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Page 46

by Lora E. Rasmussen

  As brilliant as it was manipulative. And likely to result in Ry’ar’s exorcism of frustration upon myself, later when we are unaccompanied.

  “Triarch, I swear to you…” Ry’ar began, a blush of rose sweeping across her paper–pale skin.

  “No, do not offer me words, Captain, I want acts, I want deeds.” The Military Triarch smoothly interrupted, her voice like liquid smoke.

  “And you shall have them, Triarch.” The younger Vael fervently vowed.

  Relinquishing her stern demeanor, the Admiral remarked, “I meant what I said, Niece. This Human has indeed proven to be full of surprises. I wonder if it would have been better to eliminate her when the chance was readily available.” The Triarch said the last while looking at Goyan, obviously referring to the Vosaia’s time aboard the QS Excalibur.

  Seeing in her mind once more the face of Avara Serros, the resolute, almost idealistic fire of belief the Human Captain carried herself with, Goyan felt a sudden spear of heartfelt distress at the thought of that light, that fire, being extinguished.

  Then, just as quickly, Hadarr snuffed the sentiment.

  That life is over for you. Now there is only the mission, one more day purchased; that is the only meaning which remains.

  “No Admiral, I can think of much better use for the Human than death.” Captain Vael’s words sliced into Goyan’s scathing self–recriminations.

  “Yes, yes, your appetites are well known, Captain, but neither your bedroom entertainment nor the satisfaction of personal revenge are priority here.” The elder Vael commented.

  Disapproval, again. Interesting.

  Flushing once more, the younger Karukai protested, “No Aunt, not merely personal satisfaction. There is something… unusual about this Human, and she is very highly placed.”

  Walking around the HUD and glancing out the view–port in contemplation, Admiral Vael probed “You mean to make use of her, to turn her?”

  “Yes.” The Captain answered, following the Triarch to stand before the starscape.

  Turning to Goyan, the Admiral asked the Vosaia “Do you think this is possible, to turn the Human?”

  Another test.

  Does she lie to protect the life of a member of the select group whose ideals she had formerly sworn loyalty to, before she had turned traitor to everything except what she held to be most dear? Or does answer honestly?

  “It is difficult to know; it would depend on leverage.” Goyan finally answered, offering a half–truth, attempting to walk the middle path. As if she’d not already made her choice years before, the only real choice she could make.

  Looking at Goyan with a full–lipped smile that was nothing short of conceitedly possessive, Captain Ry’ar Vael commented, “It is always about the proper leverage, isn’t it, Operative Hadarr?”

  Understanding what the Karukai wanted to hear and only too intimately acquainted with the truth of Ry’ar’s claim upon her, Goyan answered, “Yes, Master.”

  “In the end, the Human’s life or death is immaterial.” The Admiral stated, interrupting the assertion of power going on between her Second in Command and the Asset.

  “The Human has formed Nyeria with another, the framed Vosaia STF Agent.”

  Thinking the matter was dropped, Hadarr felt genuine surprise pour over her at Captain Vael’s announcement.

  And then she remembered what is was like to work with the Human Shield Operative, the heady, trickling signature of soul energy she had experienced during their kiss while undercover in the night club on Voss. It was a memory that was followed by the potent recollection of Serros and Z’arr standing with one another all those months ago in the Adrenix Factory.

  Disbelief dissipated like morning mist in the heat of a summer afternoon.

  “Has she?” The Triarch mused. “Most unusual.” Then she shrugged, dismissing the entire subject with that single gesture. “It does not matter. The Human is only one person, one player in the much larger game.” Turning to fully face the younger Karukai, the Admiral added, “The loss of Outpost J2 is irrelevant to the wider play; all is proceeding quite well for us.”

  “And the Quorum’s discovery of our clone production?” Goyan’s Master asked, frowning at the thought.

  “The Quorum and Aligned Systems will still be mired in their own indecision and cumbersome bureaucracy, aided by the seeds of dissention we have managed to sow these last few years.” Triarch Vael answered, and Goyan could feel the woman’s confidence pouring from her nya like a landslide down a trembling mountain. “Either way, Outposts A1 though Q3 are progressing on schedule.”

  With her deep garnet eyes gleaming and elegant features framed with satisfaction, the commander of the TS Sha’tal addressed her Executive Officer’s unspoken query as she proclaimed, “It is for the larger game that I recalled your Asset, Captain.”

  “Yes, Triarch.” Ry’ar responded.

  Then Admiral Artah Vael, Military Triarch of the Karukai Imperium, focused the entirety of her attention on the Vosaia, her quiet voice and unbending will arresting all of Goyan Hadarr’s attention as she proclaimed “I have a new mission for you, Operative Hadarr. One that will help ensure Karukai victory in the coming war. I am sure,” she added, tone deadly with intent, “you will do all you can to ensure a successful outcome.”

  With a bitterness that she was well practiced at hiding, once more Goyan Hadarr bent her head in submission as she answered, “Yes, Master.”

  Author Biography

  Lora E. Rasmussen is a Bay Area native (yes, there are at least a dozen or so) who discovered a love of writing by creating a revisionist version of A Christmas Carol in the third grade. She quickly became submerged in Fantasy and Science Fiction through mythology and cinema, and somehow, never found her way back out of the rabbit–hole. She spends her free time reading, delving into historical research, playing both table–top and Video-Game RPGs (primarily console), collecting swords and comics, dabbling in fencing, and (reluctantly) running. When not writing, she uses her MA in European History to teach AP World History, American History, and United States Government and Politics to high school students. It’s a vocation that she absolutely loves. She currently lives in San Francisco California with her Wife.

  For news about current and upcoming projects as well as chatting about stuff Lora likes, go to




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