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The Stubborn Suitor: Book 1 (The Stubborn Suitor #1)

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by Alexa Wilder

  The Stubborn Suitor, Book One

  Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance

  Alexa Wilder

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  The Stubborn Suitor, Book One

  Drew Sloane can’t get Cami Hendricks out of his mind. After he let her down one too many times, will Cami let Drew into her heart?

  * * *

  Cami Hendricks has a lot on her plate. She's a single mom, works full-time, and her ex is a nightmare. Plus, every time she sees her mother, Cami has to tolerate her jabs about her weight. As if all that wasn't enough, the first guy Cami thinks she might really like seems to be playing games with her. His hot and cold attitude is not what she needs, especially with her ex playing hardball for full custody of her daughter.

  * * *

  Drew Sloane is torn - he can't get Cami out of his mind. Ever since he met her at a party, all he can think of is her beautiful face and her luscious body. But the timing couldn't be worse. Before he can dedicate himself to winning Cami, Drew has a delicate personal situation he has to clear up. Now that Cami has lost all trust in him, can he convince her that she's all he wants?



  “Hey, Cami,” Ashley said, leaning over the counter of the nurses’ station. “It’s slow right now. Why don’t you go ahead and take your lunch break?”

  Cami glanced at her watch and was surprised to find that it was already after noon. She was over halfway through her ten-hour shift and well past due for a break. The Emergency Room of Sacred Heart Hospital, where Cami Hendricks worked as a nurse, had been unusually busy for a Tuesday morning, and the time had gotten away from her.

  “Sure,” Cami said with a smile, knowing that Ashley wouldn’t be able to take her own break until after Cami had returned from hers. “I won’t need the full half-hour. I’m just going to grab a snack and a protein bar.”

  “No need to rush!” Ashley called from behind her as Cami made her way towards the staff locker rooms. “And you’ll need more than a protein bar to make it ‘til five. Take your time.”

  Cami nodded absentmindedly before turning the corner. In the locker room, she grabbed her purse and immediately checked her phone. As a single mother of a three-year-old, Cami was always worried about her daughter. If it wasn’t against hospital policy, she’d keep her cell with her at all times in case of an emergency.

  But for now, her mother knew the direct number for the ER nurses’ station, where Cami spent most of her time. If something went wrong at home, or there was any issue with her daughter Madison, Cami had no doubt that her mother would be able to easily contact her. Still, like any mother, she worried.

  She smiled as she looked at the picture on her phone’s lock screen, a beautiful photo of Madison greeting her. The girl’s strawberry blonde hair was quite a bit lighter than Cami’s own fiery red, but the vibrant green eyes of her daughter matched her own, as did the mischievous smile of the three-year-old staring back at her. Every time Cami picked up her phone and looked at the picture, her heart lurched a little, swelling with pride and love. Before Madison, Cami hadn’t known that it was possible to love someone this much.

  After smiling down at the picture for a moment, Cami swiped to unlock her phone. She couldn’t help but groan a little in frustration. Instead of any calls or texts from her mother—who often sent her picture messages of Madison throughout the day, even if Cami could only see them on her breaks—there were two missed calls and a text from her ex-husband, Ken.

  Call me! was all the text read. Cami rolled her eyes, really not wanting to deal with whatever the irresponsible bastard had to say during her short break. It was Ken’s turn to take Madison this Friday, and he was probably trying to get out of it. He only had her every other weekend, but he still ended up canceling half the time. As much as she didn’t want to talk to him now, Cami knew that if she waited until after her shift, she’d definitely be too tired to deal with his crap.

  Instead of calling him back immediately, Cami made her way towards the cafeteria. Once she was armed with strong coffee and a protein bar, she found a secluded area outside to make the call. Steeling herself, and aided by a much-needed caffeine and sugar boost, she dialed the number of her ex.

  “Hey, Cam,” Ken said instead of hello.

  His voice was a little too chipper, and Cami immediately knew something was up. She also hated the intimate way he still referred to her, despite the hostile divorce. It was like the last two years had never happened.

  “What’s so important, Ken?” Cami asked, not bothering to keep the exasperation out of her voice. “You need to make this quick. I’m on my break.”

  “Do you have a moment to talk? If not, I can call back later. There are a few things I need to talk to you about.”

  “I won’t have time after my shift,” Cami replied flatly. “I’ll be tired and I’ll have Madison. Just tell me whatever it is that you need to talk to me about so badly.”

  “Okay, yeah,” Ken replied, but then said nothing else.

  “Just spit it out, Ken,” Cami demanded, growing even more frustrated. Her break was dwindling, and she didn’t have time to waste on yet another bout of her ex’s shit.

  “I just wanted to let you know—before you saw it on Facebook or something—that I asked Natalie to marry me last weekend. And she said yes.”

  “Oh,” was all Cami could think of to say.

  Ken had begun dating Natalie almost immediately after their split. In fact, Cami had a sneaking suspicion that he’d begun seeing the blonde even before Cami had finally left him.

  Natalie was everything Cami was not. She was tall and thin, where Cami was short and voluptuous. While Cami had always been proud of her curves, Ken had often made comments about her needing to lose weight—especially after the birth of Madison. That was only one of many reasons why she’d eventually decided to divorce him. There had also been the drinking, the partying, and—if her suspicions were true—the cheating.

  Still, Cami couldn’t help the small pang of jealousy creeping up her spine. It’s not like she wanted Ken back or anything. She was definitely happy to be rid of him. But he had so easily found someone new to warm his bed, while Cami hadn’t even been on a date in over a year. She loved Madison, and being a mother was her number-one priority. Yet she still yearned for someone to share her life with.

  “So yeah,” Ken began after an awkward moment of silence. “I just thought you should know, since she’ll be a part of the family officially now. She’ll be Madison’s stepmom.”

  That statement made Cami cringe. She didn’t want to imagine that woman having anything to do with Madison, much less being considered a parental figure.

  “Well,” Cami replied curtly. “Congratulations. I wish you every happiness. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get back to my break.”

  “Actually,” Ken replied. “There’s something else I want to talk to you about.”

  “What?” Cami couldn’t keep the added level of annoyance out of her voice, but she really didn’t care.

  “Natalie has put in a notice at her job,” Ken replied. “She wants to be a housewife.”

  She just wants to live off your money, Cami thought, but she didn’t say this aloud. If he wanted to marry a gold-digger, so be it.
He was smart enough to make sure she wouldn’t get anything in the divorce—same as he had done to Cami. Four years of marriage, and Cami had walked away with a menial monthly child support payment and no spousal support. That’s what happens when your husband comes from a family full of lawyers and has unlimited funds, all while you can barely afford the cheapest lawyer in the phone book.

  “Good for her,” is all Cami said in reply.

  “So we were thinking,” Ken continued, “since you work so much, and Natalie is going to be a homemaker, Madison could spend more time with us. In fact, I was thinking that it would make more sense if we took over primary custody.”

  It took a moment for his words to sink in. Ken had never really seemed to be all that interested in more custody than he already had. In fact, it was often difficult to get him to keep Madison on the weekends he was already scheduled to have her. And now, he was expecting to take over primary custody.

  Cami couldn’t help but laugh: it had to be a joke.

  “It’s not funny,” Ken replied. “I’m serious.”

  “Ken, there is no way you could handle any more custody than you already have. And there is absolutely no way I am giving up primary custody of Madison.”

  “You don’t get to decide that on your own,” Ken replied. His friendly tone was gone, and he was beginning to sound angry.

  “No, Ken, the lawyers decided that during the divorce. And you agreed upon it.”

  “Yeah, well that was then. This is now. Natalie will be a stay-at-home mom. That’s what Madison needs. It’s more than you can provide for her.”

  “You have no idea what Madison needs!” Cami was nearly shouting now and she saw a few heads turn towards her in the courtyard. She swallowed and continued in a calmer, quieter tone. “Ken, where is this even coming from? I can’t even get you to keep your scheduled time with Madison. Why are you asking for more now?”

  “Things are different now. Natalie and I are getting married. We’re going to be a family.”

  “That’s awesome,” Cami replied sarcastically. “Start your own family.”

  “We can’t,” he said quietly. “Natalie can’t have kids.”

  Cami knew that she probably should have felt bad at hearing such a revelation, but instead she was incensed.

  “So what?” she asked, voice rising again. “You think you can just take my daughter away from me to play house with? That’s not going to happen.”

  “Yes, it will,” Ken voice was forceful and confident. It made Cami cringe. “I was hoping we could work this out like adults, but obviously you’re being too immature.”

  “I’m being immature?” Cami gasped. “You’re the one that thinks he can just decide to take my daughter away from me.”

  “Think about this rationally,” Ken said. “Natalie and I can give her things you can’t. You work ten-hour shifts at the hospital. You barely ever see her as it is.”

  “That’s not true,” Cami snapped. “I only work those long shifts so I have three days off a week to spend with Madison. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t have the slightest clue what Madison needs.”

  “I know she needs security. I can provide that for her. Natalie and I can. We can provide for her.”

  “I’m providing for her just fine, no thanks to you!”

  “Like I said, Cam, I was hoping to do this like civilized adults, but it is obvious that it’s not going to happen, so I’ll have my lawyer contact your lawyer. We’ll have a sit-down sometime next week. If it has to go before a judge, so be it. I will be getting custody of my daughter.”

  Cami felt nauseated. Angry tears were sliding down her face, and she extended her hand to hold the phone away from her, so that Ken wouldn’t be able to hear her distress. She knew that if Ken insisted on taking this to court, he would most likely win. He had money. He had fancy lawyers. Cami didn’t even have a lawyer of her own. She could look up the lawyer she’d used during the divorce, but that idiot hadn’t been much help then and she couldn’t risk losing now.

  Absentmindedly, Cami realized that Ken was still talking. She gently pushed the phone back against her ear.

  “…that would be easiest. Just give me the name of your lawyer. I can have Gil get in touch with him directly, since you obviously can’t handle this yourself.” Cami cringed, both at the thought as well as the mention of Gil Dubois, Ken’s lawyer and an old friend of the family. He had been the one to make sure that Cami walked away from the divorce with absolutely nothing.

  “I don’t have that information on me,” Cami replied, making sure her voice sounded even and calm, though she felt anything but. “I’ll have to get back to you with that.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll get it from you when I pick up Madison this weekend.”

  With that, Ken hung up. Cami appreciated that he hadn’t tried to say goodbye or feign any sort of niceties. He’d made his intentions clear. He wasn’t going to give up without a fight.

  Cami stared down at her phone until the lock screen reappeared, along with the green-eyed, freckled face of Madison. No matter what, she couldn’t lose her daughter. She didn’t know how yet, but she would find away to fight.



  For a long time after she hung up the phone, Cami sat in the courtyard staring off into space. The conversation with her ex-husband had caught her completely by surprise. She’d never once considered that Ken would one day decide that he wanted more custody of their daughter.

  And, as infuriating as this truth was, if Ken really meant to fight her on this, he would probably win. He had the money and the connections to manipulate the legal system in his favor. Cami wasn’t even sure that she could afford a lawyer.

  The most frustrating part of the situation was that Cami knew Ken didn’t really care about Madison—not the way that she did. He didn’t really care about anyone but himself. He was immature, irresponsible, and self-involved. He only ever saw Cami—and then Madison, once she was born—as possessions, trophies he could show off.

  Ken had always been after Cami to lose weight, not because he didn’t like her body—she knew from experience that he loved her curves—but because he didn’t want people to see him with a “fat wife.” When he’d actually said those very words to Cami—during one of his many drunken stupors—she’d known it was time to leave.

  Now he had Natalie, who really was the perfect trophy wife. She was beautiful and poised. She put up with his drinking and his partying, and had no desire for a career of her own. But that wasn’t enough for him. Nope. Now he wanted a perfect little family—and for that, he needed Madison.

  Well, he couldn’t have Madison. Cami didn’t know how yet, but she would make sure of that. Cami was a great mother. She wasn’t confident about a lot of things, but this was one fact she knew about herself. She was great at taking care of Madison.

  Yes, Cami worked full-time, but she left her daughter with her mother, so it wasn’t like the child was with a stranger for forty or fifty hours a week. She was with grandma, who spoiled her rotten.

  Cami couldn’t afford to give up her job. But more than that, she didn’t want to. She’d worked hard to get where she was and she was proud of her accomplishments. It was also a way for her to make sure that Madison would have everything she needed in life. Ken had, so far, not proven himself to be much of a provider.

  And yet, he thought he could walk in now and demand more custody, just because he had the means to provide for Madison financially?

  Cami could feel tears of frustration—and fear—sliding down her cheeks. She knew that she’d spent too much time out in the hospital courtyard, and her break was probably long over, but it was a while before she could pull herself off the bench and head inside. Only the thought of poor Ashley, probably starving and waiting for her turn to take a break, was what motivated her to finally rise from her position.

  In the bathroom, she splashed water onto her pale face. She had a fair complexion at the best of times, b
ut at the moment she looked as white and pasty as a ghost. Her green eyes were red-rimmed and swollen, and there were red blotches all over her skin.

  Cami knew that she couldn’t go back to work like this. The ER was stressful enough, with patients often scared and in pain. It was the job of the nurses to be calm and confident—not looking like a zombie that just rose from the grave.

  Retrieving her makeup bag from her locker, Cami reapplied her foundation and a little blush to make her look a little more alive. She practiced her smile for a minute before heading back out into the emergency room.

  “Took you long enough,” Ashley replied as Cami leaned over the computer to clock back in.

  “Sorry,” Cami said, offering an apologetic smile.

  Ashley squinted and studied Cami’s face, her large amber eyes growing worried.

  “Are you okay?” she asked after a moment.

  “Yeah,” Cami replied, as confidently as she was able. It obviously didn’t convince Ashley, who just raised an eyebrow, so Cami continued. “Just dealing with the ex. You know how it is.”

  “Don’t I ever,” Ashley replied, shaking her head. Cami knew that Ashley had gone through a painful divorce herself, just last year. “But if you really are okay, I’m gonna head out on my break. The burn victim in room five will need more morphine soon. They can’t take him up to surgery for another hour, so we’re just easing his pain for now. Other than that, everything is pretty quiet.”

  “Thanks, Ashley,” Cami muttered, examining the charts. “No, you go take your break. I’ll be fine here. God knows, you deserve it!”

  Ashley nodded and headed off as Cami grabbed the burn victim’s chart and headed into his room.


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