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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Rebecca Joyce

  The FBI still hadn’t found Sergio Pavlov. After James’s death, he seemed to disappear, and with no leads, her men were insistent that she had bodyguards everywhere she went. At first Violet balked, but then decided it wasn’t worth arguing over. Tristan continued to work with Gabriel on getting Treasure Cove back up and running, and to her delight, they kept their fights to a minimum. As for Sasha, he sold his club in Seattle, and gave the one he was building in Treasure Cove to Ms. Grey. Though the independent woman didn’t want it, she took it and decided to make it into a luxury hotel.

  Since Sasha didn’t have a club to run, he decided to devote his time to the Merrick Foundation, helping women around the world who needed it. Violet was proud of him and offered to help him. What shocked everyone the most was that Sasha suggested bringing his sister to Treasure Cove, so she could get the help she needed. Mainly Sasha wanted Lisset close to him, so he could be a better brother to her, but Violet knew he would never admit it.

  As for her, she did contact Janie in regards to getting her high school diploma. It was odd, and a little scary, but Janie assured her that many men and women her age went back to school to accomplish what they couldn’t when they were younger. Violet was happy, and advancing quickly. With Janie’s help, Violet started submitting early applications to colleges in and around Montana. She hadn’t picked a major yet, but she was leaning toward social work, something in the field of child services.

  Life moved on, which was why the night before her wedding, she found herself sitting in the dungeon alone.

  “Violet?” Gabriel’s whisper permeated the large room. She thought she was alone, but she should have known better. He found her always when she needed him most. Why should this time be any different? “What is it? Why are you sitting here in the dark when you should be getting plenty of sleep? You have a big day tomorrow.”

  “I’m scared.”


  “Do you think I’m weak?” she asked, looking at him as he sat down next to her.

  “No.” He smiled lovingly. “What brought this on?”

  “I was just sitting here thinking.”


  “I still tremble when I speak.”

  “Not with me,” he replied, looking at her curiously.

  “What if I’m not enough? What if they find something better?”

  “Then it’s their loss, not yours.”

  “Life can be cruel sometimes. I wouldn’t know what to do if that was to happen.”

  “Yes, it can be. I’ve been where you’re at before, Violet. My heart in my hand, holding it out, waiting for someone to take it. It’s scary. But you must understand, if you love them, you can’t let the chance at happiness pass you by.”

  “What if I’m not good enough?”

  “You’re perfect. Never let them or anyone tell you otherwise. Talk to them, Violet. Tell them your worries. If they love you, they will understand.”

  “You make it seem so simple.”

  “Love is scary. It’s unpredictable. But if you walk away from this chance, you will regret it for the rest of your life. I think the question you should be asking yourself is, can you imagine your life without them?”


  “Then there is your answer. You just be yourself, talk to them when you’re scared. Show them how much you love them. Learning to love isn’t about making someone happy, or being something you’re not. It’s about trusting in yourself, Violet. If you can do that, love will be the gift you give yourself.”

  “I know I’ve never said it, but thank you for saving me that day,” she whispered, looking at her brother. “I was lost and alone. I didn’t think there was any place in this world for me. You showed me that there was, and I will never be able to repay you for all that you’ve done for me.”

  “You’re welcome,” Gabriel murmured, his voice rough and emotional.

  “I love you, Gabriel.”

  “I love you, too, Violet.”

  * * * *

  “You going to make it?” Tristan smiled, standing next to Sasha. The poor man looked green around the gills. His face was pale and he was sweating profusely. Oh yeah, Tristan was definitely going to win that bet with Gabriel and Alexander.

  Sasha was going to faint.

  It wasn’t every day that Tristan got to see Sasha out of sorts. Hell, he wasn’t out of sorts, his best friend was petrified. Sasha was thinking too much. Yet there was nothing Tristan could do. The only cure was taking his time. In the meantime, it was his duty to make sure Sasha was still standing when she arrived.

  “Just breathe,” he said, chuckling as he patted his longtime friend on the back. “All you have to do is make it to the end. If you think you’re going to be sick, Charlotte is standing by with a bucket at the ready.”

  “Not funny.” Sasha growled, looking over at the ostentatious woman who held a silver bucket in her hand.

  “Oh, it’s hilarious. The big bad bastard is scared to death. Actually, I think it’s kind of poignant, now that I think about it. A year and a half ago, Violet was scared to death of us and now you’re scared to death of what is about to happen.”

  “Remind me again why I am letting you to continue to breathe?”

  “Because if you harm one hair on my pretty head, you would hurt Violet, and you would rather die than hurt her. Face it, Sasha, she has you wrapped around her little finger. The thought of fucking up now is eating you alive.”

  “She has you wrapped, too.”

  “Oh, I am not arguing that point. I love that woman more than my money and that is saying a lot.”

  “Considering you’re one of the richest men in the world, it does,” Sasha replied as people still continued to fill the Treasure Cove Presbyterian Church. How he found himself standing at the altar waiting for his bride still baffled him, but one thing was for sure. He couldn’t wait to see her. Just being away from her for the night was agonizing. Spending most of it drunk, he thanked God when Gabriel finally cut him off, saying if he was too drunk to marry his sister, he was going to cut his balls off and feed them to someone called Peaches. Though Sasha didn’t know who Peaches was, he was certain he didn’t like the thought of being a eunuch.

  If someone was to ask him if he thought he’d be standing here, alive, waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle, he would have said no. They had been through so much in such a short time. His past almost destroyed him and the woman he loved, but it was her acceptance of his past that gave him the strength to change his future. She did that for him, and he would be eternally grateful. Violet was the love of his life, and he was going to spend the rest of his showing her that.

  His future was beyond those double doors, and he couldn’t wait for them to open.



  Rebecca Joyce is your typical housewife and mother. The daughter of a retired military service member, Rebecca tries to incorporate the sights, smells, and adventures of her travels, but mainly she writes of the buff, gorgeous men she drooled after in her teen years! There is just somethin’ about a man in uniform…Wow!

  Growing up in the military, Rebecca Joyce, along with her family, moved from state to state, enjoying the never-ending game of “where are we moving to next?”…which happened every two to three years! After high school, Rebecca met and married her own military service member and now devotes her time to her husband and children.

  Her “spawn,” as she lovingly calls them, demand and expect a lot of her attention. When she is not catering to the whims of her family, Rebecca spends her quiet time reading or writing.

  As an avid reader from an early age, Rebecca decided to try her hand at writing while her husband was away on a deployment to pass the time. Since then, she finds time in her hectic day to scribble down her hopes, wishes, and dreams.

  Though her real life sometimes interferes with her imaginative life, Rebecca tries to balance each with wit, sarcasm, and humor…”Screwing up takes practice…I think
I’m well rehearsed!”

  Rebecca Joyce currently lives in the United States with her husband of nineteen years and their three children.

  For all titles by Rebecca Joyce, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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