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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

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by Brair Lake

  ‘Sweet tongued. The pair of them.’ The words taste bitter to me, and as soon as I can, I’m ringing Bastion. I’m going home. I want my comfort.

  ‘Maybe - Hey, why don’t we hook up when I’m done here… If you’re not with anyone.’

  My gaze lingers over Crow. I estimate he’s around twenty. His brown eyes warm me as he caresses me with his gaze. His dark hair hangs in loose kinks, stopping just short of his shoulders. His nose is slightly crooked. Instead of diminishing his looks, it adds an aura to him, yep he’s a bad boy. His lips beneath his mustache and beard are plump. Kissable lips flash through my mind as I watch them move. My own tongue licks my lips.

  ‘I’m bound to be free as I’m not working tonight.’ I coo. I haven’t lied. At the moment, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing. No one has said anything to me, and as far as I’m concerned, I was free. ‘Is it okay if I stand here with you.’

  The biker scans the room, then shakes his head while his fingers stroke my spine. ‘You may not be working - But you’d best go mix. Go and entertain the customers while they wait for one of the other women.’

  ‘Remove your fucking hand Crow and return to work.’ I jump back at the sharpness in the voice. My gaze flashing over to Sundance, who has suddenly appeared. His smile is missing as he glowers at the young biker, and my body begins to tremble as I sidle up closer to Crow. Crow’s smile doesn’t waver as he steps to the side, his gaze turning to me.

  ‘Gotta return to work - I’ll catch up with you later.’

  Chapter 4

  ‘You were rude.’

  ‘His fucking hands were all over you.’ I watch Sugar Jay roll her eyes as she turns away from me. Her smile slipping, and I want it back. There was a time when I could make her laugh without trying.

  ‘Why don’t we go for a ride.’


  I smile, Sugar Jay is staring at me as though I have grown a second head, and without thinking, I reach out and twirl a loose curl of her dark hair. The silky texture of the strand, comforts me as I twist it between my fingers and a familiar warmth seeps through me. A feeling I quickly bury as I release her hair, stepping away from her. ‘Tomorrow. You and I can go for a ride.’

  I study Sugar Jay. I watch the way her gaze flickers around the room before coming to rest on me. The way her pink tongue runs over her red painted lips. I lower my head. I want to taste her. To find out if the memory I have of her, is just as real. Sugar Jay always reminds me of Christmas. The last time I had tasted her, she had tasted of cinnamon and apple. And I crave for the taste again. Then the spell is broken, and my head jerks back.

  ‘What about Charlie?’

  ‘I’m sure Apple-Pie or one of the other women will be happy to watch him for a few hours.’


  ‘Don’t say no.’

  When Sugar Jay nods slowly, the warmth returns, curling in my stomach. ‘Where’s Charlie?’

  ‘In his crib.’

  ‘Who’s watching him.’

  ‘Layla, I guess.’

  My gaze shifts over to the redhead who’s shaking her head vigorously as her mouth opens and closes rapidly at Trax. ‘You guess. What do you mean you guess?’

  Again Sugar Jay rolls her shoulder. ‘She has his monitor and Apple-Pie said no unauthorized people go up to the second floor.’

  I scan the room, my gaze settles on another biker, his dark green eyes thoughtful as he watches the dancers as he sat by the private entrance door. The door which leads to Devil’s Comfort personal domain, and I relax, no-one will pass Chilli.

  ‘Crow said you’re the one who brings the women to the club.’

  ‘Erm - yeah.’ Slowly I guide Sugar Jay to the bar. My hand warmed by the flesh of her lower back. As my cock twitches, my fingers itch to stroke her flesh. For too long my lust has laid dormant and unsated. Tonight if I handle Sugar Jay right, I’ll get to play. My smile which has been missing, soon appears. Yeah, bringing Sugar Jay to Burntwood Creek was a smart idea. My smile deepens as I remember the conversation I had with Bastion, and the promises I made to get her here.

  ‘Really Sundance - You’re that proud of bringing these women here.’

  ‘They’re street hookers. I offered them a room, and protection from the scum they had to deal with.’

  ‘Jeez Sundance. Who can turn down such a job opportunity.’


  ‘What are these?’ I pick up the pillows and blanket, then carelessly throw them back onto the sofa without waiting for an answer. My body is buzzing. I’ve had a couple of beers, and finally I have Sugar Jay in my room. My gaze went over to the wall by the open door, Charlie is stirring, and I smile as I step towards him. I blink as I watch my son’s small fist curl and uncurl. I helped create this small creature, and each time I see him, my stomach quivers and my heart skips a beat.

  ‘Leave him. He’ll soon settle back down.’

  My gaze flickers over Sugar Jay as she steps into the small bathroom. Slowly I follow her and stand by the door, listening to the water as it runs in the sink. The scrubbing of teeth has me licking my lips and swiftly I yank off my cut and tee-shirt. My cock aches, and I went to stand in front of the mirror on the worn dresser. My hands run over my chin and my lips pucker. I don’t need a shave; I’d had one earlier. I pull my boots and jeans off. My smile widening as I turn towards the bathroom door as it clicks shut. Blood thunders through me. Sugar Jay is leaning against the closed door, her legs bare. The hem of the large pale blue tee-shirt she wore, scarcely reaches her thighs. Her gray eyes watch me. When I move closer, she dives from the door to stand beside the red sofa.

  ‘I didn’t think the sofa would be big enough for you. So I thought you could have the bed.’

  My smile doesn’t waver as I step closer to her. ‘No-one sleeps on the sofa. Now get your sweet ass over to the bed before I carry you over.’

  Sugar Jay shakes her head. Her eyes flashing. ‘No. I agreed to share your room. Not your bed.’

  ‘Our room - Our bed.’

  My smile turns to a scowl as I watch her turn her back on me. Then she’s fluffing the pillows and shaking the blanket. Still, I continue to watch as she climbs onto the sofa. Only when she pulls the blanket under her arms, do I advance towards her. With a squeal and a sharp ‘Put me down.’ From Sugar Jay, I heave her over my shoulder, slapping her ass when she pummels my back. When she bites my shoulder, I slip my hand under the blanket, stroking her thigh, which has Sugar Jay squealing once more. ‘Put me down.’

  ‘Anything to oblige Ma’am.’

  She lands with a soft thud as she bounces when I drop her onto the bed. Her fingers gripping the blanket tighter as it begins to slide. My chuckle is deep as I sit on the edge of the bed. My fingers trace the soft contour of her chin. Then I lower my head. A murmur escapes me at the spicy taste of Sugar Jay’s lips. Yep, she tastes of Christmas. As much as I want to be inside her, I’m in no rush. For now, all I want, is to taste her. To feel her soft skin as my fingers skim over her flesh. With a growl I push the blanket away. My fingers seek the hem of her tee-shirt. My growl deepens when Sugar Jay’s fingers creep into my hair to grip into my scalp. The tentative thrust of her body against mine, encourages me to remove the offending nightwear. When I break the kiss, I push myself back. My fingers linger on her collar bone as my glazed eyes roam over her naked body. My smile spreads at the tangled blanket wrapped around her legs.


  With a shake of my head, I place two fingers against her swollen lips. ‘Don’t say anything Sugar Jay - Just feel.’

  My voice is soft, and Sugar Jay murmurs as she leans into the pillow. Her sigh filling the room when I slowly drag the blanket away from her legs. Her murmur turns to a hiss when my lips gently touch the flesh of her thigh. My growl growing at the slight shudder her legs give as I continue to kiss my way down her legs. My cock, aches and throbs, and still I continue to tease Sugar Jay with the soft touch of my lips.

  My tongue makes t
entative licks against her flesh as I work my way back up her other leg. When the muskiness of her arousal tingles my nose, I spread her legs further, throwing them over my shoulder as I settle between her thighs. My gaze left her womanhood to glance up her body. My smile intensifying as I watch the slight blush rise over her flesh. Sugar Jay’s head lay abandoned as she clutches on to the pillow. As I continue to watch her, I run a finger over her lower stomach, mewling as the flesh quivered. She is mine.

  The first touch of my tongue has Sugar Jay’s body jerking against my mouth. Her taste invades me, making me purr. Her cream coats my tongue when I lick her sensitive skin. Her thighs clamp onto the sides of my head as my tongue brushes over her heated clit. A gentle tug on the swollen bud has Sugar Jay’s hips rising off the bed as she pushes against my mouth.

  ‘Oh Fuck Sundance - I can’t believe I’d forgotten this.’

  I chuckle against her pussy. My body shuffling up slightly, as I go in search of her tits. My hand strokes her lower stomach and my head pounds. I want to taste, touch and bite every part of her. When my lips find the ridged nipple, I suckle on the swollen flesh. My hands firm on Sugar Jay’s hips as she twists beneath me. I’m ready to cum, and I want inside her body.

  Instead of satisfying my growing urge, I continue to play with her nipples. My teeth nipping at the erect buds. My fingers pull and tug on her free nub. Sugar Jay wraps her legs around my waist as her fingers clench into my shoulders. I give a wiggle, and slowly I aligned my cock with her pussy. Tentatively, I push against her.

  Then my world is spinning as I roll over, and land with a loud thud on the floor. ‘What the fuck.’

  Sugar Jay jerks the sheet around her body. Her hair wild as she pushes her hand through the tangled mess. ‘No - I was too easy for you the last time - But not this time.’

  I gulp back a mouthful of air to steady my breathing. My hands shake as I stare at Sugar Jay, watching her as she moves to the sofa. ‘Look….’

  Sugar Jay shakes her head. ‘No Sundance. You can’t just turn up and expect me to fall into bed with you. Not after the way you treated me.’

  Even to my own ears, my laughter doesn’t sound right, maybe a little mocking. But fuck, I’m frustrated as hell, and my dick aches. Shit, I hadn’t fancied giving myself a hand job tonight. Not when I have Sugar Jay in my room and in my bed.

  ‘Damn it. You were with me, Sugar Jay.’

  The blush grew brighter as she looks anywhere but at me. My gaze is on her tits, watching them as they jiggle. I moan. Through the thin sheet I can see the pale pink tips of her nipples protruding against the cloth. She’s just as aroused as I am. Fuck, I can still taste her cream on my tongue. ‘Hell, Sugar Jay. I bet if I was to touch you know. You’d go off like a firecracker.’

  Sugar Jay blinks as her tongue licks her lips. ‘That may be true - But it doesn’t mean I want to. And I don’t Sundance. I’m more than a convenient lay. If that’s what you want - There’s plenty of willing whores’ downstairs.’

  I step closer. My fingers stroke the warm exposed flesh of her arm. When my fingers tingle, I know I shouldn’t touch her. ‘But I don’t want them. I want you.’

  ‘We don’t always get what we want. - When I wanted you. When you could have had me. You brushed me off. Pushed me aside while you went and played with the whores at Devil’s Comfort.’

  I stumble back. My gaze going to the night sky. The moon hidden, and only the odd star glimmers. ‘I haven’t fucked another woman since Charlie’s birth.’

  Through the dark glass, I study Sugar Jay. She hasn’t moved from the sofa. Her fingers play with the sheet at her tits. And I wish she’d let go. Let the sheet fall so I can look at her body. ‘What do you want Sundance. A fucking medal.’

  ‘While I’m in the bathroom, get in the bed.’

  ‘Are you going to use the sofa?’

  ‘No - The bed’s big enough for the both of us without me touching you.’

  Chapter 5

  When Sundance stops the bike in front of a large white church, my gaze falls on to the tall spire before drifting over several large stained windows. At the back of the building, there’s an extension with a bell tower above it. The lawn is neatly cut, and several Red Maples line the path.

  ‘Why did you bring me here.’

  Sundance ignores my question, and as I alight from the bike, he stays where he is. His fingers tapping the handlebar. His sunglasses hide his expression from me, making it difficult for me to read his thoughts. Is he thinking the same as me. About last night. Quickly I spin around to face the church once more.

  True to his word, when he crawled into bed, he hadn’t touched me. He simply pulled the covers over his shoulder, and turned his back on me. It hadn’t taken long for his snores to fill the room. While for me, it had taken several hours and plenty of twisting in the bed before I finally settled down to an uneasy sleep.

  When I woke, the bed and the room were empty. Charlie was also missing from his crib, and when I went in search of him, I found him in the kitchen where Sundance was feeding him. A smile played around Sundance’s lips and for a while I remained at the door watching them together. Then Sundance glanced up at me, and a shutter had come over him. The shutters had remained in place even as he reminded me of his promise to take me for a spin. I was tempted to tell him to go to hell. Luckily, the chance to spend time with the biker outweighed my desire to be a bitch to him.

  ‘This is where I grew up,’ The abruptness of his voice pulls me back to the present. My gaze locking onto the church.



  As I continue to stare at the old building, I try, and fail to reconcile the church with the man beside me. It’s only when his hand cups my waist to guide me up the gravel path, I realize how close Sundance is. ‘I thought you were living in the streets when Twiggy found you?’

  ‘I was.’

  ‘Oh.’ Instead of stopping at the large doors, Sundance continues up the path. The tremble of his hand against my body alarms me. Occasionally, his fingers dig into my flesh, only to relax a moment later. Almost as though he is forcing them too. It isn’t until we’re standing in front of another building, that he halts. His fingers burrowing deeper into my waist. I went to take a sneak peek at Sundance, but he still wore his sunglasses, hiding his gaze from me. Hiding what else from me, I wondered.

  ‘Are we going inside.’ Sundance tugs on my waist as he guides me to one side. I want to know why he has brought me here, and refuse to follow him. ‘Sundance?’

  ‘The house is new. The one I grew up in, burnt down.’

  ‘Where’s your family now?’

  ‘Over here.’

  Sundance releases me as I give the house one last look before following him. The black iron gate creaks when he pushes it open. I follow, coming to halt when I realize we are in the cemetery. ‘Your folks are dead?’

  Sundance nods as he points down the path for me to take, which I did. Only stopping, when his fingers curl around my arm. The gravestone is made of black and white granite. In the center is a gold cross. Underneath the cross in gold lettering were the names of two people. ‘Did they die in the fire.’

  ‘Along with my sister. - She was ten.’ My gaze shifts to the next stone. This one has a picture of young, blond haired, blue eyed girl embedded in it.

  ‘You couldn’t have been much older?’


  ‘And you survived the fire?’

  ‘I wasn’t there.’

  ‘Where were you?’

  Sundance rolls his shoulder as he turns away. ‘I wasn’t there.’

  ‘Do you know what caused the fire.’

  Without removing his glasses, I sense his stare burrowing into me, and a shiver passes over me. I have an urge to reach out. To touch him. To tell him everything is going to be okay. Still something holds me back. Stops me from offering him any comfort.

  ‘No. I skipped town once my family was buried. There was nothing left for me here.�

  ‘Why did you come back to Burntwood Creek?’

  Sundance’s hollow laughter leaves me shuddering. The sky darkens as the sun slips behind a cloud. ‘Because this is where Trax’s family lives, and this is the fucking town he decided he wants to run.’

  ‘You could have stayed in Comfort Springs.’

  Sundance’s gaze swept over the graveyard. ‘We’re cleaning the town up, and taking it back as ours Sugar Jay.’

  ‘By keeping a whore house?’

  ‘The girls are free to leave if they choose to.’

  I roll my eyes as I take a final glance at the headstones. My gaze resting on Sundance once more. As I stare at him, I believe he is about to slam the doors on me. ‘We’re going to talk about it you know.’

  ‘About what.’

  ‘You - Your past. Everything.’

  ‘Let it go Sugar Jay - There really is nothing to talk about.’

  I remain where I am, watching Sundance as he weaves in between the gravestone. ‘If Trax’s hadn’t chosen Burntwood Creek - Would you have returned.’

  Sundance continues to head for the bike without answering, and I nod at another visitor as I ran after him. Grabbing his arm when I reach him.

  ‘We are going to talk Sundance. Charlie has a right to know who his family is.’


  Just like the air around us, the cold soda, Sundance purchased, tastes flat against my tongue. Since leaving the church, he hasn’t spoken, leaving my uncomfortable and hesitant to break the silence. This is a side of him I have never witnessed before, and I’m wary of how to handle him.

  ‘A preacher’s son.’

  Sundance raises his head. His blue eye gaze startling as he stares into me. I wish he would smile. The smile which had me falling for him when I first saw him. ‘Does it bother you?’

  ‘No. Does Trax and the others know?’

  ‘I told them when Trax decided he wanted to move here.’

  ‘And he didn’t change his mind.’


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