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Simply Bears: A Ten Book Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance Collection

Page 12

by Simply Shifters

  “Leave it to the rabbit to fall for someone who wants to kill her,” Greg laughed as they began to drive back to Manhattan.

  “That’s the only reason I’m trusting him,” Blake crossed his arms.

  He stared out the window and watched the rolling hills and parks blur by. Blake took a deep breath and let it out slowly. During his early days of living in Queens he had often roamed the areas at night as his other self.

  “That doesn’t make sense,” Greg said.

  “She’s used to living with predators. I mean Bree could really take a bite out of her, but she knows Bree isn’t going to hurt her. Her senses have been honed. If she trusts Harvey he’s not going to try to kill us again.”

  “Well, he might try to kill you,” Greg laughed. “You gave that bastard a nasty concussion.”

  “The concrete gave Harvey a concussion, not me.”

  “If CASO is still operating out of the Empire State Building, how are we going to find them? That damn building has like what, one hundred and three floors?”

  “One hundred and five if the online rumors are true. There’s a storage basement and then below that floor is where CASO is.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Memories,” Blake shrugged. “I remember riding down in an elevator from the ground floor.”

  “Must be nice,” Greg said, “to have memories coming back.”

  “Believe me. You’re better off not knowing.”

  “Whatever, man,” Greg laughed pulling the car to a stop in front of the house. “I still have another three hours of driving to do. Get the hell out of my car.”

  “My pleasure,” Blake laughed. “I hate being in metal boxes. I’ve spent enough time in cages.”

  He looked up and grinned. Bree had been watching for his return from her bedroom window. Flashes of the night before danced through his mind. Blake took a deep breath. Now was not the time to be distracted. The bear within growled. It had to be safety first and mating second.

  “Welcome back,” Bree opened the door before he had a chance to knock.

  He dropped his bag onto the sofa that set next to the door and pulled his mate in close. She smiled up at him and he gently touched her face. Their lips met briefly, but Vixa cleared her throat across the room.

  “What?” Blake asked arching a brow.

  “We have to talk about tonight.”

  “What’s she talking about?” Blake asked returning his gaze to Bree.

  “Harvey’s trying to back out.”

  “Harvey’s not backing out. If he backs out Greg’s going to shoot him and if he doesn’t I’m going to eat him. Hell, maybe I’ll chew on him some before Greg shoots him to put him out of his misery.”

  “He doesn’t want to die,” Anne frowned.

  “None of us are going to die, Anne!” Vixa snapped.

  “You don’t know that, Vixa! Harvey says we should all just move to Canada and get new identities.”

  “We’re not moving to Canada,” Bree laughed.

  “It’s some nice country up there,” Blake grinned. “A lot of nice country for bears to roam through. We could move up there after we eat CASO.”

  “I’m not eating anyone and I’m not moving to Canada,” Bree laughed and then added. “Maybe we can vacation there, though.”

  “If you guys are done naming your children can we please get back to what’s important?” Vixa sighed.

  “We hadn’t even talked about naming cubs yet,” Blake said. “We definitely have to start thinking about that. We should name them after plants.”

  Bree laughed and shook her head before rising to her tiptoes. Blake wrapped his arms around her waist and met her half way. Their lips met briefly but passionately.

  “I love you,” Bree whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  Bree leaned against Blake and he lifted her from her feet. He carried her across the room and sat on the sofa. Bree settled on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “You two need to get out of that cute couple phase,” Vixa laughed.

  “You’re just jealous because Greg wouldn’t know romance if it bit him on the ass,” Bree laughed.

  “Greg is very romantic, thank you. He just knows how to keep it between us.”

  “Don’t worry about Harvey,” Blake shook his head. “He’s going. Where is he?”

  “He’s asleep in my room,” Anne said blushing. “It was too loud to nap in the living room and he didn’t sleep well tied to the chair.”

  “You think that he’d be up living since he thinks we’re all going to die tonight,” Bree laughed.

  “No one’s dying tonight!” Vixa said again.

  “Wrong,” Blake shook his head.

  “What?” Anne asked.

  “Every last CASO agent, scientist, doctor, employee, and lacky I can get my claws on is going to die tonight.”

  “Set the feast,” Bree laughed.

  Blake laughed and pressed his lips hard against hers. Each kiss tasted better than the last and urged him to be stronger and more vigilant. Tonight was the night that CASO fell. Tonight was the night the reign of terror they had inflicted upon his mate stopped.

  When the kiss broke their eyes met and Bree smiled softly. She studied Blake’s dark brown eyes and the contours of his face. Her thumb traced his lips. Bree closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Forever begins tonight,” Blake whispered. “It begins with their downfall.”


  Blake had never liked tourists. They were loud and obnoxious. Most of them reeked of sweat, too much food, and a nervous excitement that made him want to hunt them. Didn’t they realize they smelled like prey when they acted like that? There were also their flashing cameras to take into account. He hated those too.

  “Why are we dressing like tourists again?” he asked Bree.

  “Because we want to blend in.”

  “We already blend in. We look just like every other New Yorker.”

  “Exactly,” she laughed, “and most people who live here don’t go touring the Empire State Building.”

  “It’s going to be almost dark anyway.”

  “That’s an even better reason to look like lost tourists.”

  “I don’t want to wear this. I hate I love New York t-shirts,” Blake said holding up the shirt.

  “We’re all wearing one.”Bree said, reaching behind her back to fasten her bra. Blake stepped behind her and fastened it for her. She adjusted the straps and turned to him to smile.

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “Now put on your shirt. It’s almost time to go. Greg’s going to be back any minute.”

  “Fine,” Blake laughed, “but I hope you know your safety is the only reason I will ever willingly go out in public looking like a dork.”

  “Then we’ll be dorks together,” Bree laughed and pulled her shirt over her head.

  “You could never look anything but beautiful,” Blake said and playfully pulled her in close to his body. “I mean that.”

  “This is so weird,” Bree said.

  “What, learning that you’re part bear and can transform into the most beautiful female grizzly on the continent?”

  “No, talking about such normal things when we might die tonight.”

  “Life goes on even when all hell breaks loose,” Blake kissed her softly. “That’s when the smallest things mean the most. Hell, what else are we fighting for if not so we can be left alone so I can spend days nuzzling your neck?”

  “I love you, Blake,” she said.

  “I love you too, Bree. We’ll be okay. They’re not expecting us and we were made to take out the enemy. They’re going to regret ever starting their damn experiment.”

  “Are you guys coming or not?” Greg shouted up the stairs. “If we make him wait too much longer Harvey’s going to piss his pants.”

  “Come on,” Blake chuckled and stole one last kiss before leading the way out of the bedroom.

  The others
were dressed in similar clothes. To Blake, only Anne truly looked like a tourist. She had the fidgety unsure look down. Greg’s dark sunglasses and the gun tucked into his waist band made him look more like an undercover cop.

  “The NYPD called and said they wanted their loser disguise back,” Blake laughed.

  “Shut up or I’ll shoot you.”

  “Save it for CASO,” Bree growled.

  Half an hour later the group walked through the front doors of the Empire State building. Blake was greeted by the smell of metal and drywall. The cleaning crew must have been through recently too, because the smell of bleach was almost suffocating.

  “Why’s the news here?” Harvey hissed under his breath. “Maybe they’re here, because CASO knows were coming and they’re going to have us arrested as terrorists.”

  “Maybe they’re here, because they want to see the big brave CASO operative piss his pants,” Vixa said.

  “Shut up, both of you!” Blake said. “Where’s the elevator?”

  No one replied.

  “Where’s the elevator?” he turned on Harvey.

  “You told me to shut up! It’s over there!”

  “Badge out,” Greg reminded him.

  The ride to the basement took less than thirty seconds, but seemed much longer to Blake. He didn’t like being trapped in the moving metal box with five others. It felt too much like a cage. Bree shifted her weight from one hip to the other and tapped her foot impatiently. When Blake met her eyes he knew she felt the same way. Anger surged through him and he wanted to claw the walls. The bell rang and the door opened.

  Blake pushed past Greg and took the lead. This was his operation. He was the one who obtained the information and captured the hostage. He glanced over his shoulder at Bree and gave her reassuring nod. She tightened her pony tail and readjusted the blade hidden there.

  “Something’s wrong,” Harvey hissed. “The metal detectors should have yelled like crazy.”

  “No,” Greg shook his head. “I know a guy who works security here. He woke up on Thirty-Fourth Street a few years ago wearing nothing but sneakers. He was more than happy to oblige my request to turn off the detectors and cut the cameras tonight.”

  The basement was empty except for a few janitors smoking in the corner. Smoking out of bounds was a serious and illegal offense in New York City, so Blake knew they weren’t about to question them.

  “This way,” Harvey said pointing right.

  “No,” another male voice said. “This way.”

  “It’s nice to see you, Jesse,” Greg grinned.

  “Did you think I would miss the chance to take out these bastards?”

  “Wolf,” Blake said quietly to Bree.

  “He was Greg’s beta,” Bree nodded.

  “Let’s move out then!” Blake said.

  Jesse led the group to a small crawl space.

  “I don’t like this,” Anne shifted from foot to foot nervously.

  “It’s okay,” Harvey nodded. “It’s an escape route from the lab.”

  “Everyone be ready to fight,” Blake said.

  Bree grabbed his hands and pulled him close to her. She pressed her body hard against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips claimed his hungrily and kissed him hard.

  “I love you, Blake. Whatever happens tonight, don’t forget that.”

  “I love you too,” Blake said and kissed her again.

  This time he didn’t tell her that everything would be okay. Safety was never promised, but he would do whatever it took to ensure that the she-bear escaped safely if things took a turn for the worse. Blake inhaled Bree’s scent one last time before turning to the crawl space.

  “I’ll take the front of the group,” he said looking at Greg.

  “I’ll bring up the rear,” Greg nodded, “to make sure we’re not followed.”

  The shifters were not fond of one another, but their cause was the same and that made them allies against whatever they were going to face on the other side of the escape hatch.

  Blake had to squeeze himself into the crawl space. It definitely had not been crafted with bear shifters in mind. His shoulders drug along the walls with each move he made. The others had flashlights, but as a predator Blake’s night vision was superb. He crawled far enough in and waited for Bree to join him.

  Her smaller size made her entrance much easier. She softly touched Blake’s calf to let him know she was ready to move. The bear within protested crawling through such a small hole.

  “Anne should feel right at home,” he chuckled to Bree.

  “Be nice,” she swatted his butt.

  “Hey, now, no getting frisky in here. I can’t even turn around to look over my shoulder,” Blake chuckled.

  “That’s okay,” Bree said. “I have your back.”

  After several minutes of crawling Blake could smell the lab. Memories of torture and confinement washed over him and the bear within growled. His hands trembled as he fought to contain his claws. If his beast got the best of him he would be stuck in the crawl space for a very long time. That was a strategic disadvantage the group could not afford.

  Soon they could hear a pair of guards laughing and the light at the end of the crawl space shown through. Blake tensed for action. He had disciplined himself for years. Humans had never been appealing prey, but tonight he would render them tooth and claw if he had to. The guards only signified the start of a very important hunt.

  Bree growled behind him and his ears perked. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The experiment hadn’t ended at all. The scent of other shifters in a state of constant panic filled his nostrils.

  “Damn it to hell,” Blake swore under his breath.

  The bear within wanted to roar, but Blake held his breath. Ambush was there biggest advantage and their arrival must not be announced too soon. Blake could hear the other members of the group crawling behind them. He could smell their anxiety mixing with their anger. Greg smelled more wolf-like than ever.

  “Ready?” Blake whispered, a few feet from the exit.

  “As ready as I’m ever going to be,” Bree said.

  Her scent washed over Blake as he charged forward. The guards stood with their backs to the crawl space. That was the last mistake they would ever make. For once Blake agreed with the bear within. It was definitely time to get out of the small space. Blake tensed and took a deep breath. Holding it in, he lunged exhaling right before he landed on his target. They both fell to the floor with a thud.

  The other guard turned his gun towards Blake, but he wasn’t expecting Bree’s knife to dig deep into his back.

  “Don’t point that damn thing at my man!” she said and pulled the blade free.

  Blake’s fingers trembled, threatening to morph into claws.

  “Not yet,” he whispered to himself.

  Blake took the guard’s head in his hands and wrenched it. The sickened sound of bones crunching and cracking filled the laboratory. Suddenly all eyes were on them. The room was lined with thick barred metal cages. The shifters inside rammed against the cages. A choir of howls, growls, and other sounds filled the room.

  “Spread out!” Blake shouted as the scientist, guards, and other CASO employees sprinted towards them.

  A shot rang out and Blake roared. His eyes darted around the room looking for the gunman. Greg had taken down a guard. Vixa bent low and retrieved the guard’s gun. A scientist rushed towards Blake, holding out a syringe as if it was a sword. Blake sidestepped and tripped the balding man. Quickly he grabbed the syringe and jabbed it into its owner’s neck. The scientist broke into seizures and red blood bubbled over his lips.

  “What out for their damn needles!” Blake warned the group.

  The laboratory was larger than Blake remembered or maybe CASO had remodeled before resuming their experiments. He searched the room for Bree. She’d already made it to the far wall and was ripping as many locks as she could off the cages that held the other angry shifters.

  Blake gr
inned and laughed.

  “You guys are fucked!” he said as his fist collided with the face of another armed guard.

  “Greg,” he shouted, “start shooting locks off the cages! The rest of our army is here!”

  Not double checking that Greg had taken his advice, Blake snapped the neck of the next guard who advanced on him.

  “These bastards just don’t take the hint, do they?” Bree called out.

  A gorilla sprang from the cage she had just opened and pounced onto the guard that had drawn a gun on his savior. Blake had never been aware that gorillas were armed with strong enough teeth to bite through bone.

  For each guard that was taken down Blake swore two more popped up from the floor.

  “Where the fuck are these bastards coming from?” Greg shouted across the room. “I’m running out of bullets!”

  “Use your claws and teeth, wolf boy!” the gorilla howled with laughter as he climbed to the top shelf of cages.

  “They’re coming from downstairs!” Harvey shouted.

  “Start shooting these fuckers or I’m going to fucking eat you!” Blake shouted, grabbing Harvey by the hair of the head and pulling him out from his hiding spot under a desk.

  Greg suddenly appeared and snatched Harvey’s gun.

  A large guard rushed them and managed to dodge Greg’s shot. Harvey dived back under the desk. Blake tensed and his hand met with the man’s neck. He raised him from his feet and shook him. The bear within was growing tired of waiting.

  Tufts of fur grew from the tips of Blake’s fingers and his fingernails morphed into claws. The man’s eyes bulged out as the claws dug into his flesh and severed his life.

  “BLAKE!” Bree’s screech reached him from across the lab.

  He swerved in the direction of the shout, tossing the human guard aside. Dead men didn’t fight, after all. The corpse landed on the guard who was approaching him and Greg shot the man before he could even crawl out from under his dead comrade.

  “I told you this was a suicide mission!” Harvey screeched from under the desk.


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