The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 9

by Michelle Lee

  It has become our tradition to start off any evening when we are going out with a Jolly Rancher shot. Macy dated a bartender or two, that’s how we were introduced to the sweet elixir. Tonight in honor of Chloe, we are using blue Jolly Ranchers. We have to keep the whole blue theme thing going, blue signature drinks at the club and Chloe will be wearing a bluish sparkly tank as well. Blue is her signature color she claims. The wedding would be different shades of blue, but to me they look pretty much the same. It kinda reminds me of Steel Magnolias, "My colors are blush and bashful." "Her colors are pink and pink." Chloe your colors are blue and blue. She can tell the difference and insists there is a difference, who am I to argue? I wasn’t very good at using various colors in my crayon box as a kid; I stuck to the basics—red, yellow, blue, green and orange. Creativity so not my thing. Besides, she is the fashion stylist slash personal shopper, not me. And if it makes Chloe happy to think there is a difference then so be it.

  Macy lines up three turquoise shot glasses, again with the blue, and pours us each a shot. We raise our glasses to toast the evening.

  "Here's to my bitches, especially Chloe, may tonight be the best damn bachelorette party ever." Macy toasts.

  We clink and then throw back our shots.

  "Now, that's a way to start off the fucking evening," Macy cheers, "Oh here, Kassidy put this in. Some mood music as we get ready." Macy hands me a CD. I walk to my stereo, put it in and hit play.

  "Turn it up!" Macy insists before the music even flows out of the speakers.

  "Macy, it hasn't even started yet," Chloe chirps.

  "Trust me. Marshall turn it up!" Macy again insists.

  Suddenly, the room is filled with the pulsating sounds of Pink and Let's Get This Party Started.

  "Perfect!" We all agree.

  We make our way to my bathroom, Chloe with wardrobe in tow. I have set out all of my makeup, so we are ready to go. We are a whirlwind of makeup and hair artistry, as we get ready. Our skills rival that of any high-end salon's highest paid makeup and hairstylist. Shoot if the lawyer, personal shopper and cop thing don't work out, we can probably open our own salon and live comfortably for the rest of our lives.

  In the couple of hours it takes to get ready and a couple of shots later, we look like we walked off the catwalk of a Victoria's Secret show. Not that we are dressed in lingerie or our bras and panties, but we were looking fierce and hot as hell. Watch out Adriana Lima, your days are numbered.

  The limo arrives promptly at eight thirty and we toast with some champagne. I don't live that far from the club, but we will be drinking, a lot, so a limo seemed to be the perfect solution. Besides, Macy does like to arrive in style and what better way than to arrive in a limo.

  We are ushered right in by Carlos; apparently Macy knows him too, leaving behind the line of annoyed, waiting people. Once inside we make our way upstairs to the VIP lounge. Audrey, Jenny, Corrine and Heidi are waiting to greet us when we arrive. Chloe bounces up and down with excitement, thrilled to have all her friends around.

  "You guys are the best," she sniffs hugging Macy and me.

  "No fucking tears bitch, we are here to have F.U.N!" Macy insists her eyes a little glassy.

  Macy excuses herself briefly and is back in a matter of seconds with a very bubbly girl with brown hair. She has an aura of positive energy about her. The way she carries herself, makes you want to get to know her and become her friend. I wonder who she is, because I have never seen her before and Macy has never mentioned her before. That’s when I notice the tray in her hand.

  "Okay ladies, I would like to introduce to all of you the best bartender slash waitress in town. This is my girl Dodi."

  "Ladies," Dodi smiles, "I'm not tending tonight, Ivan will be taking care of that, but I will be taking care of you as your waitress this evening. So, whatever and whenever you need a drink just let me know. Tonight you're in good hands."

  "Thanks girl you're the bomb." Macy hugs Dodi.

  "So, do you all want a round of Jases or Blue Passion?" Dodi inquires. I can’t help but notice Dodi has changed the name of the drink Jazz to fit Jason.

  "Jases," we all reply in unison, while Chloe blushes a little. I think the idea of all of us drinking Jason nicknamed drinks has something to do with it.

  "Okay, so before our drinks arrive I want to say something," I begin, "Chloe you are the bestest best friend any girl could ever ask for. We have been through so much together, that I can't even imagine my life without you. I am so happy, wait that's not the right word, um, I'm so ecstatic that you have found Jason and you two are going to spend the rest of your lives together. It gives the rest of us hope. I want nothing but the best for you today and always. I love you more than you will ever know because not only are you my best friend, but you are my sister." A tear slowly streams down my check and Chloe gently brushes it away.

  "God, Marshall, you are such a sap and a downer. But that was really sweet and I feel the same," Macy adds wiping under her eye as well.

  Dodi brings over our drinks and we clink and salute to Chloe.

  Wow this is really yummy!!

  Yeah it is, but remember to pace yourself or we will be in trouble. This drink can be dangerous because it is so yummy.

  Yes mom, now leave me the fuck alone.

  Jeez, just trying to help.

  Well, right now I don't need any help. Relax and have some fucking fun for a change, All right?

  All right, I will.

  After we finish our drinks, Sean Paul begins to pulse through the air. The rhythm is contagious; you can't help but move to it.

  "All right girls this is our song, let's go," Macy announces leading us back down the stairs to the dance floor.

  I am feeling really good, beyond good actually. The mixture of Jolly Rancher shots, the glass of champagne and several glasses of Jas is coursing through my veins making me feel all tingly and alive. It has been a horrible week and this is just what the doctor ordered, a night out with my girls having the time of our lives. The DJ keeps spinning the best songs and we are all gathered together vibrating in unity to the beat. It doesn't matter that it is getting too hot or that people are bumping us once in a while, or that I have two left feet. I don’t care and neither does anyone else for that matter.

  You minded when we got bumped by Davis not that long ago, remember?

  Not now, please don't kill my buzz?

  Fine, it's just interesting that's all.

  Not now, I'm not in the mood for this shit tonight.

  Fine, we'll talk later then.


  I hope my inner self will leave me alone the rest of the evening, she has a bad habit of putting in her two cents when it isn't required and it is beginning to piss me off. But not tonight, I am having way too much fun to let her be a downer. Tonight is all about Chloe and no one else. Nothing is going to ruin it. We continue to dance with each other and a couple of times a few guys try to intervene, but we have each other's back. Tonight isn't about hooking up with some random guy; it is a silent pact we have all made. It doesn't matter how hot he is or if he has a friend for one of us, this is girls' night, no guys allowed.

  I am caught up in the music when I feel eyes burning into me as me and the girls move to the rhythm. It feels odd, almost creepy. I am being paranoid; what guy wouldn't be watching a bunch of hot girls, and we are pretty hot tonight, bouncing around and practically grinding up on each other. We probably look like every horny guys porn fantasy. Girl on girl action. I shrug it off as such.

  I can feel the intense heat of the bodies around me. Their closeness adds to my already burning flesh only causing my skin to glisten even more with perspiration and my mouth is becoming increasingly dry. It's time for a drink. I signal to Macy that I need a drink; she nods and just waves me on. Fine, going it alone. I push my way through the writhing bodies that crowd the dance floor, finally spotting the stairs to the VIP lounge. As I make my way up the stairs I again feel those eyes. I gaze upwards, but find
no one looking in my general direction. Humph. I stumble once as I make my way up. Alcohol combined with my utter lack of coordination doesn't leave me being called Grace. Thank God no one is behind me and I love the person who invented handrails. Finally, I find level ground. Dodi immediately spots me and I signal for another drink, which probably isn’t a good idea, but the rational part of my brain is being smothered by the irrational, fun part at the moment. I have to give it to Macy; the signature drinks she came up with for the night are incredible. Dangerous, but incredible. It feels a little strange to be drinking Jas all night, knowing who it’s named after just for Chloe, but it is my favorite, having had three already.

  It's four actually.

  Who the fuck is keeping count?

  Just remember to pace yourself.

  I'm fine, I'm having fun, fun I think I deserve after this week, weeks, month, so back the fuck off!

  Don't say I didn't warn you.

  Quiet peanut gallery, before you kill my buzz.


  Dodi comes over with number four. I drink it a little too fast, because things have begun to go out of focus. What the hell was I thinking.

  Steady Marshall. Remember you need to pace yourself or we'll find ourselves passed out in the corner before the night is over.

  Hush you, I know my limits.

  Do you?

  Yes I do, now again shut the fuck up!


  While I sit there arguing with my inner self, Dodi has come back over with another drink.

  "Hey Dodi I didn't order another, did I?" God only knows if I did, things are getting really fuzzy.

  "No Kassidy, this one is from a secret admirer," she explains setting the drink down.

  I look at her a little puzzled.

  "Don't worry I was watching Ivan make it and brought it right over. It never left my sight."

  I guess she is thinking I was worried that something might have happened to it. Quite frankly, the idea entered my mind, all I need is to be drugged by some perv.

  "Thanks Dodi. Do you know who he is?"

  "I can't tell you. He seems all right, kinda intense."

  "Okay, tell him thanks, I guess."

  "Let me know if you need anything else, K?"

  "Thanks Dodi, I will." And with that she walks away.

  I get up and grab the drink from the table. I’m not going to turn down the opportunity to suck down another Jas. Gosh that sounds really gross. Sucking down Jas. I am suddenly bombarded with images that I don't want or need to see. Eww Ewww Ewww! I might need to bleach my brain. Chloe and Jason's sex life is something I don't need to know about. I stand, gripping the railing as I look down at the dance floor spotting my girls. I grip the railing tighter as I began to sway and things are getting a little dizzy, and I haven’t even had a sip yet.

  Told you so.

  Fine, I'll slow down bitch.

  My inner self is getting on my last nerve. But she does have a point, I do need to slow down. I decide the best course of action is to ignore the drink in my hand. It’s easy to because the thought of drinking another makes my stomach churn.

  "I see you're enjoying your drink," a voice breathes on my neck.

  I turn around and steady myself, "Excuse me?"

  "Your drink, I sent it." He smiles.

  "Oh, that was you? Um, thanks." I am beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. He is standing a little too close and his hand is reaching for my hip. Plus his smile is just creepy.

  "No problem beautiful, you looked thirsty. I'm Gary, by the way," he stresses the word thirsty as he licks his lips.

  I think he's thirsty for something else.

  Me too.

  "Um, I gotta go. My friends are probably wondering where I am and are looking for me," I lie; although I’m hoping Macy is wondering where I am and why am I taking so long to get back. I could use her muscle about now.

  "I don't think so," he replies as he peers over the railing gazing down at my girls on the dance floor living it up.

  "I really gotta go," I say with a little more authority as I turn to head to the stairs.

  "We're not done getting to know each other," he insists as he grabs my wrist tightly.

  Let go! But the words never come out. I pull as hard as I can to free myself from his grip. As I jerk away, my body twists and I fall into…honey?

  The smell of honey envelopes me from the chest my face has buried into. I quickly look up to see who or what the source is, when I am met by a set of deep green eyes. His strong arms pull around me as he leans down to whisper in my ear, "Are you okay?"

  We are now.

  "Uh huh," is all I can mutter, I am mesmerized and stunned.

  I hear and feel a low growl rumble from his chest, "The lady's with me, back the fuck off!"

  "Really? She seems to have been alone all night. "

  The growl grows louder. As I turn around two very big bouncers are right behind Gary ready to escort the scumbag out.

  "Are you sure you're okay?"

  "Uh huh," again is all I can think to say. Things are getting fuzzier and I begin to sway. I take a step back and stumble.

  Oh Marshall we are in trouble. Houston we have a problem.

  "Whoa, I got ya," he says as his hand grabs my waist, "I think it's time to get you home, you've had enough."

  "Wait, Macy, Chloe…."

  "They're fine, Anderson…um Jason's with them."

  Jason? How, when?

  I nod as Davis leads me down the stairs carefully, his strong hands never leaving my waist.

  The cool night air meets my glistening, heated skin and sends chills down my spine. Before I can wrap my arms around myself for some warmth, a jacket is being draped over my shoulders. It smells like honey and spice, it smells like Davis.

  "Here, this should help. I need to get my car. Stay here, don't move," he says with such concern, "I'll be just a minute."

  He goes down the sidewalk, into the night as I rest against a nearby streetlight. The cool steel feels like heaven against my cheek. Before I know it his arms are back around me, guiding me into his car. He reaches around me to buckle me in once I am nestled in the seat. My inner self instinctively wants to kiss, lick and bite his neck as it brushes past my lips. I resist the urge.

  The ride to, I guess my place, is a blur. I am too busy concentrating on not throwing up. I keep my face plastered against the chilled window for some relief. He must have the vent on, because the air from it is such a relief to my drunken state.

  Davis helps me, again, out of the car once we pull up in front of the building. The building is spinning, the sidewalk is spinning and I feel as though I am spinning.

  Oh God, please don't let me embarrass myself, especially in front of him of all people. I don't need to give him any ammunition.

  "Kassidy, you need the code to get in." he states as we stand outside my building.

  The code, the code, shit what's the fucking code?

  I try to focus on the keypad, but the stupid numbers keep dancing around. Will you stay the fuck still? My fingers keep hitting the wrong number causing the most annoying buzz to be made. It makes my head ache and it feel like my ears are bleeding.

  "Uh, Kassidy if you let me I can put the code in."

  "Riiiiiiiight," I slur as I sway and think really hard what the fucking code is, again.

  "Kassidy, the code? Just let me do it."

  "I got this. I got this. Just stay out of my way buddy. Oh, um, it's, it's, shit what is the fucking code?" I say a little louder than was probably necessary. I am getting pissed. Pissed at myself for once and not him. And pissed at those fucking numbers for not staying the fuck still.

  "Kassidy," he hushes as he gently grabs my shoulders, "it's okay, just relax, it'll come to you. Or again I can do it for you. I think I remember it, okay?"

  See he really is sweet.

  I see, I see. Now hush so I can remember the stupid code.


  "Oh, oh it's zero eig
ht one three!" Finally.

  "Are you sure? It sounds right, I think."

  "Yes, positive." God I hope it's the right fucking number.

  "Let's give it a try." He is being so patient.

  As his slender fingers push the keypad, his other hand is firmly gripping my waist. I think if he was to let go I would probably be eating concrete.

  We drank way too much.

  Uh huh.

  Click. Click.

  "It worked. See I knew if you just relaxed," he says with a half-smile.

  I smile up at him concentrating on walking without tripping or puking right there in the lobby. We make our way to the elevators. When the door finally opens he ushers me inside, with his arm securely around my waist.

  "Do you know what floor we need to get to? I just want to make sure because I remember if you don’t."

  "The thirteenth?" I say like a question like I don’t remember my own floor.

  “Yep, you remember.” He smiles that crooked sexy smirk and shakes his head. I hate the fact that I am totally embarrassing myself in front of him at the moment. Stupid deliciously tasting cocktails.

  The elevator seems smaller than usual, hotter than usual and the ride longer than usual. I have to really focus on staying upright. Thankfully, Davis is nearby, because a couple of times I find myself using him for support and he doesn't seem to mind. Of course he doesn't. And when I do, I can feel his muscular form through his t-shirt and inhale his honey spicy essence even more.

  Pure heaven.

  I think I like you better when you're drunk you seem to think more clearly when it comes to him.

  Shut up you.

  It's true you can't deny it.

  I plead the fifth.

  Finally, we reach my floor. I was beginning to think we were in Willy Wonka's glass elevator and were traveling to Oompa Loompa Land or some shit.

  "Kassidy, what is your apartment number, again?"

  "Um, thirteen thirty-two."

  I think that's right.

  It's right.

  Good. What the hell was in that drink? I can barely function.

  Oh, probably a whole bottle of alcohol considering you had five.


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