In these clothes, I am anything but beautiful.”

  “The clothes are not what makes me adore you. It is your pure heart, your kind spirit, and the compassion you have for others. Every day, I fear that you will find another man who is more suitable than me and leave me behind. It was why I could not show my true feelings until now. I did not wish to restrain you by binding you to me unnecessarily. But now, I see that I can no longer abide by my old logic. There is nothing in this world that I want to have more than you and your heart.”

  She smiled brightly and kissed him on the lips. “You have no idea how happy your words make me. I have yearned to hear them ever since the day you saved me in the market when I was a child.” She kissed him again. “I love you, Hans.”

  He smiled back and pressed his forehead to hers. “I love you, too.”




  Pulled by the hand through the Council building, Perri worried that she would trip over her feet as Hans moved without stopping even when his subordinates called out to him. She knew the direction they were headed in was towards the living quarters.

  Is he going to ask me to leave again?

  That option made the most sense to her. She went from being kidnapped by one of the hounds who worked for some strange order to being used as a hostage for a day in the den of a werewolf alpha. Though, she didn’t mind spending her time with Theodor and learning more about his career and passion for writing. On the surface, he appeared intimidating, but he had his own charm and strictness about him that reminded her a little of Master Vincent.

  Up ahead, Andrea stepped in Hans’ path, blocking their way. “Master Hans, there are matters you must attend to.”

  Hans groaned. “I won’t be available for the next few hours. These matters you speak of can wait.”

  “Shouldn’t we question Perri about Lotte and her reasons for betraying the Council? Since she has returned, it would be best to—”

  Hans stared the hound down. “Did you not hear me, Andrea?”

  In an instant, Andrea’s eyes widened. She lowered her gaze to the ground. “As you command, Master Hans. You will be left undisturbed until you say otherwise.”

  “Good,” he grumbled and brushed past Andrea who remained stock-still in the corridor.

  Perri looked over her shoulder at the vampire woman. When did Andrea become scared of Hans? Her reaction made Perri uncomfortable, so she licked her lips. What happened in the short amount of time that I was away?

  Entering Hans’ room, he pushed Perri inside and locked the door behind him. He blew out a breath and walked to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. For a long minute, he stared at his feet, saying nothing.

  Perri edged closer to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Is something bothering you?”

  He removed her hand and kissed her palm. “The duty of a Councilman is heavier than any crown a man can wear. Not only must I hide my true persona behind the façade of an indifferent or a cruel being, I must also consider every action and how it would impact both mortals and immortals in this world.” He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waistline and burying his face in her T-shirt. “This single selfish action is wreaking havoc on my conscience. I know I should not have dismissed Andrea like that. She has to report to me her findings, yet I cannot bring myself to leave your side right now. I know that if I did, I would be gone for a long time.”

  She stroked his dark locks with tenderness and love, allowing her fingers to feel the texture and the softness of his hair. A smile appeared on her lips. He cared for her a lot. There was no greater happiness than finding out that the man she loved thought about her to such an extent.

  “To alleviate some of your pain, I will tell you what Lotte told me on that night.” Perri unravelled his arms around her middle and took a seat next to him. “She spoke of some order. An Order of Eight, I believe. She said that they were planning to kill you and Lucious, which is why I think we haven’t heard any news from Helena and Lucious.”

  He shot up and fished out his phone out of his pocket. “I will contact Grim and ask if he was able to locate them.”

  Perri nodded and intertwined her fingers on her lap.

  Hans moved to stand by the window. His expression betrayed his worry for their friends, and Perri’s heart constricted in her chest. He got through to the hound and launched into a phone conversation with him.

  Perri looked around his room. The last time she was here, he had kissed her deeply. Her fingers brushed her lower lip. She could almost feel his lips parting hers. She shook her head. What am I thinking about? This wasn’t the time to think such thoughts. Her friends could be in danger. It was too bad that she hadn’t realised that was the case sooner.

  Hans ended the call and smiled. “Grim said that Lucious and Helena are alive.”

  “Does that mean something did happen to them?”

  “Yes. It seems that whoever these people are, they have connections everywhere. We must be careful from now on.
Do not ever leave my sight, understood?”

  She gave him a bright smile. “It would be my pleasure to remain by your side.”

  He put his phone away and moved to stand before her. With a solemn look, he cupped her cheek and lifted her face. “The spirit who bound us was no spirit, Perri. She came to me and gave me power when I desperately needed it.”

  She gasped. “You too? She came to me as well, but what do you mean that Morna wasn’t a spirit?”

  “She is a goddess or, at least, that was what she said to me.”

  Perri scrunched her brows together. “So a goddess made me give up half of my soul for the power to protect myself?”

  He removed his hand from her face and squatted down. “It makes me relieved to know that you will have a way to defend yourself.”

  Studying him up close, her cheeks turned pink. She wanted to kiss him so much that she had to wrinkle the material of her T-shirt with her hands to keep her desire in check.

  “What’s wrong?” he inquired.

  Perri pressed her lips together. “I—I want to kiss you.”

  Hans didn’t wait a moment longer. He snaked his hand around her neck and pulled her in for a slow kiss that quickly turned into one full of longing. In turn, her arms wound around his neck as she sank to sit on the ground.

  She parted her lips, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth. In a heated dance that she wished would never end, she tightened her hold on him. She didn’t want for something to ruin the moment or rip him away from her. It had been her dream to become one with him the second he had agreed to be spiritually bound to her.

  Hans pulled back, summoning a moan of complaint from her. Her lips were glistening from the kiss and, with hooded eyes, she looked at his handsome face that she wanted to wake up next to every morning.

  “The floor is not a comfortable place for what we both want,” he said with a chuckle.

  Her blush deepened, and they got up. He took hold of her hand and seated her on the bed again. Removing her shoes, he noticed her bandaged knee. Then, his eyes diverted to the wound on her palm.


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