Book Read Free

The Best Man

Page 10

by Michelle Lee

I was having a good time.

  Are we having a good time now?

  Uh, no.

  That's my point.

  Point taken.

  Never again?

  Never again.

  As we walk, well he walks, I stumble and drag along a little, I feel a burning in my stomach. Oh God no! And I cup my mouth.

  "Kassidy, are you okay?" he asks urgently.

  I take a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just give me a sec."

  I don't remember giving him or him asking for them, but he has my keys and is opening the door. We are met by pure darkness and an eerie quiet. My apartment is a little scary tonight. I usually leave a light on, but obviously after doing a couple of shots with my girls, I totally forgot. We stand in the entryway, while I attempt to find the light switch. Of course in my current state, even though I have used the damn light switch for the past two years, I am unsuccessful

  "Here, I got it," he breathes as he reaches around me; as he brings his face awfully close to mine.


  "There we go. Let there be light," he jokes.

  For some odd reason I just stand there paralyzed, it is as if my feet are encased in concrete. I feel my breathing accelerate as I gaze into his eyes. The room is spinning and I am mesmerized. Until now I really hadn't looked this closely at Davis. Sure, I have noticed previously that he is as hot as fuck, but something is different tonight.

  I hear my inner self clapping, uncontrollably.

  I am staring and he just stares back in complete silence. I am pulled closer to him, but not by his arms or hands, but simply by his presence. I feel as though I am a moth and he is the flame. Two magnets being pulled to each other.

  "Davis," I utter feeling a growing burn and surge in my stomach. "Oh God," I cry cupping my mouth as I bolt down the hall toward the bathroom.

  Son of a bitch!


  I make it just in time to save myself from embarrassment. I kneel beside my porcelain friend, emptying out the blue contents of the evening, when I feel something cool and soothing on my neck, as my hair is swept up into a ponytail.

  "Davis, you don't need to," I plead.

  "It's okay. I'm here to help. Just get it all out, you'll feel better."

  When I am finally done worshiping the porcelain god, Davis gives me some mouthwash to rinse with. I am quite grateful and relieved to have that god awful taste and feel out of my mouth. I suddenly find myself horizontal. He, at some point, has picked me up and is carrying me to my bed. As he holds me, he quickly pulls back the covers and gently lays me down.

  "Here, take these, they should help, a little."

  He gives me a couple of Advil and a glass of water. When I finish, I try to put the glass down on the bedside table but miss. However, I never hear it fall.


  "Uh huh."

  "How did you know where I was?" I ask as he tucks me in.

  "My friend called who was there."


  I gaze deep into his eyes noticing their unique green color and how they dance and play against the colors in his hair.

  "You really are beautiful," I exhale as my hand reaches up to touch his cheek. His stubble tickles my hand as he leans into it.

  "You really have had too much to drink," he chuckles, "get some sleep."

  He starts to pull away. “Davis, wait.”

  He turns around and smiles, “Do you need something?”

  “I…I just want to say you aren’t really an asshole. I mean, I thought at first because…but now…not so much. I mean you still get under my skin probably because I think you’re super-hot and it’s been way to long since I’ve been…” I realize what I’m saying and quickly clamp my hand over my mouth.

  “Oh God, I said that out loud, to you,” I mumble behind my hand.

  Davis smile takes over and he shakes his head, “Well, I’m happy your opinion of me has changed. So I get under your skin, huh?” I know he’s teasing.

  My hand pulls away, “Yes…yes you do. And it infuriates me to no end. I like to…to have control and with you I don’t seem to.”

  “Oh, you have great control Kassidy. You’ve never done anything or said anything until now, that would speak otherwise.”

  I nod. “True, on the outside I’m in control, but on the inside, on the inside I’m a hot mess. And honestly I can’t stand feeling that way and I can’t stand that it’s you that makes me feel that way. Gah, I hope I don’t and you don’t remember this in the morning. If you do and I don’t can you pretend I didn’t say a word, that I just passed out when you brought me home.” I pull the covers over my head hoping to hide my complete and utter embarrassment. I can’t believe what I’ve just confessed and confessed to him no less. Just kill me now.

  I feel a tug on the covers and relinquish control of them. “Kassidy, you get under my skin too, and I’m not always in control.”

  He leans in closer, looking at my lips and then straight in my eyes. Just when I think he’s going to kiss me his body moves up and he kisses my forehead.

  “Get some sleep, Kassidy.”

  "K." And with that, as the darkness creeps up over me, I think that maybe I am Edward Lewis and Davis is Vivian. Could I be the one with the frozen, broken heart and he is here to melt and mend it? Then the darkness takes me completely.


  I feel stubble graze my bare stomach and it tickles. Wetness leaves a trail where the stubble just was. I feel a tongue. I wet hot tongue circles my belly button before dipping in and teasing me with its skill. I can’t help the moan that escapes my mouth. I want to pull my legs together, but there’s a body in between them preventing me from doing so. I know I drank a ton last night and I know Davis brought me home, but I could have sworn he left. Right? Or am I wrong? Did our conversation continue and I admitted more than I already had and he stayed? Did I ask him to stay? Or did he stay on his own? Are Kanye and Kim going to ever get married? Will Jess and Nick on New Girl last? Will Shark Tank have more products I desperately need to buy? So many questions and I don’t have the answer to any of them!

  And right now I don’t care; that tongue feels incredible and it’s making its way down south. My body vibrates in anticipation and not because of BoB—for once. Deft fingers tug and caress my breast, elongating my already hard peeked nipple. The tongue travels lower and lower and then it’s just where I want it, where I need it. The tongue teases my clit and then flattens and licks my entire opening over and over and over again. Seeming to have the ability to multi-task, I feel two fingers enter me, while the other hand still massages and alternates between each breast. Fingers pump in and out of me, while that skillful tongue rubs and licks against my clit before lips engulf it and suck. I buck against the bed as my body begins to tingle and tighten. He continues his ministrations bringing me closer and closer to the brink. Fingers pump harder, faster. A mouth sucks and nibbles my now extremely sensitive clit.

  “Oh my God. I’m close, so close,” I moan like a wanton whore but at the moment I could give two shits. BoB, as good as “he” is, is no match for the head between my legs and the hands and fingers bringing me such extraordinary pleasure. BoB, who? Faster. Harder. Deeper. And then his voice breaks through my erotic storm, “Come.” And my body explodes, shaking and vibrating like never before. All coherent thought is lost and my body feels as though every bone has been easily removed. My heart races in my chest and I pant like a huge ass hairy dog in 100 degree weather. The tongue slowly licks me through the rest of my amazing orgasm until my body ceases all movement. I feel lips pull into a smile against my sensitive flesh and slowly makes its way out from under the sheet. I am met with brilliant green eyes and a smirk that makes me melt.

  “Davis? You stayed?” I can’t help but question still confused how we got here. I mean I know he took my home, but what occurred in order for him to stay.

  “Remember I’m under your skin? And I wanted to see you finally lose control.”

/>   “I would say you got more than under my skin this morning.” I quirk an eyebrow.

  “Well, I think I can do better and get deeper under your skin.”

  The gauntlet is thrown and I have no problem accepting that challenge. I smile at him and wink. He smiles back and his head disappears under the sheet and in a heartbeat I feel stubble in my sensitive area again and can’t help but moan in sweet anticipation. His talented tongue licks once against my swollen clit and I scream, “Davis, holy shit!”

  I bolt upright, my lungs burning, my body tingling and I’m covered in sweat. I hear something vibrating and that’s when I notice BoB glistening up at me. Oh. My. God. Now I’m acting out in reality my wet dreams of Davis. Fanfuckintastic. I flop back against the bed, throwing BoB off to the side and ripping the covers over my face. That dream has ruined BoB for me, damn it.

  The sunlight slowly creeps across the floor inching its way toward my bed. I groan at the thought of it meeting my eyes, so I instinctively pull the covers even tighter against my head. My head, oh my fucking head, it is pounding.

  Shit, we had way too much to drink last night.

  You're telling me.

  Never again?

  Never again. And if I attempt to, you better step the fuck in and stop me.


  I feel as though it might explode—not like I did in the dream—and my skin feels like it is melting off my face. What the fuck did I drink last night? Oh way tooooooooo much. Fuck Jas for tasting so good! I have to laugh on the inside at that last thought, it is fucking hilarious. I figure if I laugh out loud I might literally die right here in my bed. As I lay here, trying to get my head together, and will my body to stop reacting to that damn dream yet again, I remember what I said to Davis, what I actually confessed. Oh just kill me now. I hope he doesn’t remember. Of course he will remember, he wasn’t drunk like some people. Davis had been sweet last night? Yes, I think he was sweet; he took care of us? Maybe he isn't such a dick after all? Maybe, but, last night could have been a once in a lifetime thing ya know? A leopard doesn't just change their spots.

  God you are such a cynic.

  Hey, comes with being a kick ass lawyer, you see some fucked up shit.

  I know, but Davis isn't one of your fucking clients. He's Jason's best friend after all and a guy who seems to get us all worked up, in more ways than one.

  I'm quite aware of how he gets me all worked up.

  If you were to check your panties right now, you would see that I'm right about getting all worked up in more ways than one and a way we really need.

  Will you stop, you're making my head hurt even worse.

  Fine later then.

  Fine. I just stay under the covers, just being—a few last vibrations wave through my body…damn that dream. Why did I have to dream about him yet again? And why did I have to like it so much? What is it about him that makes my body and my subconscious react the way they do? Gah, if I had the answer to those questions I could probably solve a few more mysteries, like is Bigfoot real? Shit, solving the Bigfoot mystery would probably be easier. I hate how out of control he makes me feel. I need control, I need normalcy and I’m getting anything but with Davis. As frustration overtakes me I groan which is a big mistake because my head pounds even more. I inhale deeply trying to clear my head and calm the throbbing when I catch the distinct smell of cinnamon and maple syrup? What the hell? Why am I smelling cinnamon and maple syrup? I then hear the clanging of a pan? Holy shitballs, someone is in my apartment!

  I crawl out of bed, actually more like slither and slink my way out of bed, avoiding direct contact with the impending sunlight. Shit, I tiptoe around its cast on the floor as if I am a vampire and would burst into flames if my baby toe even touched it. I make my way to my closet and found my security system, good ole' Louisville Slugger. My dad had taught me that a baseball bat could do some real damage, if it was used for something other than batting practice. With Louie in hand, I slowly make my way down the hall. Besides the cinnamon and maple syrup, my nose is again bombarded with another pleasing aroma, this time it is bacon. My stomach rumbles in agreement.

  What burglar would break in and cook breakfast?

  Do you really think it's a burglar?

  I don't know, but no one else has a key to my place. Shit, maybe it's a homeless guy.

  Seriously you need a code to get in. What random homeless guy is going to be able to walk into the building?

  Okay you're right, but who the hell is here?

  Only one way to find out.


  I keep stealthily walking down the hall, with Louie firmly in one hand raised up high and the other hand holding my aching head. I need some Tylenol or Advil or something stronger. I walk into the living room and notice the TV is on, but the volume is barely audible. I can see a figure standing in the kitchen. I creep through the living room and as I get closer to the kitchen, I hear someone humming. What song is that? I strain to listen closer and it is Too Close. I love that song. My uninvited house guest doesn't even hear me enter the kitchen, so I raise Louie back to swing, when he turns around.

  Davis! Oh my fucking head!

  "Davis?" I shriek in astonishment, frozen in my tracks, with Louie still perched high above my head, my temples pulsate my head ready to explode.

  "Shit Kassidy, you scared me," he replies with one hand palming his heart and the other up as if he is surrendering.

  His heart is racing, shit, mine just won the Daytona 500.

  "What the fuck are you doing here? Why...." I am thrown for a loop to say the least and can't quite comprehend what he is doing in my kitchen, using my appliances, cooking my food. I also can't form a coherent thought. I know he brought me home and said get some sleep, but I assumed he left.

  "You don't remember? Of course you don't remember, you were pretty messed up last night," he says in defense walking his way closer to me.

  I stand frozen, just staring at him. No, I don't totally remember and yes, I was pretty messed up last night, but that still doesn't explain why he is standing in my kitchen. I can feel the anger bubble in the pit of my stomach, slowly inching its way up ready to spew all over him.

  Just calm down and let him explain; remember he was sweet last night.

  Sweet last night my ass. God only knows what happened; he's standing in my apartment and I don't recall asking him to stay.

  Just take it easy and let him explain, I'm sure he can fill in some holes we have.

  Some holes? Shit, I feel like Swiss cheese.

  Just give it a rest and please put down the bat before you hurt somebody.


  I don't realize I still have a firm grip on Louie and it is still perched above my head. I suddenly see my reflection in the stainless steel refrigerator and in Davis’ss eyes. Shit, I scare myself. I not only feel like hell, but I look like it too. The lines in my forehead are very pronounced, a result of the rage I am beginning to feel. I feel appalled? Yes, appalled and not at him, but at myself and the image I am presenting. I slowly pull my arm down and drop the bat to the floor. The sound reverberates and pulsates in my aching head. I automatically draw my hands up and crush them into my temples.

  "Here, come sit down and I'll get you some more Advil. Unless you have something stronger," he says as he ushers me to the living room couch. His arm is gently guiding my back and I feel a tingly sensation where his hand touches me. Oh, God, not now. Traitorous body.

  "Easy Kassidy, I don't want to have to take a trip to the emergency room this morning," he somewhat jokes as I wobble and stumble my way down to the comfy and safe seat that is awaiting my sorry ass.

  "I'll be fine, just give me a sec," I manage to utter still gripping my skull.

  "I'll be right back." And with that he is gone.

  I just sit there, holding my head so damn tight that I think I could crush my skull in. I lean my head back and flicker my eyes open, only to find the most gorgeous, emerald, green pools staring back at me

  "Here, ya go. Just what the doctor ordered," he says handing me two Advil and a glass filled with, filled with shit, I have no fucking clue what is in it because it isn't crystal clear like water. Actually, it looks muddy.

  "Thanks, and what's this?" I cautiously reach my hand out to take the Advil and the "drink".

  "It's a home remedy, for hangovers. Trust me, it works wonders. Just don't think about it and drink up."

  "Okay," and I toss the Advil into my mouth and bring the glass to my lips.

  "Ohhh, that smells awful." I nearly gag.

  "I know, just drink up," he demands, as he tilts the glass closer to my lips.

  I pinch my nose, something I used to do when my mom would give me some heinous smelling cough syrup, and begin to drink his concoction. It doesn't taste all that bad, it definitely smells worse.

  "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

  "It smells a lot worse, but still it tastes like…just nasty. Good thing I held my nose. Anyway, what's in it?"

  "Trust me, you're better off not knowing," he chuckles.

  I curl my legs under me and grab the blanket from the back of the couch, getting myself ready to cross examine him. I need answers about last night and apparently he has them or at least I think he has them.

  "So, about last night..."

  "You wanna know what happened?"

  "Uh, yeah, things are pretty much a blur. Actually, I can barely remember anything. All I do remember is being at the club having a fuc.. a great time until this asshole....."

  "Yes, the asshole," he says through his stiff jaw and clenched teeth. And I swear I hear a low rumble of a growl come from him.

  "How did you know?"

  "My friend Adam was there and he saw you guys were partying pretty hard and it was getting late and well After Dark is a great place, until late in the night or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, he called me looking for Jason. I told him we were together and for him to hang tight and that we would be right there. When we got to the club Jason saw Chloe and Macy on the dance floor, but there was no sign of you. He went after them while I looked around for you. I finally spotted you up in the VIP section with that asshole harassing you." I can feel heat radiate from him and his breath quickens as he speaks. It is almost as if he is getting agitated, as he recalls last night's events.


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