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Bound to Survive (The Magic Within Book 1)

Page 30

by Sharon Gibbs

  Atlas thought on the words Clarence had said. It was true Elle always had been strong of head and heart and once her mind had been made up there was no stopping her. Atlas could no longer count the nights she’d come home exhausted but rose in the early hours of the morning to help others who ailed.

  ‘Why do you think she’s here with us now? Surely you can’t deny their lives are intertwined; she is as he is. See the way he looks at her while he tends to her needs. The other lads sit and watch and look to him for guidance. She was born to him. She is his protector. Together they’ll be invincible.’

  Atlas wasn’t sure he believed everything Clarence said, but he now had more faith in Christopher and hoped beyond hope that he’d be able to save his precious daughter.

  Outside Henry had watched as the moon rose above him in the night sky before he returned to the inner sanctum of the cave. Clarence and Atlas had already placed the elements around the circle and it was now time for Christopher to take his place.

  Christopher lay upon the altar, and Clarence placed the bowl next to him. Henry removed the lock of hair from the wooden box and placed it in the bowl while Clarence lit the candles with his Wizard’s magic.

  Jack and Atlas sat with Elle while Peter and James watched the ceremony evolve. Never in their wildest dreams had they expected to be witness to such an event.

  Clarence and Henry took their places around the circle, and Henry held the amulet in both hands as he’d done all those years ago. Once again he spoke the words to call the ancient Wizards forth. He called to them and waited for them to appear.

  A misty haze rose within the circle of stones and the same voice from many years ago spoke.

  ‘So I see you have called to us again. What’s your reason this time, old Wizard?’ The haze was now a visible form and Henry spoke of his desire.

  ‘I’ve called you forth again to return that which has been taken from the boy. He’s now a man and our need is greater than it’s ever been. He’s the One chosen to unite our people and lead us out of this age of darkness.’

  ‘So say who?’

  ‘I, Henry Du Laurent, Wizard of the Order!’

  ‘And I, Clarence Musat, Wizard of the Order, also call to you!’

  ‘And why should I call the others forth?’ the haze of the Ancient One said.

  ‘The people now have a leader. One that’s grown and is ready to fulfil his destiny wherever that may lead. Look inside his soul and tell me he’s not all you’d look for to guide our realm.’ Then he pointed over to Elle. ‘The girl who lies over by the fire with her family needs to be healed. She also has an integral part to play within the lands. She is also born to protect and lead the people back to the natural balance of our world. This is why I call you from your plane of existence.’

  The haze of green light turned to look at Christopher as he lay upon the stone and watched all that passed before him. The Ancient One looked deep within Christopher’s soul, and then he turned his gaze to that of Elle’s unconscious form. This ancient Wizard saw the mark the arrow had made when it pierced her tender flesh and he knew the mark to be the same one as Zute had used when he terrified the realm.

  ‘Very well, you may call forth the others to complete the circle.’

  Henry held the amulet and called to the others as he’d done all those years ago.

  The five Wizards called came forward and took their places for the ceremony. James and Peter were astonished. While there’d been myths and tales told to them as children of the Wizards from long ago, they’d never seen actually seen much evidence of magic. Athena’s power was all they knew. The tales of her evil ways had taken hold of them and as they grew older they no longer believed in the childhood fantasies—that was until they’d met Henry.

  Jack wiped the skin on Elle’s shoulder, it was so hot and dry that layers of her skin came away with the soft cloth.

  The ceremony began as it had before. The Wizards surrounded the circle and chanted and a low hum filled the cavern. No small stones sat upon the rocks of the circle. This time the orb would need to be reversed to release Christopher’s essence so it could be returned to his body.

  A soft breeze blew within the confines of the cave and twirled within the formation of the circle. It swirled around above Christopher and gathered speed as it moved. The Wizards’ chants grew louder and Henry began to call the spell of the Unbinding. As Christopher lay within the circle, he could hear the wind roar around him. Faster the wind whipped, but as it twirled above him, he felt not a wisp of breeze upon his face. The roar deafened all within the cave and when the gale had reached it peak of rotation, the voice of the Ancient One called out.

  ‘Now, Henry. It’s time.’

  With all Henry’s strength, he hurled the sphere into the winds above Christopher. The orb was taken and spun up towards the roof of the cave. A beam of emerald light cascaded out of the orb and plunged down towards Christopher as he waited for his essence to be returned to his body. As the light touched Christopher’s chest the serenity of the beam turned into a raging torrent. Christopher cried out in pain as his essence impaled his sleeping soul. He writhed in agony and his body contorted with its influx. The current grew brighter and filled the cave with its intoxicating green glow. All those who watched were horrified as Christopher’s body twisted with agony, and his shouts of torture ripped through the noise of the winds.

  The sphere exploded, and shards of black rock were scattered through the cave. The light was gone and the winds disappeared and Christopher now lay heaving upon the stone. The ancient Wizards slowly vanished until only one remained, Brother Asterly. He came forward to Henry.

  ‘Henry, while we won’t be on this journey you’re about to begin, we’ll be watching. If your need is great, call to me and I’ll endeavour to come to your aid.’

  ‘Thank you, Brother…’

  ‘Brother Asterly Du Laurent. I’m your forefather. I’ll be watching the boy. If he needs me just call.’ Then he, too, vanished. Henry took comfort in his words. They weren’t alone in this fight.

  Christopher moved and stretched his body. He felt the same as before, but there was a difference within him; now he understood all the lessons from the books, the books he’d loved and studied all these years. His essence had gathered the knowledge of the realm and now it roared within his being, just as the winds had roared around the circle. Christopher quieted his essence and rose from the stone.

  Henry could see the change in this man; no longer was he ignorant to the teachings of their world. He was now the teacher.

  Christopher approached Elle and placed his hands over the site of the enchantment. He sought deep within himself to find that which he knew he needed, and a green light began to glow through his fingers. The light filled Elle and drew the spell of the wicked enchantment up into his hands where it was overpowered by Christopher’s will and in turn vaporised. Christopher released his touch upon her skin and his light reabsorbed. Elle’s skin was healthy again and no longer did fever ravage her body. She opened her eyes and looked up into Christopher’s. There she saw a kindred soul, one that shined upon her and she knew she’d come home. Christopher lifted Elle into his arms and sat with her in a chair by the fire. Wrapped in blankets, he held her safe in his arms. No one could believe it; these two had instantly become one.

  Chapter Thirty

  Athena’s eyes opened wide as she felt the shift in the balance of power.

  He was alive!

  She could sense his power in the land once again. This time they’d find him and destroy him. She rose from her bed and wrapped her cloak around herself to ward off the cold night air and left her room.

  The door handle creaked as she turned the knob and entered her brother’s room. She slipped through the darkness and approached his bed.

  ‘Arnak,’ she called and shook him until he answered.

  ‘What, Athena? I’m tired. Why do you wake me? It’s not morning yet.’

  ‘Wake up, Arnak. He’s alive a
nd he’s more powerful than before. We must find him and kill him this time.’

  ‘The boy?’ Arnak said as he opened his eyes.

  ‘Yes! He lives.’

  Just as Arnak threw the covers off his bed they heard a rap on the door.

  ‘What?’ Arnak yelled. He was already annoyed with Athena’s news.

  The door creaked open and Jefferson entered warily.

  ‘My Lord, a messenger is here with news from Canameer. He’s ridden for days and insists that he only speaks to you.’

  Arnak grumbled. ‘I’ll be down, let me get dressed,’ he said as he dismissed Jefferson.

  ‘Clothe yourself, Athena, and then meet me downstairs,’ Arnak said as he rose from his bed.

  The soldier that Silas Remon had sent to the Lord stood and warmed himself by the fire. The Keep was a place he’d heard of but had never actually seen so he looked around while he waited. He noticed the tree of life emblazoned above each fireplace within the room and wondered why it would be there. His cloak was wet and as he removed it and placed it over a chair to dry, Arnak strode up to him.

  ‘What news do you bring?’

  ‘My Lord, I bring you news from Silas Remon,’ the soldier said as he handed him Silas’ ring. Proof that Silas had sent him there. ‘Three days ago, a group of men and a woman escaped with the prisoner from Canameer.’

  ‘How could they let this happen?’ Arnak roared as he paced back and forth and cursed the man he’d left in charge of Canameer for all these years.

  The soldier became fearful of Arnak. As he dropped to his knees he retold the events of that day, and Arnak listened to the man as he told of the manor’s destruction. Arnak had heard enough and as Athena entered the room he roared.

  ‘We must pack to leave. Have a contingent prepare to travel. The Wizard has escaped. We must find the One born and destroy him now!’

  Arnak was in such a rage that Athena dared not question him. She bowed her head. ‘It shall be done,’ she said.

  Athena now knew that this One they sought was behind the escape. She’d felt the shift in the balance of her powers and it all made sense to her now. They couldn’t find the boy before as the Wizard he travelled with had somehow hidden his powers. Now they’d resurfaced, he’d no longer be a boy, but a man, with knowledge of the world he lived in and two Wizards at his side. They had to find him soon.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Word of the escape in Canameer travelled quickly throughout the land. Joseph had heard about it in the market square, and as he left to find Albert and Rose he spoke to no one.

  ‘Have you heard?’ Joseph called as he rode up to the front of Albert’s workshop. Albert was at his wagon unloading the steel he’d purchased.

  ‘Heard about what?’

  ‘There’s been trouble in Canameer. All hell and damnation has broken loose and the Lord now rides to the town.’

  ‘Go home, Joseph, and pack what you can. Bring food and warm clothes for your sons. We need to leave as soon as we can.’

  ‘Where are we to go?’ Joseph didn’t even know where to look for his boys.

  ‘The night before Henry left with our sons, he told me if there was ever any trouble, we were to pack and leave straight away and head to the village of Corn Fallow for he has friends there. We’ll be safe there while we wait for word from them and that is what we’ll do. Now go home and pack. Tell no one of your plans to leave.’

  Joseph turned his horse around and hurried off home.

  Albert left the steel and walked up to the house. ‘Rose!’ he called as he entered the back door. ‘Pack food and warm clothes and bring things for Christopher, too. We leave within the hour.’

  ‘What’s happened?’ Rose panicked; never before had Albert rushed into the house with such demands.

  ‘Calm yourself, we need to leave and meet up with Christopher. They’ve had some trouble. Do as I say, now go and pack.’

  Then he returned to the workshop and unpacked the rest of the wagon. He collected the things they’d need and headed up to the house to pick up Rose. They’d stop for Joseph on their way and call into Jimmy’s to let him know what their plans were.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Arnak and Athena pushed their army from the Keep to the town of Canameer.

  Silas, Kovak and Royston had set up a makeshift camp and waited for their Lord to arrive. Gone was the luxury of the manor house, they now lived in a city of tents.

  Arnak walked into the tent of Silas Remon.

  ‘What have you done, Silas!’ Arnak roared as he made his presence known.

  ‘My Lord, I can’t explain what’s happened. Only that in the confusion of the attack upon the manor, the Wizard and his followers managed to kill several of my men and escape with the prisoner.’

  ‘Whose men? They’re my men, Silas, and don’t you forget it!’

  ‘Yes, my Lord. Kovak was there when the attack happened. He’d be better to inform you on the events of that day.’

  ‘Where’s Kovak?’ Arnak was irritated with these fools he’d left in charge.

  Just then Kovak entered Silas’ tent.

  ‘My Lord,’ he said and then he turned to Athena and bowed. ‘I’ve waited for your arrival. Silas’ men pursued the traitors for a time, but lost their tracks once the snow had set in. They’ve since been unable to locate their whereabouts.’

  Kovak knew Silas would place the blame on him, so he planned to turn the tables. He wouldn’t take responsibility for Silas’ inability to act.

  ‘So how do you expect to find them?’ Athena thrust the question at Kovak.

  ‘One of the men in the group lives in The Dale. He’s the local swordsmith’s son. With your permission I’d like to send a detail to bring the family here and find out what they know.

  ‘Have it done today. I want this problem resolved. There’s much more at stake than you know. Now leave us,’ Arnak said.

  Kovak wasn’t ready to leave yet. He wanted to hunt Christopher and his party down and he risked much by asking his next question.

  ‘My Lord, I ask you to grant me leave from this town, to take my men and head north in search of the traitors. Silas’ men can interrogate the family when they arrive. Every day we wait their trail grows colder. Soon there’ll be no sign of their passing. Grant me your blessing, and I’ll bring you the traitors’ heads.’

  Arnak glared at Kovak and the Captain’s confidence began to wither under the Lord’s anger. ‘See that it’s done, Kovak. You’ll not get another chance. Now leave us!’ Arnak had had enough of these fools. He was obsessed with the One born of power. This man would wreak havoc and rise up to oust them from their rule.

  Kovak was pleased with this turn of events and he could now safely leave the town and search for Christopher without the wrath of his Lord and Sorceress.

  He organised his men, stocked his wagons and his posse headed out that afternoon. They covered much ground and headed north to where the soldiers had lost sight of the group. Making camp, Kovak sent men out to scour the area to look for any sign they could follow.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Elle rested by the fire. When Christopher’s essence had entered her body it hadn’t only withdrawn the taint, but had started a reaction within her tissue to heal itself. Elle was still drained. She looked perfectly healthy, but memories of the torments she’d suffered while under the influence of the taint floated in her mind. She’d seemed to be unconscious but her thoughts had delved into the deepest despair of her soul and caused the bad memories of her life to surface. She’d become lost in her own world as her thoughts roamed to unfathomable zones.

  ‘Elle should be well enough to travel in a few days time. You’ll be able to journey north and seek out a new life for yourselves,’ Clarence assured Atlas and Jack.

  And where will you go? Where will you seek refuge?’ Jack asked.

  ‘There’ll be no refuge safe for us any longer,’ Henry said. ‘We’ve woken the sleeping beast and he’ll weave his way acr
oss the lands in search of us. The Sorceress will have felt the shift in the balance of her powers; she no longer has total rule over the realm. We must stand and fight to end their reign once and for all. The people have waited for the last twenty years and have prepared for this day. Christopher’s purpose is to unite the people and to help them rise up and take back what’s theirs, so peace can once again reign in our lands. No man can do it on their own.’

  Atlas and Jack thought about Henry’s words. What if they weren’t successful? Arnak and his army would continue to rule and there’d be no place safe to hide. King Sioban had no magic to use in his army’s defence, while Arnak had his Sorceress to power him forward.

  ‘So what are your plans? How will Christopher unite the people?’ Jack was interested.

  ‘Yes, grandfather, where do we go from here?’ Christopher was unsure of what their next move should be.

  ‘We must journey to Corn Fallow and meet up with your aunt and uncle. Joseph will be with them and from there we’ll decide our next course of action. The decision must be made by as many of the fold as possible.’

  They’d already begun a chain of events that would take them down an unknown path. The men had gathered around the fire, and Elle listened to their plans.

  ‘I’ll come with you to Corn Fallow,’ she said.

  ‘No, you must get away from all this, Elle. Your involvement has nearly cost you your life already.’ Jack worried for his sister. She’d not long ago been at death’s door and Jack couldn’t fathom her idea of wanting to be further involved in the fight that was to come.

  ‘How can you say that, Jack? You of all people.’ The words burst forth from Elle’s mouth. ‘We can’t stick our heads in the sand and wait for others to do the hard work for us and expect to reap the rewards of freedom. It’s to each to decide where their fate lies and I choose to fight. I’m better than most with the bow and you can’t deny that.’


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