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Page 8

by Lora E. Rasmussen

  Still striving to dampen the pain of their connection, K’llan almost frantically ran through the debris of the decimated packaging floor to Captain Serros, who was obviously disoriented as she struggled to regain her footing. From the far left corner of the room, Z’arr spied another gray–armored enemy. K’llan whipped her pistol into position and snapped off three shots in less than a heartbeat before the hostile could follow through with a rifle–blast that was definitively trained at the back of the Human’s skull.

  Gradually regaining some sense of equilibrium but still struggling to reach a sitting position, Avara took a closer look at her downed assailant, much of which was now a blood–drenched, pulpy mass of flesh, glass, and durexium armor. Still, as her mind sluggishly resolved what sight had captured, surprise flashed like a persistent on–duty alarm.

  The soldier’s helmet had cracked during their flight through the glass vats and rather personal acquaintance with the half–sundered wall. As a result, the right side of the soldier’s helmet and visor was entirely missing, revealing a decidedly feminine face, skin snow–white except for the deep red whirls that traced her left cheek and utterly bald, alabaster head. Eyes the same crimson hue as her skin markings stared into space, the verity of death settling in as her heavy lids twitched once in a final, nerve induced ripple.

  “Oh… By She Who Watches! A Karukai!” K’llan Z’arr gasped as she reached the Captain, sounding as if she herself had just been hurtled into a wall by the revelation.

  “Yes. A Karukai keeping her identity outwardly secret while somehow walking freely on a Quorum world. All with the aid of a Vosaia Proconsul.” K’llan noted that Serros’s tone held less shock than her own.

  A bare second later, the face that so riveted their attention disappeared before their eyes in a whirlwind of exploding flesh as the entire body detonated, horrifically spattering the two with gory residuum.

  “A micro–explosive programmed to go off in the case of lost life signs after a certain period of time.” Serros announced, voice low and grim. “Like a Grey.”

  “A Karukai… But… the implications,” K’llan uttered, her voice trailing off as horror gave way to implication. Her quick mind began rapidly connecting fact and potentiality, with frightening inference swirling into deadly clarity.

  “Exactly.” Serros remarked, as if she could hear the Vosaia’s thoughts.

  And perhaps she could, Z’arr mused, for she could still feel the Human’s cognitive and emotional presence as a steady thrum in her being, like a heartbeat.

  Without thinking about it, K’llan extended her hand to the Human Shield Operative. “Tell me Captain Serros, what is it about you and glass?”

  Casting a quick look at the room’s devastation, Serros chuckled, a somewhat crooked half–smile playing about her lips as she replied, “My mother would call it my personal brand of creative expression.”

  “That is not the term my mother would use.” K’llan rejoined with an answering smile.

  “Thanks.” Serros said as the Vosaia helped her to regain her feet.

  “Consider it a fair return.”

  Helping to steady the Captain’s balance, the Vosaia realized for the first time that she had come to the Human’s aid without question. It was a thought that was quickly followed by a conscious and acute awareness of their proximity. Both of her arms were around the tall Human’s armored waist, and the Shield’s left arm was draped around the Vosaia’s shoulders. Inky black hair spilled across Serros’s smooth forehead. K’llan had to halt the sudden impulse to touch the curling strands, push them away from those unusual, dark blue eyes framed by long, soot colored lashes. The two were of similar height, the Human only an inch or so taller, and as such, Z’arr could taste the air that Serros exhaled, so close were their faces.


  Despite her injuries, Captain Serros’s reflexes seemed undiminished as she quickly drew her pistol and spun, muzzle trained on the speaker.

  With her dark armor covered with dust and, obviously due to some rough physical activity, blue–silver hair askew, Major Goyan Hadarr stood half a dozen paces away, her pistol held at the ready, its barrel focused on K’llan. Looking into those fixed, blue–green eyes, K’llan held no confusion whatsoever about the other Vosaia’s intent.

  “Captain Serros. It is good you reached and located our target. Now please step away.”

  “No.” The Captain responded, and seemingly without conscious thought, used the arm still slung around K’llan’s shoulder to protectively push the younger of the two Vosaia behind her. “She has agreed to surrender into my custody to be brought before the Quorum.”

  K’llan was a bit startled at the Human’s announcement and gesture. True, she had been about to place herself in the Captain’s custody, before the attack, but had not actually said so.

  “Has she indeed?” Major Hadarr asked, her eyebrow quirked inquiringly, tone somewhat bemused yet rolling with hardness. “She is a traitor.”

  “No, she is not.” Serros declared, voice certain.

  “Captain, there are Karukai present and Lieutenant Z’arr intended to give these Karukai the Arcatech data.” Hadarr proclaimed, and K’llan could tell that the Major was attempting to be reasonable, yet her tone was irremovable. Interestingly, K’llan could sense nothing from the woman and was left with only vocal inflection and delivery to ascertain Hadarr’s emotional state. The empathic silence was most unusual given that they were both Vosaia.

  “Shields are granted full autonomy and the power to act as they see fit in any given situation, Captain Serros. All with the express recognition and support of the Quorum. Our very purpose is to deal with threats to the Quorum Aligned Systems that common soldiers and politicians are not able to contend with due to the potential for failure and catastrophic outcome.”

  Slowly moving towards K’llan and Captain Serros, pistol still extended, the Vosaia Shield Operative finished her argument with, “As I said, Agent Z’arr is a traitor, and I intend to exercise my Shield authority in this matter.”

  “You mean you intend to commit murder, without proof or trial.” Captain Serros answered, and K’llan could feel Serros striving to keep her rage in check, struggle to keep the situation civil.

  “I mean I intend to do my duty and eliminate a significant threat.” Hadarr returned.

  “STF Agent Z’arr did not know that the Karukai were involved, and I know for a fact that her intent was not treasonous.”

  “You know, do you?” Major Hadarr asked, eyes flashing as she attempted to burrow into her fellow–Shield’s meaning. K’llan was not reassured by the predatory gleam that suddenly lit those hard eyes.

  “Ah. You know. I see, with no proof at all. Captain Serros, I submit this is not a judgment call you are fit to make.” Hadarr asserted, looking the Human up and down, followed by glancing at K’llan then back again at Serros. “You are Shartah. You have fallen under this Vosaia’s influence, a victim of our abilities. You will recover in time, yet it is clear to me you must remove yourself from judgment in this matter.”

  K’llan could feel Serros’s mental wince at the older Shield Operative’s words, the emotion quickly submerged as she responded evenly, “No. My will is entirely my own. I know you’re aware of my Arca Microtech Enhancements and as such, you also know that one of them is a Synergy Enhancement.”

  Major Hadarr cocked her head in silent acknowledgment of Serros’s assumption of Hadarr’s diligence and preparation for her assignment, including in–depth research of her mission partner.

  “I have seen this woman’s nya.” Serros continued, using the Vosaia word for life–energy, spirit, and soul combined. “I know she is innocent of treason.”

  The Major’s nostrils flared and eyes widened slightly at the other’s proclamation.

  K’llan was equally pulsed by Captain Serros’s knowledge of Vosaia culture. Though given that she could still feel the psychic link humming between them, Z’arr was much less startled at the Hu
man’s ability to read her than she would have been otherwise.

  Once more, K’llan could feel Captain Serros deliberately project her belief, her sincerity towards another, this time Major Goyan Hadarr. Though it was clearly a strain, she also maintained her connection to the other Vosaia so that K’llan would comprehend what she was trying to accomplish. Through Captain Serros, K’llan was granted a window into the empathic communication. Unlike with Z’arr herself, however, there was no release of barriers, no complete meeting and connection with Shield Operative Hadarr. Major Hadarr’s own cognitive and psychic barriers remained fully drawn. Still, K’llan knew that she was receiving the message.

  Minutes passed as the two Shield Operatives silently regarded one another, the Special Task Forces Agent observing their exchange yet also a participant. In some strange way, K’llan Z’arr felt like she and Hadarr were on opposite sides of a pendulum, each balancing against the fulcrum that was the Human woman who literally and figuratively stood between them.

  That precarious equilibrium was unexpectedly shattered as several others arrived, all clad in silver and royal blue armor, the Human Ministry’s blue sun–symbol evident even though their species varied. K’llan noted two Humans and a Braxien and Gorath male. The Vosaia recognized them as the same team members who had helped Captain Serros track Z’arr through the city night roof–tops and glass factory the evening before.

  “Captain?” The dark haired, burly Human male asked, taking in the tableau before him.

  “It’s all right, Marcus.” Serros replied, eyes still locked with Hadarr.

  “It is?” The ebon–furred Gorath rumbled.

  The entire group of newcomers took in the scene for the space of a single drawn breath, then as one, their assault rifles all raised to point at Hadarr.

  Interesting. Absolute, instant, and unwavering loyalty.

  K’llan’s thought was promptly smothered as the tension in the room became almost unbearable, the varied group of people locked at the precipice of unleashed violence, seconds ticking by.

  Finally, Major Hadarr announced, “I do not know if you are correct, Operative Serros; indeed, I fear that you are not.” With her eyes never wavering, the shorter haired Vosaia quietly lowered her pistol. “However, I do believe that you believe.”

  K’llan watched as the Major started to walk away, then stop and cock her head back over her shoulder towards the Captain. “I also believe that you are a remarkable Human, Captain Avara Serros.” Then addressing the group as a whole, the Vosaia Shield Operative added, “Well, we should be on our way. I can already hear the Peace Keeper alerts ringing though the Medex grounds, and your Captain has been injured.”

  “Can’t leave you alone for a second, Captain!” The Gorath commented, rapidly moving over to Serros and taking stock of the blood dribbling out of the grape–sized hole in her silver and blue armor that at least two bullets managed to penetrate. K’llan could sense the Gorath’s obvious concern and affection for the Captain in his grumbling tone.

  “Yes, well, you know me; I always attract the best sorts, Ca’rrakk.” Captain Serros responded, dry humor ringing in her voice.

  “Harrumph! Maybe for a Human.” Ca’rrakk complained, nodding at the Captain to spur her to key–in the heavy–armor’s control sequence on her CPA. Within moments, the armor had fully collapsed and retracted into itself and lay still on the ground in its T–Frame, leaving Serros clad in a black and dark blue skinsuit.

  “I see you’ve managed to damage a perfectly serviceable piece of equipment again.” The Human male, Marcus, commented, the worry in his eyes belying his flippant tone.

  That concern increased as the Captain’s face drained of color and, K’llan could tell, without a conscious thought, Avara reached out and grasped K’llan for support. It was a support that K’llan had simultaneously and unhesitatingly offered.

  “Your armor’s automatic dispensation systems applied Salu–Salve to staunch the wounds and Adrenix to keep you on your feet, but we need to get you back to Dr. Argos to remove the bullets and properly seal the wounds.” Ca’rrakk declared, inspection complete.

  “Understood. Rygel, prepare to meet with our approaching storm of locals; cite Shield authority.” The Human ordered, seemingly unruffled by her state of injury, as if such was quotidian to daily existence.

  “You got it, Captain.”

  “Marcus, please take Lieutenant K’llan Z’arr into protective custody.” Serros told the caramel skinned Human. “She is to be treated with all courtesy.”

  The last held a double meaning K’llan picked up on immediately; Major Goyan Hadarr would not be allowed to visit the prisoner.

  “She is, huh?” Marcus Perez asked, glancing back and forth between Serros and K’llan. “I must have missed quite a bit.”

  “You did. Prepare for an immediate debrief after I visit Jenna.” Wearily turning her head about the room, Serros said, “All right Nova Squad. Let’s get to it.”


  Consumed with pacing the small confines of her room for the second time in the last hour, K’llan Z’arr forced herself to stop her ambulation and return to the wall–bunk and sit down. She found herself wishing it was as easy to order her thoughts as her body as she breathed deeply and began to execute the centering and calming exercises of macti that she had been practicing for an entire Human lifetime.

  As far as prisons went, her accommodations could have been far worse. The QS Excalibur’s brig was small but clean and even comfortable, though spartan in design. An undersized writing desk, chair, bed, toilette, and of course durexium bars comprised the room’s major features. Needless to say, K’llan had exhausted the possibilities of her new quarters rather quickly. By her reckoning, she had been aboard the primarily Human vessel for just under a day and except for a humorless and silent duo of guards that brought her Vitani Serum and a change of clothing, she’d had no contact with any other person.

  With a flash of frustration that threatened to splinter her efforts at meditation, K’llan thought that the isolation might actually be for the best, given how off–balance she felt and the very real gravity of her situation. For the first time in her over two–centuries of life, she felt utterly out of control regarding her own fate. She held no doubt that not only had it been intended from the start that she fail her mission to safely deliver the Arcatech data, but also that she serve as the unwitting executor of High Treason against the Consulate and the Quorum. What she did not know was who the orchestrator of the scheme was, and if she was traveling right now to be judged by the very person or people who wanted her branded a traitor.

  The potentials were many, yet her instincts prodded her towards the three people that by involvement and position were the most plausible suspects. Obviously, the now dead Proconsul Far’allyn Tanad was all but a given. However, her apparently deceased Mission Operations Handler, Nanzai C’lann, as well as Shield Operative Goyan Hadarr were also not to be ruled out. For all Z’arr knew, the three could have been operating in collusion.

  Despite their legendary diplomatic accomplishments and innate empathic gifts, Vosaia tended to be very absolute and unwavering in their hard–edged views of any act against the interests of the Vosaia people. Z’arr feared that especially because of who she was or, more precisely whose daughter she was, any issued judgment would result in even harsher ruling. This would be especially true in the face of the present political climate within Vosaia society. In fact, she may have been chosen to fall because of the rampant debates running through the Vosaia Consulate and rippling into the wider galaxy’s affairs.

  And she was stuck here in this cell, helpless to investigate or construct a defense against the inevitable accusations that awaited her upon arrival at the Quorum capital. Her only choice was to trust in the fact that she was indeed innocent and in any efforts Captain Serros may or may not take.


  And there it was again, the other source of her feelings of lack of control and inability to
find the internal equilibrium that usually came so easily to her.

  Captain Serros.

  It seemed that no matter how much effort she put into the endeavor, she could not escape the unrelenting and entirely irritating fashion in which her thoughts continually seemed to turn and return to the Human Captain. Though still young by the standards of her people, K’llan had certainly already lived a very full life and was by no means inexperienced in interacting with others, even non–Vosaia. By the same mark, she had empathically connected with scores of people over the years, family, friends, lovers, and colleagues. It was hard for a Vosaia not to join with those she interacted with on a regular basis, at least at a very basic level consisting of flashing impressions and emotions. Yet the joining she’d underwent with Captain Serros on Ophere and within that battered Adrenix factory had been unlike anything she had ever experienced before. K’llan had felt like she had both swallowed and been swallowed within the soul–essence of who Captain Avara Serros was, almost to the point of momentarily drowning. It had been an utterly unique experience, to say the least.

  More, K’llan knew that the truth of the link was reciprocal and that the Shield’s experience was twin to her own. The depth and sheer strength of the connection felt more like descriptions she’d heard of true Bonding, which was simply ludicrous. Such relationships typically took decades to develop, not to mention that Serros was Human! The possibility should be nonexistent. Regardless, whatever the meaning of their connection, the exchange was nothing more than a distraction from the very real danger of the situation she found herself to be in.


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