The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 13

by Michelle Lee

  "Um, okay." I am a little disappointed to say the least.

  "Thanks Kassidy for having me over, it was quite a surprise," he says as we walk towards the door.

  "Anytime," I reply this time surprising myself, as I open the door.

  "Kassidy," he breathes as he turns away from the door and towards me.

  Again, I can feel the magnetic pull between us and the atmosphere becomes electrified. He slowly reaches his hand out to cup my cheek. His hand gently holds my face and he leans down to me. My heart is back at Daytona. He leans in closer and his lips graze mine. I gasp and take in a quick rush of air. His lips are tenderly moving back and forth against mine, teasing me. My stomach constricts and the fire inside grows hotter. He pulls my face closer to his placing his other hand on my waist. I on the other hand, can't fucking move; his touch, his lips, just him have completely and utterly paralyzed me. I am once again paralyzed by Ryan Davis and his kiss.

  His lips are unbelievably soft as they move slowly against mine. His tongue sweeps against my bottom lip and without hesitating, I part my lips to take him in. Our tongues intertwine together. He tastes sweet, like honey and fortune cookie. He withdraws his tongue and crushes his lips to mine. The kiss grows more feverish with each passing second. My girlie parts are aching for him and I can feel myself grow wetter. He pulls me even closer, pressing me into his chest, and I can feel his dick growing hard against my stomach. His tongue licks my lips and I again invite him in, sucking on it as I do. I am massaging my tongue with his, when he finally releases me. As he does, my body needs and wants him more.

  "Thank you for dessert Miss Marshall," he breathes into my face.

  "Uh, huh."

  "I think both of our fortunes might come true," he calls back as he closes the door behind him leaving me in a state of shock and a pile of lust and need.

  My head is spinning, while my body aches to have him close to me again. I think my inner self goes and grabs an ax to hack the door to shreds to get to him. I lean against the door, with the biggest smile on my face and then it hits me.

  Holy Shit! I think she may be right about Davis.



  Davis and I have really been working on that third chance. We haven’t seen each other, but have been texting every so often or emailing or chatting on the phone. Even just hearing his voice through the phone does strange and wonderful things to me. It’s just been easier this way, since we are both busy I’ve run out of batteries.. .but shit, I am actually missing seeing him, and touching him and kissing him. That kiss we shared has been playing on a loop in my brain ever since. I can still feel his lips on mine at times. And quite honestly I want to feel them again. Ryan Davis has somehow wormed and wiggled his way into my life and I’m beginning to realize I like him in it. Strange, but true. A bonus too, my inner self hasn’t been as vocal as of lately since I’ve come to that realization. All’s been quite, thankfully, in my head. Although I know she’s lurking in there just waiting for a chance to put in her two cents.

  As I stare at my coffee contemplating calling him or texting him, thinking maybe it’s too early in the morning, maybe he’s in a meeting, maybe he’s too busy, blah, blah, blah; my phone alerts me of a new text. I get all giddy inside and a smile grows exponentially as I look at my phone and see his name on the screen. I guess my contemplating is over.

  Miss Marshall?

  Yes Mr. Davis?

  Are ya busy?

  I’m always busy.

  Are u 2 busy 2 eat?

  What did u have in mind?

  Lunch l8r 2day?

  Sure y not. Where?

  Roxy’s Diner?

  Sounds good.

  12 straight up?

  See u there.

  For the first time in a long time I am really looking forward to lunch. Now if there was just a way to make time speed up things would be even better. So I do what I’ve always done in the past, I clean my apartment, trying desperately to focus on something other than Ryan Davis. What in the world has this man done to me?

  I arrive at Roxy’s Diner, who by the way has the most amazing Reuben sandwiches, and I am most definitely craving one. I have no clue what the hell we were going to talk about, I mean since the other night whenever we talk, email or text, we have talked about everything and anything under the sun. I have really gotten to know a lot more about Davis than I ever imagined. It’s almost like I’ve known him forever. But in all honesty, it doesn’t really matter what we talk about, he could just read me the menu over and over. If I am only going to have to look at him and his eyes and his lips and just him the entire time, in silence, that is fine by me. Talking can be overrated. I enter the restaurant and spot him immediately. He smiles brightly and waves me over as if I could ever miss him. Ryan Davis is a god among mere mortals; there’s no missing him.

  “Hey,” he says as I sit down across from him.

  “Hey yourself.”

  “Thanks for meeting me, on such short notice.”

  “No prob, you actually kinda saved me from shopping and being interrogated by Macy,” I tease.

  “Glad I could help.”

  “So, was there any particular reason why you wanted to meet up?” I question hoping he just wanted to see me and not because of the wedding.

  “Um, well the wedding is fast approaching and I was wondering if we should get in a few more rehearsals before the big event.”

  I knew it was too good to be true. That’s what I get for hoping. I swear I’m going to kill Chloe for planting that little seed that maybe Davis is different and that there could possibly be something there. What in the hell was I thinking? Okay, Kassidy play it cool and be unemotional and detached from this whole stupid situation. “Um, yeah, sure. That’s probably not a bad idea. I would hate to make a complete fool out of myself in front of all of Chloe and Jason’s family and friends, and I really don’t need that on video either.”

  “Well, how about tomorrow, if you’re not busy?”

  He seems a little anxious, but of course I’m reading more into it. Why am I doing this to myself? Things were just the way I wanted them to be prior to him entering my life. Time to get things back on track. “Tomorrow is actually, perfect.”

  Davis nods his head in agreement as the waitress comes over to take our drink orders. Davis orders a Cherry Coke, and I order a Diet Coke. When the waitress walks away there is an awkwardness and we both immediately grab our respective menus and look at them in silence. Just ducky.

  Why is this so weird now?

  I have no clue. I honestly thought things were going great with him, now I’m not so sure.

  Well, if you’re not so sure I’m definitely at a loss.


  Me too.

  “Here you go, are you guys ready to order?”

  “We need a minute,” we both announce in unison, with a nervous laugh underneath. The waitress shrugs her shoulders and leaves us once again alone, in silence.

  “Ahhhhh, nothing like a Cherry Coke.” He is really enjoying that Cherry Coke taking huge sips of it.

  I can’t help but just stare at him and then at his drink, my eyes darting back and forth. And then this idea pops into my head hopefully testing once and for all if I am stupid for thinking and feeling what I am when it comes to him.

  “Can I have a sip?” I ask.

  “Uh, I don’t think so. Ryan Davis doesn’t share a Cherry Coke,” he matter-of-factly says. Really what are we two?

  “Humph. Well, can I just have one of your cherries?” I say in the sweetest voice I can, urged by my inner self. She’s up to something and I’m just going to go with it for once.

  Thank God. It’s about damn time, woman. And you’re right, I do have a plan. Just follow my lead.

  Will do. Just don’t drive this bus off a cliff.

  Trust me.

  I’m trying to.

  I know.

  He eyes me and then his drink, me, his drink, me, his drink and th
en me one last time. “Yeah, sure.” he pushes his drink towards me.

  I pick up my fork and dive it into the glass for a cherry. I work hard at getting one of those little suckers. I swear they know I want one and know that I am trying my damnedest to play with him, that they are purposefully avoiding my fork. Then finally, I nab one of the little stinkers and pull it into my hand. I dangle the cherry in front of us and then put it between my teeth, releasing the plump morsel into my mouth. The sweetness assaults my taste buds and I can’t help the slight moan from my lips. Davis gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, his eyes wide and darker than usual. And if I’m not mistaken he’s squirming in his seat. I think my plan is working. God, I hope it is.

  “Delicious,” I purr in my sexiest voice.

  Now to turn it up a notch or two and see what Davis can handle. I place the stem into my mouth. Davis’s eyes bulge slightly out of his head, as my mouth and lips contort, working the stem around. My eyes gaze to the ceiling, as I continue to move my mouth and lips, playing with the cherry stem. My tongue flicks out and I notice his breathing increase with the rapid rise and fall of his chest. He can’t take my eyes off of me and I stare back at him with a devilish gleam. I pierce my lips together in a tight “O” and the tip of the stem flicks out. I immediately draw it back in and contort my lips and mouth one last time.

  “There,” I announce, holding the stem out before him feeling victorious.

  “Kassidy, I’ve seen that done before.” He shrugs it off like it’s no big deal. He needs to look a little more closely at the stem.

  “Oh, I don’t think so Mr. Davis, take a closer look.” And I hand him the stem.

  His eyes bug out of his head and it’s as though he’s kinda stopped breathing all together. He inspects the cherry stem and I know he notices that there is not one, but two knots in it. Yep, I’ve got mad tongue skills, and by the look on his face and the way he his squirming in his seat, he is realizing that too. Just imagine what I can do with that talented tongue. Gah, what I wouldn’t give right now to be able to show you. BoB is getting old and tired and used way beyond the manufacturer’s intended use.

  Davis’s eyes haven’t left my lips and is squirming even more. I notice his hand slide under the table even though he tries like hell to be all casual about it. I inwardly giggle because an image has just taken up residence in my head of Davis and his dick swelling in his pants right at this very moment. Is it hot in here?

  “Kassidy, will you…um…excuse me, please? I’ll be right back.”

  “Sure, take your time,” I reply licking my lips.

  I swear before Davis leaves the table I hear him groan in pain. And the way he angles himself as he gets up makes me think even more that he’s hiding something.

  I can’t believe I just did that to him.

  I do and honey, it's been just below the surface all along.


  Yes really! You've just been to blind and straight-laced to realize it.

  Well okay then.

  As I sit alone in the booth, pondering what I just did and why, I can't help but smile probably the hugest, goofiest grin ever. My cherry stem trick has him totally shocked and flustered. God he looked hot all flustered. And I, Kassidy Plain Marshall, did that. Maybe my earlier thought about him not being interested or whatever is unwarranted.

  Chloe and I had spent one really drunken night in college, well one of many actually, with a huge ass jar of maraschino cherries, ya know the industrial sized jar with like a thousand of them, practicing. Chloe was a little more talented than I was, tying three knots in one. She had mad skills and I am pretty sure Jason appreciated those skills and still does.

  What in the world is taking him so long?

  If your little stunt had the effect I believe it did, I'm sure he has his hands full, so to speak.

  I know I was thinking that but really? Noooooo, it can’t be.

  What else could it be? You saw the look on his face and how he got up.


  Really, Kassidy, get a clue. The man was ready to burst.

  The thought of Davis in the restroom taking care of "business" isn't possible. Is it? Yeah, my two-knotted cherry stem is pretty cool and a little sexy, but it couldn't have had that effect? Could it? I mean would he really need to do that? I just can’t imagine. Although the idea of him touching himself because I got him all worked up is quite empowering. I wonder how worked up is he? I mean is it a little worked up or a lot worked up? And if it’s a lot worked up I wonder if he needs any help. No way he’s doing that. Nope. Not happening. Right?

  "Hey, sorry about that," Davis says bringing me out of my absurd thought process.

  "Um, no problem," is all I can muster, trying not to focus on what I was just thinking.

  Oh you can try but it won't work. Besides, look at him now, he doesn't look uncomfortable anymore. Does he?

  Will you stop already? I seriously doubt he was doing anything other than, using the facilities.

  Oh, he was using the facilities all right. And you can think what you want, I know better.


  Fine, Miss Naive. Again you keep thinking what you want.

  I will.

  You do that.

  "Kassidy, is everything okay?" he inquires looking at me like I am crazy, once again.

  That’s funny because you kinda are crazy. You even say so yourself.

  I shake my head to shut her up and take a long sip of my Diet Coke, "Totally cool, no rubbing…I mean no problem here. You?"

  He practically spits Cherry Coke all over me, before he clears his throat, "Just perfect."

  Oh, you're perfect alright.

  I second that.

  All those in favor?



  I seriously might need to make an appointment soon.

  No shit.



  As we sit there in silence, the air becomes extremely thick and I feel as if someone is wrapping his or her hands around my throat. God, this is getting so uncomfortable again. I don’t understand. First awkward, then flirty and hot and then back to awkward. What the hell? Will you help me and think of something to say? And just like that, the proverbial light bulb brightens.

  "Chloe will appreciate the extra practice. I know she won't say it, but I'm pretty sure she's worried I'll zig instead of zag or twirl one too many times and fall right onto the cake or something just as horrible." With my luck it would probably happen too.

  Finally, thank you.

  Again, anytime.

  "No problem. Besides, it will give us a chance to get to know each even more. After all, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, I hope," he somewhat teases with that now infamous crooked smirk and cocked eyebrow and emphasizing that word, hope.

  Damn! I did walk in here with panties on, didn't I?

  Oh we did. Shit, he's good! Really good!

  I can feel the white, hot, heat flash over my entire body and that crimson wave ebb its way up my neck, before it finally settles on my cheeks. He knows exactly what he is doing, especially saying that word "hope", reminding me of my stupidity of vacuuming in my undies. I guess I deserve it after my stunt with the cherry—payback. At least I’m not running for the restroom. Although.

  You know what? Two can play at this game.

  I'm so happy to hear you say that. Let's play!!

  "I hope you will see a lot more of me," I tease back, grabbing another cherry from his drink. I swirl my tongue around the plump dripping fruit, before drawing it into my mouth, pulling it off the stem and strategically placing it in front of him.

  There ya go buddy. Take that.

  Oh your Kung Fu is strong grasshopper, well played.

  Thank you.

  You're absolutely welcome.

  Davis again squirms in his seat and gulps really hard making his Adam's apple bop up and down quickly. Obviously, my inner self is right about the effect
I have on him. Hmmmm, Marshall 2, Davis 1.

  The waitress finally returns to take the rest of our order. I think Davis is a little more than relieved to have something and someone else to focus on, although I’m not going to let him get off that easily.

  "So, Davis," I continue once the waitress leaves, as I seductively remove my jacket exposing some skin and what little cleavage I have, "does tomorrow still work for you?" Again he gulps hard.

  "Um, yeah, still works for me if it still works for you."

  "It works for me," I breathe as I lick my lips.

  "Good. How about we meet up around one?" he asks shifting on the bench seat.

  "One is perfect."

  Shit, I'm gonna have to get up early just to get ready. And what am I gonna wear?

  Don't worry we'll think of something hot, that will hopefully send him over the edge, which is what we want and it will be so worth it. Trust me.

  I am totally trusting you. You are leading this dance, not me.

  Good, cause if you were to lead you'd probably pussy out.


  You heard me and don't deny it.

  Okay, okay, you're probably right.


  Okay, you are right.

  Thank you.

  You're not welcome.


  Now shut up before he really thinks I'm crazy and goes running for the hills.

  "Kassidy?" he says as he waves his hand in front of my face. "You there?"

  "Um, yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something."

  "Is one still good for you?"

  "Yeah, totally. I'll be there with bells on."

  We sit and finish our lunch making idle conversation. He tells me about how things are going with his new job and he asks me what case I am working on. I have to admit, I am really happy that I have decided to give him a third chance. Ryan Davis isn't that bad after all. He is growing on me, but not like fungus on a rock; it is a good kind of growing. We say good-bye and go our separate ways. As I make my way to my car and walk by this little retro boutique, something in the window catches my inner self's eye.


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