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Proven (Daughters of the Sea #1)

Page 2

by Kristen Day

  As if she felt our little exchange, Maera chuckled and surveyed the depths of the cobalt lagoon.

  "This task used to fall on me and your mother." She squeezed my hand. "And now it falls upon me and you."

  I fell into the endless depth of her enlightened eyes and I felt her essence wash over me in earnest. The smell of moss filled my senses and a rolling wave of springtime settled over my body. While I awaited further instruction, she released my hand and turned towards the water once more. I mirrored her actions obediently.

  "We must raise the Metropolis where the Atlantean Games will be held," she stated simply. "The participants will arrive tomorrow morning."

  "Raise the Metropolis?" I wasn't sure I'd heard her correctly.

  "Technically, you will displace the water." She peered at me from the corner of her eyes before finishing, "while I raise the Metropolis."

  I instinctively took inventory of any lives that could possibly be destroyed in the looming chance I screwed this up. Thankfully I didn't spot even one Atlantean combing the beach or swimming amidst the clear water.

  "There are powerful forces at work within the lagoon, not to mention the crystals," Maera addressed my insecurity calmly. "The lagoon is largely vacant, with the exception of a few special occasions. One of which is nearing once more."

  The relief that flooded me was quickly replaced by my fascination of the 'power' she was referring to. Although I did feel the strength it contained, what struck me most was the water's purity as well as its...complexity. It was a curious combination; one that apparently held an entire Metropolis that would soon become home to the Atlantean Games.

  The notion of thousands of descendants converging upon the shores of Atlantis to participate or watch the Games in a few days was nauseating. I didn't know if I'd be able to live with myself if anything happened to even one of them. Thankfully, I had plenty of other disasters to tend to before they arrived. The weight of Maera's concerned gaze pulled me from my dismal thoughts and I was thrust back into the present.

  "You are not alone in this, sweet Anastasia," she calmed me with understanding as if reading my thoughts. Without further explanation, she trained her wise focus on the lagoon and set her shoulders with purpose. "It's time to bring it back to life."

  I waded into the water until my feet and ankles were fully submerged. At my touch, it began to bubble and dance with elation. A rush of power infiltrated my feet and surged through my essence, wrapping my body in a cool embrace. I crouched slowly and placed my palms flat on the surface ever so lightly. I had no intention of causing a rogue wave, so I wanted to be cautious before throwing my entire essence at this relatively small body of water.

  "I'm ready whenever you are." Maera surprised me by appearing at my side. She buried her feet into the crystal sand near mine with a gleeful wiggle of her body. I wasn't sure if it helped channel her essence into the ground or if she simply liked the feel of it, although the girlish grin on her face hinted at the latter. I collected my essence, noticed my triskelion trace shining with a turquoise light beneath the water, and gently urged the water to pull away from the center of the lagoon. As it gradually retreated inch by inch, I was able to stand up straight while still keeping my hands resting on the surface. I centered my attention on the middle of the lagoon and urged the water to crest, creating quite an impressive wall of water on either side.

  Maera clasped her hands over her mouth and squealed with delight. "You are truly as talented as your mother, Anastasia! I never tire of seeing that!" Not wasting any time, she steadied her stance and held her arms out with her palms up. Then, with an aching slowness, she began to raise them. Light tremors echoed throughout the crystalline sand beneath my feet, quickly followed by the rumbling of moving earth farther below. I fought to stay upright and willed the water around me to stabilize my body.

  The ground shook with force and I feared the island would break apart; collapsing into the ocean once more and killing us all. The cliff supporting the castle shed several pieces of rock and sheets of crystal as it shuddered and vibrated within. A guttural roar erupted from the bottom of the lagoon as it began to bulge and push upwards in a dramatic display of glittering sand avalanches.

  What could only be described as a small city began to rise from the lagoon's depths. Silver and gold columns adorned with sculptures stretched steadily toward the sky, bringing with them an impressive arena that would dwarf any modern stadium in America. A myriad of smaller buildings and amphitheaters followed suit, and I became overwhelmed by the extravagance unfolding before me.

  A series of bridges lifted in the form of seven stone spokes, all leading from the surrounding beach to the Metropolis edge. The roaring in my ears stopped abruptly and I looked on with admiration as the crystal sand and earthen dirt cascaded down the structures and back into the lagoon. The massive platform supporting the Metropolis settled just above the water and my wide eyes shifted to Maera for instructions.

  "You may release the water now."

  I eased the water back towards the lagoon's center and painstakingly lifted my hands from its surface. The walls of water filtered back around and underneath the impressive gold platform; evening out and becoming still. What was once an empty stretch of water now contained a small island of gold and silver fit for the Gods and Goddesses of old. It glistened in the light of the morning sun and I had a hard time taking my eyes off of it.

  "Come." Maera gestured to me with misty eyes. "I've waited a long time for this."


  "Sit up."

  Considering the command that rang in my ears involved actual, voluntary movement, I stubbornly remained crumpled on the frigid stone floor that had been my only companion for the last twelve hours. Unfortunately for my kidneys, she had no intentions of asking twice. The piercing, sharp pain that reverberated up my side and across every internal organ gave me the motivation I needed to push my body against the wall and slowly push myself up into a sitting position. The chains clamped to my ankles had become my nemesis. They taunted me; stealing my essence and leaving me broken. I hated them almost as much as I hated the devil of a woman standing over me. Almost.

  "Well, since you asked so nicely..." I spit out before wiping my mouth; mixing blood with the inch of dirt already caked onto the back of my hand. I really needed a shower. And possibly a medic.

  "You're going to do something for me." Selene turned her back to me and took something out of the fire burning just across the cave of hell I was stuck in. It was the only source of light, but the heat rose quickly, circling above me, jeering at me.

  "I doubt it," I grunted and attempted to adjust my body to a more comfortable position. It didn't work. She poked at the fire with something before yanking it out and facing me with a sly grin filled with a sick anticipation that made my skin crawl.

  "You're going to give Anastasia a message," she informed me evenly and crossed the room to where I crouched in pain. That's when I noticed the branding iron secured within her hand. Even more disturbing was the small emblem on the end of the rod that glowed a bright, menacing orange.

  "I'm not doing shit until you tell me what you've done with Fallon," I growled in an attempt to stall.

  "Stupid girl." Selene laughed, hollow and crass. The remaining muscles that still worked in my body tensed as she swung the end of the rod above my legs and in front of my face. "You're in no position to be making demands."

  Little did she know I already knew what had become of Fallon. During one of my many bouts of unconsciousness, I awakened to find Selene hovering over the crumpled body of Fallon. She pulled a pulsing orb from around her neck and held it in her palm above Fallon, and then she crushed it in her hand, prompting a river of silver light to drip down onto Fallon's skin. As Selene helped her sit up, I watched as her wounds healed and the color returned to her face. Selene took her chin and whispered something to her. Fallon glanced up at her wearily and whispered thank you.

  "Come," Selene instructed her gently.
"We have much to do."

  The two walked out of the room, leaving me with the sounds of gurgling water as it snaked its way through the walls and the wheezing of my breath under severely bruised lungs. The gift of immortality did me no good under the control of the chains that held me captive; literally draining the life out of me. And now it would appear the one I'd risked my life to save was on Selene's side all along.

  Before I knew what was happening, Selene stepped to the side and drove the glowing emblem into the tired bicep of my left arm. I heard a scream filled with anguish tear out of my mouth as my eyes squeezed shut and I lurched sideways. The scorching in my arm soon morphed into numbness and the world tilted and blurred around me. I felt my body go limp just as my mind was overcome and I fell into a blissful state of unconsciousness once again.

  The next thing I registered was a monotonous rocking motion and the shiver of cool droplets of water hitting my face, neither of which made sense to me. I was lying down - that I knew for sure. I also knew I couldn't move. Not that I wanted to. The simple act of opening my eyes was a monumental task. I felt as if my entire body was heavier. Maybe something was on top of me. A boulder? An elephant?

  I heard a curious rustling sound to my left and attempted to open my eyes once more. A brilliant light seared through my retinas and I closed them immediately. I wiggled my toes and fingers to make sure I still had them and was relieved when they followed suit.

  "She's moving," a young girl's voice hissed.

  "We'd have to wake her up at some point anyway," another replied, bored.

  "How much farther?"

  "A couple miles. Stop complaining."

  "It was just a question."


  The two girls didn't sound familiar, but I was almost relieved neither of them were Selene. Or Liam. Backstabbing bastard. I allowed the light filtering through my eyelids to ready my eyes before attempting to open them again. This time I saw blue sky and one lone cloud hanging above. The sloshing of water filled my ears and I felt wind gliding across my skin. I tried to move again, but to no avail. Seemingly of its own volition, my head turned to the side.

  "Where am I?" I croaked uselessly. No one acknowledged my request and I realized I hadn't spoken above a whisper. I tried once more and felt something close to sandpaper scrape across the back of my throat. "Where am I?"

  "On a boat," was my useless answer.

  "Who are you?" I coughed out; pain encasing my rib cage.

  "We," a third voice answered. "Who are we."

  "We," a fourth, high-pitched voice answered, thick with regality, "are the Raven." I strained my eyes and was able to catch sight of a muscular girl with limitless black hair, copper skin, and long feather earrings. Her native-American features were in stark contrast with her bright, round blue eyes that bored into mine with intensity." I am Naja. And these are my sisters: Lavidica, Joselyn, and Nova. "

  "Great." The contempt was obvious in my tone. I must have been dreaming. None of this made any sense.

  "We're the most powerful coven at Crandick, so show some respect."

  I tried to roll my eyes but the pain in my head stopped me. One piece clicked into place, at least. They were witches, descendants of Hecate, like Natasha.

  "What am I? Your sacrifice to the wicked witch of the west?" I mocked them with annoyance clear in my raspy voice. I was getting tired of being at the mercy of psychos with ego issues.

  "You are a pain in our ass," one of the girls I couldn't see replied with a cackle. At least the feeling was mutual. "We're just dropping you off, so don't get too comfortable."

  "You're a riot," I mumbled. I tried to summon some essence, but every ounce of my energy was depleted to the point that I couldn't tell if Stasia was in trouble or not. An uneasy anxiety crept up my spine and I suddenly became restless.

  "Dropping me off? Where?" I pressed.


  Atlantis? Did I hear her right? They were just going to let me go? Then I remembered the message from Selene...on my arm. My butchered arm. Despite the pain, a bubble of hope blossomed in my mind. I pushed the pain down as far as possible and lifted my head up. I watched as the witch named Naja mumbled something under her breath and touched the water beside the boat, and then jumped as a cliff appeared; dwarfing our small vessel.

  "A little faster, Joselyn?" Naja huffed. "We don't have all day, you know."

  At her request, the small vessel sped up considerably and the bright sun disappeared as a small opening within the cliff wall enveloped us. I rested my eyes, knowing we were entering the caverns and the myriad of tunnels beneath Atlantis. I realized too late that I should have left them open. In the next minute, my body screamed in pain as the boat hit something solid and I was jolted forward.

  "Let's get her out," Naja instructed the other witches and they hopped out. Without so much as a finger touching me, I began to rise from the bottom of the boat. I peered from side to side and marveled at the four girls standing on either side of me. Their arms were outstretched and moving upward, yet they were clearly feet away from me. I felt like I was playing a corrupt game of Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. I floated to the right and was placed back down on the chilly cavern floor. I struggled against whatever had me bound, but was unable to break it. Instead I watched helplessly as they unloaded two other items from the boat and placed them nearby. It was going to be difficult to give anyone a message if I couldn't even move my legs.

  "Oh, I almost forgot," Naja sneered down at me and I noticed five wobbly spots on the side of her neck. Their mint sheen revealed them as her trace and I wondered what they stood for. Before I could inspect them further, she flicked her hand and my body relaxed onto the stone, my arms and legs flopping apart and shooting even more pain up my limbs. I tried to breathe but only managed a groan instead. The witches spared no time jumping back in the boat; soundlessly speeding away and out of the cavern altogether.

  Besides my labored breathing, I made out the gurgling of water a couple of feet away as it sloshed against the walls of the cave. An urge stronger than anything I'd ever known was drawing me towards it. I longed to sink in its embrace, alleviating the vile force of gravity that tortured me. I peered down at my branded arm in an attempt to see the symbol, but couldn't discern that particular open wound from the others. Giving up, I inched my way towards the welcoming arms of the water and flung my body into it with the grace of a beached whale. I rolled over once and craned my neck onto the lip of the cavern floor for support.

  I lost my breath momentarily at the overwhelming surge of energy that poured into me from all directions. It was as if I had been suffocating my entire life and was finally given air. My skin greedily drank in the cool, replenishing essence of the water.

  I had no idea how long I continued to lie there absorbing essence, but it felt like an eternity; a glorious, divine eternity. I wanted to stay for another eternity, but I knew I had to get back to Stasia. Although I could finally move and actually stand without excruciating pain, I knew my injuries would continue to plague me for some time. Unfortunately the water was unable to remove the dirt and blood from my skin. That would probably take several sheets of steel wool to accomplish. My once-white attire was now a drab coffee color and severely torn; hanging from my shoulders and hips like an old dish rag.

  The water had begun to heal my newest wound, but the rawness was still quite evident. It appeared to be a hurricane symbol; a circle with four spokes whipping out from the center, creating the illusion of spinning. I groaned and hoped against hope it would disappear once my essence was back to one-hundred percent and the whole immortal perk of being a Paladin kicked back in.

  I had no idea what kind of message mutilating my arm would convey to Stasia, but I'd cross that bridge once I got to it. As I pulled myself up and onto shaky legs, I remembered the two items the witches left with me. The first revealed itself as a humble, square rustic box that looked to be as old as Atlantis itself. No matter how many times I inspe
cted it, there was no obvious way of opening it. The other proved to be an oversized hardbound book that could possibly require a crane to move. It had to be three feet by four feet, and another foot deep.

  As I brushed a hand across its cover, I immediately realized what it might be. The faded scripture embossed on the cover was in an ancient language I couldn't decipher, however the skull and crossbones etched into either side, as well as the spine, was a dead giveaway. Literally. I stared at its worn, tattered spine and couldn't help but wonder what soul-eating demons were just waiting for a curious idiot to open its contents and release the devil himself. I wiped my imagination clean and corrected myself. It was just a book. It couldn't be cursed or double as the secret hiding place for evil spirits searching for flesh to possess. Right? The ancient lettering suddenly shifted into English and I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I gasped as I read the title: The Book of Souls.

  After about two-point-eight seconds of hard core decision-making, I decided demons and evil spirits be damned, I was opening that book. I sank to my knees and delicately opened its contents. Well, as delicate as someone could open a ten pound book. Each of the dainty pages was broken into four long columns - front and back - full of the ancient lettering I'd first seen on the cover. Before I could attempt to decipher them, they trembled and morphed into English just like the cover did. My mouth dropped open with each page I turned. There were thousands - tens of thousands - of names; all departed souls now residing somewhere in the Underworld. None of them rang a bell, thankfully, but the sheer number of them was staggering. Finn was going to be very happy to have this back, and Stasia needed to see this too. I had a feeling her entire family was in here.

  As soon as my mind's voice whispered her name, the pages began to flip uncontrollably. I pulled my hands back and watched them flip at a dizzying speed. Page after page of every soul that had entered the Underworld flew by of their own volition. As suddenly as they began, the pages stilled. It opened to what seemed to be the last page with script; the rest of the pages remaining eerily blank. Two of the columns on the first page were filled; leaving only two names at the top of the third column. A hand flew to my mouth as my eyes fought to understand what I was seeing.


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