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Keeper of the Flame

Page 11

by Stephanie Burke

  After a moment of this torture, she began to demand, “Remove it, Flame. Take it off of me.”

  Never one to question her orders, Flame grasped the delicate lace between his fingers and granted her request by ripping it in two. His mouth dropped open as her full rounded breasts sprang free from the cups and were exposed to his sparkling eyes.

  His eager hands cupped her softness and they both groaned at the jolt of sensation that shook their bodies. Her softness made the fire in his soul burn dangerously out of control while the power vibrating through his body almost scorched her turgid nipples into tiny points of pleasure.

  “You are magnificent,” he groaned before falling to his knees to take a berry-colored nipple into his mouth, gently laving its velvety surface with his tongue.

  Kendall cried out at the sensation of his soft wet tongue stroking her nipple and the electric jolt that followed. She grasped handfuls of his hair and pulled him closer, savoring each hot caress. The feel of his electrified hair rippling against her naked chest finally caused her knees to give way.

  “Fire!” she gasped as he caught her to him and carried her the few feet to the couch. The bedroom was just too far away.

  “You feel like living fire.” She shook at the touch of his soft cotton shirt against her sensitized nipples as he lowered her to the cushions.

  “You make my control slip.” Flame growled before standing in front of her, a hot quivering mass of tension, awaiting the next command that would bring so much pleasure to them both. His responsibility was to deliver to her the ultimate pleasure, a job which he now reveled and gloried in.

  “What would you have of me?” His eyes glowed with impatience and he absently licked his dry lips, drawing her attention to their glistening surface and causing her to shudder in reaction.

  Kendall ground her naked back into the soft/rough texture of the couch, enjoying the brush of the material against her skin. What she wanted was easily enough asked for, she decided as she looked hungrily up at him.

  “Take off your shirt, please.” Kendall all but moaned at the picture of this powerful man with sparkling eyes and electric hair looming above her, awaiting her pleasure. “I want to feel your naked skin against mine.”

  “As you wish, My Mistress.” That slow deep voice brought another shiver of excitement to her nerve endings.

  Instead of pulling off his T-shirt like any other man would do, Flame grasped the neck with both hands and slowly ripped the material from his body. The sounds of that slow, almost teasing, rend made her the back of her neck tingle and her mouth water almost as much as the sight of his bare chest. His eyes bored into hers, holding her captive within their heated gaze.

  “May I taste of you again, My Mistress?” He asked as he slowly, hungrily raked his eyes over her body that lay frozen in a wanton sprawl before him.

  Now she understood his comment about his slipping control. He would do nothing to her without first asking for permission and receiving her approval. With that knowledge came arousal so painfully delicious that it brought tears to her eyes.

  “Please!” she moaned raising her open arms to him and looking into his eyes. “I need to feel you, Flame.”

  Filled with a ravenous hunger, Flame shoved the coffee table aside, mindless of the pastries that crashed to the floor as he dropped to his knees before her. He placed his hands on her shoulders in a gentling motion before slowly lowering himself to her.

  His lips dropped to lay a soft tingling kiss on each eyelid, before moving on to the corner of her mouth as his hair tickled her hardened nipples. Once there he murmured onto her trembling lips, “You taste of delicate strength, My Mistress.”

  He pulled back slightly to raise her hand to his mouth and lightly kissed her palm. Her other hand came up to rest against his cheek. He nuzzled against her there for a moment with closed eyes before turning to kiss that palm too. Then he lightly clasped both her hands to his chest before again lowering his mouth to hers. His skin burned.

  If their previous kisses were like Kendall, bold, brash and knowing, this kiss was all Flame, slightly seeking, curious, then bolder as he parted her lips with his questing tongue.

  He tasted, found her flavor pleasing and dove for more. He began to devour her slowly with his hot mouth and tender lips.

  Kendall moaned and pulled her lips from his. The room had started spinning and she could hardly breath. Never had desire struck her so hard before. She lifted her head, exposing her neck to his caresses as she looked up towards the heavens to regain some of her composure.

  But Flame wanted her wild. He trailed his mouth to her neck where he added soft licks from his wet tongue and gentle nips from his teeth. Kendall moaned as her mind and body were assaulted with his white-hot desire, for he described in erotic detail what he was going to do to her in his raspy voice and how it would make him feel. His heated breath against her made her arch closer to his warmth and wish that these feelings would never end.

  “May I lick your flesh with my wet tongue, Mistress?”

  She nodded her head yes. She was too far gone to talk.

  “May I run my thumbs beneath this wonderfully soft skin underneath your breasts, and watch you tremble?”

  “Anything!” she near shouted and then hissed at the feel of his thumbs finding yet another erogenous zone on her body. Who knew that the skin beneath her breasts were so sensitive?

  When he finally reached her breast with his giving lips, she sobbed out loud with relief and impatience. She grasped his head between her hands as she arched into him, greedy for what he could make her feel and demanding more.

  His mouth devoured her. He nipped and suckled until the throbbing in her loins matched the pounding of her heart. His hands tortured and gently rolled the nipple of the opposite breast, lest it felt neglected, and caused her arms to wrap around his head, pulling and writhing against him.

  “I can’t stand it!” she sobbed throwing her head back as her lower body rose and fell against his hot bare skin of his chest with her need. “Please, Flame!”

  “Let me worship at your altar, Mistress.” He raised his head and deliberately shook his head to let the tendrils of his hair flow over her damp flesh. She shakily nodded her head instinctively knowing what he meant and shaking with anticipation of his possession.

  The rasp of the zipper sounded loud in the silent room. Her jeans scraped against her sensitive skin as they were eased down her legs and cast aside. He looked at her tiny paisley panties for a moment before asking, “May I remove these as well, My Mistress. May I reveal your precious womanhood and revel in the riches that you would serve me?”

  His voice, already gravely, dropped another octave in his excitement. His gray eyes were now shot with a rich red flame as his fingers tenderly stroked the damp material covering her.

  Would she let this innocent yet suddenly sensuous creature have access to her throbbing body, to tease and explore at his will?

  Kendall nodded her answer even though inside she was screaming, yes please, yes!

  With shaking hands, he carefully eased the last barrier from her body, spread her legs, and was struck mute with the beauty that he beheld.

  Like the most delicate of Testrios orchids, her petals were tightly furled, but a hint of deep rose glistened there with the dew of her excitement. Suddenly he wanted to make those petals open for him and reveal the stunning beauty that they would reveal to the man who knew how to nurture and pamper the blossom within.

  So with awed reverence, he ran one finger over her quivering flesh and watched as she arched her hips towards him with abandon, held helpless in the grip of madness brought on by the one called Flame.

  He noticed her scent first. Fresh and clean, she smelled slightly floral, wholly enticing, and definitely woman. Suddenly he wanted to be bathed in her juices and surrounded by her scent. It was more compelling than anything he had ever come across. He wanted her smell in him, on him, to mix with his essence and create a wonderfully unique smell t
hat they only could make together.

  He lowered his head to drink at her fount and lost himself in the special taste of her. With a sigh he burrowed closer, all inhibitions forgotten, as he gave into his needs, needing badly for her to release more of herself to him.

  Flame buried his hot mouth into her womanhood. A sharp cry of pleasure escaped through her lips as his tongue shot electric shivers though her as. Hungrily he lapped the rich nectar of her with ever increasing urgency. With lips and tongue, he bathed the seat of her woman’s pleasure while a finger gently inserted itself inside her quivering walls.

  “Will you grip my manhood with such ferocity, Kendall?” his rasping breath sent another spasm thorough her cleft as it wafted over her wet skin and caused her to whip her head from side to side on the couch. “Will you allow me to plummet your depths and put an end to your torment?”

  He again buried his face between her tights and wrapped his tongue around the pearled bud of her desire, before beginning to gently suck and nip at it. He had never thought to perform this rite for any woman, but now that he had tasted dewy sweetness of Kendall, he found it difficult to stop. He added another finger to the first, delighting at the moist slippery feel of her.

  “Flame! Please now! Oh, I need you in me!” she cried as her whole body began to tingle and twitch beyond her control.

  Her hands alternately tugged at his hair and massaged his scalp, the feeling of his hair sliding through her fingers taking her to another level. She had enough of waiting and wanted satisfaction now.

  “As you wish, My Mistress.” Flame tore himself away from her to undo the fasteners on his jeans, all the while keeping an eye on her vibrating body. With his face wet with her juices, he gave her a wicked smile that caused her stomach to drop and her passions to elevate even higher. And then he eased down his jeans.

  “My God!” she gasped as his jeans fell to the floor and she took in the full scope of his magnificence. His member was built in proportion with the rest of his oversized body, long, hard, and thick.

  “Do I disappoint you?” he asked.

  She responded, but not in words. From the moment she pulled his mouth to hers, a fire he had never before felt had exploded in him. He'd felt the pleasurable sensation of his manhood filling within the bounds of the cursed clothing, but now that he was set free, he felt his manhood swell to new heights and throb with a life all it’s own.

  “There is just so much of you!” she choked out as she eyed his tumescence warily.

  “You need not fear that I will harm you, My Mistress. Only pleasure awaits you from my body. I have been trained thus.”

  He ran his hands down his stomach to caress the part of him that had grabbed her attention and caused him so much grief, as if to show her he was harmless.

  “May I touch you?” She ran her hands over his chest and across his tightly drawn stomach, only to stop at his navel. She eagerly wanted to touch him, but the ultimate choice was his.

  “You need not ask permission of me, My Mistress. All that I am is yours.”

  Kendall’s mouth dropped open at his declaration, but she would wonder over it later. The lure of his body was too strong, especially knowing that she was the only woman ever to touch him in such a manner. Her hands moved to replace his.

  Hot marble. He was made of the hottest marble cloaked in the finest of velvets. His eyes dilated as he bit back a groan of pleasure as her warm soft fingers began to explore everything that he was. One finger gently traced a delicate line from the tip to the base and he had to force himself not to run away from this terrifyingly delicious new pleasure.

  “So hard, so firm,” she murmured as she reached lower with one hand to cup his sac, heavy with his desire, and with the other urged him closer. “I have to taste.”

  Flame slammed his hands through his own hair as her soft wet mouth closed over the tip of his staff. “Ahh, Kendall!” he managed as the fire in his blood leapt beyond his control. His body began to tremble as he was assaulted with wave upon wave of desire. Sweat sheened his skin and a golden aura surrounded them both as he felt things that even Devo had not spoken of.

  “No more, please.” Now it was his turn to beg. She slammed hard against his nature as a man and his need for control as he fought to keep from throwing her to the floor and burrowing his hot flesh into her wanting body. Her torturing tongue danced around the head of manhood before her gently sucking mouth began to drive him crazy.

  At last, Kendall could stand the pressure in her body no more and pulled away from him. “Now, Flame. Now.” she commanded.

  In an instant Flame covered her body with his, holding his upper body above her with his corded arms, but instead of slamming home and satisfying both of their urges, he positioned the head of his shaft at he mouth of her overflowing delta.

  “May I come inside, My Mistress?” his breath was hot and thick in her ear and his arms began to tremble with the delicious weakness that followed in the wake of such biting pleasure. She arched up, trying to capture more of his heat, but he held her still. “May I enter you Kendall and ease both of our torment?”

  “Yes!” The word exploded from her being and he closed his eyes at the desperate hungry sound.

  Slowly, he flexed his hips and eased himself inside her about an inch.

  “More, oh God, Flame, please” she begged as the feeling of penetration eased the pressure building in her body as it made her hungry for more. But still he took his time savoring each new sensation, his face glowing with discovery along with hers.

  “I do not wish to hurt you, My Mistress,” he managed though his eyes sparkled with fire and his hair now crackled with visible energy. He meant this joining to deliver extreme pleasure to her and in no way would his goal be compromised.

  With strength born of desperation, Kendall wrapped her legs surround Flame’s waist and tried to force him inside.

  He hissed at her actions as a thunderbolt of power shot from him to the place where they were joined causing her to scream out in ecstasy. Losing his battle for control, Flame flexed his hips and pushed his way into her and shuddered at the feel of her tight hot silken sheath.

  Her body wracked with trembling, Kendall gasped at the fullness of him before her body slowly began to accept all that was he inside her.

  “Am I hurting you?” He was almost incoherent at the throbbing pleasure of being encased within her. Her walls clenched and wept for him. He took a deep breath and tried to push back the inevitable consummation of the act. “Do I cause you pain, My Mistress?”

  Kendall could not speak. Spears of passion gripped her body in its piercing grasp. Her head whipped back and forth on the couch and her body tried to absorb him. She had never reached such heights before, had never been this stretched and full before. She was actually tingling and vibrating at the place where they became one.

  “You are killing me with this pleasure,” Kendall moaned between great gasps of breath. She could not feel any greater pleasure than this. This had to be the ultimate. And then he moved.

  “Uhhh!” Stars exploded in a sea of white light behind her eyes. Tension built on top of sensation until she reached a peak so high, she was afraid to look down, afraid to soar, for she knew that she would never be the same again.

  “Let go, Kendall.”

  She forced her eyes open to see a most amazing sight. Flame was above her, sparks shooting through his hair and filling the room with light, dominate, yet a slave to her needs and his passion. His eyes glowed from the lightning flashes from the storm they created together. It was enough to tip her over the edge.


  Her release pounded through her tossing her body beneath his and granting him leave to experience his own.

  It had built up in him for some time as he struggled to submit his body to her ultimate pleasure. Now given free reign, he thrust powerfully into her grasping, giving warmth.

  Again her body built, as his savage thrusts became her whole world. Her
nails raked trails of sharp sweet fire across his back causing him to growl in pain and pleasure.

  Friction caused a buildup of pressure in his sac and an almost tickling burning sensation filled him. He had to burrow deeper inside her body to soothe the burn.

  The sounds of his own breath panting in the room caused his head to spin and his blood to thicken. Each of his movements drove him closer and closer to a pinnacle that could only be accessed from within her body. She was the key. He needed more of her.

  Grasping her ankles, he positioned her legs over his shoulders and sank in deeper still. He groaned as her slick walls parted and accepted him as he slammed as far as he could go. He threw back his head muffled a sharp cry, his own hair sizzling him every place it brushed against his damp heaving body.

  She shrieked as her hands flew up to grasp the arm of the couch. Alarmed, he stilled all movements shocked at the sound that he drew from her throat.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered. “Please.”

  Flame closed his eyes as the sound of her voice, usually strong and in command, pleaded with him. Reassured, he turned his head and tenderly pressed a kiss to the arch of her right foot before he began his motions again.

  Bombs exploded in his brain as electric pulses traveled from his surging body to hers. He ground his hips against hers causing his them both to cry out in joy. Quicker and quicker they moved as one until Flame bent over her, bending her supple body, so that he could feed on her sobs and catch her lips in a punishing kiss.

  Finally, like lighting strike, his release tore through his body leaving him breathless and weak, carrying her along with him.

  “Kendall!” he shouted. Tears ran from his eyes as he gripped her to him. The built up pressure tore through his body leaving him dazed, incapable of speech and totally drained. The golden aura that surrounded them slowly faded and his hair lost the electric flashes that made it glow.

  Frozen, Kendall could only whimper as her body throbbed in aftershocks of such a violent release that once again tore through her body.


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