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Three Way, the Novel

Page 7

by Olivia Hawthorne

  “Oh do I?” he chuckled and leaned towards me. “Let’s find out how much I know.”

  He kissed me again, this time he wasn’t as demanding or passionate and his lips felt softer and more sensual. Ryker was usually very forceful with his kisses, letting me know with each one that he was dominating me and claiming me for his own.

  This kiss felt more equal, as if Ryker was now more tactile and asking for me to meet him half way.

  I did. I stood on my tippy toes and clung to his thick arms, the fine fabric of the suit feeling soft and supple under my fingertips.

  He smelled different too, not his usual musky masculine scent tinged with leather, but like an expensive cologne. It was nice, it tickled my nostrils and made me feel even more for him.

  He overwhelmed me with sensation and I moaned against his lips. Ryker was different somehow, as if we were vibrating on a different frequency than last night, but the same feral, primal attraction was there.

  My body responded with need, I wanted to get him inside of me as soon as possible.

  “Take me back upstairs,” I exhaled with almost a cry of desire. “Make love to me again.”

  “I wish I could,” he laughed, “unfortunately duty calls and I have to get to the office this morning.”

  “Office?” I asked, stepping back a little. I looked up and scanned his face and it was then that I noticed a small crescent shaped scar above his left eyebrow and a fleck of gold amongst the green of his right eye.

  “You’re not…” I said but trailed off out of humiliation and confusion. This man was Ryker but not Ryker.

  “Ah, I see you’ve met my brother Quinn,” Ryker’s bemused voice came from behind me. “I do hope he didn’t try to fuck you, kitten.”

  “It was all her,” Quinn chuckled and looked down at me. “I didn’t mind though, she really is lovely.”

  “You look the same,” I said, still not quite comprehending what was happening.

  “We’re twins, kitten,” Ryker said and walked to my side. He took my hand and pulled me away from Quinn. “We share the same DNA, but we don’t share you.”

  “Oh come on, don’t be such a stingy bastard,” Quinn laughed.

  “No,” Ryker said in a low tone. I could obviously see the differences now that they were together. Ryker was slightly bigger, had shaggy hair and his face was stubbled with thick hair.

  I looked back at Quinn as Ryker led me out of the kitchen and I couldn’t help but think about how insanely hot it would be if they did share their woman.

  But only if that woman was me.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You didn’t tell me you had a twin,” I pouted to hide my embarrassment and sipped the hot black coffee Ryker had poured for me.

  Quinn had chuckled the entire time he’d eaten his breakfast and devoured me with his eyes. He had bedroom eyes, as my mother used to call them. The kind of eyes that were quietly undressing you as they roamed your body completely unchecked.

  The kind of eyes that seduced you without a single word falling from his sensual lips.

  Ryker’s eyes were more territorial, he sized you up with his gaze and decided how he was going to conquer you, tear you down bit by bit until you surrendered to his passion.

  Quinn wanted you to come to him, he would draw you into his pool of desire with those damn sexy eyes.

  “I didn’t think I had to,” Ryker replied and flipped the morning paper so it stood flat in his hands. “Quinn wasn’t supposed to be around this week, I thought he was stuck in Tokyo with some merger meeting or hostile takeover. I can never remember what he gets up to with the business.”

  “You live here with him?” I asked, sipping the liquid energy that was seeping into my bones.

  “We share the house, yes. For what it’s worth, I lived here first. He moved in with me.”

  “There’s a difference?” I laughed.

  “Yes, there’s a big difference. I was living on my own and my brother decided to move in with me.”

  “Where was he living before?”

  “Why are you asking so many questions about him?” Ryker asked in a deep voice and leaned across the table to look me in the eyes. “You want to fuck us both, kitten? You want us to fill your holes and fuck you hard at the same time?”

  I could tell he was amused and making fun of the situation, but there was a part of me that melted at his words and the imagery they brought forth.

  “No,” I retorted unconvincingly. “That’s sick.”

  “Sick or fun?” he asked with a wink.

  I looked down at my coffee and ignored the question but I couldn’t help the way my mind was rolling around playing the image in my head over and over again.

  What would it be like to take two men like Ryker? From the feel of Quinn’s hard shaft I could tell they were equally matched in size and girth. How would they be in bed together?

  My body warmed at the thought and I decided I had to change the subject or I was going to lose my mind over the two of them.

  “What are your plans today?” I asked casually. “I have to work later of course.”

  “You’re not going on stage again,” Ryker said with a stubborn look on his face.

  I bristled and sat straighter. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Good, because you’re not allowed.”

  “What do you mean I’m not allowed? You can’t tell me what I can or can’t do.”

  “I can and I will,” he said in a low voice.

  It thrilled me to have him taking charge of me like that, but my stubborn independent side struggled at the idea of him telling me what I could do.

  “You know what? I hadn’t planned on it but I might just have to talk to Mel tonight and shake my ass for a song or two.”

  I narrowed my eyes and glared at him.

  “I’ll call Mel and let her know I forbid you to dance,” he said smugly and sat back, popping a strawberry in his mouth.

  I simmered with frustrated anger and crossed my arms in front of me. “You can’t interfere with my job, Ryker. We barely know each other.

  “I know enough about you, kitten, to tell you that you’re mine. You are not going to dance and that’s that. Nobody else needs to see your body.”

  I sighed dramatically and looked at him with a hard stare. “I don’t like the fact that you’re telling me what to do but I can tell you that I’m not going to dance.”

  “Good, you listen well,” he said with a smug grin.

  “I am not dancing because I don’t want to dance,” I exclaimed. “It has nothing to do with you.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, kitten,” he said, “and hurry up with your breakfast. I want to fuck you before I take you back to the city. And I mean to take my time with you.”

  I swallowed hard and felt my eyes widening in surprise. He chuckled at my reaction and I pushed my plate away from me, drained the last of my coffee and said, “I’m done.”

  “Good, because I’m just getting started,” he told me, stood up and extended his hand for me to take.

  I followed him wordlessly to his bedroom upstairs but I couldn’t help but wonder where Quinn slept and if he’d heard anything from us last night.

  Ryker glanced back at me as if he could guess my secret musings and I gave him a big smile to cover the guilt that stuck me in the side like a knife.

  What was wrong with me? I wasn’t a cheater so why was I panting over the thought of Ryker’s brother?

  Ryker swept his door open and pulled me against him as he kicked it shut behind us.

  “Get naked,” he growled and tore at the shirt and boxers I had on. “I want to see your body, kitten.”

  I helped him remove the clothes I had on and tugged at his, I had the same singular obsession, to see his body in the golden light of day.

  Once he was unclothed I dropped to my knees in front of him and stared up at his face. I wanted to taste him and drink him down, to bring him pleasure and make him under my command if only for a

  “Suck it, Margot,” he said and thrust his massive cock towards my mouth.

  I grinned up at him, wrapped my fingers around the shaft and pushed my mouth against the head. I tasted his tangy precum on the slit and slipped my tongue around it. I licked the head, danced my tongue along the ridged head and sucked more of it down my throat.

  He wrapped his fingers in my hair and exhaled slowly as I reached my gagging point. I managed quite a lot down my throat, but there was no way I could fit it all unless I was a sword swallower or something.

  “Fuck, yeah, that’s it, my girl,” he groaned and pistoned his hips against my face slowly. He pinned my head in place and drove himself in and out, gathering speed as he went.

  So much for me being in control.

  I reached down and touched myself as he fucked my face. I slipped my fingers along my dripping wet slit and fingered my clit, matching Ryker’s rapid pace.

  “Take it, you little whore,” he said with a harsh tone. “Take it all, kitten, my beautiful little slut, my perfect whore.”

  I loved his dirty talk, I wanted to be his whore, his slut. He brought that side out of me, so why shouldn’t he talk to me like that?

  I moaned with his cock thrust deep down my throat and worked my tongue along the underside of his shaft as he moved inside me.

  I could barely contain myself, the dual sensations of having him fuck my face like he owned me and the way my fingers danced along my clit sent my brain into overdrive.

  I felt my pussy clench up and I came, screaming Ryker’s name against his hard cock.

  He stiffened up and kept himself deep down the back of my throat. He groaned and gripped my hair, keeping me perfectly still.

  “Drink it, kitten, I’m coming,” he rasped and I felt his cock pulse as he released his hot load down the back of me.

  I drank it, every drop, and licked the shaft for more. He withdrew and looked down at me with his eyes blazing. The power I felt in having a man like Ryker wanting me like that was intense. I could become addicted to it.

  “I love you,” he said and pulled me to my feet.

  “I love you too, but it feels a bit too soon,” I said with a trembling voice.

  He bent over and kissed me so hard it took my breath away. I worried about tasting like him, but he didn’t care. His love superseded anything like that, he wanted me and nothing could stop him.

  He pulled back, held me with his hands on my shoulders and said, “I don’t give a shit how soon it is, kitten. I love you and you’re the only fucking thing in my life that’s ever made sense.”

  “It’s so crazy though,” I replied and let him pick me up to carry me to his bed like a Viking or something. “I barely know you but I know you.”

  He set me down and I fell back. He slowly climbed over me, settled between my legs and prodded at me with his still hard cock.

  “We know each other,” he said in a quiet voice edged with intensity. “We belong together, maybe from another lifetime, maybe from this one…but we know each other because we were made for each other.”

  He thrust forward and filled me up with his massiveness. I cried out and every single cell in my body knew he spoke the truth.

  We belonged together.

  “I love you,” I sighed and raked my fingernails down his back and dug into his hips, desperate to have more of him inside of me.

  “Good,” he laughed and pushed deeper, “I was starting to wonder when you’d catch up to speed.”

  He sped up and our bodies rocked together in perfect harmony until we came together again, exploding against each other, kissing and fucking and making love as our love was reaffirmed.

  I was exhausted before noon and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  It really was the perfect day.


  “So your boyfriend called,” Mel told me the moment I walked into the Hen House.

  “I have a boyfriend?” I asked coyly and threw a look at Jake. He snickered and Mel glowered.

  “Ryker, that big biker thug,” she said.

  “Oh him, that’s right,” I smiled. “What did he say?”

  “He told me if I ever let you up on stage again he’d shut this place down,” Mel snapped. “What the hell have you been telling him?”

  “I said nothing,” I replied and shrugged my shoulders. “He’s just really possessive. He knows I didn’t want to dance again anyhow.”

  “Good because I’d stick Jake’s ass up there to dance before you’ll ever make an appearance again,” she grumped, turned and walked away.

  I looked at Jake and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Why does she think my ass up there would be a bad thing?”

  “Fuck if I know,” I laughed loudly. “I think your ass is perfect.”

  “Thanks, doll face,” he smiled and blew me a kiss.

  I caught it and smiled to myself my entire shift.

  Well, until some perv tried to grab my ass and I clocked him one with the drink tray.

  Other than that, I was on top of the world. Ryker loved me, I enjoyed my job, and my life was looking up.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I had a few days off so I told Tawny I was heading to Ryker’s place.

  “This is getting serious,” she said with barely concealed envy. “So how do I get a big bad rich biker to notice me?”

  I desperately wanted to tell her that she’d have to stop fucking all his friends, but decided to take the high road. “I don’t know, just be yourself. You might luck out and snag one.”

  “Not one like Ryker though,” she pouted, “He’s like the biggest fish in the ocean and I still can’t figure out how you landed him. You don’t even have implants and your hair is so frumpy.”

  “Thanks for that,” I laughed and returned to my room to pack. Even Tawny’s snide barbs couldn’t bring me down.

  Ryker was right on time with a sleek black Range Rover. He took my backpack and threw it in the back before he helped me into the passenger seat.

  “Where are we going?” I asked

  “It’s a surprise,” he said and climbed into his side, put it in gear and sped off through the city streets.

  We drove to the waterfront, a harbor area I’d never visited, and I began to get excited.

  Since moving out here I’d become so obsessed with the ocean but I’d never had a chance to go out on the water, not even on a ferry.

  He took my hand and we walked down the dock towards a huge white boat.

  “Is this your ship?” I asked in awe.

  He chuckled, “Yeah, but you can call it a yacht. It’s not exactly a ship.”

  “It’s gorgeous,” I said and ran my hand along its smooth white surface. We took a steep set of stairs to the deck and were met by a man in a uniform.

  “I’d like you to meet the Captain, Richard,” Ryker said and I shook the man’s hand. “This is Margot, she’s my girl.”

  I felt a rush of warmth go through my body when he said it, like I was being validated, my presence was welcome. Like I wasn’t just some slutty bimbo latching onto Ryker.

  I was his girl, and that meant I was part of his world, that this was real to him, as real as it was to me.

  The yacht was exactly as amazing as I’d always imagined. The closest I’d ever gotten to something like this was watching TV or movies.

  We walked past a row of crewmembers and Ryker briefly introduced me to each one. I followed him inside down into a luxurious living area with a bar along one wall.

  “Have a seat, what would you like to drink?” he asked.

  I sunk down onto a buttery leather sofa and said, “Surprise me.”

  “Manhattan martini it is,” he smiled. “It’s a favorite of mine, I hope you like it too.” He poured the ingredients together, I wasn’t much of a drinker so I wasn’t sure what went into it, and shook it up in a metal cylinder. He poured each of us a drink and came to sit next to me.

  I felt elegant and out of place holding the stem of
the beautiful glass. We tipped our edges against each other in a toast and Ryker said, “To my beautiful kitten and our future.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” I smiled and took a sip.

  And promptly gasped and choked on the bitter overwhelming flavor.

  “Oh god, I’m sorry,” I sputtered. “I’ve never had one before, I didn’t know what to expect.”

  “It’s a good thing it’s not a requirement to love me,” he chuckled and lifted the glass from my hand. “I’ll get you a glass of wine.”

  He came back with another elegant glass that made me feel at once awkward and beautiful. I was slowly becoming comfortable with my surroundings so the awkward sensation of not belonging was fading slowly.

  “You are utterly delicious tonight,” Ryker said and shifted closer to me on the leather sofa. “I need to eat you up or I’ll go mad with desire, kitten.”

  I felt a smile flicker across my lips and I said, “I would like that.” I decided if he was going to be totally open with me, I would have to do the same with him.

  Falling in love was a risk, but keeping my heart safe was even riskier. I would miss out on so much if I held my cards too close to my chest and refused to play my hand.

  Ryker made me want to get into the game and play everything I had.

  “Come here,” he said and patted his lap. “I want you here with me.”

  I wiggled over and slid onto his muscled thighs, draping my legs across him. He reached up, wove his fingers in my hair and pulled me close for a kiss.

  I felt him set his glass on a side table, take the glass from my hand and put it next to his, then rest his hand on my thigh.

  I moaned softly as he prodded and massaged my skin, I was glad I’d worn such a short skirt. I shouldn’t have bothered with the panties though, I didn’t know we’d get right to it this fast.

  His hand moved up further between my thighs until his thumb pushed the thin silk of my panties to the side and slipped between my smooth lips and into the heat of my desire.

  He made a deep, sexy noise of need and I gasped as his thumb found my clit and began to run it languidly.


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