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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Rebecca Joyce

  “But how does Violet factor into all of this?” Sasha asked again.

  “Oh, I can answer that.” Morgana laughed evilly. “That tramp belongs to Sergio.”

  “Excuse me?” Sasha asked, shocked. “The deal I procured was for James Master Summerfield, not this lunatic.”

  “Well, that’s not entirely true,” Sonja replied. “According to our information, when Boudreaux died, Pavlov was in the States. Seattle, actually. He was there to take possession of Violet. However, at the last minute, James decided to keep her. None of us could figure out why, but he did. James was scheduled to meet Pavlov at a club in Seattle. He was there with Violet. But something went wrong. By the time Pavlov arrived, Gabriel had whisked Violet away and James was arrested for assault and battery. We thought that was it. Pavlov left the country and everything’s been silent since. Greyson stayed with Forbes in case Pavlov tried to get into touch with him, West stayed in Florida with Forbes’s organization, Dew, Zander, and Emery were assigned to another case, and I started working for you.”

  “Not anymore,” Sasha roared angrily. “You’re fired!”

  “Sasha, look, I know you’re angry. I get it. We’ve been on this case for years. This is the closest we’ve ever gotten to the man. When you started getting those e-mails, I was able to trace them back to the original IP address. It belongs to a known criminal who works directly with Pavlov. If we can get to this man before he notifies Pavlov, then it will all have been worth it.”

  “You knew that Violet was in real danger and you let me believe it was all my fault. I know I had a hand in this crap, and I admit that, but this man is different, Sonja. He’s dangerous and he wants Violet. I want you out of here. I don’t want you anywhere near Violet, myself, Tristan, or our companies ever again.”

  “Sasha,” Gabriel interrupted. “That may not be the best thing.”

  “I don’t care, Gabriel. I’ve been lied to for years! She could have told me this years ago. She could have stopped me from brokering the deal with James. Violet would have never been sold. She could have graduated and gone to college. She could have had a normal life!”

  “A life without you,” Charlotte whispered, coming to stand before him. “Sasha, I get your anger. I really do. I fight mine every day. So much has happened in my life, stuff I had no control over, but my life turned out all right. Don’t think for a minute that Violet would instantly give up the chance of meeting you. She loves you.”

  “Charlotte, you don’t understand. She could have been living a normal life with friends. She could be happy. She could have been…”

  “Normal?” Charlotte solemnly answered for him. “Do I look normal? I’m just like everyone else, but I’m not. I live with Asperger’s Syndrome. I have since the day I was born. It’s hard, it’s draining, it’s exhausting. I have moments where being around my own son is too much and I can’t stand the sight of him. I schedule time away from my family so I can decompress. I see Kelly weekly for therapy secessions. I love my family, but there are times, when all I want to do is run away from them because it all gets to be too much. That’s not normal, Sasha. None of what I go through on a daily basis is. But you know what, I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for Braxton and Jordan. They saved me, helped me to become the woman I am today. Life hands everyone their own challenges. Hazel survived an abusive husband, Camellia fought every day to save Ethan, and I still fight my own demons. Violet is no different than any of us. All of us here in Treasure Cove had to overcome some obstacle to get what we wanted. Don’t diminish Violet’s achievements because you think this could have all been avoided. Her life is what it is. Nothing, not even you can change that, but you can help her mold her future. Be there for her. Help her to see that just because she had a shitty past, that doesn’t mean she can’t have a beautiful future. Love her Sasha, because she is going to need you more than you need her.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better,” Gabriel added, smiling at Charlotte. “You are an amazing woman, Charlotte Connelly, and I am blessed to know you.”

  Braxton hugged his wife, then kissed her forehead. Sasha knew on some elemental level that Charlotte was right. He couldn’t change the past, but he could protect her future. “I’ll call Tristan and tell him not to bring her back. He can do it, too. He can make sure no one knows where she’s at. She’ll be safe from all of this.”

  “That won’t work,” Gabriel said, shaking his head. “My sister is coming home and when she does, she is going to need you and Tristan when the truth comes out. Accept the past, Sasha, because she is going to need your courage and strength to get through all of this.”

  “I still don’t understand half of this crap, Gabriel. How can I help her when I don’t know all the facts?”

  “You are such a fucking pussy, Sasha, you know that?” Morgana spoke up. “I knew Tristan started slumming it when he befriended you, and you’re supposed to be the smart one. Fuck, you are as stupid as the rest of them. You want to know why Pavlov wants that guttersnipe? Well, listen up, folks, because I’m only going to say this once. Pavlov bought her to be his wife. As far as he’s concerned, she is his and nobody, not even all of you, is going to stop him from procuring her.”

  Chapter Ten

  This was bad. This was beyond bad. This was astronomically the worst thing on the fucking planet. Sergio Pavlov was the antichrist of all that was evil in the world, and he wanted Violet as his bride. Well, Tristan wasn’t going to allow that to happen. It would be over his dead, lifeless body before Pavlov would ever get his hands on her. Nope, Tristan would sell everything he owned to save Violet. He had to protect her. She had enough shit happen to her already and this would just send her over the edge. “What are your plans?”

  “Find this dickhead and put a bullet between his eyes,” Sasha muttered.

  “Sounds good to me,” Tristan whispered, looking at the woman who was sleeping peacefully on the bed in front of him. He’d gotten the call from Sasha over thirty minutes ago, and since then, Tristan found it hard to leave her sight. He was on his private island in the middle of nowhere, she was safe. He knew that, but every noise, every breath of wind, sent his heart racing. Time was running out, and there was a bastard loose who wanted his woman. “What about James, any word?”

  “Morgana doesn’t know where he’s at. He was last seen in Denver.”

  “That’s too close, Sasha. Maybe we should stay here.”

  “I suggested that, but Gabriel and Hazel seem to think that Violet will eventually want to come home. If she does, you can’t stop her. All we can do is be ready for when she gets here.”

  “What are you going to do then?”

  “Tell her.”

  Tristan sighed. It was the right thing to do and he knew it. He may not be happy with it, but the sooner she knew the sooner she could start healing, really healing. Tristan didn’t relish the position Sasha was in. He knew his friend was kicking himself seven days to Sunday, but it was all in the past. Sasha needed to jettison that grief and just move on. “She’s going to be okay, you know. She’ll be upset, but she won’t run away.”

  “That’s what everyone else keeps saying.”

  “They’re right. Our woman is one tough cookie. She loves you, Sasha. I see it every time she looks at you.” Tristan smiled, watching her yawn. “I told her I loved her.”

  “I’m happy for you, Tristan.”

  “She said she loved me, too.”

  “You’re a good man, Tristan. You may do things the hard way, but your heart has always been in the right place. I really am happy for you both.”

  “You sound like you’re walking away.”

  “Just preparing for the worst. You know me.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Tristan wished there were some words of wisdom he could give his friend. Sasha was hurting, he was scared and he was unsure about his relationship with Violet. Oh, Tristan knew Sasha loved her, there was no doubt about that, but his friend worried that their love wasn�
�t enough to sustain them through what was to come. Tristan thought Sasha was making more out of it than necessary, but then again he wasn’t the one who technically brokered a deal and sold Violet to a sadistic asshole. In all honesty, Tristan really didn’t know what to say to Sasha.

  Movement on the bed caught Tristan’s attention. Sitting down next to her, Tristan smiled as Violet sleepily whispered Sasha’s name.

  “Is she okay?” Sasha asked, apparently hearing her through the phone. Tristan tried to ignore the small ache in his heart. Violet was with him, spending quality time alone and away from all the drama in Treasure Cove. He should be happy that she was having a good time and relaxing, but it seemed that no matter how much he loved her, spoiled her, worshiped her, there was still a part of her missing.

  “Yeah,” Tristan quietly replied. “I think she’s dreaming.”

  “She told me before she left that she was seeing Kelly again.”

  “I thought she didn’t have to go anymore?”

  “Apparently, it was all girl talk, but I think it was more. She wouldn’t elaborate and I didn’t want to push her. I told her that she could talk to either of anytime and that seemed to make her happy, but I don’t think she will.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because she’s started having nightmares again.”

  A wretched cry erupted deep with Violet and she screamed, “Sasha!”

  Tristan put the phone down immediately and reached for her. Holding her close, he rocked her back and forth, until her sobs stopped. His heart was breaking. He wanted so much to take away her past and replace it with wonderful and beautiful experiences. He wanted to show her the world. Help her to achieve all of her dreams and wishes. He wanted to spend the rest of his life showing her what love was and what it meant to be loved. “Shush baby, it’s all right. I’ve got you. You’re safe. No one is ever going to hurt you.” The moment those words left his mouth, Tristan knew he had just lied to her. He knew she was going to be hurting soon and the knowledge of that tore at his soul.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, when her sobs lessened.

  Violet nodded, sniffing.

  “What was your dream about?”

  “Nothing,” she whispered, looking away.

  “Violet, please tell me. I can’t make it better if I don’t know.”

  “I miss Sasha.”

  “He misses you, too. Would you like to talk to him?”

  “He’s probably working. I don’t want to bother him.”

  Tristan smiled. “Oh, I think Sasha would love to hear your voice right about now. Here,” Tristan said, picking up his phone and handing it to her. She looked at him and Tristan nodded. Giving her some privacy, he got up off the bed and went to stand in front of the large sliding glass door. The next thing he heard was her soft voice whimper, “Sasha?”

  Tristan had to get a grip on his emotions. They were all over the map. He didn’t know what to think, let alone believe. He was confused and worried. For so long, every relationship he had was just him. Relationships were hard with just two people, now there were three. It wasn’t just him and Violet. He also had Sasha to worry about and care for. It was daunting at times and he wasn’t sure he was up for the long haul. But he refused to let go of Violet, which meant he had to find a way to help Sasha in his time of need.

  Both of them were there for him last year when he almost fucked up the best thing that ever happened to him. He damn near gave in to his need for greed and destroyed a town, but thanks to Violet and his best friend, he saw the error of his ways and righted a wrong. Granted, it was at the final hour, but he did right by them and the town. Now, it was his turn to repay the favor. Only he didn’t know what to do.

  * * * *

  Violet didn’t know how to go about explaining the nightmare she had. It was too real in her mind, almost as if she’d actually lived it. Well, technically, she had, but she thought she’d moved past all of that already. It had been a long time since she dreamt of Master, and yet the man was still causing her troubles. She wanted to go home. She missed Sasha, her friends, her family. She loved that Tristan whisked her away to some island paradise, and that he wanted to spend time alone with her, but she wanted to go home.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Sasha’s soft voice whispered over the line. He sounded sad, lost almost. Whatever was bothering him seemed to be weighing heavily on him. She wished she was there to hold him, to tell him that everything was going to be all right. Instead, she wasn’t. She was so far away from him, she felt as if she were letting him down. He needed her and she couldn’t get to him. She didn’t want to add to his problems, so she reluctantly replied, “It was nothing, just a dream.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “I wish I was there with you. I want to hold you. I miss you.”

  “So you say,” she replied sullenly.

  “Hmm,” he murmured, and just like that Violet knew he was smirking. She was sulking and Sasha loved it when she did that. He liked toying with her when she did. Sasha had made it clear to her many times, he didn’t like seeing her sulk, and it was his extreme pleasure to show her what would happen when she did. However, he was on the other side of the world right now and Violet knew there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Yet, she was kind of shocked when his voice lowered and he asked, “Is this how you want to act right now?”

  “You’re not here, so yes,” she admitted, her heart picking up a bit. She’d never talked to him that way, challenging him.

  “So be it then.” He chuckled. “I knew my little flower was stubborn. Did you think I would let you get away with talking to me like that even when you aren’t with me?” he asked, and then continued his teasing. “I know you’ve been missing my cock since you left. And as I’m not there to fuck you to another mind-blowing orgasm, you’ll have to settle for my words and your own fingers.”

  “Oh will I? Is that a demand?” she asked, once more unable to take offense in his bold, blunt sexual advances. She couldn’t muster the decency or morality to say no to him. She wasn’t going to stay on this island forever. Eventually she would be going home and then she would have to face him. Though, now that she thought of it, she wouldn’t mind riling him up a bit. It would serve him right for keeping secrets from her.

  “That’s exactly what it is,” he replied in a more serious tone. “So tell me, Violet, have you come today?”

  “Actually yes, several times. Tristan has been very attentive.” Violet knew she was baiting a tiger, but she didn’t care. She missed him and wanted him to suffer. All of this could have been avoided if he’d just start talking. Instead, he refused to say anything and keep all of his troubles to himself. They were in a relationship and as such, if there was a problem, he needed to talk about it instead of keeping it all bottled up inside.

  He was silent for a moment and then she heard him ask, “What are you wearing?”

  “Nothing, I am naked,” she answered, unable to come up with anything more suggestive and seductive than the truth before she was expected to answer.

  “So you are ready for me then?” he asked, another smile in his voice, perhaps at her innocence, or her obvious honesty.

  “Tristan likes me naked.”

  “So do I,” he said huskily. “When you bend over, do you give him good a peek at your pretty pink pussy?” he asked, a smirk in his voice again.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?” she said, tempted to stick her tongue out at his cocky tone. If only he were in front of her.

  “Flippant, sassy, and naked...I think I like you like this.” He laughed.

  This conversation was getting out of hand quick. Violet needed to slow it down. She’d never been so brazen before and it was kind of making her nervous. Why, she didn’t know, but in a way she liked it. The freedom to be whoever she wanted. “Give me a sec, all right?”

  “Just one?” she heard him ask, but she already pulled the phone away from her ear. F
lipping through the menu on Tristan’s phone, Violet grinned when she pressed the camera button. Looking up, she spotted Tristan out on the deck reading a book. It was now or never, as she spread her legs and placed the phone between them. In one crazy moment, she blew him a kiss and snapped the picture. Then before she lost her nerve, she sent it.

  “Fuck,” he growled, just a few seconds later, his voice all serious. “You have mile-long legs, you know that? And such a nice, tight little cunt.”

  Violet smiled and blushed, pleased with his compliments and that she could shock him.

  “My turn,” he said, his voice far away and serious.

  And a few seconds later, Violet was rewarded with a picture message in Tristan’s inbox. She bit her lip, and peeked through her fingers as it popped on the screen when she opened the message. She nearly giggled with pure delight, rather proud of herself. Sasha looked sexy in his badass sort of way. He was the guy her momma warned her about, but couldn’t save her from.

  The picture only showed his face. His mischievous blue eyes and generous lips smirking, the light mark of a scar along his jaw, long faded, but made obvious by the light growth of stubble that could only grow around it, and an eyebrow piercing that she had somehow missed in their time together. His hair was darker and longer than she remembered. He still looked tired, but there was life in his eyes and she missed him even more.

  “If you’re good and give me a view of your glistening pussy, you’ll see more, too,” he teased.

  Violet gasped. “You’ll strip for me?”

  “Why should that shock you?” he asked. “You’ve seen me naked many times before. I thought you liked what you saw.”

  “I think you were born with an ego,” Violet teased, trying to lighten the moment. Sasha was right. She did love how he looked. Just thinking about seeing him naked got her body all hot and ready for him. “Show me.”


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