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Gaining Gibbs (Marco's MMA Boys #4)

Page 3

by S. M. Donaldson

  Fuck fuck fuck fuck. This is going to be some fucking drama. I know it is.

  “I’m gonna talk to her tonight. I need to get this over with. Yeah, the little show in the hall today told me a lot.” I rest my forehead on the wall.

  He clasps my shoulder. “I got your back, man. I know she’s my sister but she could have an inkling of my mom in her. The snap I heard today, all of the dry digs at people lately. I hope not, but if she does, I’m sorry. Don’t misunderstand me now, if you drag this on and hurt her, I’ll beat your ass.”

  “Yeah, I get it,” I say as I head for the elevator. Standing in front of the door, I press the down button impatiently.

  As soon as the doors open, I barge in, running into to someone. “Shit,” I hear from a rough sultry female voice.

  I quickly realize I just body checked Jade. “Hey, Firecracker. Sorry, I was kinda in a hurry,” I say apologetically.

  She gives a little laugh. “I could tell, but it’s okay. I have another shoulder and a few more ribs. Only one boob got injured. We’re good.”

  “Sorry, if you need some help…you know, with the boob, I’d be glad to take a look.” I wave my hands like I’m kidding when I see her eyes go huge. “So…you going in to see the new Webb?”

  “Yeah, I had a short break so I figured I’d go by. They’ll probably want everyone to leave them alone about the time I get off,” she says, trying to appear casual and not acknowledging the awkwardness.

  I hate how our conversation feels forced between us now. I jam my left hand in my pocket and wave with my right. “Well, I’ll see you later. I gotta get going. Happy visiting.”

  She gives me a small smile and waves back before she turns to walk into the room.

  Happy visiting…what the fuck?

  Banging my head against the wall of the elevator, I think about how big of a fucking douche I am.


  Turning the lights on at the gym is strange for me. Normally, I’m never the first person here. Plus, I have so much shit on my mind anyway. Damn Gia kept making excuses last night as to why she didn’t have time to talk. Funny, earlier that day she wanted to come over to jump my dick, but talking she has no time for.

  Going through classroom by classroom, I turn the lights on. As I start prepping one of the rooms for my senior self-defense class, I hear the chime on the front door and walk out there. No one from the class should be here yet.

  I see Sloan’s brother, Jacob. “Hey, man.” He throws up a hand. “I needed to get my work out in early today. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Yeah, sure, man. I just wasn’t expecting anyone,” I say, leaning against one of the weight racks.

  “I normally come in after work but I have a date tonight.” He puts his hand up. “Don’t tell my sister that shit though. She’s been dead set on helping me find my soulmate since I’ve moved here.”

  I wave him off. “No problems from me. I’ve recently figured out what it’s like to have everyone in your business.”

  He nods knowingly. “Ah, you and Gia?”

  I throw my hands in the air. “What the fuck?”

  He chuckles. “My sister and her friends like to talk when they’ve been drinking. Lox and I had to go pick them up a few months ago. Well, Sloan, Gia, Kara and Jade anyway. It was just a couple of weeks before Kara found out she was pregnant. Needless to say I’m pretty proud of you, apparently you’re a stud in the sack.”

  I give him an involuntary laugh, “Well, I guess that is something.”

  Hearing the door chime followed by female chatter takes me from our conversation. Looking around, I see a group of older ladies coming in. I recognize one of the ladies, she is the lady who works with Jade.

  “Hello, ladies, my name is Clay Gibbs,” I say, smiling.

  “Where is Huck?” One of them says, very clearly annoyed.

  The lady from the hospital looks at her. “Glenda, I told you his baby was born yesterday, you half-wit. He ain’t gonna be here.”

  Jacob looks at me trying to hide a smile. I nod. “Yes, Huck’s baby was born yesterday, so I’m going to be taking over his classes for a few weeks. I hope that’s okay with you ladies.”

  “Is the hottie standing next to you going to be helping, too?” the lady from the hospital asks.

  It hits me. “You must be Ms. Gilbert?”

  She smiles. “Yes, Lucille Gilbert,” she winks. “Widow.”

  I shake my head. “Well, Ms. Gilbert, no. This is Jacob Foster, he’s a friend. He’s just here to work out.”

  A collective “awe” comes from all the ladies. “All right, ladies, let’s go get to training.”

  Ms. Gilbert comes up beside me. I look at her. “Ms. Gilbert, don’t touch my junk. Huck warned me about you, Ms. Handsy.” Then I wink at her.

  She laughs. “I like to get a rise outta that boy, he acts like he has a stick in his ass half the time. Only time I could get him to crack a smile was when he’d talk about that baby coming. So nope, you belong to Jade, or you should anyway. I told her yesterday she needed to quit wasting away in that damn pharmacy and jump the bones of a man like you.”

  I hear Jacob choke on a laugh. I turn to him and glare. This isn’t helping with my current predicament. Trying to shake it off, I motion for the ladies to follow me into the classroom to start what I’m sure is going to be a very long hour.



  This day has already started off just effing awesome. First this morning, my flat iron just died, so now I have these wild curls I’m trying to tame. Second, I spill my coffee all over my pants just as I’m leaving the house, so that meant going back in to change. Then I get an ESPN sports alert on my phone that reads, Star pitcher Brett Malone signs with the Tampa Bay Suns! Like I really fucking need him even in the same damn state as me. If all of that wasn’t enough, now some bitch who was texting just rear-ended me.

  Now she’s sobbing on the side of the road on her damn phone. God, I just want to punch her in her damn whiny mouth. “I’m serious, Kensi. I was like, ‘Oh My god, there’s a car.’ I swear on my new Coach bag that I saw my life flash before my eyes. Derrick better come see me at the hospital, that’s all I have to say.” She giggles. “Well yeah, I mean Jack coming to see me would be nice, too. Ooh, he might get me a new MK bag.”

  The cop is standing in front of her getting clearly agitated. “Ma’am, we really need to wrap this up. Can you please get off the phone?”

  She glares up at him and holds her finger up. “I’m on an important call,” she almost screeches. “Some people are so rude.”

  Oh fuck, I’m going to end up laying her ass out with the cops here. I need someone to come and pick me up so I can go to work. I know the cop is trying not to lose it.

  “Oh my god!” I jump to my feet when she starts talking about being late to her mani and pedi appointment. She startles and looks up at me. “Okay, fucking Malibu Barbie, I’ve got a job to get to! Maybe if you could put the fucking phone down, you wouldn’t have caused this fucking wreck in the first place. Now hang that damn phone up before I shove it up your bleached asshole! I can’t fucking leave here until this officer gets your fucking statement.” She glares at me, so I step right in her personal space and stare her dead in the eyes. “Now, HANG UP THE MOTHERFUCKING PHONE!”

  The officer beside me is trying not to laugh. I know I’ve snapped because I’m using the word fuck like a comma. She nervously tells the girl she’ll call her back and ends her call.

  While the cop gets her statement, I text my sister. She tells me she can’t come because they’re short-staffed today, but she’ll call Sly to give me a ride to work.

  Ten minutes later, Barbie has sobbed and cried some more. Especially after she got a ticket for an at fault accident, a ticket for texting while driving and she’ll be getting six or more points on her license. She’d threatened to call her daddy and anyone else she thought would intimidate the cop, but he held his own.

  I see a familiar truck pu
ll up and sure enough, Clay climbs out. “Hey, girl, you okay?”

  “Where’s Sly?”

  “He was in the middle of a meeting with the sponsors so you got me instead. You okay?” he asks again.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just need to get to work,” I say, exasperated.

  He nods. “Okay. Did you call Serge to come get your car?”

  I nod. “Yeah, they should be here any minute.” Just as I finish saying that, Serge’s wrecker pulls up. While I’m grabbing my purse and the few other things I need from my car, Clay speaks to the driver. After they finish speaking, he motions for me to follow him to his truck. Once we’re inside, he looks over at me. “So which hospital are you at today?”

  “I’m at Memorial today,” I say casually as I stare out the window. “Thanks for picking me up though. It has been a shit-tastic morning before this happened.”

  He waves me off. “It was no problem, what else has happened this morning?”

  I shake my head. “It’s just Murphy’s Law shit, you know?”

  We sit awkwardly quiet until we pull into Memorial’s parking lot.

  “Thanks again, Clay. I didn’t want to be super late.”

  “Anytime, Firecracker, anytime.” As I’m about to shut the door, he calls out. “Hey, will you need a ride home tonight?”

  I fidget nervously. “Um. No, Kara said she would pick me up.”

  He nods. “Okay.”

  I shut the door and make my way into the hospital.

  As soon as I reach the pharmacy, I wave to the ladies working the counter. I make myself a new cup of coffee before I go into the actual pharmacy itself.

  I notice Lucille leaning against the counter, “What’s up, Lucille?”

  She turns back to her work. “So I got to officially meet that little hottie Clay Gibbs. He’s teaching my self-defense class. I tell you, Jadie girl, if you don’t attack that slab of man meat, you’re an idiot,” she says very casually as she scans some document. Like she just told me the coffee was ready kind of casual.

  I snort. “Well, if you must know, I’ve had him before. It’s just…we aren’t like that now. We’re friends.”

  “The sexual tension in here the other day says otherwise,” she huffs.

  “Look, I’m finishing up this last little bit of school, then I’ll look into relationships. I don’t have time for one right now.” I try to steer away from the conversation.

  “What makes you think that boy’ll want a relationship?” she says as she plants her hands on her hips.

  “Cause that’s what he wanted before. That’s why we didn’t work,” I say quietly before letting myself into my sanctuary.


  As if today couldn’t get any worse, now I’m sitting in a bar with my sister. She picked me up from work and declared it ‘Girls’ Night Out’ because Chelsea isn’t pregnant. The last GNO we had, Chelsea was a very uncomfortable pregnant woman who couldn’t come. So my sister, still being in the happy part of pregnancy, decided to be our designated driver for the night.

  Kara looks over at me. “I invited Gia, I hope that’s okay.” She gives me an unsure smile.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, that’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Well, you know.”

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t. So she and Clay are fucking, big damn deal. He and I aren’t together.” Fuck, do I have to get reminded of the stupid ass decisions I’ve made in my life on a daily basis or is it just today? I storm to the bar and order a few shots of tequila. I do need to calm my nerves before she gets here though. Because if I don’t and she shows me a text about him wanting to, and I quote “eat her pussy like it’s his last meal,” then I may punch her in the throat.

  As I walk back to the table, I see a grimace expression on my sister’s face. “What’s up now? Did you want to inform me that you invited Brett, too?”

  “No, it’s just Gia called me screaming that she’s coming, but she sounded nuts almost. Maybe we should go ahead and call it a night,” she says nervously.

  I look over at Chelsea, who I know is enjoying her first adult beverage in a long time, and I’m not going to spoil it for her. “Nope, we’re staying.”

  I look to the waitress who just walked up. “I need a round of tequila shots. Go ahead and bring one for the pregnant chick, I’m taking it.”

  My sister looks up to the ceiling as if she’s praying and then shakes her head.

  Chelsea and Sloan stifle their laughter.

  A few minutes later, Gia storms in the bar before coming right up to me. “You bitch!”

  My eyes go wide. “Excuse me? I have not ever been a bitch to you, but I can become one very quickly if I need to. You don’t want to see it. I’m just giving you fair warning, little girl.”

  “He dumped me because he’s so fucking hung up on you. Why, I don’t know. You won’t give him the time of fucking day and still he sulks about it.”

  “Look, I don’t know what your issue with Clay is-.”

  I’m cut off by her throwing her hand in my face. “See, right there, he lets you call him Clay and to everyone else in the fucking world, he’s Gibbs.”

  My sister gets up to start around the table and I wave her off. “Look, Gia, I’m sorry about you and Clay, but you have five seconds to get your hand out of my face or I will break the motherfucker. Don’t try me. I have nothing to do with yours and Clay’s shit, nor do I want anything to do with yours and Clay’s shit. So have a tequila shot or two on me and chill the fuck out.”

  She pouts for a second before she sits and takes me up on my offer for shots.

  Fuck, I need to get drunk to deal with her and stop thinking about Clay. A part of me is glad that they ended things, but part of me is scared that I’ll have to face my own feelings about him now. I see that Gia is hurting though, and even if she is a bitch, I know what it’s like to hurt.



  An Hour Earlier…

  “Are you fucking serious right now?!” Gia screeches.

  “Look, Gia, you said it the other day at the hospital. We both said when we decided it was enough that we’d call it quits. I’m calling it quits. I think you’re getting more involved than you want to admit and I’m not ready for that,” I try to explain calmly.

  “No, you aren’t ready for that with me!” she says, pointing at herself. “I’m not your precious fucking Firecracker! I’m just the girl who has been stupidly pity fucking you for the past three years because she dropped you for bigger and better things. I was dumb enough to think you’d actually want me one day.”

  I shake my head knowing that she’s just trying to get a rise out of me. “Fine, say what you want to say, think whatever you want, Gia, but I’m not running over to her house after you leave here. I’m going to get a shower and go to fucking bed. I have a job in the morning that I need to go to.”

  “Oh and I don’t. I know you don’t think school’s a job.”

  “It’s not that but you should be concentrating on school. Not guys like me. You are fucking smart, Gia, so fucking smart, you just aren’t acting like it right now with me.” I walk her to the door. “Go make something of yourself. Date someone your age. Find a medical student and marry him. You deserve the world, so go get it.”

  “You know what I do! So fuck you, Gibbs! I hate you, you’re a piece of shit and I can’t stand to look at you. I’m fucking better off without you anyway.”

  Man, she is all over the fucking place. “Gia, you think what you have to about me, but that’s what this is about - me, no one else. So just go.”

  She screams before she slaps me across the face and runs to her car.

  Grabbing my phone, I text Huck.

  ME: I broke off things with Gia. You may want to check on her. She didn’t take it so well.

  HUCK: Okay man. I’ll see what I can do.

  ME: I tried to be nice about it, but she acted just like what you were describing the other day.

SHIT I was hoping that wouldn’t be the case but okay. I’ll let you know how it goes.

  ME: Thanks man.

  I really hate dragging Huck into this but I’m starting to worry about what she’s going to do. I’ve heard stories about their mom and even witnessed it once, I just hope that’s not what’s in store for Gia. She really is a good person and I know I really shouldn’t be shitting where I eat, or however that saying goes, but we were just having fun. Or so I thought.


  I hear my damn doorbell ringing. I know that has to be what that fucking noise is that’s waking me up because I don’t hear it that often.

  “Just a fucking minute!” I yell while grabbing a pair of gym shorts to slide on so I’m not naked. It better not be fucking Gia. If it is, I’m calling one of her damn brothers to come and get her.

  Once I get to the door and look through the peep hole, I sigh. Opening the door, I stare at the girl leaning in my doorway. Wavy red hair all over the place, grinning from ear to ear. Like the wet dream I’ve been having for years.

  “Firecracker, what are you doing here?”

  She gives me a drunken smile. “I just thought I’d stop by and chat. You know, see what’s up.” She grins, looking up and down my chest like a lioness waiting to claw her way all over it. She’s always loved my chest piece.

  I push the door open further so she can come in. “So where have you been tonight?”

  She leans against the doorway to my kitchen. “Well, after the shit-tastic day I had, my sister called for girls’ night out. Then your ‘apparently’ ex piece of ass shows up and goes off like a fucking bottle rocket. Once I put her in her damn place, we did a couple of shots together.”

  I have to laugh at her. “Just a couple of shots? Are you sure about the count?”

  “Well, maybe I had a few before she got there and then a few after she got there.” She sways, almost falling. “I have to have alcohol to deal with her crazy ass. That bitch is straight up crazy-town.”


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