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Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine

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by Daniel Halper

  Lindsey, Bruce, 198

  Little Rock, AR

  Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, 263

  Bill Clinton Presidential Park Bridge, 226

  Clinton Presidential Center Park, 233

  Clinton Presidential Library, 30–31, 33, 39, 233

  Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library and Learning Center, 263

  See also Clinton Foundation

  Liveris, Andrew, 83

  Livingston, Bob, 65

  Lott, Trent, 74–75

  Lowey, Nita, 6

  Lurie, Bari, 235

  Lyons, Jim, 96


  MacGillis, Alec, 232

  Mandela, Nelson, 70, 211–12

  Manning, Bradley, 164

  Margolies, Marjorie, 225

  Marshall, George, 156

  Martin, Trayvon, 275

  Matalin, Mary, 51–52, 236

  Matthews, Chris, 36, 126, 133–34, 149–50, 186

  McAuliffe, Terry, xxiii, 18, 120, 146, 147–49

  McCain, Cindy, 137

  McCain, John

  2008 presidential campaign, 205, 245, 271

  defense of Abedin, 44

  HRC as president, 197, 200

  HRC as Secretary of State, 155, 160, 188–90

  HRC relationship, 67–68

  marital relationship, 137

  observations on Bush 41-WJC relationship, 91, 109

  personal attack on Chelsea, 121

  reflections on Ford and Bush 41, 91

  relationship with WJC, 153–54

  McCall, Carl, 265

  McCartney, Paul, 217

  McCaskill, Claire, 149, 262–63, 266

  McChrystal, Stanley, 161

  McCurry, Mike, xviii, 11, 64, 216

  McDonough, Denis, 162

  McDougal, James & Susan, 5

  McFaul, Michael, 166

  McKinsey & Company, 220

  McLarty, Mike, 155

  Media Matters for America, 48–49, 51, 63, 130, 133–34, 248

  Medved, Michael, 3, 7, 13, 63, 69, 78–79, 82

  Meet the Press, 21, 203

  Merrill, Nick, 247–48

  Messina, Jim, 208

  Mezvinsky, Edward M., 225

  Mezvinsky, Marc, 225–26, 229, 234

  Michael Kors Award for Outstanding Community Service, 263

  Middle East Peace process, 252–53

  Mikulski, Barbara, 266

  Miller, Lani, 92

  Miller, Tim, 245

  Miller Center (University of Virginia), 233

  Mills, Cheryl, xvii, 167–71, 180–81

  Modern American Queer History (Black), 263

  Mondale, Eleanor, 54

  “The Monica Files.” See Lewinsky, Monica

  Morell, Michael, 231

  Morgan, Piers, 198–99

  Morning Joe (TV program), 124–25, 130

  Morrison, Toni, 274

  Moseley, Virginia, 278

  Moseley Braun, Carol, 202, 68

  Moynihan, Patrick, 5–7, 24, 42


  Murphy, Mike, 24, 68, 118, 179

  Muscatine, Lissa, 165

  Muslim. See Islam/Islamic issues

  Mutombo, Dikembe, 173

  My Life (Clinton), xxiii, 61, 81


  Nasr, Vali, 158–60, 163, 165, 170

  National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 233

  National Review, 43

  National Security Council (NSC), x–xi, 158–60, 171


  2000 HRC-Lazio debate, 20–23

  covering HRC health issues, xiii–xiv

  CVC contract, 224–25, 278

  Hillary (TV miniseries), 246–49

  “pimping out” CVC, 123–31

  Nelson, Ben, 144

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 252–53

  New Republic, xxi, 57, 230, 231, 232

  New York Post, xii, xiv, 16, 25, 173, 225, 261, 264–65

  Newsom, Gavin, 263

  Nicholson, Jim, 66–67, 78–79, 93–98

  Nides, Tom, 170–71, 278

  Nixon, Richard, x, xiv, 7, 73, 100, 150, 201, 254

  No One Left to Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family (Hitchens), xv, 10

  Nordin, Kees, 235

  Norman, Greg, 249

  Novak, Michael, 69–70, 94

  Nuland, Victoria, 164


  Obama, Barack

  2004 Senate election, 119, 138–39

  2012 reelection campaign, 176–80, 199–200

  birther conspiracy, 165

  national security policy, x–xi, 157–63, 171

  public vs. private persona, 119–20

  secret deal for HRC endorsement, 195–201

  60 Minutes interview with HRC, 192–96, 209

  See also 2008 presidential campaign

  Obama, Michelle, 141, 151, 195, 201, 210–12

  Olbermann, Keith, 149

  O’Malley, Martin, 242–43

  Oppenheimer, Jerry, 15

  O’Reilly, Bill, 192


  Palestinian peace process, 20, 252–53

  Paltrow, Gwyneth, 224

  Panetta, Leon, ix–xi, 160, 186–89, 241

  Parnes, Amie, 279

  Paul, Rand, 249

  Penn, Mark, 115, 136–37, 142–43

  People United Means Action, 150

  Perot, H. Ross, 99, 167

  Petraeus, David, 143–44

  Pitt, Harvey, 228

  Plouffe, David, 206–7

  Podesta, John, 48, 142, 197

  Politico (magazine), 41, 130, 132–33, 195, 247, 260–61, 278–80

  Pollard, Jonathan, 33, 252–53

  Pounder, Joe, 245

  Powell, Colin, 100, 171

  Power, Samantha, 158

  Presidential Medal of Freedom, 209–11

  Press, Bill, 123–24

  Priebus, Reince, 244–45

  Priorities USA (PAC), 208

  Pryor, David, 254–55

  Purdum, Todd, 142, 149


  Rabin, Yitzhak, 11

  Ramos, Jorge, 256, 275–76

  Rangel, Charles, 6

  Rashid, Nasser al-, 31

  Ratzinger, Joseph (Cardinal), 97–98

  Ray, Robert W., 9

  Ready for Hillary (PAC), 208, 263

  Reagan, Nancy, 109–10

  Reagan, Ronald

  age comparison with HRC, 266

  age issue, 238

  Holder appointment to judge, 33

  post-presidential life, 58, 61

  WJC comparison with, 74

  Regan, Trish, 213–14

  Reich, Robert, 141

  Reid, Harry, 144, 261

  Reines, Philippe

  campaign donation scandal, 50–51

  press relations, 165–66, 247–48

  spokesman for CVC, 231

  spokesman for HRC, xiv, 45–46, 124

  Renaissance Weekend, 69–70

  Reno, Janet, 34, 121

  Rhoades, Matt, 245

  Rice, Condoleezza, 171

  Rice, Susan, 162, 188, 212

  Rich, Denise, 33, 35

  Rich, Marc, 31, 33, 35–36, 38–39

  Richardson, Bill

  2008 presidential run, 114, 137–38

  endorsement of Obama in 2008, xv, xx–xxi, 145–46

  inclusion on Clinton “enemies list,” 149

  role in Obama administration, xxii

  WJC relationship, 81

  right-wing conspiracy theory, 47–49, 63–64, 245. See also conspiracy theories

  Roberts, John, 63

  Roberts, Robin, 203–4

  Rodham, Hugh, 36

  Rodham, Tony, 35

  Rogan, Jim, 70, 76, 101–2

  Rollins, Ed, 228

  Romney, Ann, 180

  Romney, Willard (“Mitt”), 179–80, 198–99, 239, 244–45, 271

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 9

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9

  Rose Law Firm, 4

  Rove, Karl

  advisor to Bush, 94, 103, 207

  HRC health issues, 241

  observations on HRC, 197

  observations on WJC, 103, 107, 180

  Rubenstein Public Relations, 223

  Rubin, Robert, 48

  Ruff, Chuck, 64

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 107

  Russert, Luke, 52

  Russert, Tim, 21, 129–30

  Ryan, Jack, 138

  Ryan, Paul, 171, 180


  Sabato, Larry, 196

  Safire, William, 9–10

  Salter, Mark, 154

  Sandoval, Arturo, 211

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 232

  Saudi Arabia, 28–31, 43–44, 172

  Scaife, Richard Mellon, 72–73

  “Scandal at Clinton Inc.” (MacGillis), 232

  Scarborough, Joe, 129

  Schiff, Adam, 102

  Schoen, Doug, 278

  Schultz, Debbie Wasserman, xiv, 166

  Schumer, Chuck, 7–8, 24–26, 144, 259–62

  Schweitzer, Brian, 243–44

  Shapiro, Andrew J., 231

  Shariff, Karim, 228

  Sharpton, Al, 201, 202

  Sheehy, Gail, 15

  Shrum, Bob, 17, 25, 118, 143, 226, 239, 241

  Shuster, David, 121–31, 217, 221

  Sidey, Hugh, 92

  Siewert, Jake, xxii

  60 Minutes (TV program), 192–93, 209

  60/20 (radio program), 52

  Smith, Sally Bedell, xxiii, 2

  social media, 175, 273–74

  Soros, George, 263

  Sperling, Gene, 48

  Squier, Bob, 17

  Starr, Kenneth W., 5, 47, 64, 77, 128–29

  Starr Report, 218, 250, 252

  Stephanopoulos, George, xx, 85–86, 120, 278

  Stevens, Chris, 181–83, 187, 189

  Streisand, Barbra, 55, 217

  Stronach, Belinda, 86–87

  Stronach, Frank, 84

  Sullivan, Lencola, 52–54

  Syria, 175–76, 240


  Talbott, Strobe, 14, 164

  Tanden, Deera, 45, 48

  Teneo (advisory firm), 227–31, 280

  Tenet, George, 253–54

  Thurmond, Strom, 75

  Todd, Chuck, 124, 130

  Trie, Charlie, 32

  Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP, 2008), 66, 177

  tsunami relief efforts, 90–92

  Tucker (TV program), 123

  Twitter, 175, 263, 273–74, 283

  2002 Obama Senate campaign, 138–39

  2004 presidential campaign, 62, 88–89, 104, 107, 119–20, 271. See also Clinton, Hillary Rodham (presidential candidate)

  2008 presidential campaign

  about HRC inevitability, 108, 113–15, 245

  announcing HRC candidacy, 27, 115–17

  conspiracy theories, 141–42

  HRC campaign, 115–21, 140–44, 278

  HRC endorsements, 139

  Iowa caucuses, 117, 260

  McCain campaign, 153–54, 205, 245, 271

  New Hampshire primary, 117–20

  Obama candidacy, 114

  Obama endorsements, xv, xx–xxi, 143–47, 152, 165, 261–62, 274

  Obama nomination, 147–48

  “pimping out” CVC, 121–31

  race card and negative campaigning, 114, 139, 141, 148–50

  South Carolina primary, 136–40

  vice president selection, 150–52

  WJC womanizing rumors, 137

  See also Clinton, Hillary Rodham (presidential candidate)

  2016 presidential campaign

  about HRC inevitability, 238–39

  Biden preparations for, 239–41

  building press relationships, 278–79

  courting African American vote, 274–-75

  courting Democratic Party, 282–85

  courting Hispanic vote, 275–76

  courting younger voters, 273–74

  HRC endorsements, 260–61, 262–64

  HRC health issues, xi–xiv, xxiv–xxv, 241

  HRC preparations for, 163–65, 261–62, 278

  HRC support from WJC, xiv–xv, 276–77

  impact of Benghazi, 188–90, 244

  impact of Lewinsky affair, 217–20, 246–54

  Iowa caucuses, 259–61

  Obama-HRC secret deal, 193–201

  observations of Gingrich on, 112

  relationship of WJC to HRC as president, 266–67

  role of CVC, 277–78

  vice president selection, 243, 265–66

  voter sympathy for HRC, 245–46

  See also Clinton, Hillary Rodham (presidential candidate)

  2016 presidential challengers

  Amy Klobuchar, 242, 266

  Andrew Cuomo, 242, 264–65

  Biden aspirations, 191–92, 204

  Brian Schweitzer, 243–44

  Elizabeth Warren, 244

  Jerry Brown, 244

  Martin O’Malley, 242–43

  Rahm Emanuel, 207–8

  Rand Paul, 249

  Republican opposition, 244–46


  University of Virginia, 233

  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 66–67, 93

  U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, 65

  U.S. Supreme Court, 63, 102, 274

  U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council, 111–12


  Vancouver Sun, 86

  Vanity Fair, 55–56, 86, 115, 137, 232

  Van Natta, Don, 46

  Verveer, Melanne, 112

  Vignali, Carlos, 36

  Violence Against Women Act, 72

  Vitter, David, 155

  Vogue, 43

  Voting Rights Act, 274


  Wade, Richard, 9

  Walker, Martin, 256

  Walters, Barbara, 250, 272

  War on Women, xi

  Warner, Mark, 265

  Warren, Elizabeth, 244, 262

  Washington Free Beacon, 249

  Washington Monthly, 132

  Wattenberg, Ben, 69–70

  Weekly Standard, xviii, xxiv

  Wehner, Pete, 108

  Weiner, Anthony, 45, 76, 128, 279–82

  Whitewater scandal, 4, 5, 9–10, 60, 129

  Whouley, Michael, 261

  WikiLeaks, 164

  Willey, Kathleen, 168

  William J. Clinton Foundation. See Clinton Foundation

  Williams, Maggie, xvii, 57

  Wolfson, Howard, 20, 36, 122, 124, 127–28, 137, 142, 150, 284

  Women in Islam (Abedin), 44

  women-in-combat, x–xi

  women’s rights, x, 169, 172–74, 249

  Wonder, Stevie, 53

  Woodward, Bob, 161

  Write It When I’m Gone (DeFrank), 55

  Wye River Memorandum (1998), 252–53


  Yankelovich, Daniel, xvii

  “The Year Everyone Gave Hillary Clinton an Award,” 263

  Yeltsin, Boris, 252

  Young, Andrew, 139

  Young, Charlie, 56

  YouTube, xii, 139, 182, 185, 273


  Zogby, John, 3

  Zucker, Jeff, 129

  About the Author

  Daniel Halper is the online editor of the Weekly Standard and one of the most widely read political bloggers and reporters.

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