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The Truth Behind The Lies

Page 20

by Lace, Lolah

  She returned shortly with a black man. I knew this wasn’t the guy. He was too urban. He had to be his muscle. Maybe I was stereotyping but there was nothing about this guy that screened professional businessman. I knew Nina well enough. She would never lay with this trash. I imagined Nina liked a cleaner cut man. This guy was scruffy. His hair was braided to his scalp. He was even wearing jewelry around his tattooed neck. Not Nina’s type.

  I stood.

  “You here to see David?” The thuggish man barked at me like I was an animal instead of a person.


  The man looked out the glass window at my Porsche. He had to confirm what the Kim K. clone said.


  “We have mutual interests.”

  The guy looked as if he was trying to figure out my words. It wasn’t a puzzle. It was a complete sentence.

  “Alright. Come on.”

  The man opened the door to let me go through first. I walked in and he followed. I had no idea which way to go. Left or right? I guess he hadn’t thought of that. I turned to him for guidance. He probably felt threatened by me. He was maybe five-eight.

  “Straight down to the right.” I followed his instructions and walked the hall. I heard instrumental music coming from a room up ahead. “Right here.”

  I opened the door and entered what was evidently a recoding studio. There he was sitting behind a soundboard. He was the man I was looking for. He was dressed causally but clean and tastefully. His sneakers were vintage Air Jordans. His watch was pricey. His diamond earrings were overkill but expensive. I sized him up because it was instinct. He had been with Nina. He hurt Nina. He was my enemy as soon as I saw Nina in that elevator.

  There was a curvaceous woman sitting on the soundboard facing him. She was not directly in front of his but off to the side. She was pretty but dressed like a stripper. She remarkably resembled Nina. So much like Nina that it was unnerving. As I got closer it was clear Nina was prettier, softer, more beautiful, more vibrant.

  He pushed a button on the soundboard and the music died.

  “Who are you again?”

  He knew me. He was posturing for the woman. “I’m Sebastian Vandervol.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know you man. You have business with me?”

  “You could say that, Nina Norwood business.”

  He slapped the Nina clone on her thigh. “Get out.”

  The woman popped off the soundboard and scurried toward the door.

  “Give me a minute with this dude.” He told the thug with the sagging pants. “Close the door.” The thug left the room behind the woman closing the door behind him.

  David turned his swivel chair in my direction. “Why are you here?”

  “I think you know.”

  “Naw, enlighten me.”

  “Someone vandalized my girlfriends condo.”

  “Girlfriend.” He chuckled. “Okay and you think it was me?”

  “I don’t think it was you. I know it was.”

  “Well I will give you a pass because you white but you need to stop believing everything these black bitches tell you.”

  “Listen, leave Nina alone.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “It’s whatever you want it to be.”

  “So you think you going to come up in my place of business and tell me what to do?”

  “Is that a question?”

  “I should put a bullet in your ass for even showing up here, white man.”

  “I am white. I am here. You and I both know that if I leave here with a single bullet in me you will be thrown in prison. If I never leave here that means life without parole for a Black man. Just one of the perks of being a white man.”

  “What I know is you can’t see the trial while floating in Lake Michigan. I also know you can’t tell me what to do.”

  “No, but I can make a suggestion.”

  “I suggest you get your white ass out my face.”

  “I thought that I could come here and talk to you, man to man.”

  “Naw I’m done with this conversation.” He lifted his shirt and revealed a handgun in his waistband. He lowered his shirt as soon as he realized I saw his piece.

  “Well you have been warned.” I said.

  He forced a chuckle. “You think you’re tough.”

  “No I think drastic measures are in order.”

  “You think you’re scaring me?”

  “I haven’t given you much thought. I’m thinking solely about Nina.”

  “I can see how Nina’s pussy would give a man courage and she sucks dick like a fucking pornstar.”

  “I’ve always had courage and I’m sure you miss her blowjobs.”

  “You think you’re fucking funny.”

  “I think you should pray, drink with your homies, write a rap song or do whatever it is black men do when their women leave them for white men.”

  “We bust motherfuckin’ caps at those Crackers.” David quickly stood. He grabbed his gun from his waistband and pointed it at my face.

  My heart raced but I didn’t budge. “So I guess now the conversation is really over.” I turned away although he was pointing his gun at me. He would have to shoot me in my back. It was time to leave. I warned him. My job was done but deep down I knew it really wasn’t over. There was know way I would ever let a man pull and point a gun at me. He took this too far and I would take it to the end. Vengeance was a part of me. David Jenkins took what could have been a civilized conversation and turned it into an episode of Empire.

  I was out the door and down the hall at a pace quicker than when I arrived. I opened the door that led to the reception area. I watched both the women and the man as they watched me leave. We all were quiet. I think they had been listening in on the conversation. I didn’t have proof. It was just a feeling I had read on their paralyzed faces.

  I got into my car and drove off the lot. I needed David to disappear. I replayed it back in my head to justify the wrath I wanted to bring his way. He pointed a gun at me and threatened to kill me. I now believe he has been terrorizing my Nina long before this vandalism incident.

  Nina is a strong woman. I think she’s been hiding things from me were he is concerned. She probably didn’t want to get me involved. That was admirable but now I am involved. Now David Jenkins is a problem for me, a problem with a simple solution.

  I went back into work. I stayed until six and drove home. Nina’s car was in the driveway. I went inside and went straight into my office.

  I dialed Graziano. I had a problem and he was a fixer of problems.


  I saw Bash whip into the circular driveway. I watched him exit his Porsche from the upstairs window. I waited for him. He never came to his bedroom, our bedroom. That sounds weird, our.

  I had a shitty day at work and I yearned to feel his arms around me. I had to fire someone that isn’t even in my department. This is the third time they had me terminate someone I didn’t even work with. This girl was young. She was fresh out of college and she cried when I told her it was her last day. I love everything about my job but this part, I hate.

  I needed to feel the comfort of Bash’s easygoing nature. As soon as I got to the house I ran into evil Eva, her new nickname. She rolled her eyes at me without even speaking. I could have spoke to her first. If she said something out the way to me I would’ve reacted badly. No need for that.

  I left the bedroom and went in search of him. I passed one of the guest bedrooms. It was the one that Bash said I could convert into a closet. It was a project we were going to do together. He said he would hire someone to build the racks and shelves but we could paint it ourselves.

  The room was clear of everything but the tables that had all my new clothes draped over them. We went shopping the same day I found all my things damaged beyond repair. Thinking about what David did to my things made my stomach hurt. The shopping made me feel slightly better.

  Back to Bash. Where was he? I walked p
ast his home office and peeked inside. I got a glimpse of him. He was in his office so I took a step back. His back was turned to me as he looked out the window holding his cell to his ear.

  “Do you need any additional information?...His name is David Jenkins, thirty-five, originally from Cal Park, last know residence Harvon Hills…No, no, I just want the dirt. I sense some illegal activities…Okay just let me know what you find…If he’s clean I will let you work your magic but let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  I quickly and quietly moved my body from the doorway. It was just when I thought Bash was going to end his call. He was checking David out. I wasn’t even sure how I felt about it. It made perfect sense. Bash told me he loves me and he probably is just protecting me.

  I took my ass back to the bedroom. I searched for the remote and found it behind a bed pillow. I turned on the TV. Bash bought that flatscreen for me. He didn’t watch much TV and he didn’t have one in his bedroom before I made a fuss about it. I thought it was customary for couples to cuddle in bed watching movies. Clearly it had been a longtime since he was in a couple.

  Bash appeared ten minutes later. He was pretty damn dressed up for work. He looked like a high fashion model. He always looked nice but today it seemed like he was dressed to impress. I instantly thought of that freckled face bitch Dana. I rallied my insecurities. Bash isn’t a cheater. So he says.

  “Hey babe.” He greeted me with a smile and a powerful Bash signature embrace. I fell into his arms.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yeah I’m great.” He cheered.

  Huh, great. “How was your day?”

  “Boring, uneventful, mundane.”

  Somehow I thought he was lying. I just didn’t know why. “Mine wasn’t.”

  “Did you have to give the young lady the ax?”

  “Yes I did. She cried but it didn’t matter. She spent too much time online instead of closing her accounts and I had a shitload of proof.”

  Bash removed his shirt. His body was hard to turn away from. He seemed to have something on his mind. It was clear that he wasn’t going to share. I wasn’t sure if asking about David would be appropriate. Bash might think I cared. I don’t think my ex is a good topic at this time.

  “You know Eva called me today while I was at work.”

  “No I didn’t know that.”

  “Have you seen her today?”

  “Yeah a few minutes ago.”

  “How’d that go?”

  “The silence was deafening.”

  He chuckled. “Eva apparently went into the guest room and saw your abundance of new clothes.”

  “Oh she did.” I got to get a lock on that door.

  “I explained to my dear daughter that your condo was vandalized and all your clothes perished. I believe she is jealous.”

  “Of the time you spend with me.”

  Bash chuckled. “No I’m sure it’s not that.”

  I shrugged. “Then what?”

  “The clothes I purchased for you. She cares more about money and material possessions than she cares about me.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  “Nina, you’re a really nice person. You say really nice things.”

  Okay that was from out of nowhere. “Okay.”

  “What do you think I should do about Eva?”

  “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. She calls and complains and cries and complains some more. She hates me and all that.”

  “What would make her stop her tirades?”


  “Buy her something.” I knew that was a fucked up answer but I don’t have kids and if I did they wouldn’t be acting like Eva. My kids would get checked right out the womb.

  “I could do that. Do you think I should buy her a car or something?”

  “I don’t know Bash. I don’t have any kids.”

  “But you want them right? Did we ever finish that conversation?”

  “No we, I don’t know. I don’t remember.”

  “It’s not a hard question. Do you want a baby?”

  “Yes I do. One day.”

  “And you’re taking birth control pills right now?”

  “Yes.” Now he asks me that.

  “Well stop taking them.”

  “After dating for two months.”

  “You say it like we have been on one date per week. We have been together every single day since we met. We are far beyond most couples in the dating realm. We are committed. We live together. You want a baby. I will give you a baby.”

  “It’s that simple.” Or is he just a simpleton.

  “Yes Nina it is. Stop the pill. It may take awhile to get pregnant. So the sooner you stop the pill, the better.”

  He didn’t know that I just started taking it again when I met him.

  “So this is the plan, a baby?” I asked again just to make sure.

  “Yes. What could go wrong?”

  “Ah we could break up and I could be stuck with a baby.”

  He smiled and accosted me with his dimples. “I think you would have to break up with me. That’s if I allow it. I’m never breaking up with you.”

  Oh my. Why did that make me feel good about this insanity? I know that’s what psycho boyfriends say. When Bash says it, it just feels sweet.

  “So Bash just like that. Stop taking the pill?” I was considering this foolishness just because I was so in love with this man. I wanted to be a mother and yeah I was so in love with this man.

  “Yes. Give them to me and I will flush them down the toilet just to emphasize my point.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “Oh I think it is. I think you need some grand gesture to convey how much I love you and want you to have my child.”

  “No, I know how you feel. You’re very vocal.” I smarted.

  “Nina.” He took my face in his warm hands. “I love you. I know you love me although you have not said it. I picked you and its forever.”

  Bash bent to kiss my lips. My legs got a little wobbly. He released my face and meandered his arms around my waist. He pressed my body into his as he caressed my tongue with his mouth.

  I do love him.


  Isabelle prepared dinner and we ate in the dining room. Jax, his girlfriend Soung and Jax’s best friend Parker joined us. Isabelle was a great cook. She could make you fat. Good thing Bash has a gym in the basement.

  One person was missing from dinner. Eva stayed locked away in her room. I can’t say I missed her.

  Dinner was pleasant. Jax was just as funny as his father. Would my kid look like a tanned Jax? The thought entered my mind and took shape. I was starting to feel like I fit in here. Maybe moving in with Bash was a good idea. Maybe having a baby with him is too. I want to be a mother more now than ever before. He can make that happen for me. I love him more than enough to have a baby with him. It’s settled. The birth control pills are hasta la vista and then maybe a baby.

  After dinner Bash and I went outside to the backyard. We sat together in a huge single chair that was parked near the fire pit. The blazing fire and the huge fleece blanket warmed us in the chilly night air. I snuggled back into his chest. It was easier for me to talk to him when I didn’t have to look in his dreamy eyes. His eyes would fry my brains sometimes.

  I had something on my mind. I just had to share. My words sometimes got me in trouble.

  “You know you said more than once that you picked me.”

  “Does that bother you?” He held my left breast like it was a cup of tea.

  “No not really but what did you mean when you said it? That you didn’t get to pick the first time around?”

  “I meant with Caroline.”

  I don’t understand. I wish I didn’t have to pry everything about Caroline out of him. “Explain it. I don’t get it.”

  He sighed and his chest rose, slightly moving my head forward. He held me tighter in his arm

  “My father was a great man. His entire life was governed by these rules that he lived by, his sage advice that he believed in and that he brainwashed his kids with.”

  “Brainwashed?” Bash had to be exaggerating. “What rules?”

  “My father would have never approved of you for obvious reasons.”

  “Your father had an objection to beautiful women?” I smiled I knew he meant because I was black. I guess race mixing wasn’t on the Vandervol to-do list.

  “It wouldn’t have mattered what I wanted or who I loved.”

  “Well the race mixing thing would have been a normal thought process for someone like your father. People are still prejudice. People are still racist.”

  “There really is no excuse for racism. I learned that a long time ago.”

  I remembered his ‘N’ word story. I sat up and turned around to face Bash. I stationed my body to straddle him. I rose up a little and started unbuttoning his pants.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going for a ride. I want to place first at the Kentucky Derby.”

  Bash allowed me to unbutton him, unzip him and free his massive dick from confinement.

  He reached in between my legs. He took a quick swipe at my pussy.

  “Where are your panties?”

  “I took them off after dinner.”

  “You are a naughty girl.” Bash ran his hands over the blanket that covered my hips.

  “Yes I am.” I smiled and poked my lips at him.

  “There are people in the house.”

  “They can’t see us. We’re covered up.” I pressed my body down and let the head of his dick pierce me. Oh my. I threw my head back. This man’s dick was hypnotic. “Say something to me in German.”

  “Ich will Liebe mit dir zu machen.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “I want to make love to you.”

  “Is that so?”

  He shook his head. “You feel so fucking good.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes so fucking good. Slide down my pole, please ma’am.”

  “How far?”

  “All the way to my fucking balls.”

  “Anything for you Sebastian.” I slowly lowered my body down so he could slit me open and all the way up. So he could fill my insides completely. I watched as he tightly squeezed his eyelids shut and pressed his sexy lips together.


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