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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Rebecca Joyce

  Leaning on his elbows, Tristan started rubbing his pelvis against her clit as he moved within her. He continued to kiss her neck and ears as she moaned into his ear. Her moans were sweet music to his ears as her hands on his back gave him more pleasure, migrating toward his ass. Her nails raked his skin, leaving a burning trail of hunger before she dug them into his ass.

  He wanted her, wanted to have her, own her. He wanted to lose himself in her, to be hers, to be taken over and owned by her. Feeling her, receiving her. She was biting her lip but then bit his neck instead. She wanted him, all of him. The pain didn’t bother him. It rather made him feel more levelheaded. She wanted to devour him, too, to own him all of him.

  Harder and faster, Tristan thrust into her. He started to sweat, feeling the warm, wet drops trickle down his back and form on his brow. Whispering into his ear before she bit it, Violet moaned, “Stop.”

  Tristan did so immediately, knowing he hadn’t gone too far, but still he feared that might have hurt her. The moment he stopped all movement and looked down at her, Violet grinned and flipped him over on his back. Tristan instantly helped when he realized what she wanted. He rolled over to let her ride him. Having her on top was something that always delighted him, making him able to focus just on watching the expressions of pleasure on her face as his pelvis acted on its own. Seeing her breasts dangling in front of him made the whole thing even better. She smiled as she hovered over him, knowing that she had him just where she wanted him. He smiled back, knowing that he was just where he wanted to be.

  She kissed him before starting to let her hips dance on and around his shaft, moving on top of him, riding him. Tristan said nothing as she moved slowly at first then faster, delighting in how this position made her more and more distracted. He could see pure pleasure on her face as her hips grinded against his pelvis. His hands found her ass and grabbed her luscious globes roughly, knowing just how much she loved a bite of pain with her pleasure.

  She started to ride him harder. Bending his knees, Tristan planted his feet up so he could get more support for his counter-thrusts. Moving his hands to her hips, Violet leaned down to kiss him, biting his lip, light enough not to pierce it but hard enough that she stretched it out and up as she pulled back. She held on to it just for a moment before she let it go.

  God, this beautiful woman was driving him crazy. He loved her. She was everything he wanted and more. Her tenacious appetite rivaled his own, and her lust for more astounded him. If ever there was a perfect match in the world, he was looking at his. His beautiful flower. His Violet.

  The rain was still falling, drizzling down outside, as she rose up and started to ride him straight up and down. She was a Goddess. A divinity in female form. She loved riding him, taking him. She set the pace, and no matter how frustrated he got she was in control. Ridden by a Goddess of love. She touched herself as she rode him. He looked on in awe and desire.

  She kept him close to the breaking point for some time now, slowly moving herself closer and closer up to it. As she leaned down again, her fingers dug into his chest and he understood how excited she was. Her desire fueled his, like it always did. The heat of her kiss and caress fueled his impending orgasm, making him want her even more.

  Hips grinded away. It was now or never.

  Moving faster, harder, Tristan knew she couldn’t stop. There would be no more teasing now, she was past the point of no return. With his hands on her ass, he helped her grind harder. Her fingers on his shoulders dug in as she kissed him. Possessed by desire, he was now ruled by lust for her, as he gave himself over to her. Flowing like a magnetic field of enormous power between them, she bound them together and nothing could pry them apart now.

  Her breasts bounced against his chest, rubbed against it, as she rode him. Her curly hair just above his pelvis rubbed, enticing him more. The bed shook as she rode him more and more forcefully. His mind was pieces, ruled and overruled by her passion. Tristan gritted his teeth as he approach the final stretch. Her fingers so tight on his shoulders, he was sure she would leave bruises, but he didn’t care. He would wear them with honor. He was used to marks from her. Used to them and actually rather fond of the marks she left, seeing them as marks of passion.

  As she started shake, Tristan held her by her hips, desperate to reach the place she was already entering. Going stiff, his whole body overruled his muscles. His body felt like it was going to explode. His muscles felt like they were about to burst. Then he felt the first twitch as the love of his life shuddered into insanity. Her cunt contracted around his dick, and that was enough to send him over the edge with her. His whole body vibrated as it released all of the tension built by her hands and lips, as he let himself flow into her.

  He stared in awe as she arched her back again and again, before and after him. She opened her eyes and Tristan saw the look on her face, that look, when she felt all that pent-up pleasure come rushing back at her in an instant. Covering her face with tiny kisses as best he could, he too came down from his own orgasm. The waves of pleasure that came crashing in over and through him diminished. His legs felt like overcooked pasta as his mind started to come back to reality.

  Her every move on top of him made him shudder even after his orgasm, his extra sensitive cock still inside of her. Tristan pulled her down over him and embraced her tightly, partly to stop her from moving as it is a wondrous and teasing agony, and partly because he wanted to feel her heartbeat close to his.

  Chapter Seven

  It had only been three days since Tristan whisked Violet off to his private hideaway in the Indian Ocean. Sasha couldn’t blame his best friend. If the roles were reversed, he would have done the same thing, too. Instead of basking in the warm sun with the woman of his dreams, he was desperately trying to find a way to keep her. He missed her dearly and wished he hadn’t let her leave the way he did when she was last with him. He never got to say good-bye before Tristan took her away. In a way he was glad for that, because he couldn’t bear to look into her eyes and lie to her anymore. He needed this mess fixed and fast, because the longer she was gone, the more he felt her slipping through his fingers.

  So far, the idle threat from the anonymous e-mailer revealed nothing, apparently deciding to stay quiet a little longer. Though Sasha, Gabriel, and Alexander were relieved, they all knew there was a reason behind it. Now, all they had to do was figure out what. In the meantime, Ms. Grey and the Prescott brothers were digging into the past of everyone and anyone who knew Sasha and Tristan, especially those who would love to see their names smeared in the media. On the top of that large list was, of course, Tristan’s brother James Master Summerfield and Tristan’s ex-fiancée Morgana Eveline Santos.

  Gabriel suggested letting Tristan know, so that if anything popped up on the nightly news, he could keep Violet away until the dust settled. However, Sasha disagreed. Oh, he knew keeping Violet away was the right thing to do, but his selfish nature won out and Sasha absolutely refused to be away from Violet any longer than he had to. Yet, he was forced to agree to a longer vacation only if the information became public. If it did, Tristan would keep Violet away. However, if it didn’t, then Tristan would bring Violet home and Sasha agreed to tell Violet what to expect.

  He wasn’t happy with the arrangement and he missed her terribly. He figured having her home in Treasure Cove, hating him, was better than having her across the world hating him. Either way, his secret was out and the only person who didn’t know was Violet, and in four days even she would be privy to his dark secret.

  A knock at his door brought him out of his eternal misery. “Come in.” Looking up, Sasha was surprised to see Kelly O’Brian-Meyer and Camellia Masterson walk in. It was unusual seeing Cami without one of her men around. Those Masterson brothers generally stuck to her like glue. So her being here in his office alone meant this wasn’t a social visit. Closing his laptop, Sasha stood and greeted the women, kissing each of their cheeks, before helping them to sit. “What do I owe this honor, ladies?”r />
  Kelly smiled and spoke first. “I wanted to come see how you were doing, but mainly I wanted to talk to you.”

  “About what?” Sasha asked, sitting back down behind his desk.

  “Don’t get mad, but I know about the e-mail.”

  Sasha stiffened. “How?”

  “Let’s just say a little bird told me.” Kelly smirked. “I wanted to know how you are handling all of this.”

  “Well, all of us are doing what we can to stop the e-mail from going public.”

  “No, Sasha, not about that. I know you guys will do everything you can on that aspect. I want to know how you are handling it all? I know you probably don’t want our interference, but I wanted you to know that Cami and I are somewhat familiar with what Violet went through. I thought it might be helpful to you, when she returns and learns the truth.”

  “I don’t understand,” Sasha questioned. “Why would you want to help me? I ruined her life. I destroyed any happiness she could have had. There’s nothing to be done, nothing to say. When she finds out, I am well aware that she will leave me.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Camellia spoke up softly. “I know you don’t know much about me. Hardly anyone does, minus a few people in town, and I would prefer it stayed that way. You see, I too was kind of sold when I was younger. Well, I don’t know if there was a contract or money involved, but I do know that my father forced me to marry a man I didn’t love. That man was an abuser, like the one Violet had. Only he never touched me. Everything he did was mental. Unlike Violet, I was forced to watch and listen. I didn’t know I could leave him because I had Ethan to look after. I was scared, lonely, and feared for my life, too. There were many days I wanted to end it all, but I couldn’t. I had someone else besides me to look after. If it weren’t for Ethan, I’d probably not be sitting here talking to you right now. I guess what I am trying to say is that over time, wounds heal. Memories fade, and I found what I needed to start living again. I believe Violet has found her reason. It’s you and Tristan.”

  “I’m sorry about what happened to you, Cami, and it was kind of you to trust me with your past, but what I did was unforgivable.”

  “To you, maybe. But maybe not to Violet.” Cami grinned. “Violet is a lot stronger than you men give her credit for. She’s smart, thoughtful, and understands that life isn’t always sunshine and daisies. I’m not saying she won’t be upset, but I think she won’t be as upset as you believe.”

  “Women tend to surprise men,” Kelly added. “We do it more often than you guys would probably like. We’re not as fragile as you men believe us to be, and we can forgive even the harshest of circumstances. My uncle hired a man to kill me. This is the same man who I grew up knowing as a sweet man, who every time I saw him, he always had jelly beans for me. He hugged me when I was upset, he kissed my skinned knees, and after my fathers died, he stayed in my room reading to me until I fell asleep. Yet, that man tried to kill me. I was shot in the chest, Sasha, by a hit man my uncle hired. But you want to know what? I forgave him. Yes, I was angry at him for what he did, but you see, I knew the man before the monster. I couldn’t stay angry at him. It’s not in my nature to hold a grudge, and I believe it’s not in Violet’s either.”

  “Why are you ladies telling me this?” Sasha whispered, a small inkling of hope coming alive deep within him.

  “Because we both know, Violet. We knew the woman before you and the woman after you. Since you and Tristan started seeing Violet, she’s blossomed. She’s happy, she laughs, she’s become more social in town. Yes, she’s still shy, but we all give her that space when she needs it. I’ve seen you two with her. I’ve seen the way she looks at you, Sasha. Your past may hurt her, but she will forgive you,” Kelly advised.

  “I don’t deserve her forgiveness.”

  “Everyone deserves forgiveness. We all make mistakes. It’s what we learn from those mistakes that makes us the better human beings,” Kelly added soothingly.

  “If I know my sister, she already has, only she doesn’t know it,” Hazel Conner said, standing in the doorway. Sasha stood as Hazel entered his office, closing the door behind her. “The women of Treasure Cove are unique, Sasha. We’re compassionate, smart, and resilient. We’re also headstrong, determined, and at times a force to be reckoned with. I see all of those qualities in Violet and every moment she’s spent with you and Tristan has only deepened her resolve. Give her time. Be honest with her and tell her everything, then let her soak it all in. She knows what she wants and nothing, not even you, will be able to stop her when she puts her mind to it.”

  “You should all hate me. I don’t understand why you’re here giving me this pep talk,” Sasha said.

  “Would you rather I call Charlotte and let her have at you? Because she’s been itching lately to beat the crap out of someone,” Hazel asked, grinning that wicked grin Gabriel had when he knew he’d proven his point. Sasha hated that grin. God, he prayed Violet never learned that grin.

  “I think I’ll pass.” Sasha chuckled. “That woman scares the crap out of me.”

  “She scares everyone. Get over it.” Hazel laughed. “Now, what can we do to help?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I didn’t stutter. My sister is still in danger. I want to help find this asshole and make sure he pays.”

  “Hazel, I don’t think Steven and Neil would like you anywhere near this.”

  Hazel laughed loudly. “And I don’t report to them. I do what I please. So either you let me help, or I’m calling Charlotte.” It was at that moment Kelly’s cell phone rang. Sasha said nothing as he watched her answer it, but when she gasped and immediately stood, he knew something was wrong.

  “She’s what! Hang on, Gabriel, we’re on the way!” Kelly shouted into her phone, before hanging up.

  “What’s going on?” Sasha asked, grabbing for his keys. He knew if anything happened to Gabriel, Violet would be upset. He had to help.

  “We gotta go!” Kelly said, rapidly grabbing her purse. “Looks like you get a reprieve, Sasha. Charlie’s already found someone’s ass to kick.”


  * * * *

  Gabriel had seen many shady things in his life, some he was damn sure weren’t legal, but watching Ms. Grey interrogate Morgana Santos was terrifying. It wasn’t that he was terrified of a little petite, five foot six woman, who barely weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet, it was the fact that she had Ms. Santos in a headlock and her knee in the woman’s back. What worried him even more was the fact that the Prescott brothers seemed to be enjoying the show.

  “Aren’t you guys going to do anything?”

  “Why?” Zander Prescott said, watching the scene before him. “Looks to me like the Warrior Princess has everything under control.”

  “Yeah,” Ember added. “It’s not like Xena needs our help.”

  Gabriel sighed then said, “Her name is Sonja Grey.”

  “Like Conan’s Red Sonja?” Ember asked gleefully. Gabriel rolled his eyes at the man. This display wasn’t getting them anywhere, and the goober brothers weren’t helping matters. When Gabriel met the Prescott brothers, he wasn’t sure about them. He gave them the benefit of a doubt because their brother Bram was the local preacher and was generally loved by the whole community. In all reality, there wasn’t anything Gabriel wouldn’t do for Bram, but his brothers were another story.

  There wasn’t something right about watching the perfectly coiffed Ms. Grey go all WWF on an innocent woman. Well, in all honesty, Gabriel wasn’t sure Ms. Santos was all that innocent. She did have a look about her, but who was he to judge? Maybe the woman liked having plastic surgery, and he was damn sure those were not the breasts her momma gave her. Nope, everything about the very loud, Morgana Eveline Santos was fake, right down to her capped white teeth, and all Gabriel wanted to know was why she decided to visit Treasure Cove.

  “Ms. Grey, if you please,” Gabriel said, stepping forward. “This isn’t really working.”

; Sonja Grey was unlike any woman Gabriel had ever met. She was sophisticated, educated, graceful, and extremely articulate.

  She also had a mean streak in her a mile wide.

  The daughter of a postal worker and local school teacher, Sonja Rose Grey was born in South Philadelphia and worked hard to achieve everything she had in life. She still visited her parents regularly and donated time to help South Philly’s inner city kids to go beyond and explore the world. She was a mentor and loved by many. A graduate of Drexel University in business management, Sonja spent most of her college days clerking for her uncle who owned and operated a deli. Upon graduation, she was immediately hired by Sasha Merrick and Tristan Summerfield. Though Gabriel was unsure who she actually worked for, he could only surmise that she split her time between the two men and their business. She was a diligent worker and got along with everyone. She never missed a day of work, generally staying late to ensure that both companies ran smoothly. For all intents and purposes, Sonja Grey was a paragon of virtue and all that was good in the world.

  Yet, since meeting the woman, Gabriel began to wonder that just maybe his intel on the beautiful woman might be flawed. Oh, he didn’t doubt for one second that Sonja Grey was capable of doing her job, he was just doubting that he had all the information on the woman. There was definitely more about the personal assistant than met the eye.

  “Ms. Grey, please. Step away from Ms. Santos,” Gabriel calmly ordered.

  “Yes, Mr. Sexton,” the woman in question sweetly replied, doing so immediately. Gabriel stepped back, allowing Sonja to help Ms. Santos back to the chair she was previously sitting at. When she was done, Sonja moved back to allow Gabriel space. He was grateful, too, because Gabriel wasn’t sure what Sonja was truly capable of, but seeing what she did to Ms. Santos in such a short time, he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.


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