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The Best Man

Page 5

by Michelle Lee

  Decently? You’re totally covered up.

  Zip it.

  "So, do you make it a habit of opening other people's doors and coming in without being invited?" I ask, still pissed.

  "No, I don't, but like I said, I knocked and knocked and because the music was so fucking loud you didn't hear me." Now he sounds pissed.

  What right does he have to sound pissed for? He wasn't the one just seen in their panties.

  Maybe he sounds that way because he truly is sorry and really did knock, like he said. The music was kind of loud.

  Okay, okay, just shut up. God, my inner self is making think I have split personalities.

  "Fine, whatever. What do you have for me?" I ask.

  "Ricardo gave me a CD of the songs, so you could practice. He also thought it would be a good idea if I helped."

  Really? Well, I was pretty awful, but why would he help me?

  Does a “fresh start" ring any bells? Get with it Kassidy.

  "How did you know where I lived?"

  "Chloe gave me directions."

  "Figures," I say with a little smile, which irritates me that I’m smiling at him.

  Chloe playing matchmaker again. I could so kill her. Wait until I see her again.

  Why so you can properly thank Chloe?


  "She thought I should bring it to you now with the off chance you might be home and not out with Jackson."

  "Off chance, huh?"

  Who is Chloe kidding? She knew what she was doing when she sent him over here. I am going to have a few choice words with her very soon.

  "That's what she said. So are you meeting this Jackson still?"

  Damn it. Jackson. Quick think of something fast. "Um, he called on my way home said he was busy. So, um, no, I’m not meeting up with him. But I am later." Really smooth Kassidy.


  "Yeah, we're meeting later for drinks."

  That sounds believable, right? He just smirked. Why did he just smirk?


  "Oh, um, nothing. Anyway, here's your CD. I'll be in town a few days and maybe we could practice?"

  His hand grazes mine as he hands me the CD, and I feel a surge of electricity course through my body that finally comes to full force between my legs. Holy mother, what is he doing to me? "A few days, how come?"

  "Best man stuff. So practice?"

  Okay, don't seem too eager. "Um, sure. I think I'm free Tuesday evening." Way not sound too eager, dumbass.

  "Tuesday evening works for me."

  Yeah, it works for him. Snap out of it Marshall. "All right. I guess call me and we can get together."

  And with that my mind begins to wander. I can see us practicing our moves. His hands on my body. Skin to skin. His warm breath blowing against my heated skin. His tongue licking at the sweat between my… The wetness grows between my legs at the thought.

  He brings me back to reality. "I'll need your number, Kassidy," he lightly chuckles.

  Shit, keep it cool and together. Don't fall apart now, that's all we need. Focus, you're a freakin’ lawyer for heaven's sake.

  Right, lawyer. Give him, lawyer-tude.

  "Right, give me your cell." I square my shoulders, lift my chin and reach my hand out with my courtroom demeanor.

  He hands over his cell phone and I immediately begin to add my number to his contacts.

  Holy Hell! There are a lot of names of girls in here. Kate, Samantha, Laura, Victoria. What the hell, the list goes on and on. Fucking womanizing asshole. Just like…

  You don’t know that and don’t go there.


  But nothing just don’t.

  "You sure do have a lot of girls' numbers in here."

  Or did I say that out loud?

  "Yeah, mostly friends," he said with a half-smile.

  Apparently I said that out loud. Sure, friends my ass. He has a fucking harem.

  "Friends, uh huh, right." I can’t help the sarcasm and disgust dripping from my words.

  "All right, so I'll give you a call Tuesday afternoon, cool?" He ignores my comment like I never said it.


  It's time you left asshole.

  "Um, Kassidy, sorry about before." He again sounds really sorry.

  "No problem, but next time, just wait for someone to answer the door."

  I can’t believe I’m letting him off that easy? You must be rubbing off on me.


  Or nothing, I just want him and his harem phone out of my apartment.

  "I hope I can do that." He smirks, while emphasizing the word hope.

  Why is he stressing the word hope? And why is he looking at me like that? He just needs to leave.

  "Bye se… Davis."

  Good catch, Kassidy, you wouldn't want to call him sexy hair guy to his face. Asshole, yes. Sexy hair guy, no.

  "Bye, Kassidy."

  I close the door behind him and lean against it trying to catch my breath. "What the fuck is he doing to me?" I say out loud to no one in particular. That’s when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My face is tinged pink and slightly flushed. There’s a shiny glow to my skin. And then I remember what panties I have on. On the back of my panties—the word “hope” is splashed across my ass. Thank you so much Victoria’s Secret for outing that secret. I feel my skin prickle and heat up with complete and utter embarrassment. No wonder he said “hope” like he did. Oh my God, just kill me now.

  Oh get over it. I think he liked what he saw.

  I stare at my reflection assessing my reaction to him. He is extremely good looking and charming and sexy as hell. And above all, I do feel different around him. I have never felt such a chemical or electrical reaction to anyone before. There is something there, but do I want there to be? I honestly don’t know. The last dating experience I had…I don’t even want to think about it and rehash all that. Me either, but remember Davis is not... I know, I know. He does seem to be trying to not be so asshole-ish; although he did enter my apartment without my welcome, and all those girls' names and numbers. What the hell is up with that? He said friends, mostly. More like friends with benefits. Shit. And why the hell is with Chloe sending him over here? She knows damn well how I feel, or did feel, or do feel. Ugh, I’m so confused. Anyway, I am definitely going to have a word or two with Miss Chloe.


  Monday morning I immediately text Chloe.

  Loe, we're having dinner 2nite.

  Well, hello, Miss Marshall.

  Don't hello me.


  Lucy, you have some explaining to do.

  Figured I would. What time and where?

  7pm Murphy’s.

  Should I be scared?


  I'll wear extra padding.

  Ha ha ha.

  See ya then, Kassidy.

  Oh you will.

  Chloe is definitely going to explain to me first, why she sent sexy hai…I mean Davis to my apartment and secondly, why did she think it was a good idea for him to help me in between dance lessons. Because as great as Ricardo is, I seriously doubt it was his idea. At least I have a few more hours at the office before heading over to Murphy’s to cross-examine her. She is going to see firsthand what I am like in a courtroom and it isn't going to be pretty.

  Oh, who the fuck are you kidding? And is it so hard to remember his name? Sexy hair guy is a mouthful don’t you think? Calling him Davis or Ryan even would be much easier.

  I ignore my inner self.

  Chloe will turn this all around and probably eat me alive. She is small and looks timid, but I have a strong feeling if she ever became a lawyer, I will have met my match in the courtroom. I think it has to be because she deals with some bitchy Beverly Hills wives that gives her that edge.

  Knock. Knock.

  "Come in," I utter without thinking.

  "Hey, Kassidy." I look up and see Jackson standing in my doorway.

  Shit. "Hey Jackson, what's up?"<
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  "Not much, just wondering if you uh, wanted to uh, go out tonight… for dinner," he asks, rubbing the back of his neck as his head hangs down not meeting my eyes.

  Brilliant idea you had asking him to be your date to the wedding, Einstein.

  "Uh, tonight, actually I have plans with Chloe."

  It is the truth. I couldn't ever lie to Jackson—Davis, on the other hand… When did I start calling him Davis?

  It’s about time.

  As I continue to mind wrestle with my inner self, Jackson looks puzzled. Probably for good reason. I'm sure I look like I belong in a padded cell as I have a conversation with my inner self.

  "Uh, Kassidy, are you all right?"

  "Yeah, sure. It's just that…"

  "It's just what?"

  "Oh, um, never mind."

  "You know you can tell me anything. We're friends, right?"

  "Yeah, we're friends."


  Why the hell not…"Jackson, have you ever thought one thing of someone and then come to find out you might have been wrong about them or almost wrong? I mean, they are at first this really obnoxious, self-centered, playboy asshole. And they think they know everything about you, even your sex life, or lack thereof. But then after seeing them a few times, they come across as something entirely different? Like one time they're Dr. Jekyll and the next they're Mr. Hyde."

  Kassidy you're fucking rambling. And why are you going on about Davis to Jackson?

  Because I'm stupid, that's why and a glutton for punishment.

  "Uh, I guess so. You're kinda hard to follow, but I think I get it."

  "Sorry, I get brain tied sometimes." Mental ADD is more like it.

  "That's okay, let's see. You have a first impression and then you realize you were wrong. Right?"

  Well, that was simply put.

  "Exactly. I think."

  "Sometimes first impressions can be the wrong one, under weird circumstances. Well, maybe we can go out some other time?" He quickly changes the subject.

  Wow. Was Davis like that at the club that night, because that was an example of weird circumstances? Now Kassidy, be gentle about dinner. He's a sweet guy and doesn't deserve any bullshit.

  "Jackson, I don't know if that's a good idea. I know I invited you to the wedding, but as friends."

  "I know, but friends can go out and have dinner once in a while, right?" His voice cracks with nervous energy.

  I do that with my other friends, why should Jackson be any different? As long as he knows where I stand and that our relationship isn't going to be anything more than friends. Jackson is a great guy, but he really isn't my type. Besides, he seems more like brother material than boyfriend material.

  "Sure Jackson, why not."

  "Cool, I'll see ya later."

  "No prob, take it easy."

  Jackson is really sweet and he seems to get me, even when I do ramble on like a mad woman. And speaking of rambling, what the hell is that all about? "Sexy Hair Guy" or Davis or what-the-fuck-ever I am calling him, is really getting under my skin.


  I just need to focus on my work and then focus on putting it to Chloe. God, I love being a lawyer.


  I arrive at Murphy’s early. I want to make sure I am prepared. I actually think about making note cards just in case I begin rambling. The lawyer in me begs for note cards, but I think that will definitely land me in the mental ward.

  Finally, in Chloe fashion, she floats through the restaurant to meet me at our table. She is all smiles. Little does she know she was in for it, big time.

  "So Chloe…"

  "I know, I know. Yes, I told Davis where you lived and that he should bring you the CD, because I knew you weren't really meeting Jackson. If you were, you would have mentioned it to me before. So, I knew you were avoiding Davis because believe it or not Miss Marshall, you have some sort of attraction towards him, whether you want it admit or not. It's obvious every time you see him, and I will say it's mutual. Secondly, it wasn't my idea that he help you with the routine, it was actually his. Ricardo was going to suggest me when Davis butted right in and volunteered. So, if you are thinking of grilling me or cross examining me, whatever you want to call it, you're mistaken, because, there you go."

  God, she said that all in one breathe. How did she know what I was going to say? I swear she is a psychic and needs to get her own hotline. And if she just doesn't take the wind out of my sails. I was going have fun and she just took that all away. Wait, what did she mean by mutual?

  "You said mutual?"

  "Yes, mutual. If you can't fucking see the way he looks at you, then you're completely blind. And if you don't see how you look at him, then you're an idiot. Because it's obvious, not only to me, but to Jason too."

  Shit. Jason saw it too. Whatever it was.

  "Chloe, I don't know what you're talking about. I look at him like, I look at look at, shit, I don't know…Jason."

  "You better not look at Jason that way or I will kick your sweet little ass. And you know I could, too. Kassidy, you have a crush on Davis, it's obvious. And he has one on you. So, why don't the two of you just forget all the bullshit and go out or something. Save us all the grief; because believe me, if you keep denying this there will be grief. And then I will have to step in and you don't want me to step in."

  Hell, no I don't want her to step in. She is a crazy lunatic, me having a crush on Davis. Please. Yes, I may be slightly attracted to him, but any other red-blooded girl would be; shit he is sex on legs. But I don't want to go out with him or let alone date him. I need to buck up and put an end to her "rationalizing."

  "Chloe, I don't think you know what you're talking about." She is about to butt in as usual, so I simply stop her before she can. She doesn't look too happy that I put my hand over her lips.

  "Hear me out. Sure Davis is attractive, but that's as far as it goes. I would be blind or a shut-in if I didn't think that. But believe me, that's it. He's just not my type, really. Yes, gorgeous is everyone's type, including mine, but for the few times we've met, especially that first time at the club, I truly deep down in my heart of hearts believe he is an arrogant, egotistical asshole. Wait. I know you think the world of him, but I'm not in that world. So please, as my best friend, stop trying to push him on me like you're my dealer. All right?"

  There, I said it. God, I really believe what I just said. Good because it's the truth? Hopefully she'll believe it.

  "Fine. If that's the way you want it," she says with a pout as if she were a two year old not getting her way.

  "Yes, that's the way I want it."

  "Okay Kassidy, it's your life and your mistake. I really think that you and Davis could…"

  That's when I give my cross-examination evil eye and she shuts the hell right up.

  "Evening ladies, I'm your waiter, Jared. Can I get you ladies a drink?"

  "Yes!" we say in unison.


  Chloe and I say our good-byes and she still looks disappointed. I know she wants to be the ultimate matchmaker, and as attracted as I am to Davis, I’m not going to let that happen. If I do, I'm sure I will be just another name in his long list of contacts and that definitely isn't for me. I am a romantic at heart and truly believe in one man, one woman. Deep down, I want what Chloe and Jason have, and something in my gut tells me that isn't going to happen with Davis. Well, I could end my dry spell and put away BoB and just fuck him. No, that would be something Macy would do, not me. Not an option.

  I finally get home and there is a message on my voice mail.

  "Hi Kassidy, it's Davis. I just wanted to make sure we were still practicing tomorrow. Just give me a call and let me know. I hope to see you soon. Bye."

  Hope? He’s killing me. His voice is even sexier on the voice mail and it sends shivers down my spine. I can feel the fire grow deep within and scorch its way throughout my entire body. I feel like I am going to spontaneously combust. How does he do this with a phone message?
Seriously? Must be some sexual voodoo. As the fire intensifies, I feel my entire body aching to be touched.

  HolymotherofGod! I seriously need help. I immediately go to the kitchen and opened my junk drawer.

  Yes! A fresh pack of batteries.

  Ryan "sexy hair guy" Davis is going to single handedly help me to increase Energizer's stock price.

  Thank God for BoB.


  "Elaine, can you get me Mr. Reynolds's file please?"

  "Right away Miss Marshall."

  The partners were very impressed with the success of my last case. I had been worried that the jury was going to go the other way. Usually I have a fix on them before they deliberate, but not this last time. Fortunately, they decided in my client's favor and because of that, the partners handed me a very valuable client, Mr. Reynolds. If I didn't thrive under stress and pressure, I probably would be falling apart at the seams right now, but quite honestly I live for this kind of stuff.

  "Here you go Miss Marshall and here are your phone messages."

  "Thanks, Elaine."

  As far as assistants go, Elaine is pretty good, although at times I swear I catch her glaring at me like I am the boss from hell. Honestly, I think I am a pretty awesome boss, not too demanding or overbearing. But something about Elaine makes her come across as bitchy. If we were in high school, we probably wouldn't have been friends and I probably would have kicked her ass by now.

  Shit, three messages from Macy. Damn it, she's gonna be pissed. I’m just going to text her and avoid a verbal lashing.

  Hey Macy, been swamped just got your messages.

  You better be fucking swamped.

  Shit she is pissed.

  Macy doesn't like to be ignored, especially when she thinks whatever is going on with her, the whole world should stop and take notice.

  Sorry, partners gave new case.


  Yes, really.

  That's awesome Kas, congrats.

  Cool, not so pissed anymore, that was quick.

  We need to discuss Saturday. Tie up loose ends.


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