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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

Page 9

by Brair Lake

  ‘I’m walking back.’

  ‘Shit, Sugar. You came out with me. I’ll take you back to the club.’ I don’t stop walking when Sundance’s hand lands on my arm. ‘I can walk – It’s not far.’


  ‘What are you doing.’

  ‘Walking you back to the clubhouse.’

  ‘What about the bike.’ I glance over to where Sundance parked it earlier. My gaze glancing over the deserted park.

  ‘It’s not going anywhere.’


  ‘Are you going to say something.’


  ‘Sugar Jay.’ My feet ache. The boots I’m wearing are not constructive for walking in, especially when the walk is taking longer than I had anticipated. Shit did they move the house. ‘You’ll not stay quiet for long.’

  My lips purse together as I bite on them. ‘Looks like I can stay quieter than you.’

  ‘Layla says Charlie can roll on to his stomach now.’


  Sundance’s chuckle warms me and I remind myself I’m mad with him. ‘Did you film it?’

  ‘Did I film what?’

  ‘Stay with the program, Sugar. Charlie rolling.’ Knowing he isn’t about to give up. I release a deep breath then rustle in my purse for my phone. The screen lights the street up as we watch Charlie wiggle and roll for several minutes. ‘He took his time.’

  ‘He was quicker the second time.’

  ‘it’s nice having Charlie around the place. Who would have thought something so small would be such a big thief?’

  ‘You love him?’

  ‘What’s there not to love.’ Sundance stops walking, his gaze on me, and my stomach flips. Sadness surrounds him. ‘That’s another reason I want to break the Brody’s – I want my son to be safe, Sugar Jay. To keep him safe from the likes of Minty.’

  Chapter 14

  After returning to the club, Sugar Jay went to check on Charlie and I sent Crow to fetch the bike. Now I’m sat sipping a beer in Nightshades. There’s no sign of the new girl. Trax stood by the far door wearing a scowl as he watches Layla behind the bar. Tonight I don’t have time to worry about Layla and Trax. I have my own problems. One being the beer tasted warm against my tongue.

  ‘That grimace isn’t good for business.’ Crabby sat his large body on the vacant chair next to me. His gaze steady as he studies me, and I’m not the only one who’s not smiling.

  ‘I guess I’m tired. I’m not made for early starts.’

  Crabby’s glance swept over to Trax. ‘We’ve being doing them for six months Bro.’ I swallow the remaining beer and rise. ‘I’m getting a refill – Want one.’

  ‘So you’re not going to tell me what’s going on.’

  ‘Fuck, Crabby It’s woman stuff.’

  Crabby’s rumble brings an answering one of my own. If there’s one thing I know. It’s that Sugar Jay never stays mad for long.


  I found Sugar Jay in the communal room sitting with one of the club whores. Swiping a couple of beers from the newly built bar, I make my way over. Although Sugar Jay isn’t looking at me. I know she’s watching. I can see the way her eyes flicker under her eyelids. The whore, Marnie, left the table as I sat beside Sugar Jay. Who still refuses to look at me.

  ‘Is Charlie sleeping.’

  Sugar Jay’s eye roll has my mouth quirking. ‘I thought you were working.’

  ‘Nope – Tonight it’s you and me.’

  She doesn’t answer as I continue to watch her. If Sugar Jay wants to play, I have all night. The beer trickles down the back of my throat, but fails to quench my thirst. ‘I didn’t know what to expect.’


  ‘Dinner. I didn’t know what to expect.’

  Sugar Jay glances at me. Her gray eyes searching my face as I hold her gaze. I enjoy watching Sugar Jay. There have been moments when I’ve stood in the doorway, in a corner and watched her. I’ve also avoided her as much. When she lived with Inferno and Baby Blu, I’d stay away from the club. When Trax asked me to come on the road with him. It had been easy to say yes. To escape Sugar Jay, and the awaking inside me.

  ‘Me neither – I thought it went well.’

  I give a shrug as I swallow the last of the beer. My gaze shifting to the bar where I find Maggie behind the counter. With a smile at her, I wave my empty bottle. Sugar Jay’s watching and once more we fall into silence as we watch Maggie come over with fresh beers.

  It isn’t until Maggie turns back to the bar, I return my gaze to Sugar Jay. Earlier, when I told her she was beautiful. It wasn’t a line to get into her pants. Or to make her feel better. It was the truth. She’s always been beautiful and I believe she always will be, even though she is spoiled princess.

  ‘They want me to forget about the past.’

  Sugar Jay wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Her eyes have lost their humor and her mouth is set. ‘Maybe they’re right and it is time to let go.’

  My gaze leaves hers as I stare at the floor. The beer swings in my hands between my knees. ‘Atonement.’

  ‘What about atonement.’

  ‘I have to make the past right, and the only way I can do that, is by delivering Devil’s Comfort justice.’

  ‘What happens when you’ve dealt with Sam and Minty.’

  My smile came easy. Like the beer I’m drinking, which is fresh and cool as it slides down the back of my throat. I savor Sam and Minty’s end. It wouldn’t be long now. Their empire is slowly crumbling. I don’t want them dead. I want them alive. I want them to watch. ‘We party.’

  ‘And what about Charlie.’

  My glance shifts back to Sugar Jay, and the grip around my heart tightens. Although she’s getting too close, I no longer want to fight her. I don’t have the willpower to push her away anymore. She’s the reason I came home. To settle my past.

  ‘I love the boy, Sugar, and I need him to know I set the past right. When he’s a man. I need him to look at me. To be proud of me.’

  ‘And you think by running a whore house and taking over a town. He’ll respect you.’

  I finish my beer with one last deep gulp and place the bottle on the table slowly. The hand she has wrapped around her own bottle, I pry free. My fingers twinning with hers. Her palm is soft against my lips and my tongue licks the flesh.

  ‘He’ll respect me for avenging his family’s death. Tell me Bastion would act differently.’

  ‘I doubt Bastion would have had the same patience and waited as long.’

  ‘They’ll be no more talk of you or Charlie leaving Burntwood Creek.’

  ‘I’m not making any promises Sundance. I’m a mother I have to think of my son.’

  ‘You’re also my lover, Sugar. Tell me you could walk away from us.’

  ‘Like I said, I’ll not make you any promises. What I can give you is a day at a time.

  Although Sugar Jay’s hand still rests against my chin. Her gaze drops. Mesmerized, I watch her tongue slide over red lips I want to kiss. To taste. Sugar deserves her name, she’s the sweetest thing I know. ‘A day at a time.’

  ‘No killings.’

  ‘No killings, Sugar. The club’s only goal is to destroy the Brody’s We want them alive so we can enjoy their downfall.’

  The room has begun to liven up and I want Sugar Jay’s smile back. The one she wore at Aunt Harriot’s. Sugar Jay’s squeal delights me when I drag her on to my lap. Through her jeans, I feel the heat of her flesh. ‘Let’s dance.’

  Chapter 15

  Sundance’s heat filters through to me as we snuggle together on the dancefloor. Someone has put on an old love ballad. In Sundance’s arms I can forget about the problems we have. The demons which plaque him. My hand rests against his heart, and I smile against his chest as it finally begins to slow into a steady beat. When his hips brush against me, I breath in, and savor the touch. His breath tickles my hair. When his hand strokes my back and cups my ass, I move in closer. My clit is alive. I know I
should be angry with him. The promises we have made, are not the ones I want to hear, but it’s something. It’s a start. Sundance needs to put the past to rest and I aim to help him to do that. Do I feel bad because I want him to forget about Emmi? No, Sundance is my man, and I’m going to be his future.

  ‘Let’s get out of here.’

  ‘I thought you’d never ask.’ Sundance has already turned from me. My hand locked in his as he drags me through the crowded room. He doesn’t pause for breath as we stumble up the stairs. My giggles escapes at his eagerness. The door is only just slammed before Sundance pushes me up against the wooden panel. His hands at my hips. His fingers searching for and finding the hem of the top I’m wearing. My pussy is throbbing and I burn. My body is slick, and he hasn’t touched me yet. Whilst Sundance frees the button and zipper on my jeans, I seek his mouth. He tastes of beer, coffee and lemon drizzle cake. His breath is warm and a gasp escapes me when his tongue thrusts into my mouth. My hips surge against his. My legs wrap around his waist. Our tongues tangle. With each thrust and parry we make with our tongues, our hips match in tempo.

  I crave to have Sundance naked beneath me. With fingers which shake, I jerk his cut off. His shirt and tee-shirt follow. It doesn’t take me long to strip Sundance. His flesh is cool against my hands. A dark contract to mine, which are burning. I want more, I want Sundance in me. They’ll be time for loving later. I don’t ask Sundance to wait. My fingers fumble with his zipper, but I soon have it free. His hard hot erection evades my grasp for a moment. Then it’s in my grip. The heat burns in my trembling fingers. His pre-cum slips over my fingers, coating me.


  ‘Back jean pocket.’

  More fumbling and I find the foil package. My teeth rip at the edges while Sundance’s fingers play in my pussy. His touch leaves my stomach clenching, and I’m not sure if I’ll last long enough for him to enter me before I climax. When his finger presses my throbbing clit, I bite my lip to stop myself from exploding. I want Sundance in me. Hard, throbbing, and surging in me.

  My curse is nothing more than a harsh sob when Sundance plunges into me. His hands firm on my hips. My legs wrap around his waist. Thud, thud, thud. The cold touch of the hard wood against my ass doesn’t stop me from taking Sundance in further. I tighten my grip on him. My teeth dig into the corded flesh of his neck. With each surge Sundance makes, I suck harder on his flesh. My pussy grips tightly on to his moving shaft. My feet dig into his ass. Blood roars through my body. My heart bounces against my chest, and still Sundance pounds in me. When I cum, my whole body shudders. I’m too weak to move as I lean against the door. My eyes close whilst my breathing slowly evens out.

  Then my world spins.

  ‘We haven’t finished Sugar.’

  I try to summon a smile as I battle with my eyes to remain open. When both refuse to surface I give up. Only to gasp at the cool touch of his lips against my pussy. Sundance has removed my jeans and now his tongue is swiping over my tender flesh. I don’t care. I stare at the ceiling. My fingers curling into the sheet. The yearning Sundance has just sated is swiftly coming back to life. My breath hitches in the back of my throat. His tongue circles, licks and flicks my clit. It throbs, my hips rise. Sundance is relentless as he suckles and licks, tasting all of me. I give up fighting. My body tightening. My nerves are tight. Sundance slides his tongue into me. My throat squeezes. Slow released air escapes me. He withdraws his tongue to slid his finger into me. Then a second one joins. Slowly he thrust. His lips reach mine. His tongue slips in to my mouth at the same time his fingers went deep. My hips thrust against his moving hand. My fingers latch into his hair. My body is tightening again.

  ‘Your cock.’

  Sundance chuckles against my lips. His fingers still stretching me as my pussy grasps around them, holding onto him.

  ‘What about it.’

  ‘I want it inside me.’


  My body jerks as Sundance continues to thrust in me.


  ‘Don’t let it be said I never give a lady what she wants.’

  Sundance grabs my legs. Spreading them wide. His finger gripping into the flesh of my thigh. His gaze locks with mine. My breath became lost. In one surge, he is deep in me. For a moment he doesn’t move. He simply stares at me. My hips rise and he grins.



  Sundance doesn’t love me softly or gently. His hips are firm as he plunges into me. My hips meet every one of his thrusts.

  ‘Fuck Sundance. I don’t think I can take much more.’

  ‘You can Sugar. You can take everything I give ya.’

  The bed rocked and banged against the wall. The room spun and my ears buzzed.

  Chapter 16

  My silly grin refuses abate and I have this strange urge to twirl and dance as I watch Sundance with Charlie, but settle for hugging myself instead. To the outside world we look like an ordinary family. Sundance has left his bike at home and today we’re miles from Burntwood Creek. Miles from civilian life.

  Charlie’s lying on a blanket. His legs and arms swing madly while Sundance tickles him and blows bubbles on his stomach. Charlie’s rich chuckle trickles through me. I know Sundance loves Charlie. All I need now is for him to love me.

  ‘If you get him too excited he’ll not sleep.’

  Sundance’s warm eyes flicker over my body and my tits answer the slow throb in my pussy. After the night we’ve just spent, I should be sated and tired. Maybe I am, but my body is still hungry for more of him.

  ‘If he stays awake now, he’ll sleep tonight.’

  ‘If he slept now. We could play.’ Sundance’s chuckle leaves my stomach spiraling and I drop to my knees. He hugs me close into him. Charlie’s gray eyes are watching us. A shiver escapes me when Sundance licks my neck. His hand stroking my back.

  ‘Unless I wore you out last night -Is that it. You’re too old now, and can only play at night.’

  ‘I can play anytime Sugar.’ To prove his point, Sundance’s hand snakes around my body to cup my tit, squeezing it gently. My pussy answers his caress. His kiss is rough as his tongue thrusts into my mouth. Where it dances and swirls. My tongue parries back, and I soon find myself straddling him. I want Sundance naked, and my fingers creep to the edge of the blue tee-shirt he’s wearing. My panties stick to me, and my breath draws in when his stomach quivers beneath my touch. I gaze at him. His eyes are heavy and half close. Then I look at Charlie, who is giggling and I wink at him before lowering my head to Sundance’s hairy stomach. My nip is gentle. My lick the same. Then I blow a big fat raspberry. The air vibrating against my lips.


  Now I’m the one on my back as Sundance glowers down at me. His eyes are bright. His smile warm, and I giggle at him before turning back to Charlie, who has managed to wiggle over to us. Again the world turns, and I find myself straddling Sundance. Who now has Charlie on his chest.

  ‘We could leave Burntwood Creek.’

  ‘Sugar. I’ve already told ya, I’m not going to Noir Valley.’

  ‘We don’t have to go to Noir Valley – We could go anywhere. You – Me and Charlie.’

  ‘Drop it Sugar Jay - I’m staying in Burntwood Creek – If you want to leave – There’s nothing stopping you.’ Sundance rolls from underneath me, handing Charlie over as he rose.

  I study Sundance as he kicks the soil beneath his foot. His hands are pushed in his pocket and he’s studying the sky.



  ‘I’m agreeing to dropping the subject.’

  Sundance’s lopsided smile has me answering with one of my own. ‘For how long.’

  Instead of answering, I loop my arm around his neck and drag his head down to mine. The kiss is long and sweet. He tastes of soda and chocolate. ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Did you pack lunch?’


  Sundance belches and Charlie laughs. My fingers ruffle
Sundance’s hair as he lay in front of me. His head on my lap. The chill of the earth rising through the blanket didn’t bother me. Not when the sun warmed my face.

  ‘Doesn’t the club mind you being away.’ He shrugs his shoulders, but doesn’t bother opening his eyes. My fingers brush his chin, he’s in need of a shave.

  ‘Sam and Minty are out of town.’

  ‘And if they weren’t’

  ‘I’d still be here with you and Charlie.’

  ‘I like this – Being away from everyone.’

  Sundance’s lips brush over my hand as he holds it against his chin. ‘Yeah – Me too.’

  ‘What do you do when you’re not doing club stuff.’


  ‘What are you doing.’

  Sundance has grabbed my other hand and is guiding it over his stomach, taking it lower, until the tips of my fingers brush against the edges of his waistband. His pale blue eyes stare into me and my pussy throbs. A quick glance at Charlie shows he is still awake. His tiny hands reaching out for his feet as he kicks his legs in the air.

  ‘I want you Sugar.’

  The breath hitches in my throat. ‘Charlie’s awake.’

  ‘I know – But we can still touch.’


  ‘Kiss me Sugar.’

  Sundance’s tongue slips into my mouth where it searches and swirls against me and I hum. As his tongue thrusts against my mouth, Sundance slips my hand into his jeans, guiding it until I cup him.

  ‘That’s it Sugar. Squeeze me tight as you fist me.’

  My fingers curl around his hard hot cock. I want it free. I want to watch the veins pulse as I pump him. As he grows in my hand. The jeans constrict, restricting my movements. Sundance’s breath is warm against my cheek. His fingers clutch in my hair. His breathing heavy against my ear as I pump and twist his cock harder. The sound of his zipper being released is loud, and still I stroke his cock. ‘Shit.’ Warm goo covers my hand as Sundance climaxes. His teeth digging into the flesh of my neck. ‘Thank you.’

  Sundance lay back, his chest heaving with his eyes closed. From the baby bag, I pull out a couple of wipes


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