Book Read Free

Monday Night Guy

Page 2

by Liz Lovelock

  Finally, I glance down at him. He’s stopped what he was doing and is staring up at me. His eyebrows are raised high in shock, I think.

  Jen’s face appears in the doorway. She looks between Parker and me. “Ahh… is everything okay?” Her gaze falls on the smashed plate scattered over the floor.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’ll get this cleared up, Jen.”

  She nods and disappears out back again.

  I turn my attention back to Parker. A grin slowly spreads across his features. I want to slap it right off his smug face.

  “Wow, Addison.” He rises to his full height, about a foot taller than my five-foot frame. “There’s the girl I remember from last year. I thought you’d become this meek little mouse. Now your true colors have come out once again.”

  My hands go to my hips while I frown at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve changed,” he states.

  Where’s he going with this? “Shut up, Parker. Leave it. Tell me what you want so I can get you out of my way.”

  He spins around, struts to the fridge, grabs a sports energy drink, and comes back, placing it on the counter. He pulls some cash out of his bag and hands it to me.

  With shaky hands, I ring up the purchase. Why the hell are my hands shaking?

  It must be the incident of the plate. Yep, that’s what I’ll put it down to.

  Things between us remain silent. I press my lips together, biting my tongue so as not to say something I might regret later. Although, I’ve already given him a mouthful, and it didn’t seem to faze him a single bit.

  “No need to be nervous, little mouse. It’s only me,” he teases.

  I thrust his change into his open palm, trying hard not to make contact. His hand closes as I drop the money in. He holds my hand for a brief moment. I look at him. His thumb grazes my fingers. My stomach twists.

  What’s this game he’s playing?

  “Did you read my note?” He throws his bag back over his shoulder and heads toward the door, not giving me a chance to reply. “See you in class, little mouse.”

  Then he’s gone, and I’m left cleaning up the disaster.

  I step out of the café after saying goodbye to Jen, the still night air surrounding me. It’s peaceful, in a way. I think going to shoot some hoops would take the edge off my mixed up emotions I’ve been feeling all day. Grabbing my cell from my pocket, I groan. It’s as if a bucket of ice-cold water has been poured over my body. Great. Just what I need to deal with tonight. No shooting hoops for me now.

  Hayden: We need to talk. Call me.

  Deciding not to poke the bear, I put my cell away. I’ll go see him instead and get his drama over with.

  Hayden and some other football players live in a house across from campus. Turning away from the path back to my dorm, I walk toward the road out front of the college.

  I wonder what Parker’s deal is. Stopping abruptly, I drop my bag to the ground with a thud. Rifling through my backpack, I pull out book after book, looking for the tiny crumbled piece of paper I threw in amongst the chaos of my bag. When the contents are splayed across the pavement, I find the note Parker left in my book right in the bottom of my backpack.

  “Always the way,” I murmur, and start shoving everything back into the tiny space. So many damn books. I stop under the streetlight and unfold the crumpled piece of paper.

  I’m more confused after opening it. There’s a phone number. It would have to be Parker’s. It must be some stupid joke he and his trio are playing on me, to see if I call or message. Not going to happen, buddy. I thrust it into my jeans pocket and continue on.

  When I arrive at the crossing, I see the house. Lights are on, and there are a number of cars out front. Perfect—they must be having a party.

  The idea of going back to my dorm is very appealing right now. I don’t want to worry about Hayden and his issues tonight. Yet, here I am, seeking him out to fix the problem he apparently has.

  I stand in front of the house. The front door is wide open with people coming in and out. There’s laughter and loud talking amongst a group of students on the front lawn. The music blares from inside the house. I’m not sure how the neighbors feel about all this racket. If I was next door, I’d be unhappy with the noise level.

  I don’t want to do this. I could be back at my dorm, getting ready for bed. Instead, I’m preparing myself to confront an unhappy Hayden. Time to face the music.

  I walk toward the step, my stomach a bundle of anxious knots. I don’t want to make a scene, but I don’t want to ignore his request either. Ignoring Hayden means more bruises, and that’s not something I can handle.

  I step through the doorway. The stench of beer assaults my nose. The living room and hallway are jam-packed with bodies. My eyes find a group of my older sister’s giggling sorority sisters. I look around and see no sign of her, though I’m sure she’s found someone to take her back to their room for the night. Ella’s a bitch. We do not get along at all.

  A large body stumbles into me. I fall forward, and flashbacks of today’s incident flick through my mind. Within seconds, two large muscular arms scoop around my waist, steadying me. Looking up, I’m gifted with a smile from Hayden’s friend, Jase. He’s a decent guy, one of the few around these days.

  “Oh, sorry,” Jase says as I steady myself.

  “Thanks, Jase. That could have ended badly.” I give a hesitant giggle. Straightening, I adjust the weight in my backpack.

  He steps away, very alert. His focus darts around the room. There’s panic in his wide blue eyes. He doesn’t appear to want to meet my gaze. Why?

  He stops and looks at me, finally. “Oh, Addy, how are you? Didn’t realize it was you. Does Hayden know you’re here?” He does another sweep around the room.

  I follow his gaze, trying to spot what he might be trying to see. “I’m good, thanks. No, he doesn’t know. Have you seen him?”

  Jase stops and gives me a hesitant headshake to say no. The typically chatty guy becomes a speechless mute. What’s got him shaken?

  I shrug, pushing my way past him. “Not a problem. I’ll go check his room.”

  Jase’s hand whips out, gripping my arm, stopping me. His eyes turn sad. His usual glistening blues are now dull. Something’s going on—something he doesn’t want me to see or know about.

  “Don’t go up there, Addy,” he warns, a seriousness in his tone.

  I shake my head. Is Hayden cheating on me?

  “What’s going on?” I grit out slowly, pulling myself from his hold. Little by little, I back away. He tries to take my hand to stop me, but I dodge him and sprint through an open space and up the stairs.

  I march with purpose to the familiar room I’ve spent many nights in. Not bothering to knock, I throw the door open. It bangs against the wall. Once my gaze adjusts to the dimness of the room, naked bodies move before me. I’m not sure what possessess me, but I erupt in laughter.

  What the actual hell?

  Laughter bubbles out of me until tears are flowing down my cheeks. Oh goodness, what’s wrong with me? Perhaps I’ve completely lost the plot. Two familiar stunned faces stare back at me.

  “I can’t believe this.” I purse my lips tightly together, clearing my throat in an attempt to settle myself, but it becomes too much. The hilarity of this moment keeps the laughter coming until my stomach begins to hurt. People are going to think I’m crazy, I’m sure of it.

  “Damn, are you okay, Addison?” Jase stands beside me. His furrowed brow tells me he’s unsure about my reaction to my boyfriend cheating on me, with Parker’s girlfriend, Stacey.

  What would Parker think if he were here witnessing this?

  Stacey is a sophomore, same as me, and has let every guy she meets into her pants. Yet, for some stupid reason, she fought hard to date Parker. She had to have him. He’s the basketball captain and popular, which suits her style. I guess she’s had enough of him. Time to move on and ruin someone else’s relationship in the process. I’m thankful
to her, even though she’s a slut.

  I realize I haven’t answered Jase. My hands grip my now sore ribs, and I reply, “Sure why not? My boyfriend is sleeping with someone else’s girlfriend,” I yell, holding back more fits of giggles.

  Gosh, am I broken?

  I watch their naked asses scurry out of bed, pulling their clothes on one piece at a time. Stacey is, of course, the first dressed, tugging a short floral green and white flowing dress over her head. It falls over her slender body perfectly. I hate her for looking so damn good. Of course, she has no underwear on. Damn. She came prepared.

  Jase shifts his body to stand behind me. His hands grip my shoulders. I’m not sure if he’s trying to comfort me or hold me back. Heck, I’m not even sure how I’m feeling right now. Everything inside me is a mess, like a jumbled up Rubik’s cube. All the colors spread around the cube in disarray.

  Stacey steps into the doorway, while Jase’s fingers tighten. I step up to her, ignoring the hand attempting to stop me. It’s a good thing we’re pretty much the same height—I’m maybe a tiny bit taller when I raise myself up. “Thank you for saving me from continuing what could have been the biggest mistake of my life,” I begin sarcastically, but now serious. “Now, be sure to hurry home and tell your boyfriend, because if you don’t, I’m sure there are plenty of little birdies here tonight who might do it,” I threaten without a hint of humor in my voice.

  Stacey doesn’t look fazed. In fact she has a good resting bitch face. Does she even care for Parker? I don’t think so. Her eyes follow the length of my body, her lips plumped out in a duck-lip pose. A disapproving glint is in her stare. A snarl of a smile swipes across her face. There’s pure evil in this girl.

  She takes a step closer to me. With venom in her voice, she says, “Listen here, bitch.” Her chest presses against my own. I don’t back down. “No one will ever believe a nobody like you.” Her finger waves in my face as her fiery glare searches me up and down again. Her hands come up, and she places her filthy mitts on my shoulders, giving me a shove out of her way.

  I clench my fist, ready to go at her for touching me when something stops me—or, should I say, someone. Looking over, my stomach plummets. Parker.

  Parker stands at the top of the stairs. He’s still in the same outfit he was in earlier. Damn, those arms. I give my head a slight shake, removing the thought. Parker’s face is red with anger. Stacey looks at me, horrified, then back to Parker. It all plays out in front of me, like a bad movie. I look around at the many faces assembled around us in the hall. It appears we’ve gathered quite an audience. I spot sight of my sister. She, for some strange reason, gives me a sympathetic half grin. I shrug in return. Was this thing with Stacey happening long before I found out? Did Ella know?

  Parker bolts down the stairs.

  “Parker, baby, please,” Stacey begs, running after him. Poor guy. I can’t think about his feelings right now, though; I’ve got my own to worry about.

  I sense Hayden standing beside me, watching Stacey chase Parker. I turn and face him. He’s smiling—he’s actually freaking smiling. My blood boils with rage so intense it makes me want to hurl myself at him and cause him severe pain.

  He reaches for me, and I lift my foot, ready to step away from him, but Jase yanks me away. He comes around in front of me, his shoulders squared and his face hard. Hayden flicks his now angry glare on Jase, as though he’s ready to take a swing at him for stopping him from touching me. Hayden fixes his stare back on me. Opening his arms, I stare at him, gobsmacked. Does he expect me to leap into them? I think he has another thing coming.

  “Addy, baby,” he coos, as if I didn’t spring him having sex with Stacey.

  I clench my fists, wanting to punch him in his pretty face, suddenly finding the strength I had before he squeezed the life and fight out of me. I should have ended this earlier, it’s my fault for letting it go on this long. Never again will I let this happen. I step around Jase, and jab my finger into Hayden’s chest. “Don’t ‘baby’ me, you dick. It’s over.”

  Jase stands close, his focus on Hayden’s every move. I suppose he knows the exact type of person Hayden is, they do spend time together being on the football team together. I thought I was the only one.

  Hayden’s hand lashes out. He clasps my arm tightly in his grip. I open and close my hand ready to swing, only another body jumps in front of me, stopping my actions. Before I can register what’s going on, Jase has pulled me away from the fight that’s erupted between Parker and Hayden. I didn’t even see Parker return.

  Yelling from other party-goers fills the hall. “Fight, fight, fight,” they chant in sequence.

  Jase’s large body surrounds me, protecting me. I peek around him and catch Parker taking another swing at Hayden. It’s bittersweet revenge. I grin, pleased with the outcome. I hope Parker makes him bleed.

  Guys rush out from nowhere, pulling Hayden and Parker apart. There’s blood pouring from Hayden’s mouth and a bright red spot on his cheek. It looks angry. Good. I’m sure a nice bruise will show up there. I burst out laughing again and receive a death stare from Hayden.

  Somewhat quickly, I compose myself by shifting my gaze to Parker, who’s panting heavily. Jimmy and Dane grip his arms. The trio is all together.

  Parker shrugs off his boys. Pointing a hateful finger toward Hayden, he threatens, “Stay out of my way, Masters, or you’ll have two black eyes and no teeth.”

  Hayden spits some blood out. Why did he do that? Gosh, he’s stupid. “Oh, please, Kent. You knew what you were getting into when you started dating her.” Hayden laughs, wiping away some more blood.

  “You’re just as bad as she is. Don’t think I don’t know about all the other girls, including your girlfriend’s sister.”

  Everything stops.

  I feel a heap of stares shift in my direction.

  The urge to run is powerful.

  I don’t find the strength to lift my lead-weight feet. It’s as though I’ve received a knife jab to the heart, and it was given a twist simply for the heck of it.

  Slowly, I register what Parker’s said. No, it couldn’t be. Would she do something so horrible to me? My head swings to where I saw Ella earlier, and her mouth is hanging open.

  My eyes begin to burn. Tears form. Aren’t I the fool?

  Everything around me blurs. I need to get out of here. Fast.

  Before I know it, I’m being guided down the stairs by Jase and out the front door onto the lawn. I suck in the night air, attempting to hold back the flood of tears which are on the verge of humiliating me some more.

  A muffled voice pulls me from my weird state. Jase is in my face. “Addison, are you okay?” His hands grip my arms. “Addison?” He shakes me a little.

  I close my eyes briefly then reopen them. There’s sadness in his expression. Sadness for me? He releases me, then brushes a hand through his messy blond hair.

  I should have known my sister would do anything to hurt me.

  I hate her.

  She’s nothing to me.

  Taking another short breath, I respond, “I’m fine. I’m going to go now.” Numbly, my legs start to shuffle toward campus.

  “Do you want me to walk you back?” he offers.

  “I’ll take her.” Twisting toward the voice, I see it’s Parker. I catch a glimpse of a shiner on his cheek, although there’s no blood—unlike Hayden.

  I smile. Seeing Hayden hurt makes me feel a little better.

  A pang of hurt shoots through me. It’s Parker who embarrassed me more by announcing my sister’s infidelity.

  I shake my head. “No, I’ll be all right. I need to clear my head.” I don’t particularly want company, and especially not his.

  Parker scoffs. “Don’t argue with me, little mouse. Let’s go.” He takes my arm tenderly, guiding me away from the house of horrors.

  I pull out of his grip, walk back to Jase, and wrap my arms around him. “Thanks for looking out for me tonight.”

  “Anytime,” he whi
spers into my hair, which hangs loose. The strong scent of his spicy aftershave hits me.

  I step back. “Thanks again,” I repeat before leaving with the waiting Parker.

  Things between us are silent, so I look around. “Where’s Stacey?”

  “Who cares?”

  More silence, apart from our shoes crunching on the pavement. In my head, I attempt to sift through the events of the evening. If I’d called Hayden like he’d wanted me to, this wouldn’t have happened, and I’d still be dating him. I give a sideways glance to Parker, who usually isn’t this quiet.

  “Are you all right?” I ask, unsure of what else to say. We don’t have a good track record of conversations.

  Parker bursts out laughing. I look at him, horrified, but can’t help but do the same. His laugh is infectious. He’s as messed up as me. “Damn, little mouse, you have some bite.” He chuckles. I shrug and give a small grin. “Thanks. You give a good right hook.”

  Our laughter fills the night, and it’s pleasant.

  “I’ll admit, but only to you… it felt incredible causing him pain. Usually, I’m a lover, not a fighter, but he deserved every punch in the face he received.”

  I catch him clenching his fists again. Reaching out, I touch his bare arm. Whoa, it’s like a rock, or is he tensing for my benefit? “Thanks for being the fighter tonight. I was ready to hit Hayden myself before you stepped in.”

  He stops walking and looks at me, his eyebrows raised in question. “You… you were going to hit him? I would have paid money to see you take a swing.” A half grin appears on his face as he continues walking.

  It’s then I notice a different side of him. Yes, he can be a complete dick, but he has another more relatable, easy-to-talk-to side. I’ve never had the chance to see this before. After our encounter last year there wasn’t much talking happening.

  “Hey, just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t give a good swing if I need to,” I say. He gives me a sideways glance which says, ‘whatever you say.’ “I do karate and kickboxing. I could probably drop you on your ass if I needed to.”


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