The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 8

by Michelle Lee

  Let him have it!

  "I…I…" He is completely dumbfounded and has a look of complete fear in his eyes. He looks like a cornered little pig and the big bad wolf is about to tear him from limb to limb.

  He should be scared.

  "I have told you from the very beginning we are just friends. Now I don't think that is even possible anymore. You crossed a line tonight Jackson, a line that was clear as day. You have no idea how pissed off I am right now. I think you better leave before I say something I will really regret." The words roll off my tongue like venom.

  He just looks at me, still cupping his mouth, gets up and runs out of my office with his tail between his legs. With the way I feel at this moment, I know I will say something that I will regret later.

  Will you stop handling him with kid gloves, Jackson’s a big boy? He obviously knows how to kiss like one.

  I know, I know. I will talk more with him later okay?

  You better or I will personally kick your ass for not doing so, but not before I kick his.

  I got it, but remember he is the son of a senior partner; I do need to handle the situation delicately.

  Delicately schmelicately. Just handle it!

  My inner self is on the verge of becoming a story on the ten o'clock news. News flash woman's inner personality over takes her, and Lorena Bobbits senior partner's son. More in minutes. That is all I need. I clean up what is left of our dinner and head home. A nice long hot bubble bath is what I need. Calgon take me away.


  After my bath, which was relaxing, but it didn't totally take the edge off, I pour myself a glass of wine as I curl up on the couch for some mind numbing T.V. I click through the channels for what seems like hours when I hear "I got red, I got green, I got yellow... I'm out of purple, but I do have one Gold Circle coin left..." A smile spreads across my face because Pretty Woman is one of my all-time favorite movies and Vivian and Edward always have a way of lifting my bad moods.

  Mmmm, Ryan Davis.


  I mean Mmmm Edward Lewis.

  Uh huh, sure you do.

  I shake my head, hopefully giving my inner self blunt head trauma, and I settle into the couch, wrapped in my warm fuzzy blanket, with my glass of wine in hand and the warm fuzzies building inside me and continue to watch Pretty Woman.


  I wake up the next morning not really feeling like going into the office. So I call Elaine to let her know I will be working from home. I have a slight headache and backache probably from sleeping on the couch and I don't want to have to face Jackson. I am still pretty pissed off and decide, against my inner self's judgment, to put off talking to him just yet. I know I need to be level headed when I do and I am nowhere near being level headed. The T.V. is still on, so I turn to the news, as I head to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and down a few Tylenol. Why can't my life be like Pretty Woman minus the hooker part? Even though Edward Lewis is closed off at first to Vivian, she is able to warm his cold heart and they are going to live happily ever after. I want my happily ever after and I want my Edward Lewis.

  Hey dumbass you could have your happily ever after if you weren't so stubborn. You may not get Edward Lewis, but you could have Ryan Davis.

  Will you just stop for one day?

  No, nope, not happening sister! Davis left a note asking for a third chance and he apologized. He didn't have to; he could have continued being an asshole, douche bag, whatever you want to call him. But his note was sincere and I think, no I know you are going to give him that chance if I have anything to do with it.

  The note?

  Yes, the note. Don't tell me you forgot about it already?

  With that I walk over to the bar stool, grab my hoodie and reach into the pocket. I pull out a crumbled up piece of paper. I gently unfold it and smooth it out as best I can and begin reading it again. My inner self is right. Davis does sound sincere and it seems out of character for him to leave a note and even to apologize. I’m still not sure how I feel about him, but maybe he does deserve another chance.

  He certainly does.

  If I give him another chance will you get off my back?


  Fine, but I'm not making any promises.

  As long as you try.

  I’ll try.

  Good, now go take a shower and let's have fun today, we definitely deserve to.

  I pour myself my cup of coffee, take a few Tylenol and head to the bathroom. Fun? Alone? Possibly, but I decide to see if Macy wants to play hooky too, we haven't had an all-girls day in a really long time. Instead of calling her, because I really don't want to get the third degree as to why I am not going to work, I decide to text her. God I love texting, it makes life so much easier. Although it's hard to be sarcastic with it, but it's great when you want to avoid talking to someone. And do I ever want to avoid talking to Macy right about now. I know if she hears the tone in my voice she will be clued in that something is off and then I will have to explain why I want to play hooky. I don't want to get into it first thing in the morning. Texting is definitely the answer.

  Hey Macy busy?

  What up Bitch?

  See what I mean.

  Nothing much. Want 2 play hooky?

  Hooky? U?

  Yes, hooky w/ me? Not up 2 going in 2day.


  Reynolds's case has me going nuts. Need a breather.

  That sounds plausible and was partially true. He is driving me nuts.


  All right hooky. Shopping, lunch?

  Most definitely.

  Meet at ur place in a couple?

  See you then.

  Laters bitch.

  God she is so loving.

  I have a couple of hours to shower, find something to wear and get my story together about why we are playing hooky. Knowing Macy like I do, I know she won't totally buy the Reynolds excuse. I have to prepare like I would for court. Macy will cross-examine me like she is a pro—she’s spent enough time on the witness stand since she’s had to testify as part of her job— and I most definitely need a game plan. I turn on the water, and head into my massive closet to find something to wear. I put down my cell on the island and notice I still have Davis’s note. Davis’s note. It doesn't seem like his type to write a note. It is actually kinda sweet. Davis sweet? I guess anything's possible. Shit, Jackson fucking kissed you anything is definitely possible. I can't do anything about Davis now; after all he is back in Chicago and probably won't be back until Saturday.

  You could call him.

  No way! Are you insane? Don't answer that.

  Chicken shit.

  Yes, I'm chicken shit and I can only handle one problem at a time, all right?

  What happened to my multitasking wizard?

  Work’s easy, guys are hard.

  But when he gets back into town you better call him or something? Otherwise…

  I know you'll kick my ass.


  All right enough. Now would be a little more constructive and help me find something to wear?

  Okay let's see…

  "So, are you gonna tell me the real reason why we're playing hooky or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" Macy is already starting and we haven't even gotten to one shop yet.

  "I told you, Reynolds's driving me nuts," I say with authority and certainty.

  She'll see right through it.

  Thanks for the vote of confidence.

  It's Macy.

  I know.

  "If that's the way you want to play it, Marshall." She smirks and gives me her bitch brow.

  "Macy, I'm not playing."

  "Uh, huh."

  "Really, I'm not."

  "Sure, whatever."


  "Oh, I believe you." And very subtly she is doing "it", what Macy does best. Make you spill your guts.

  "All right fine."

  "I knew it, I fucking knew it. Besides, you should know better than t
o keep shit from me. I always get the answers."

  "I know."

  "So what's up?"


  Shit what do I say?

  Just come right out and tell her, otherwise she will badger and badger and badger, until we are pounding our head on the concrete.

  "Yesterday at work, I uh, stayed late working on Reynolds's case…" I am stalling.

  "Get on with it Marshall or…" she threatens.

  "When Jackson stopped by with take out."


  "And before I knew what was happening he was kissing me."

  "What?" People walking by us stop dead in their tracks.

  "What?" she whispers pulling me close to her.

  "Jackson kissed me."

  "Did you kiss him back?"

  "Hell no! I tried to push the fucker off me, but he wouldn't budge." I am getting a little pissed thinking about it.

  "What happened?" She sounds a little pissed too. I think she’s going to her cop mode.

  "I bit his tongue."

  "That's my girl! You really bit his tongue?" She hip bumps me as if to give me a high five.

  "Yeah, it was all I could think of."

  "Did he apologize? Did he cry? Was there blood? Tell me there was blood. Did you get, you know woozy, if there was blood? Tell me there was fucking blood." She sounds like a kid needing to know what happens next in their favorite story when someone else has already read ahead.

  She is really enjoying this.

  "There was a little blood and no I didn't get woozy. Thank God."

  "Good. Good you didn't get woozy and good you drew blood. That dick deserved it. I hope you verbally abused him afterwards, made him fear for his life. And you better not be taking him to the wedding anymore, because God help me if you if you do. I will not only beat the shit out of him, but beat the loving shit out of you too. And then arrest him for assault," she easily threatens.

  "I told him to get the hell out and that he had no right to kiss me no matter what he thought or saw. He ran out still holding his mouth. I haven't talked to him since. That's why I didn't want to go to work today. I didn't want to face him, yet. I'm still infuriated about it and I don't want to say the wrong thing. I needed a day to cool off, but tomorrow I will handle it. And yes, he's uninvited to the wedding."

  "You know, I know I don’t him and you’ve really never mentioned him that much, but what you have told me about him I got the impression that there’s something a little off about him. Lately it seems like he's obsessed with you or something. I thought asking him to be your date for Chloe’s wedding was a bad idea. I know you told him it’s a friend thing only, it sounds like he wants way more. That’s obvious now. Last night he acted like he was entitled. Your actions said no and no means no. I don't know, he's just not right in the head and he’s not right for you. Davis on the other hand…"

  "Macy, you don't even know Davis."

  "No, I don't, but Chloe and Jason have told me about him and so have you. I feel like I already know him. Besides, I see the effect he has on you, whether you do or not, and to be honest I like it."

  Here we go.

  "Macy, not now. I will deal and feel whatever I want to about Davis, okay? Besides this is girls' day, so no more talking about annoying guys." I quickly change the subject.

  "Fine. But, I see we're calling him Davis now and not just him or asshole. I swear, Kas, you talk about him like he’s Voldemort—he who shall not be named." She looks at me with an inquisitress stare.


  "So, something's changed. What gives?" she continues to pry as only Macy can.

  Another third degree is on the horizon, just spill it.

  "I forgot to tell you about his note," I quickly say as I cringe, waiting for her to strike.

  "His note? What fucking note?" She beams with excitement.

  "The night he kissed me and I took off. I went back to the studio and there was a note." I shrug hoping to make it seem like a big deal.

  Oh it’s a big deal.

  "What did it say?" She continues to question as people continue to walk around us. Apparently this conversation is going to continue on the middle of the sidewalk.

  "He basically apologized and asked for a third chance."


  "I might give him a third chance."

  What do you mean might? You know we are.

  But, Macy doesn't need to know.

  Right, then she'll go on and on.


  "Marshall?" She is sounding a little annoyed.

  "Don't worry Macy, I have a plan."

  You have a plan?

  No, not really, but it will keep Macy off our back.

  "Good. Ohhhh look at those Christian Louboutin."

  And with that third degree is avoided. God I love Christian Louboutin, they are Macy's weakness. Shit, whom am I kidding; they are my weakness too, as I gaze down at my feet. Yep, my weakness too.


  Girls' day is a huge success. Shopping is like a drug and it always relaxes me. We spent hours looking at tons of shoes, our weakness, and trying on outfits for the bachelorette party. We ironed out a few more details over lunch. Macy made me promise that I will set the record straight with Jackson as soon as possible and that his sorry ass will be nowhere near the wedding or me ever again. I promised, of course. After what has happened, there is no way in hell that I am going to have Jackson as my date to Chloe and Jason's wedding and our friendship, I feel, is a thing of the past. With love and romance in the air, I'm sure he will get the wrong idea again. That is all I need.

  I am basically held up in my office all day. Not that I am avoiding Jackson, okay part of me is, but I am slammed with reviewing more files for Reynolds. Apparently he just “found” them and didn’t know they held important documents. I swear it is almost as if this case is a test. I better pass it and the senior partners better take notice. It is getting close to lunch and my stomach is rumbling like a jackhammer pummeling concrete to little bits and pieces. I decide lunch, is as good as time as any, to talk to Jackson. We can go somewhere public, so I can't or he can't make a scene, although in that past that doesn't always stop me. I am going to set the record straight. We are friends, but now I don't think that was an option anymore. He has crossed a line. If it had been a simple peck on the check or lips I probably could have let it slide. But the kiss had been full on, open mouth and tongue. Even though I tried like hell to stop it, he didn't get the hint. It really makes me wonder what the hell Jackson was thinking and if this is a regular thing for him. No means no, I really hope he understands that concept.

  "Elaine, can you get Jackson for me please?"

  It is time to face the music.

  "Miss Marshall, Jackson isn't in today, he's home sick again."

  "Okay, thanks Elaine."

  Jackson is home sick. I wonder if he's really sick. And from her comment, it sounds as if Jackson had stayed home yesterday too. Maybe he is avoiding me like I had avoided him yesterday. Or maybe I have done serious damage to his tongue. I fucking hope so. Either way, eventually I am going to have to talk him. At least now I have a little more time to get my thoughts together, to make sure my words are to the point and can't be misconstrued as something else. I have a feeling Jackson could probably twist my words to his own benefit and manipulate the situation a little. It is hard to think of Jackson that way, but after what happened, I feel like I just don't know him anymore.

  I grab a quick bite to eat and head back to the office. I decide to leave work a little early. It has been a rough week, even with taking yesterday off. Besides, tomorrow is the bachelorette party and I need to be well rested. Early to bed is going to be the plan; I don't want to give Macy any reason to bust my chops about not being able to keep up at the party. Macy is like the Energizer Bunny. She can go on and on non-stop at any party. Drink and drink and dance and dance. Usually Macy is the last man standing. It is quite annoying.

r />   I wake up Saturday morning feeling refreshed and relaxed, actually, and for the first time in a while. Today is a good day and tonight is going to be even better. Just me and my girls. Whenever we get together it is always a blast, but tonight will be extra special because we are celebrating Chloe. And she definitely deserves it and more.

  Since it had been a rough week I am treating myself to a mani/pedi, massage and facial. I can't wait to be putty in Katrina's hands and turn into a pile of utterly relaxed goo. Her hands are magical and in my opinion are worth more than anything in the world. Her massages are pure heaven. Macy and Chloe are coming over around six to start to get ready, so I have plenty of time for my day of pampering and much needed relaxation before those two, particularly Macy ruins it. Getting ready to go out with the two of them is anything but relaxing, comical, nerve wracking at times, but not relaxing. I grab a quick breakfast, shower, get dressed and head out for what is promising to be an incredibly fun day.


  Pound. Pound. Pound.

  " Let us in bitch! It's time to get this party fucking started!" Macy calls from the other side of my door.

  "Hang on, I'm coming," I call back.

  Macy pushes her way past me, but not before planting a big one on me and grabbing my ass.

  "Love ya, babes."

  "Back at ya, Mace."

  The girl is a freak, but I love the shit out of her. She makes my life and everyone else's very interesting. No time for boredom when Macy is around.

  Chloe floats in the doorway like she is on cloud nine. Of course she is on cloud mother fucking nine. This is the night of her bachelorette party and soon enough she will be marrying the man of the dreams. She is definitely lucky and has every reason in the world to float more than usual.

  "Hey Kas," she beams.

  "Hey Chloe," I can't help but beam back at her. Her perkiness and happiness is definitely infectious.

  "Okay bitches, we have a couple of hours to get ready. Kassidy, do you have something in the freezer for us?" Macy inquires with a wink.

  "Why, yes I do," I reply making my way to the freezer to pull out a bottle of Kettle One that has blue razzberry Jolly Rancher candies in it.


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