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The Secret, the Shifter and the Sex- Slave Shanghai

Page 12

by Melanie Thompson

  The man wearing the uniform tipped his hat. He spoke English with a strange accent. Alex thought he sounded European. “You will be escorted to a boat and taken to my ship.”

  He lifted her chin. “Yes, a beauty such as you will bring a very high price in the slave pens of Istanbul.”

  * * * *

  Maksim Rukovskya crouched behind banks of navigation equipment on the bridge. The Turk huddled next to him, the rest of the crew scattered across the floor out of sight. The captain, a tall Russian with a gray beard and mustache, was the only man standing. He stood with his feet planted and stared out the massive rows of windows. Captain Popov refused to hide.

  “I am the captain of this ship,” he roared. “My lineage is ancient. I am the direct descendant of proud warriors, and I will not grovel. This is my boat.”

  The captain continually sent out an SOS for aid as he guided the ship, still under power, toward the closest port, Salalah in Oman.

  Large caliber automatic fire cut into the metal door of the bridge. The sound of shells peppering steel was frightening and loud. Sparks flew, and Maksim covered his head. Shrapnel from the metal door flew everywhere. Stinging pieces hit him in the back and arms. A booted foot slammed into the door. It flew open, and Somali pirates swarmed onto the bridge.

  Maksim scrambled across the floor on his belly, taking cover behind several bolted-down chairs next to a table covered with sea charts. He dove under the table and crawled out the other side. The pirates filled the room. All he could see were legs, boots and the beckoning hope of the open walkway outside the door.

  The Turk suddenly leaped to his feet holding an AK-47. While he screamed in Turkish, he opened fire on everyone in the room, pirates and crew members alike. Blood sprayed the room as the pirates returned fire. Men screamed and dropped to the deck. The Turk continued hosing the room with bullets as he turned and backed out the door. Spotting his opportunity, Maksim shot out after him.

  Once outside, they hit the ladders, grabbed the rails with their hands and feet, and slid two decks without touching a step. The Turk ran to the railing overlooking the main cargo deck and stared at the activity below. Maksim joined him and saw pirates hustling his slaves toward the rail. They had the triplets and the Eurasian, along with Mina. He saw that Nicholas was also a captive. They must have caught him with the slaves and thought he was one of them. The little queer had saved himself, but now he too would be sold.

  “I have a safe room in my office,” he told the Turk.

  They raced down the gangway to the ladders at the end, climbed one deck and ran to his office. Halfway there, the Turk saw two pirates ransacking the crew quarters and opened fire. Large caliber bullets tore the two men into pieces. Blood splattered the inside of the male slave’s room.

  When they got to his office, Maksim threw open the door and ran inside. His computers were already gone, the room destroyed, his safe blown open, the door hanging on one hinge.

  He pulled his desk out and removed a piece of plastic baseboard. Behind it was a small black button. When he pressed it, the back wall slid open, revealing a small space. There was just enough room for the two of them to squash inside. He replaced the piece of baseboard and squeezed in with the Turk. When they were both in, he hit the button on their side of the door and closed it.

  “I hope they don’t sink this tub,” the Turk said.

  “If they do, we’re fucked. I’m amazed at your bravery, standing up to the pirates, firing your weapon. It was awe-inspiring. Where’d you find the balls?”

  The Turk grinned, white teeth gleaming even in the dark. “Interesting you should mention balls. Weren’t you hiding under the table?”

  “I was,” Maksim said. “Do you think all of our men are dead?”

  “Either dead or captured. The Somalis will put their own men in charge of the ship and sail it to Mogadishu.”

  “What do you think they’ll do with the cargo?”

  “Depends,” the Turk pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, tore it open and shoved the tobacco into his mouth. “We saw he has the slaves. Maybe he won’t find the guns. I think they’ll try to sell the slaves in Istanbul. It’s the best market.”

  Maksim leaned back and closed his eyes. “I think we should try to take back our ship after most of the pirates leave. They raided the safe, took all our deposit money and our contact list. Theoretically, they could get in touch with our buyers and sell them the women they’ve already partially ---paid for.”

  The Turk chewed his tobacco quietly. “We’re finished in the Middle East if we don’t get the women back. We have to make good on our contracts. We have to deliver the goods.”

  Maksim nodded, though he knew the Turk couldn’t see the gesture. “It’s risky, but we have no other choice.”

  * * * *

  Alex, Lyle and the rest of the slaves ran barefooted across the rusty deck of the freighter. They were urged forward by pirates holding automatic weapons. Alex was bare-breasted; the triplets were naked, as were the other women from the hold. The only woman wearing clothes was Mina. She strode beside her captor with her head held high, hands in manacles behind her back.

  When she saw the other women, Alex was horrified by their degenerated condition. They were filthy, their hair matted, and they had open sores on their bodies. The women from the hold shuffled along as though they didn’t care where they were or where they were going. They didn’t look left or right, make eye contact with anyone or even lift their heads. Guilt washed over Alex. She’d been forced to endure Mina’s caresses and petty punishments, but aside from that, she’d been well-cared for. She was clean, and they fed her every day and kept her safe from the crew.

  She glanced back at Lyle, saw his wide-opened stare and knew he was thinking the same thing.

  When they reached the railing, they were forced to climb cargo nets down the side of the ship to small boats bobbing in the waves below. The smell of the boat hit her like a brick in the side of the head. It reeked of dead fish, feces, urine and gas. Gagging, she clamped her hand over her nose and mouth and sat on a bench next to Lyle. Nicholas sat down and wrapped a protective arm around Lyle’s quivering shoulders.

  She heard Nicholas whispering to Lyle. “Don’t worry. We’ll get out of this somehow, Lyle. I’ll make sure no one hurts you.”

  Lyle looked into Nicholas’s eyes, and Alex turned away, not wanting to intrude on their moment.

  The triplets climbed down the net and were loaded on the back of the boat. Alex turned her head just in time to see one grab a pirate by the ears and jerk his head low so her sister could smash her knee into his nose. Blood sprayed their bodies as the two snatched the pirate and heaved him into the rolling sea. The third sister stood with her back to the other two as the boat rocked dangerously.

  Alex hung onto her seat as the sisters joined forces. One threw herself into a pirate, knocking him down, while another grabbed him and put him in a choke hold. They each snagged a leg and heaved the struggling Somali over the side.

  The stunned pirates stood staring at the three naked Amazons as though in a daze. The third triplet grabbed a tall pirate wearing a huge nose ring by his filthy dreadlocks. Screaming, she tore out hunks of hair, including scalp, and then ripped out his ring. He shrieked, a high-pitched sound like a tortured seagull, as one of her sisters shoved her way into the fray and slammed her elbow into his face over and over. Blood splattered Alex. She got up and moved away from the fray, afraid of interfering.

  Nicholas jumped the last pirate in the boat from behind, riding his back while a triplet pummeled him in the guts.

  “Get him, Nicky,” Mina called from the bow of the boat. “Kill him.”

  Suddenly, machine-gun fire erupted from the ship, tearing chunks out of the side of the boat.

  Alex screamed and dove under the seat with Lyle. The triplets leaped into the water and began swimming away.

  A pirate wearing a uniform yelled from the deck of the ship. “Get those women. They’re worth a for

  A few feet away, the pirates started the engine on another boat and took off after the swimming triplets. Alex watched in awe as the girls eluded the chasing boat by splitting up. Soon three boats were after them as they swam like Olympic athletes, leading the pirates further away from the ship.

  In the end, it was all for nothing. Dripping wet and bloody, the three sisters were brought back to the boat with their hands tied and flung into the stinking bilge.

  Alex looked over at Lyle. His expression was bleak, his eyes lifeless. He had never lost hope on the ship. Apparently, their situation in the hands of the pirates seemed worse to him. But Alex refused to give up. They were off the ship, that was for sure, and they were out of the hands of the Russian. Somehow, they would escape or they would be saved, and she would see her boy again. She had to believe that.

  Chapter 18

  Alex stared out to sea as their small boat cruised over open water, slapping into the high waves and dropping into the hollows. Ahead, a rusty freighter lay sloshing back and forth at anchor, waiting for the boats filled with slaves and Somali pirates. She dreaded being loaded onto another ship. This time, it could be her turn to end up in the hold.

  When they reached the ship, all the women were shoved up a small ladder fixed to the side. The pirates whistled and made obscene gestures as they climbed. Many of the women were naked, and, as they walked by, the pirates grabbed breasts and asses.

  Once they were all on deck, including Lyle and Nicholas, they were grouped in an open area in front of the bridge. The leader of the pirates came out of his cabin to review the women. He looked like ex-military, wearing camo pants, black boots, a red T-shirt and a military cap. He carried an automatic rifle casually over one arm, as though very familiar with it. “You, you, and you,” he pointed to the triplets. “You will stay in my cabin where you will be very safe.”

  “Asad.” He pointed to one of the pirates, a young man wearing bright orange nylon pants, then waved in a big gesture toward a spot on the deck. “Take the rest of these women to the cage.”

  Alex felt her heart drop. She followed his gesture and saw a huge barred enclosure set up on the deck. It looked like it was built for wild animals. She’d die if she had to go in there. There was no shade and it was small. There would be no room to stretch out or lay down.

  “Take the queers and give them to the crew. The men are very horny and I do not wish them to touch the women. Let them take out their frustrations on these two lovely boys.”

  That did it for Alex. She stepped closer to Lyle. “Ask Nicholas if there is something we can give them in exchange for better treatment. Is there anything else hidden on board that ship?”

  “The slaves were only a secondary cargo,” Nicholas hissed from behind his hand. “The real cargo was guns, AKs, M-16s, M-4s and RPGs. Lots of them.”

  Alex shook her head. “I don’t understand all the abbreviations.”

  “You!” The leader pointed at Alex. “Be quiet or you will go to the crew with the pederasts.”

  Taking a deep breath, Alex stepped forward. It was a bold move, but she had no other choice. If something wasn’t done, she was going into that cage and Lyle was going to be screwed to death by twenty nasty pirates.

  “Sir,” she said in a loud clear voice. “I have some information that you might find valuable.”

  He was on her in a second. Bending his head to the side, he flipped up aviator sunglasses and glared at her out of bloodshot eyes. “What could you know that would interest me, missy?”

  He reached out a finger and flicked her nipple while he waited for an answer. She forced herself not to cringe. “The slaves weren’t the main cargo on the ship you just seized.”

  “You be nothing more than a slave, girl. What could you know?”

  Mina pushed her way up behind Alex. “She’s right. There’s a lot of very valuable cargo you missed.”

  They had his interest. His eyes gleamed with avarice. “Nothing but bags of coffee, sacks of wheat and crates of cotton cloth on that ship. We will take all of this, but it is of little value.”

  “There are secret compartments,” Mina said.

  “Oh really now? And where would they be?”

  Mina waved to indicate Nicholas, Lyle and Alex. “I’ll tell you where and what after I’m assured decent care for us…” Mina paused. “And for all these women.”

  The leader laughed. His belly laugh carried on the wind and blew out to sea. Alex felt like she could actually see it. “I have you. This is all I need. A few hours with one of my technicians and you will tell me everything, and I no have to give anyone special treatments.”

  Mina’s eyes narrowed. “You’ll never get a word out of me. And if you hurt me, you ruin good merchandise. All I’m asking for is a place out of the sun to sleep and for the ‘pederasts,’ as you referred to them, to be put in with the women.”

  The pirate leaned back, his eyes mere slits as he pondered the matter. “I could easily do this. But before I decide, I need to know what the secret cargo is.”

  Alex’s lie-alarm sounded. “Don’t tell him anything, Mina. He’s lying.”

  “You sure?”

  “You know I know.”

  On several occasions aboard the Russian ship, Mina had experienced Alex’s magic truth-telling ability.

  “We need some assurance before we tell you what we know.”

  Angered, the Somali grabbed Mina. She slid out of his grasp and whacked him in the face with her manacled fists. The metal sliced a long strip in his oily black cheek. Then she hit him hard in the nuts with a front kick. He doubled over, and his men rushed forward to grab Mina.

  They were all dragged, kicking and screaming, into the cage. Lyle and Nicholas were tossed in with them. At least they could count that as one blessing.

  When the small boats were secured, the ship’s engines started up. Alex felt a deep vibration under them, and the steel deck shook as the ship slowly lumbered forward. The young pirate wearing the orange pants appeared at the cage door with another man, much bigger and a little older, with a black beard wearing a black Killers T-Shirt.

  “You be coming with us.” Orange pants pointed at Mina and Alex.

  There were marched up one level and along a companionway to a metal door. Alex could hear screaming coming from inside. Orange pants threw the door open and shoved Mina and Alex into the cabin.

  The leader had one of the Sweet triplets splayed out on his bunk with her hands and feet tied to rings set into the corners.

  “Sugar!” Mina cried.

  Alex turned and stared at Mina. She could tell the girls apart and apparently liked this one.

  “Mina!” the girl screamed. “Save me.”

  Mina was grabbed from behind and restrained by orange pants. He cuffed her hard, and she grabbed her injured face, tears sparkling on sooty lashes.

  It was hard to watch. Alex wanted to turn away, but orange pants grabbed her head in both hands and made her look on. “You better pay attentions, or this be you.”

  The leader’s camo pants were around his ankles. He had a cigar between his teeth. Grabbing his huge organ, he knelt between Sugar’s outstretched legs and prepared to shove it in her.

  She cried out and moaned with horror.

  “Take it, you pussy,” Sticky called. “I know you don’t like men, but lay still and it will be over quick.”

  “She’s a virgin,” Mina said. “You’re destroying valuable goods.”

  The leader looked up. He crammed his big finger into Sugar, felt around and grinned. “I be damn. The bitch be telling the truths.”

  Candy stood up with her eyes half-closed and a sultry smile on her lips. “I’ll take her place. I like big handsome black men.”

  Candy sauntered over and explored the length of the leader’s cock with one hand. She pressed herself against him. Alex was stunned by the stark contrast of Candy’s white skin against the black pirate.

  The leader grabbed her and caressed those luscio
us breasts. He ran his hand down her sides to her butt. He stroked the white skin as Candy grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.

  The two fell to the bed, Candy on top. She squatted, straddled the big man’s body, spread herself wide and began rubbing his organ against her sex. Stimulating herself seemed to work magic on the pirate. He grabbed her breasts and groaned.

  Dropping low, Candy took his cock into her mouth and sucked it down like a lollipop. Alex goggled at how unguarded Candy acted with all of them staring. It appeared she liked an audience.

  The pirate pushed her head away. “You stop that or I finish too soon.”

  Candy laughed, a rich low sound, almost a growl. She crawled up his body, straddled him again and sat on his dick.

  “Oh, my,” Alex said. She whispered in Mina’s ear. “He’s huge.”

  Candy rode up and down, the moisture of her sex and the added saliva making slurping sounds. Candy panted and moaned while the pirate grimaced and ground his teeth. Alex wiped her face, her own sex throbbing. The air in the room was laden with pheromones. The pirate behind Alex leaned forward with his gaze glued to the scene on the bed, his breath uneven. Even the other two triplets watched, mesmerized by the act.

  When Candy climaxed, she screamed, arched her back and froze on the black man’s penis. He grabbed her ass and began moving her up and down, faster and faster until he yelled and clutched her to him.

  The two lay in their own sweat, plastered together for several minutes while the rest of the people in the room tried to locate their composure.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Mina said.

  The pirate sat up and pushed Candy off the bed. She stood, stretched, running her hands over her rear, turned her head and smiled at the pirate. He nodded and grinned around his cigar as she strode to the corner where her sisters waited and sat down.

  “Now that’s what I call a woman.”

  His nudity didn’t seem to bother him at all. He lit the cigar and puffed. “My name is Taban,” he said. “I am a very powerful man in my country. I owns this ship and many others. I know our president, Boogasi Darman. I fought many battles for him. We are both members of the Hawiya clan. You would do well to obey me.”


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