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A Kiss For The Cameras

Page 1

by Olivia Jaymes


  The Hollywood Showmance Chronicles

  Book One


  Olivia Jaymes


  Copyright © 2017 by Olivia Jaymes

  Kindle Edition

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Purely Business. No hearts involved…

  That’s how this public relations romance – a showmance – was described to best selling author Paige Mitchell. Dating Hollywood heartthrob Nate Mason is all for the publicity. He’ll hold her hand down the red carpet and in return she’ll let him star in the movie based on her book. It’s a win-win for both of them.

  Nate is charming and sexy with perfectly polished cheekbones and a smooth as chocolate British accent. She’s an American soccer mom who has had less than good luck in the love department. They shouldn’t have anything in common except ambition.

  The more time they spend together, the more Paige begins to see the man behind the spoiled movie star façade. In private, he’s a different person and things are starting to get very personal. It’s going to be difficult to remember…

  They’re only kissing for the cameras.


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  About the Author

  Other Books by Olivia Jaymes


  Paige Mitchell needed a cup of coffee and a slice of lemon cake and she needed it right away. She’d spent the last hour of her life in a meeting with her agent Kris Hamilton and nothing had been good news. All her dreams were beginning to evaporate before her very eyes. She’d hoped she was close but it didn’t look like it was going to happen.

  “We’ll get a couple of coffees and you’ll feel better,” Carrie Johnson said, patting Paige on the shoulder. Carrie handled the business side of Paige’s writing but most of all she was a friend.

  “Lemon cake,” Paige sighed. “I want lemon cake too. Then at least this entire day won’t be a bust. I’ll have had sugar.”

  “Lots of lemon cake,” Carrie laughed. “And lots of fancy coffee. No better way that I know of to make a day suck less. Why don’t you grab a table and I’ll order?”

  There were a few empty ones near the back and Paige made a beeline for the cleanest, setting her purse on the empty chair beside her. She was checking the messages on her phone when the raised voices on the other side of the shop caught her attention. Sucking in a breath, her entire being was on high alert when she saw who it was.

  Nate Mason. Movie star. Sex symbol. British Prince Charming.

  The handsome actor was currently surrounded by fawning women – no surprise there – and was signing autographs and taking selfies with them. Laughing and smiling, he appeared to be quite at home with his adoring fans.

  “Did you see who’s here?” Carrie loudly whispered, placing two plates of lemon cake on the table along with two large vanilla lattes. “It’s him. Flynn.”

  Not even close.

  “He’s not Flynn. Flynn is a character made up in my warped imagination and brought to life in a series of books. Nate Mason is an actual live human being.”

  Settling in the chair across from her, Carrie studied the actor. “Are you sure? Because damn, he is fine looking. Almost too good to be true.”

  He was an exceptionally good-looking man. A few inches over six feet, he was tall and lean but still muscular, with long arms and legs. His perfectly chiseled face had a firm jaw and impossibly high cheekbones along with clear blue eyes. All that gorgeousness was topped off with a mop of golden curls that lately he’d kept cut short on the sides.

  “He’s real,” Paige affirmed, trying not to stare. “But he’s not Flynn. He’s too…something. And he’s not enough…something else.”

  As a bestselling author for the last ten years, Paige had created too many characters to count but none had stuck with her like Flynn had. He was a hero with all the traits that went along with that role, and he was the lead male in her most successful book series. He was also the reason Hollywood had come knocking. There was great interest into turning her books into a feature film. Maybe several feature films.

  Or there had been interest. After the meeting today with her agent it didn’t look like any movie was going to be made. Paige was a self-admitted control freak and she wanted to play a part in the making of the film – casting approval, director choice, and more. Kris had broken it to her today that her hopes were a pipe dream. She simply wasn’t a big enough celebrity to get that kind of control. Not enough clout, Kris has said. If only Paige were more famous. More in demand, then she’d have more bargaining power.

  “Why don’t you go over there and get a picture with him?” Carrie suggested. “I heard that he loves to read. Maybe he’s read one of your books.”

  The idea was horrifying.

  “Heavens no,” Paige replied crisply. “I couldn’t just walk up to him and say hello. That’s crazy talk.”

  Carrie pointed to the half dozen panting women that had formed a circle around him.

  “They did.”

  “More power to them but that’s not me.”

  Paige took a big bite of her lemon cake and smiled. She’d needed this all morning. She liked New York City but she was a homebody normally, puttering around her Florida home in her pajamas and working on her books. Being around all these people was stressful. She’d had to put on a bra when she’d dressed today.

  “He looks happier than he did a year ago when he got caught cheating on Stella Riley with those two women,” Carrie observed. “In fact, he always looked miserable whenever they were photographed together. He looked like a hostage being forced to play for the cameras. I wasn’t surprised when they broke up ugly.”

  Paige had vague memories of the incident but she didn’t pay much attention to the press when she was in the middle of writing a book. The one thing she did remember was that he’d been thrown under a speedi
ng bus by that America’s Sweetheart Wannabe.

  “It was his own business.” Paige took a sip of her hot coffee. “A grown man had sex. Big deal. The press didn’t let up on him.”

  “Stella said he cheated on her and those two females said he’s a kinky bastard. So much for that British gentleman image he has.”

  “Honestly, no one can be that perfect so that wasn’t a shock.” Paige shook her head. “And we don’t know what was really going on between him and her. As for those two girls, I think it was awful that they spilled all his secrets online. It was a gross invasion of privacy. No one deserves that.”

  “I’ll agree with that. The way Stella Riley went on and on for weeks you’d have thought they’d been together for years and not months. Some people said the relationship wasn’t even real.”

  Paige frowned. “What do you mean not real?”

  “You know, a showmance. They did it for the publicity and didn’t even like each other. You can’t cheat on someone you aren’t really dating.”

  “I’ve never heard of such a thing and it honestly sounds stupid. You’d have to be pretty desperate to get your name in the paper to do something like that. Now what’s on the agenda for the rest of the afternoon?”

  Carrie shook her plastic fork at Paige. “Eat up because you have a meeting with your new publicist in an hour. You’re going to follow her advice, aren’t you?”

  No matter how painful.

  “I already am. We’re going to that movie premiere tonight. Something I normally would never do but she’s said my appearance will help raise my profile so I can have more clout with the studios.”

  The look Carrie gave Paige spoke volumes. They both knew it was going to take much more than one movie premiere. Paige had been warned. It was going to take a concerted effort over the next year or so and she was going to have to move out of her comfort zone. She couldn’t wear her beloved pajamas on the red carpet.

  Paige followed Carrie’s gaze to where Nate Mason was now accepting his coffee and taking a selfie with the barista behind the counter.

  “I know you don’t agree but I think he’d make an amazing Flynn,” Carrie sighed, her brows raised as they watched him thank the swooning girls and exit the coffee shop. Paige was almost positive she could hear the female hearts breaking as they stared at his gorgeous ass exiting. “Do you think he’d want to play him in the movie?”

  “Right now there is no movie unless I cave and just hand it over to the studio to do whatever they want with it, and I can’t do that, Carrie. I just can’t. Flynn is…special. As for Nate Mason? It’s not worth discussing since I would never choose him. Besides, I’m sure he turns down offers every day. What would make this movie look enticing to him? In a completely theoretical world, that is.”

  Carrie tapped her chin. “He plays a lot of bad guys. Flynn is a hero. That might be a nice change for him.”

  “You’re getting way ahead of yourself. There is no movie. Not yet, and maybe never.”

  Still staring at the door, Carrie sighed. “There has to be a way to make this film happen. I know that somehow it’s going to work out.”

  Paige looked out of the front window at the bustling city street. “Let’s face it. Something drastic is going to have to happen to get this movie made, and at this point in my life I’m not sure I’d even survive it.”

  But she wouldn’t give up.


  Paige tapped her foot impatiently as her publicist painstakingly reviewed the document in front of her. It was a schedule of upcoming interviews, appearances, parties, and award shows she was expected to attend and the mere thought of all those people staring at her was already raising her blood pressure and making the back of her neck sweat. She didn’t like being the center of attention.

  Call her an introvert. Call it social anxiety. Call her stuck up and shy. Paige didn’t care what label was slapped on her as long as she was left alone to do what she wanted to do. Shunning an active social life had turned her into one of the most prolific authors on the bestseller lists. A fact she was quite proud of. She was living her dream.

  Her life was beginning to become slightly surreal. In her wildest dreams, she’d never imagined sitting in the posh New York City offices of an entertainment publicist talking about raising her profile and selling more books.

  “Paige, are you listening to me?”

  Oops. Not really.

  Helen Bailey was one of the best in the business. Paige knew she was lucky to have the older woman in her corner but that didn’t mean she also had to be thrilled by everything that was suggested. She could be around people when she had to be. But dammit, it was exhausting to be “on” all the time.

  To be her. Paige Mitchell. Famous author.

  Sighing, she shook her head in defeat. “Actually I think you lost me a few events back. Do I really need to attend all of these, Helen? I have a huge production schedule planned for the next eighteen months and all these events are going to put a crimp in that. The fans are screaming for new books faster than I can write them. A few days ago my dry cleaner spent fifteen minutes telling me what should happen in my next book and how I needed to write it.”

  Helen gave her a sympathetic look. “I know you think all of this won’t make a difference but I promise you it will. Hollywood wants your stories and you want creative control. You need the fans screaming for those stories so the studios don’t have any choice but to give you what you want. This is the way to make that happen.”

  Paige grimaced as she perused the multi-page schedule. “Whatever happened to just writing a damn good book?”

  “It was never like that, my dear. Writers have always needed publicity and marketing. You’re just seeing how the sausage is made, so to speak. It’s not pretty but it is necessary.”

  “Maybe I should just take their money and give them the books. Walk away and let them do whatever they want. It might be easier.”

  Helen laughed and shook her head. “Ask Stephen King what he thinks about that.”

  “Stephen isn’t taking my calls,” Paige smirked.

  “You follow my plan and I guarantee that within two years Stephen King is going to ask to meet you.”

  Laughter bubbled from Paige’s lips. “Right. Like that will ever happen. Well, as long as I’m dreaming I’d like to meet J.K. Rowling as well. Might as well swing for the fences.”

  Looking down at the neatly laid out schedule, Paige’s stomach twisted into a tight knot. Could she really do this? Could she pull it off?

  “Helen, I’m not sure I’m up to this. I don’t see other authors running around to movie premieres and parties. I don’t see them doing a lot of interviews and magazine covers. Why would anyone be interested in me? I’m a middle-aged widow with a teenage son. I like to read, eat chocolate, and binge watch cooking shows. I’m not exciting or glamorous.”

  Helen smiled and tapped her chin as she sat back in her chair. “I’m going to tell you the truth, Paige, because I think you deserve it. There were a few reasons I agreed to take you on as a client. One of them was that I love your books. You’re a great writer. The second is that the minute I met you, I adored you. You’re funny and smart. You make people feel at ease and you think quickly on your feet. You’re very attractive and personable, and people like to buy books from pretty, happy people. If you’d been a depressed alcoholic with two noses and three eyes, I would have declined the opportunity. Does that confession bother you?”

  “I’m not sure,” she replied slowly. “But it still doesn’t help me at all these functions. There’s nothing special about me.”

  Snorting, Helen rolled her eyes. “You’re a lovely woman inside and out, Paige. People are drawn to you because you are also smart and funny along with a dose of down to earth. But I know that you’re concerned about this schedule. Which brings me to my next agenda item. There’s been an offer.”

  “An offer?” Paige frowned. “Shouldn’t they contact my agent?”

that kind of offer. It’s a publicity arrangement. Are you interested?”

  “I don’t know enough of what that is to say yes or no.”

  Helen rubbed her chin, her expression neutral. “A friend of mine who is also a publicist is aware that you are my client. They’ve made an offer that I think you should consider. It would be of benefit for you and for his client as well.”

  Paige was more confused than ever. “What’s the offer?”

  “A relationship for publicity between you and his client.”

  Paige’s brows pinched together. “What kind of relationship? You mean like a writing partner? I work alone, Helen.”

  “Not that sort of relationship. A personal relationship for the cameras. You go out together all sorts of places, get your picture taken together, and snag some much needed press for yourself. The public loves a love story. Celebrities are more interesting when they’re a couple.”

  She was beginning to see. Maybe. But surely not?

  “Carrie mentioned something like this to me earlier today. She used the word showmance.”

  Nodding, Helen scooped up the papers on the desk. “That’s it exactly. You and he would pretend to be a couple. You’d go to parties together, walk red carpets, basically be seen as a couple in love.”

  “I’ll tell you what I told Carrie. That sounds crazy. Why would anyone go to all that trouble? No, absolutely not.”

  Helen sighed and pointed to the sheaf of papers. “Don’t discard this out of hand. Think about it. Think about having someone help you through all of these social engagements. Someone who knows the ropes. Having a strong arm walk you down the red carpet and helping you when you want to hide in the limo. Think about having someone on your side when it all feels like too much. That’s what they’re offering and frankly I think you should seriously consider it. Or you can go it alone. It’s up to you.”

  “I’m fine with the way things are.”

  “No, you’re comfortable with how things are. You’re so comfortable you’re stagnating. I can’t help you unless you help yourself. You need to think about what you’re willing to do to get this movie made.” She held up the schedule. “You’re going to have to put yourself out there. You’re going to have to admit that you’re ambitious and that you want this. Think about how hard you had to work to get your first bestselling novel. You’re going to have to work ten times as hard or more to get your first movie deal on your terms.”


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