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Forgotten Forbidden America: Rise of Tyranny

Page 23

by Thomas A. Watson

  “Something?” Nelson asked, laughing. “We have an armada of trailers out there. Using all of them, we can block off the road in several places.”

  After thinking about it, Gerald nodded. “That’s good. We can park several right after the turn where the trees are on both sides of the road, and you can’t see the house.”

  As they sat and talked, Nelson felt something on his shoulder. Looking down, he smiled, seeing Michelle was asleep. Taking her glass, he looked over at Gerald. “With Nancy, Gavin, and Michelle putting up cameras, how long do you think the moat is going to take?”

  “We’ll be done with the work in a few days,” Gerald told him. Nelson gave him a crazy look. “Nelson, after the ditch is dug, we only have to lay the paneling over, covering the moat. We’ll use the one-by-fours to brace them. All we have to do is lay down boards, not nail them. Then, spread just a little bit of dirt, and spread that super grass seed on it and the berm. The hard part will be making all the caltrops and entanglements, putting them in the moat.”

  “Nelson, it won’t take long,” Bernard affirmed. “We’re digging a ditch, not the Panama Canal.”

  Feeling better, Nelson relaxed. “Well, we should be able to get set up relatively quickly,” he said.

  “I figure about three months of assholes and elbows then it will be just taking care of small items that come up and running the farm,” Gerald told him.

  Not following the timeline, Nelson asked, “Where the hell did you get three months?”

  “We need to armor the front of the house,” Gerald told him, and Matt sat up. “With the berm up, only the second floor will be seen from outside. Except the area we have to leave open for the driveway. We can make barriers and stuff, but the front of the house will be the one area that can be hit with direct fire.”

  “Just what do you mean ‘armor the house?’” Nelson asked with a worried edge to his voice and felt Michelle wake up.

  Bernard looked over at Gerald as well. “Yeah, what do you mean?”

  “Taking down the siding up front and putting up those sheets of steel. We don’t need to armor the whole house because if we’re breached, we’re done,” Gerald told them.

  “Gerald, that won’t take very long,” Nelson said. “What of these three months of assholes and elbows?”

  “Damming the creek and putting in the turbine we made. Digging fighting areas on all four corners of the berm so we can shoot out. Nancy has the plans for an EMP cannon and a listening post to detect planes and drones. It won’t pick them up from massive distance, but if they’re within ten miles, we’ll hear them. Then, we need to put deterrents on the driveway to discourage an assault by vehicles. I’ve not forgotten the other things we discussed and have them written down, and we will need to do them. Then disguising all the work we do so no one with a casual glance can see it,” Gerald said.

  Feeling a bit overwhelmed, everyone sat back, thinking. “That is a big undertaking,” Matt finally said.

  “Well, we could just sit back and let the first group of hungry people just march in and take our stuff,” Gerald offered.

  With a disgusted look, Matt narrowed his eyes. “That’s not what I mean, dweeb,” he almost spat. “We need to drill for an attack, patrol around, see who’s close besides the Carringtons. Scan the net and TV to get intel and see what is going on.”

  “Intel without the means to act is worthless,” Gerald told him. “Granted, we do need to do all that and more, but we need to make it hard for people to come at us. Making this place impervious to assault with our limited personnel is impossible. So what we do is just make it difficult and not worth the effort.”

  Bernard interrupted, “You think we’re going to get trouble out here?”

  “Sooner or later,” Gerald answered with certainty. “Hopefully later.”

  “Who are you leaning towards: gangs, refugees, or government?” Nelson asked.

  Matt scoffed. “Huh, like it matters.”

  “Well, yes it does quite a bit,” Nelson replied. “Gangs will be random but ruthless in their attack while the government will use hardware that could pose a very serious problem.”

  Then, Michelle sat up. “The refugees will fight with desperation and could include women and children. Are you prepared to mow down a group of women and kids who are just hungry?”

  Shocked at the statement and question, Matt finally replied, “Are you?”

  “Yes,” Michelle told him in a hollow voice. “We have limited resources. We could help a few, but once we give out, they’ll come back, and eventually, our kids go hungry and die.” She got up. “I’m going to help Nellie and the girls.”

  As Michelle walked past, Gerald smiled, looking at Nelson. “I’m glad you two have an idea what’s about to go down,” he said. “I was always worried that everyone would think we could just ride out what happens like in a fairy tale.”

  “I know it’s going to get bad,” Matt grumbled at Gerald then turned to Matt. “Your wife can be creepy at times, but could she really drop the hammer on women or kids?”

  “If they are armed or pose a threat, she wouldn’t hesitate,” Nelson answered and saw Matt take a breath to speak. “Now, if they are unarmed and don’t leave, she would persuade them. But don’t think for a second she would hesitate. She didn’t before,” Nelson said, getting up.

  In a state of shock, Matt just looked at Nelson as Gerald nodded. “The sand box really did suck,” he stated.

  “Yes, it did,” Nelson replied, walking out.

  When Nelson was gone, Matt looked over at Gerald. “Those two must have seen some shit,” he said in a low voice.

  Gerald nodded. “I pulled their records,” he said, getting up. “They’ve been downrange. I think a lot of married couples are going to have the same experience those two have had before long. Nelson and Michelle are just ahead of the power curve.”

  “Come on; supper’s ready!” Nellie called out from the kitchen.

  The group sat down to supper, laughing at the two flour-covered girls. After supper, Gerald got up and whispered into Bernard’s ear. Grinning, Bernard nodded as Gerald turned to Nelson. “Hey, Nelson, can you help with something at the cabin?” Gerald asked.

  “Sure,” Nelson said, pushing his chair back and getting up. Grabbing his rifle, Nelson kissed the kids and Michelle then followed Gerald out the back door. “What do you need me for?”

  Looking over his shoulder as Nelson caught up, a sly grin broke across Gerald’s face. “Want to show and give you something,” Gerald replied.

  Seeing the sly grin, Nelson shook his head. “Dude, I don’t have room for anything else,” Nelson replied.

  “Oh, for this, you will,” Gerald replied confidently. Opening the door to his cabin, Gerald led Nelson to the kitchen. On the table was a cardboard box. “Open it,” Gerald said, pointing at the box.

  Suspicious and expecting a gag, Nelson cautiously moved to the table, forcing his body to relax so he wouldn’t jump if a gag was coming. Pulling the tape off the box and gently opening it, Nelson saw fabric and metal. Confused, he pulled out the stuff and gasped. Feeling his pulse quicken, he almost begged, “Where did you get this?”

  “Springfield,” Gerald replied with a grin. “That’s why I was late getting to your house. Nancy found a store online. It was closed, but I broke in.”

  Like the object was fragile and holy, Nelson gently placed it back in the box. “I always wanted to get one, but what was the point?” he said, closing the box, then looked up. “Why?”

  “I have geek tendencies that lean in that direction,” Gerald admitted. “If I ever found someone who would wear it, I probably would’ve married them.”

  Picking the box up, Nelson pulled it to his chest. “I have to ask Nellie and Bernard if they will watch the kids,” he announced, walking over to Gerald.

  “I already did,” Gerald grinned as Nelson stopped in front of him.

  Leaning over, Nelson hugged Gerald. “Thank you,” he said.

sp; “I’m not wearing it,” Gerald said, caught off guard, then returned the hug. “There is one catch,” he said as Nelson let him go.

  Confused, Nelson shook his head. “Huh?”

  “I want a picture,” Gerald told him. Startled, Nelson jumped back. “Not a picture of what happens, just a picture of what it really looks like on a real woman.”

  “Deal,” Nelson said, holding out his hand.

  Laughing, Gerald shook it. “You better head home,” he said.

  Too excited to think or question Gerald, Nelson almost broke into a run out of the cabin. Trotting over to his cabin, Nelson almost yanked the door off the hinges. Walking in, he saw Michelle sitting on the couch. “What the hell did Gerald want?” she asked, leaning back. “Bernard told me to head home because you would want to talk.”

  Not able to talk, Nelson just stood frozen, looking at her with a boyish grin. “What the hell are you two planning?” Michelle asked, getting worried as she stood up. Not answering, Nelson just looked her up and down like a predator would. “Nelson, I’m about to spin,” she warned.

  Extending his arms, Nelson held out the box over the back of the couch. “You promised,” he told her.

  Way beyond confused, Michelle took the box, “What?” she asked. Nelson just kept looking her up and down. Giving up, Michelle put the box on the couch and opened it. Unlike Nelson, she didn’t need to take it out. Michelle knew what it was at first glance. “I’m going to kill Gerald,” she stated, looking up with a flat expression. “Then, I’m breaking your legs.”

  The boyish grin never left Nelson’s face. “You promised,” he said.

  She snatched the box up. “Because I never believed it would happen,” she said, walking down the hall. “I’m showering first,” she called back in a not-so-nice voice.

  When he heard the bedroom door slam, Nelson took off out the back door, running back to their underground storage containers. He started rummaging around until he found the plastic storage bin he was looking for. Elated, Nelson ran back to the house. Dropping the bin on the kitchen floor, he headed for the kids’ bathroom.

  It was an hour later when Michelle walked out of their bedroom, feeling foolish. She walked into the living room and didn’t see Nelson. Looking in the kitchen, she noticed his tactical vest and rifle on the table. “Nelson,” she called out in an irritated tone. Hearing the kids’ bathroom door open, she turned around.

  All the feelings of foolishness and annoyance vanished when she saw the look on Nelson’s face as he gawked at her. Seeing the joy and boyish pleasure on his face put her at ease. Smiling, Michelle put her hand on her hip, cocking it to the side. “You like?” she asked.

  Nelson just shook his head dumbly as Michelle stood in front of him wearing the Leia slave costume. “Wow,” he finally mumbled.

  Tossing her head, sending the wig extension over her shoulder, she looked back at him and noticed what he was wearing. “You dug out your Han Solo outfit?” she laughed.

  “Oh yeah,” he said, walking over.

  Michelle held out her arms, embracing him. “I feel ridiculous,” she said but didn’t care because of the devious grin on Nelson’s face.

  “Sorry,” Nelson said, stepping back to look at her.

  “I don’t really think you are,” Michelle told him. “Did you have this put up the whole time until I gave in?”

  He shook his head but did not take his eyes off of Michelle. “No, Gerald broke into a costume store in Springfield before he came over to the house,” Nelson told her, thinking what she said was actually a good idea and wondering why he hadn’t thought of it.

  Closing her eyes but still smiling, she said, “Yeah, I’m going to shoot him.”

  “There is one thing,” Nelson said, taking his eyes off her body. “Gerald wants a picture.”

  The smile fell off her face. “Oh hell no.”

  “It’s just like wearing a bikini, baby,” Nelson protested. “It turns out Gerald is a Star Wars geek too.”

  That took Michelle off guard. “I never would’ve believed that about him,” she admitted.

  Dropping his eyes back down to Michelle’s body, he reminded her, “You said the same thing about me.”

  Not able to help it, Michelle grinned and chuckled at Nelson. “You are the only soldier I ever met that had Star Wars figures in their Hummer. You have asked for this since you met me, and you’re just going to stand there?” she asked.

  “Savoring the moment,” Nelson admitted. “So no pictures?”

  Giving up, Michelle shook her head. “Fine,” she gave in. “I suppose you want some as well?”

  Tearing his eyes off her body, Nelson looked at Michelle like she was crazy. “Well yeah.”

  With a long sigh but smiling, she said, “I get to pick out the picture for Gerald, and no one—and I mean no one—gets to see the others,” she told him. In a flash, Nelson was gone, running down into the basement. He came back carrying a camera bag.

  As soon as Nelson ran back into the room, he just stared at her, yanking out the camera. “Nelson,” Michelle said. “I do want some pictures of both of us.”

  “OH YEAH!” he shouted.

  “Dressed,” Michelle added.

  “I’ll take that,” Nelson said, let down but still excited. He put the camera on the counter and set the timer at five-second intervals. He ran over, and the two posed for several pictures. After a dozen, they went over and looked at them. They both laughed and Nelson pulled Michelle into the living room and took several more as Michelle posed.

  After ten minutes, Nelson stopped and looked at the pictures on the small screen as Michelle laid sideways on the couch, looking at him. “Nelson,” she said, bending her arm and propping her head up in her hand.

  “Yes baby,” he said, drooling over the pictures.

  “You going to save me or what?” she asked, looking at him seductively.

  Looking up, Nelson saw her spread out on the couch and tossed the camera into the recliner. “Let the force be with me!” he called out, running toward the couch.

  Chapter 14

  The next morning, Nelson and Michelle walked to the gym holding hands and smiling at each other. They were wearing workout clothes but had on tactical vests and were carrying their rifles. Michelle moved closer, lifting Nelson’s arm over her shoulders. “I should’ve worn the stupid thing sooner,” she admitted.

  “Hey, I’m just glad you finally wore it once,” Nelson admitted with a grin.

  She laughed. “Oh, I can guarantee you I’ll wear it again,” she promised. “The only reason I finally gave in was I never expected you to get one now,” she confessed. “If I would’ve known how you would’ve reacted, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”

  Stopping, Nelson said, “It was worth the wait.” He leaned down, kissing her.

  As Michelle let the kiss go, she leaned back, looking up at him. “I’m not strapping two bagels to my head again, so don’t ask,” she told him, smiling.

  Laughing at that, Nelson turned and pulled her along toward the gym. “That’s alright by me,” he told her.

  Reaching the gym, they found it was empty as they started their workouts. It wasn’t long when Matt and Ashley walked in and joined them. Hearing the door close, the group turned to see Nancy looking at them. “What do I have to do?” she asked. Michelle and Ashley walked over and helped Nancy stretch then let her work out with them.

  Just over an hour later, the group left the gym, heading to the house with Nelson and Matt following the girls. “Nellie and Bernard watch your kids too?” Nelson asked.

  “Uh, huh,” Matt said with a grin. “Nellie said if we didn’t leave them and spend some time together, we were getting in trouble.”

  Nelson laughed as they walked in the kitchen. They found everyone else already sitting at the table. Putting down their weapons, the group joined them. Michelle stopped for a second then went back to her vest and pulled something out of a pocket and walked over to Gerald.

  She he
ld out an envelope. “Here and shut up,” she warned with a smile.

  Gerald took the envelope and looked at Nelson. “You have a good woman,” he stated.

  “The best,” Nelson agreed, leaning down and kissing the kids.

  As Gerald put the envelope in his vest, Matt looked at both of them. “What is that?” he asked.

  “Gerald, I will shoot you,” Michelle warned, sitting down. “It won’t be fatal, but it will damn sure hurt like hell.”

  Gerald picked up his fork and glanced at Matt. “A present,” Gerald said then turned to Michelle. “I tried to pay a hooker in Vegas to wear one, but she wouldn’t,” he stated before filling his mouth with egg.

  “What’s a hooker?” Brittany asked, looking at her mother.

  Hearing the little voice, Gerald paled as Nelson sprayed food across the table then yelled as egg got stuck in his nose and started burning. Matt dropped his fork, and Bernard’s coffee cup hit the table, spilling as they both busted out laughing. Then, Bernard shouted as the coffee poured off the table on his lap. Jumping up but still laughing, Bernard left the room.

  Grabbing his napkin, Nelson tried to blow the egg out of his nose but was still laughing until he turned to see Michelle’s face. With great effort, Nelson sat up. “Got egg in my nose,” he said, getting up and walking out.

  Pounding the table, Matt looked around and noticed all the women’s faces except Nancy’s were stone. Self-preservation kicked in. “Sorry,” he said, wiping the smile off his face and dropping the laugh. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  As Matt walked out, Nancy noticed the looks Michelle, Nellie, and Ashley were giving her brother. “You’re on your own, brother,” Nancy said, getting up.

  With a trembling hand, Gerald set his fork down. “I’m sorry for that,” he pleaded, suddenly very happy none of the women were armed.

  “What’s a hooker, Uncle Gerald?” Brittany asked again.

  Taking a deep breath, Gerald looked across the table at the little girl. She was looking at him with an innocent and inquisitive face. Not sure how to respond, Gerald looked toward Michelle. “Well, you said the word so explain it,” she growled.


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