Book Read Free

Monday Night Guy

Page 13

by Liz Lovelock

  Paislee shrugs. “It’s not like he hasn’t seen me in that state before.”

  “Well, if he does say anything, I’ll direct his anger toward you,” I state.

  “He doesn’t stay mad at me long for anything. I’m his little sister, but he looks out for me and doesn’t stay uptight for longer than a day.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried he’ll ignore.”

  “It’ll be all right. Let’s have some fun, girls,” she shouts.

  We arrive at our floor in our building and open the door to our room.

  After shutting the door, Elsie yells, “Let’s get drunk, girls!” She scurries off, pulling bottles of tequila and Midori from her special stash. “Pineapple juice’s in the fridge,” she says to Jane, who races off to go grab it.

  Jane returns with shot glasses and plastic cups and the juice. “Oh, what the heck? Give me a shot and a Midori Illusion.”

  Midori and pineapple juice is the nicest drink. It’s so sweet. I won’t be mixing the hard drinks tonight; I have no reason to. Hayden can do and say whatever he wants, and if that’s dating my sister, then so be it. I honestly don’t care anymore.

  Two hours after getting back to our dorm, we finally leave for the party. Parker’s been messaging me asking when I am coming. Every time I’ve told him I was waiting for the girls. It was partly true. I wanted to look smoking for him. All the girls have had their say and opinion on what I should wear, and not wear. In the end, I settled for black tights with a loose-fitting pale pink button-up top. It’s not what Elsie would class as sexy, but I’m comfortable and being true to myself.

  We arrive at the party, and it’s in full swing. Music vibrates off the walls, and people are making out in the corners. Paislee spots some of her friends and goes over to greet them. I scan the room, looking for any sign of Parker. I catch sight of Dane and make my way to him instead.

  I tap his shoulder. He turns, giving me a grin. “Hey,” he shouts. “Parker’s out back.” He throws his thumb over his shoulder, pointing toward the back door.

  “Thanks,” I yell, and make my way out back. The girls follow me outside.

  “There he is, over near the fence with someone,” Willow says, pointing to a darkened corner. Why would he be hiding out there?

  My chest begins to ache. This better not turn into something like what happened with Hayden.

  I make my way toward Parker. Elsie, Willow, and Jane are in tow. I hear Elsie bristling as she mutters curses under her breath.

  As I get closer, I recognize who’s with Parker. Can’t my sister keep her claws off my guys?

  Elsie grabs my arm, but I shove her off and surge toward Parker and Ella.

  I stop short. Parker’s eyes meet mine. They’re soft and warm, but I don’t care. This doesn’t feel right.

  “What’s the deal, Ella? You can’t find a man of your own, so you have to take mine instead?” I ask. Pure venom drips from my words. So much hate pulses through my veins. I can’t help it.

  Slowly, she turns to face me. Not a single emotion registers on her face. She actually looks sad. It’s not a look she wears often.

  Parker steps closer to me. “It’s not what you think, Addison.”

  I laugh. “Oh, yeah, and she doesn’t have a hidden agenda to get in your pants.”

  “Look, I’ll just go. Can you deal with this?” Ella asks.

  Parker gives her a nod, and she leaves Parker, myself, and the girls gawking after her. What the heck? She’s not being a bitch like she usually is to me.

  I turn to Parker. “You better not be playing up on me.” I jab him in the chest with my finger. He takes my hand in his, and I start to feel the fires within me simmer. How am I ever going to stay mad at him if he has this effect on me? I’ll never win against him.

  “Little mouse, you really think I’m like that lowlife?” He reaches up, tucking some loose hair behind my ear, and rests his hand against my cheek. Then he gives me a smoldering look.

  Oh, gosh, I’m done for.

  “Well, hell, how can anyone win against those smooth moves?” Elsie pipes up, saying almost what I was thinking. She’s spot on. No wonder girls attach themselves to Parker. He’s too sweet.

  “We’ll leave you two be to sort this out, and if you leave, message me.” Elsie gives me a pointed look.

  “All right.”

  Once they’re out of earshot, Parker scoops me up in his arms, pressing his lips to mine. I pull back. “No. None of those smooth moves until you tell me what’s going on with you and Ella.”

  Parker releases me. I didn’t want for him to completely let me go, and feel his loss right away when he steps back. “It’s nothing like you’re thinking. She’s actually wanting to try and fix things with you, and thought coming to me would be a good place to start.”

  My stare is impassive. My sister wants to fix things with me? I look up at the sky.

  “What are you looking for?” Parker asks.

  “I’m checking to see if the moon is blue, because this, if it’s true, is a once-in-a-blue-moon-type event.”

  He shakes his head, chuckling. “Don’t be like that, little mouse.”

  “Like what? She’s already had her claws in one of my boyfriends. Perhaps she’s trying for number two.”

  “I wouldn’t go for her anyway. She’s not my type. It’s only you I have eyes for.” Parker moves closer, his gaze full of hunger. He wants me, and the feeling’s mutual.

  “Oh, Parker, you are smooth.”

  “Ya know, I’m a charmer. The girls love me.” He smirks.

  I nod. “Yes, they do.”

  And I think I do, too. I won’t be saying that out loud though. That’s probably the last thing on his mind. Love. Right now, all I know is he’s the one who has a titan grip on my heart, and I don’t ever want him to let go.

  “Think about what I’ve said. People change.” He sounds like he’s speaking from experience.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Parker sighs as if he knows he’s opened a can of worms. “Back in high school, I was exactly like those bullies who were picking on your brother. I probably would have picked on him back in those days, and it’s not something I’m particularly proud of.”

  “So what changed?” I ask.

  He pulls me into him, and my arms go around his waist. “There was an incident. There was this one guy me and my gang back then picked on pretty much every day.” Pausing, he inhales deeply before continuing, “Because of our bullying…” he pauses looking up, “. . . he almost committed suicide.”

  I gasp. “What?”

  His grip tightens around me. “Yep. Because of what we’d done he was ready to take his own life. I’d caught him cleaning out his locker and wondered if he was moving schools because of us. I won’t lie—I felt like trash watching him pack his things away into his bag. I decided in that moment that I needed to make a change. So I did. I went up to him and said sorry for everything that we had done to him, and that it would never happen again. The boy watched me, he possibly thought it was some kind of joke. After a moment, he started unloading his things back into his locker.” Parker clears his throat.

  I look up at him. Emotion is tight on his face as unshed tears well in his eyes.

  He continues, “I watched him, then asked why he’d been packing up his locker in the first place. He’d said he felt his time was up. He couldn’t deal with the bullying at school since he was already getting crap served up to him at home.

  “In that moment, my heart shattered, and a tiny shard fell away. I was a monster in his story. He already was living a horrible life, and we were making life worse for him. I stopped him from putting his stuff away and hugged him. I cried. I didn’t care who saw me. The big boy on campus crying with the one he picked on. I didn’t care for any of it. In that moment, everything in my universe altered. I promised myself I’d never be like that to anyone again.” He quickly swipes the tear off his cheek.

  I take a deep breath, taking
hold of Parker’s face. “You’re a good man, Parker.”

  He shakes his head. “I was the monster in that boy’s story. To this day, I don’t forgive myself. He may have forgiven me, but I’m not sure I ever will.”

  I lay my head on his chest and tighten my grip on him. “You saw your mistake, and you changed. That’s all that matters.”

  “I know. I’m still scared that he’ll do it. It won’t be because of me, but it might be because of someone else. Every week I message him and see how he’s doing.”

  Lifting my head I gaze up at him. Saddened eyes look back at me. “You’re a good person; don’t ever think otherwise. Not many bullies these days would do what you did. They never own up to their mistakes. You’re the bigger person. I’m so glad you still keep in touch with him. Does he live here?”

  He shakes his head. “No, he went to Harvard Law School. He’s so smart.”

  “I’m so glad,” I say.

  Parker buries his face in my neck. I hold him. No words need to be spoken. My touch is the comfort he needs.

  A moment later, he steps back. “Let’s go enjoy this party and talk about your sister later. Just know there’s nothing going on between us.”

  I trust him. “Okay, but now I can’t say I’m much in the mood to party.” A cheeky grin plays on my lips.

  Parker yanks me back against his hard body. “Don’t tempt me, little mouse, or I’ll take you right here on the grass.” The promise in his words sends a thrill through me. Every inch of me craves him.

  “Do it,” I whisper, rubbing my body against his, teasing him.

  He hisses. Desire radiates from his eyes. His mouth comes down on my neck, and I cling to him as he nips at my skin. My head falls back, allowing him access, and as he goes, he leaves goose bumps in his wake. Slowly, his kisses make their way to my lips, only they’re not gentle anymore. He devours my mouth like his survival depends upon it.

  “Addison, you make me…” He trails off and doesn’t say anything more. Instead, he presses against me, and I know exactly what he means. “Give me a moment to settle down, and we’ll go inside for a little while, then I’m taking you back to my room.”

  “I look forward to it.” I give him one last peck and step away, allowing him to settle.

  At about two a.m. we decided it was time to call it quits. Elsie was totaled, and Willow and Jane had already departed, which left me to get Elsie home. Parker wasn’t too thrilled since he was looking forward to a little special treatment time.

  “Can’t we just put her in a cab and send her on her way?” he jokes. I slap his arm playfully. Thankfully, I stopped drinking the moment we arrived. Elsie doesn’t usually get wasted like this. She’s at that point where she can hardly stand upright.

  “No, something’s up, this isn’t her. I’m not sure. I have to get her home.”

  We stand outside in the crisp morning air. Music is still blaring inside, a lot lower in volume than it was when we first arrived.

  “I like you, Parker,” Elsie yells stumbling toward him. “Most men are jerks. I only ever find that type. Jerk.” Her words are slow. If this is over a guy, it must be someone she really likes.

  “I’m glad you like me.” Parker hooks his arm around her waist, steadying her. Turning to me, he asks, “Will you be right to get her home? You know, with your arm like that?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right. We’ll get the cab to the front of campus, and I’ll use my good side to help her. Now, I have to hope she holds her puking off until we get home.” I laugh nervously.

  Damn, I really hope she isn’t sick in the cab. I don’t want to be stuck cleaning up the car. I cross everything and hope for the best.

  Parker moves closer. “Tomorrow night. Me and you.”

  My body sizzles with the promise held in his words. I plan to make Elsie feel terrible tomorrow for making me end my night alone instead of in Parker’s bedroom.

  After surviving work on little to no sleep, I get back to the dorm to find Elsie has finally emerged from her bed. Since we got back from the party, she’s had her head in the toilet, eventually making her way back to her bed about five-thirty a.m. I stayed up to make sure she survived and didn’t need anything. Needless to say, I suffered at work.

  I glance at my watch. It reads 2:30 p.m.

  “Good to see you back in the land of the living,” I say to Elsie, dumping my bag on the table. I turn to her, and she hunches over, slowly making her way back to her bed.

  “Oh, Addison, I’m so sorry about last night. I’m not sure what happened. I was having fun with the girls and a group of guys we didn’t know. I liked one of them, and I thought he liked me. Then I saw him humping the slut Stacey in the corner. I mean… in… the… corner… of the house,” she cries, and says the last part faster than the rest. She’s more than a little outraged by it.

  “Elsie, it’s not like you to get attached to a guy that quick.” I follow her back to the room, helping her to bed. A bucket still sits next to her with a bottle of water on the bedside table.

  “I know. I’m not sure what came over me. I guess I’m just sick of Stacey tainting all the good guys at college. Why can’t I meet a nice guy? You have Parker, and now I’m sure you’re going to stop doing things with me to be with him.”

  I tilt my head and give her a deadpan stare. Is she really starting with the ‘hoes before bros’ thing?

  “Don’t start this. You know me. I even gave up a night of passion to bring you home and make sure you survived.” She gives me her puppy-dog look. “Nope. Don’t give me that face,” I say, shaking my head.

  “I think I just had a bad night and everything got to me. Sorry.”

  I sit down on my bed, facing her. “Don’t worry about it. For all I know, this thing with Parker may not even last. It’s still very early days.”

  Panic seizes me at the thought of not being with Parker. He’s different.

  I don’t say that to Elsie, though. She’s a little unstable at the moment, and all of her emotions seem amplified.

  “I see you and Parker together for a long time. The way he looks at you is heart-stopping. I’ll find that one day.” Elsie sounds drowsy, and I know she needs to rest.

  “I’m going to get ready. I’ll be out tonight. If you need anything, message or call me. Rest up.”

  She mumbles something incoherent.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket. Opening it, a smile lights my face.

  Parker: Hey, little mouse, I hope you’re ready for our first official date. I’ll be there in an hour. Dress casual.

  Addison: Are you sure you don’t want me in a nice lacy lingerie piece?

  I giggle at my response, knowing it will stir him. Within seconds, I have my reply.

  Parker: That sounds like a tease, Addison. I may have to strip you down with my teeth.

  I’m about to reply when he sends another message. It’s a picture. My heart races as I stare with my mouth open at the image of Parker in front of what appears to be a bathroom mirror, snapping a bare-chested shot of himself.

  Addison: I may have drooled. LOL

  I search for an outfit while I wait for his reply. Picking out a light pink tee and black jeans, I go for simple and casual. I can’t say the jeans will be easy for him to access. What pair of jeans are though?

  I hop in the shower, getting myself ready for tonight. I want to look my best. I enjoy seeing the desirous grin on his face that makes my stomach do backflips.

  A loud knock on the door makes me jump. Quickly, I smear some gloss over my lips and grab my clutch. When I pull the door open, Parker’s standing there. His spicy scent tickles my senses as it hits me.

  “Hey, little mouse.” His eyes roam my body.

  “You like?”

  He groans. “You have no idea.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” I crave his touch. The moment I think it, he leans in, brushing his lips against mine. The kiss intensifies in seconds. He clings to me, pulling me firmly against his muscular body. His arms cru
sh me against him. Finally, he steps back, still holding my hand, his thumb rubbing circles over my knuckles.

  “We need to pause there otherwise we won’t be making it anywhere,” he says.

  I know he’s right. It still doesn’t stop me pouting. “All right,” I say.

  “Come on. I have something special planned.”

  Excitement bubbles through me. Our first official date. Finally.

  “By the way, you look sexy tonight. You could have worn a dress… you know… for easy access.”

  “No, jeans are a good option,” I say. I’m happy with my choice.

  I climb into his car, and my phone begins to ring. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Ignore it.” He shrugs.

  Looking at the screen, Mom’s name is lit up. “Nah, I better get this. It’s Mom.” Sliding my finger across the screen, I answer it. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Oh, gosh, honey, I’m so glad I got you.” She sounds flustered and upset. She pauses. Something’s wrong. Bitterness crawls its way into my bloodstream and puts a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “Mom, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” The panic can’t be hidden from my voice. I look up at Parker. His brow furrows. He sits his hand on my thigh. Not even his touch calms me.

  “It’s Ella.”

  “What’s wrong with her? I saw her last night, and she appeared fine.”

  Mom releases a sob, and everything around me shatters. Every ounce of happiness I had within me moments ago floats away on a turbulent breeze. “She’s been in an accident. She’s in ICU at the hospital. Can you come to the hospital?”

  As much as I despise my sister, I would never wish harm to come to her. Perhaps I’ve wished for her to not be my sister, but never pain or hurt.

  “What accident? What happened?” I register Parker’s squeeze on my leg and look at him, tears welling in my eyes.

  “She’s unconscious, they’ve put her in an induced coma for now. Come to the hospital. Please.” My mother’s final plea shoots terror through me.

  Is my sister dying? This can’t be happening. Please. No.


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