Book Read Free

Monday Night Guy

Page 15

by Liz Lovelock

  “Oh wow. I’m sorry I asked,” I say, suddenly wishing I hadn’t opened my big mouth.

  His hand reaches out, taking mine. “It’s okay. I’m not upset by it.” He says.

  Right then the servers come and place our food on the table. Things go silent between us as we eat our meals.

  I have an uneasy feeling swirling in my stomach. “Are you okay?”

  His eyes come up and meet mine. He sighs. “I’m sorry, I was thinking about Hayden and how he treated you, and Ella. That guy makes me so angry. Come on, let’s go to the hospital and I’ll go see Devon.” His voice perks up at the mention of seeing my brother. Hopefully, when I see him afterward, everything will be back to normal. I hate the disturbance that’s settled between us.

  We rise from our seats and make our way to the car.

  When we get out the café doors, Parker gently takes my elbow. “Hey, stop for a moment.”

  I do what he says and turn to face him.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over the way I reacted. I’m protective, and when I hear those things… well, I don’t like hearing them. This isn’t your fault. I can see the wheels turning in your beautiful mind. I love you, Addison. Don’t ever forget that fact.” He cups my cheeks with his hands and leans in, pressing his sweet lips to mine.

  All the doubt and unease wash away in an instant.

  I walk into Ella’s room. Dad sits by her bed, holding her hand. “Hey Dad,” I say.

  He jumps, turning around, and he’s out of his seat and wrapping me in his arms within seconds.

  “Oh, Addy, I’m so glad you’re here.” He pauses and keeps holding me. Tears well in my eyes.

  Clearing my throat, I step back and turn to Ella, who looks so peaceful lying there. “How is she this morning?”

  Dad returns to his seat, and I go to the opposite side of the bed and sit on the edge of it. “She’s doing good, they say. I’m praying when she wakes up, she’ll be her normal self. They’re saying she could have some memory loss or even temporary amnesia.”

  “Oh, goodness, I hope not. Although, I’ll be glad for her to wake up so I know she’s all right. I need to hear her speak, or open her eyes.”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” Dad says.

  Things fall into a comfortable silence between us.

  After about thirty minutes, Mom comes rushing in. “Oh, good. I haven’t missed anything?”

  “No. We’re waiting for them to come in and administer the drug which will wake her up,” Dad responds, rising from his seat to give Mom a kiss. He allows her to take his seat by the bed. She does so without hesitation.

  “How are you, honey?” she asks, looking my way.

  “I’m good.”

  “Parker’s such a lovely boy. You should have seen Devon’s face when he saw Parker pull up out the front of the house.” A smile touches her lips.

  “Yeah, Devon likes him.”

  “I’m so glad he’s got some friends. I always worry about him. He’s come so far lately. It’s amazing. I love watching him overcome the hurdles he faces on a daily basis.”

  “I agree.”

  Just then, Jules walks in, followed by a nurse.

  “Shouldn’t you be finished?” I ask.

  She gives me a warm smile. “I am, but I wanted to come back and do this.”

  “Thank you,” Mom and I say at the same time.

  “Now, what will happen is we’ll administer a drug that will wake her up. Sometimes it can be an instant thing, or it could take up to a few hours to wake up.”

  We all nod as we listen to her words. A crisp silence fills the room as Jules gets to work administering the drug.

  I stand. Watching. Waiting. Holding my breath.

  Seconds pass.


  My eyes fall on Mom and Dad. Their expressions are worried. Mom chews her nails while Dad does his best to support her.

  Jules comes to my side, taking my hand in hers. I turn toward her. She gives me a soft smile. My stomach is in knots, and the anxiety is making me feel ill.

  After what feels like forever, I lean over to Jules. “How long should this actually take?”

  She pats my hand in a comforting way. “It’s only been fifteen minutes. Give her time. She can probably hear us. Her eyes are unwilling to open yet. All her vitals are fine, and she’s not in distress. She’ll be fine.”

  I really wish Parker was here. I need him. He’s my rock—someone I know I can honestly depend on.

  “Something’s happening,” Mom whispers excitedly. She takes her hand. “Ella, sweetie, it’s Mom. Please, open your eyes if you can. Please.” Tears flow down her face. I release Jules’s hand and step closer to Ella’s bed.

  Ella’s eyes flicker open. Then shut again.

  “Ella, wake up,” I beg.

  Her eyes spring open. I breathe a sigh of relief. She blinks a few times before her gaze shifts, settling on me. Her bottom lip trembles, and tears fill her eyes.

  I sit on her bed, cupping her face in my hands. “Everything will be okay.”

  Ella’s lips move as though she’s trying to say something. “Don’t speak. Just rest,” I reassure her.

  All the weight that had been sitting firmly on my shoulders lifts while I watch Ella grip my hand tightly. It’s as if every single bit of dislike, distrust, hostility, and unsociable behavior between us has dissipated. I am so glad I have had the opportunity to fix things with her, but today she needs to rest.

  Hours after Ella has woken, Parker finally comes to pick me up. It’s closer to dinnertime now, I haven’t eaten much since our breakfast this morning. Ella didn’t have much to say the entire time I visited with her as she faded in and out of sleep.

  I climb into Parker’s car. He leans over and presses his lips to mine.

  “Eww…” A familiar voice comes from the back seat.

  Parker and I crack up laughing.

  “Hey, Devon. Did you have a good day?” I twist around to look at my brother, who has his hand up covering his eyes.

  “You can look now, buddy,” Parker says, chuckling.

  Devon drops his hands. “Thank goodness. How’s Ella?” he asks hesitantly.

  “She’s awake. She’s good,” I assure him. He gives me one of his blinding, bright smiles.

  “Good. Can we go eat now?”

  I love his bluntness—that’s Devon.

  “Sure can, but Addy chooses,” Parker says as he pulls out of the parking lot.

  We pick up some pizza and head back to Mom and Dad’s place. Parker and Devon listen as I tell them about Ella and all the details. Devon scoots off to the kitchen to get sodas and plates.

  “So, my mom was there?” Parker asked.

  “Yeah. She did the doctor thing and woke her up. I was glad she was there; she wasn’t you though.”

  Parker places the pizzas on the coffee table, takes my hand, and pulls me against his body. He leans down, his lips smashing against mine. I revel in his sweet taste.

  “Oh, come on, you two. Do that somewhere else.” Devon’s disgusted voice ruins the moment. I turn toward him to find the plates in front of his face.

  “Not one for public displays of affection, hey Dev?” Parker laughs.

  “No,” he says.

  “Let’s eat,” Parker says.

  Slowly, Devon peeks around the plate in front of his face. I’m still in Parker’s embrace. When Devon thinks the coast is clear of kissing, he drops the plates and helps himself to a slice of pizza.

  Parker tightens his grip around me, nuzzling into my neck. “I wish I could have been there for you today. I’m glad Ella’s okay, though.”

  “Thank you. I love you.”

  “I love you so much more.” He peppers kisses on my neck, and I know if Devon wasn’t around we’d end up naked.

  Instead of going to classes today, I decide to spend the day with my sister. Mom called this morning to let me know she’s fully awake and talking. Once Dad got home last night, Parker dropped me bac
k at the dorm where I filled the girls in on what’s been happening. Elsie was mad that I didn’t call or message her earlier, but I didn’t have the chance. I’m sure she’ll forgive me. I could bribe her with new clothes.

  “You going to the hospital?” Elsie asks, walking into our bedroom as I pull a shirt over my head.

  “Yeah. It’s time to become friends again with my sister. This petty stuff needs to stop.”

  Elsie sits down on my bed. “Are you all right?”

  The tenderness in her voice takes hold of my heart. Turning, I look at her. “I’m better now. Things are starting to look up in my life. No more fighting with my sister is going to be the best outcome possible. Although, it’s sad that it took this accident for us to sort our crap out.”

  “Yeah, that’s just silliness. I’m glad it’s going to get better now.”

  “Are you going to come to the little game tonight?”

  She looks at me confused. “What game?” She shrugs.

  “Oh, Devon and Parker are having a one-on-one game of basketball. You should come.” I grab my backpack from my desk, ready to leave.

  “Sounds like fun. I’ll come.”

  At the hospital, I make my way to Ella’s room. She’s been moved to a ward now, which is a great sign.

  I enter her room. Mom and her are giggling about something. It’s a scene that I don’t see very often.

  “Hey, you two,” I greet them, and they look up at me, smiling.

  “Hey,” Ella says, a little hesitantly.

  “Hello, honey. So good to see you. I thought you’d be at school today?” Mom asks.

  I drop my bag onto the chair. “Yeah, I thought I’d come here instead, and see how Ella’s doing. You appear to be doing well.” I sit on the opposite side of Ella’s bed to Mom.

  “Oh, excellent,” Mom announces happily. “I might head home and grab a shower and freshen up some.” She’s off the bed, kissing Ella on the forehead, and is out the door within a few seconds.

  Silence fills the room, and I’m unsure where to start. Honestly, I don’t know what to say. It shouldn’t be like this between sisters.

  Thankfully, Ella decides to talk first. “I’m sorry for everything.”

  I open my mouth to respond.

  She holds her hand up to stop me. “No, let me finish. I’ve been a bitch for so long, and we shouldn’t be fighting. I don’t know what happened to me. I became so caught up in being the cool girl everyone wanted me to be, and somewhere along the way I lost myself and my family.”

  I take her hand in mine. “Ella, you don’t need to explain anything to me. You’re my sister. Yes, I’ll admit I disliked you there for a while, but no matter what I still love you. I can’t hate my only sister. I’m glad we have the chance to sort everything out. Start over as friends?”

  She smiles, tears sliding down her cheeks. “Friends.”

  We both embrace each other.

  All the bad blood that was between us washes away with the tears we shed. This moment will stay with me forever.

  I stayed at the hospital all day until I had to start work at five. On my way back to campus to go to work, I got a text from Parker.

  Parker: Hey, little mouse. I’ll be in a little later tonight. Devon’s asked me to pick him up. I hope things are good with you and Ella. Love you.

  Even his messages cause my heart to flutter.

  Addison: Can’t wait to see you. Love you, too.

  I arrive at the café and slip off my bag, putting it under the counter. “Jen,” I call. I hear her voice coming from the storeroom, so I make my way there.

  “Hey you,” she greets. “You know where I’ll be.”

  It’s what she does every Monday night—the book work.

  “Not a problem. I’ll get to work. Do you mind if I grab something to eat from the fridge?” She never usually has a problem, but I always like to ask.

  “Sure, honey, help yourself. You know you can do that. Also, I’m glad everything’s turned out well with your sister. Elsie filled me in.”

  “Thanks. Me too.”

  Back out front, I grab myself a cinnamon bun and demolish its sugary goodness.

  The hours pass so slowly. I guess it’s because I’m eager to see Parker. I find myself checking the clock and time seems to only pass in five- or ten-minute intervals each time.

  I decide to give the place a good clean and start scrubbing tables, windows, and cleaning fridges.

  Jen pops her head out at about eight. “Oh, my goodness, Addison. It’s sparkling out here.”

  I shrug. “We only had one mad rush about an hour ago, since then it’s died down a little, so I decided to pass the time cleaning.”

  “It’s great. Since it’s quiet tonight, do you want to start packing up earlier? Then you can head off, if you like.”

  “That would be great. Thanks.”

  She disappears out back again. I love this job.

  I start by dragging in the tables and chairs from out front of the café and lining them against the wall, trying to minimize use of my sore hand. The bell rings, alerting me to a customer. “Won’t be a minute,” I say as I set the last table down. Turning around, my stomach drops.

  Hayden stands there with a bottle of something in his hand. I decide to act normal. “Oh, hey, Hayden. How are you?”

  “Don’t play coy with me, slut.” His words slur as he speaks, and when he steps forward, he stumbles slightly.

  “Hayden, are you all right?”

  “Stop being nice to me. You don’t care about me,” he yells, causing me to jump back in fright. My heart hammers with fear. What’s wrong with him?

  “I think you need to leave, young man.”

  I turn my head. Jen comes to my side, folding her arms across her chest.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” he hisses at her, then takes a mouthful from his bottle.

  “You’re drunk,” I say. “Just leave, Hayden. It’ll be better for you to walk away now, instead of making this something it shouldn’t be.”

  “I’m going to call the police,” Jen says and goes to the counter to get the phone. Hayden takes his chance to run toward me, and before I can defend myself, he has a solid grip on my arm. I cry out in pain. This grip is tighter than any other time he’s held me. If he could, I’m sure he would crush my bones. I look to the ground, trying not to think about the pain in my arm.

  “You’ll do no such thing,” he growls to Jen.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” I beg as fear engulfs every fiber of my being. “Why are you doing this?”

  He forcibly turns me around to face him. There’s a glazed look in his eyes. “This is your fault. You left me for him. You’re meant to be mine.” He pulls me closer, then presses his lips against mine.

  I want to gag. His breath and its aroma are pure alcohol. This isn’t the Hayden I knew. The one I knew wouldn’t get physical. Verbal and mental abuse, yes, but physical? Definitely not.

  “I’ve called the police,” Jen says.

  “No,” Hayden yells as he alters his grip on the back of my neck. He holds it almost as tight as he does my arm. With one quick move, he shoves me hard. My face connects with the corner of the table I’d just set down. I scream. My hands fly to my face as my body falls to the ground. I hear the bell ding. Hayden must be making a run for it. Thank God.

  “Don’t touch her!”


  I try to sit up. Jen’s by my side in an instant. I watch Parker drag Hayden back out the door. He punches him square in the face. Hayden crumbles to the ground, unmoving. I couldn’t care less if he’s injured. My face throbs. I pull my hands away, and there’s blood.

  “I’ll go get some ice and a cloth,” Jen says before racing off. I’m left with tears and blood falling down my cheeks. I’m not sure what I did to deserve this. I think Hayden has some serious issues he needs to sort out.

  Parker’s back by my side seconds after Jen walks away. “Addison, look at me. Oh, hell, you’re bleeding.�
� He moves my hand off my face, and his concerned eyes turn to stone.

  “He needs more than one punch, but I’m not about beating him to death. Even though that’s exactly what I want to do.” Hatred laces his words.

  “Don’t leave me,” I cry, reaching for him. He pulls me into his lap, wrapping me in his arms, placing kisses on my forehead. It’s comforting.

  Jen’s back. “Here. You need to keep this on that wound, and you need to go to the hospital to get checked out. There’s a lot of blood.”

  I look to Parker.

  “I’ll take her,” he says. He lifts himself off the floor, then helps me up, and Jen assists me on my wobbly legs. He lifts me in his arms while I hold the ice and cloth to my cheek. “Will you be all right with him?” he asks Jen, gesturing toward Hayden who’s out cold.

  “Yeah, I’ll lock the door, and the police shouldn’t be too far away. I’ll give them your number, Addison, to check in with you about this.”

  I nod, not wanting to speak. I rest my head on Parker’s chest as he takes me slowly to his car.

  “Where’s Devon?” I ask, panic gripping me.

  “He’s with Jimmy and Dane. I’ll let them know what’s happened. Let’s go get you checked out. I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.” He places another kiss on my forehead, and I close my eyes, taking in the moment.

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I know. I can’t believe he did this though. When he tossed you against the table, I saw red. I wanted him to hurt so damn bad.” His grip tightens around me.

  “I’m okay, aside from a bump. Everything will be all right.”

  “I was so scared,” he whispers.

  “Me too. Just remember I love you.”

  He places me in his car. “I love you, too.”


  The door to the café flies open, and the bell chimes. Looking up, a smile spreads across my face. Parker strolls up to the counter, a sexy half grin greets me. I lean across. He meets me halfway. Our lips connect. That tingle is still present every single time our lips connect.


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