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Proven (Daughters of the Sea #1)

Page 17

by Kristen Day

  "Excellent work," a faraway voice accused me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and tried to grip onto the world as it shifted sharply. A smiling face suddenly dominated my blurry field of vision.

  "How am I still alive?" I moaned weakly, mainly to myself. Surely my body couldn't sustain this amount of torture for so long. Her widening smile and the evil gleam in her eye answered my question before her perfectly shaped mouth did.

  "Your ignorance is astounding." She laughed at my expense. "You've been dead for two days."


  I looked back at the lurching, silent cloud of a hundred squishy bodies behind us, emanating a cool essence that wrapped itself around me with childlike fascination. They descended upon us as we slowed our travel to a crawl in order to assess our location. One brave creature in particular undulated its way over to Sebastian and tenderly encircled him in a mass of tentacles and excitement. Sebastian stayed perfectly still and observed its movements with quiet amusement.

  "Release the kraken!" he jeered with open arms; gesturing mightily to the army of octopuses surrounding us. As he did, the octopus he was currently entangled in quivered with surprise and slithered up to his head; propping itself atop his mess of hair and exploring his face with reckless abandon; presumably trying to find the source of the vibration created by his voice. His hearty laugh turned contagious and I giggled at the sight before me.

  "Careful," I warned between laughs, "or you might get your wish! And I'm not sure I have time to rescue you from the mouth of a giant octopus." I raised a scolding eyebrow. "My to-do list is getting pretty long these days."

  "You're no fun," he accused with a lopsided grin. He attempted to tear the hitchhiker from his head, to no avail. With a shrug of his shoulders, he twisted his body and began to spin. The poor creature lost its grip and flew from its spinning perch, bouncing off of a couple of his brethren before jerking away in a jagged line; dizzy from the ride.

  "And that's why we can't have nice things-" I said sarcastically and started to shake a finger at him when I was interrupted by an achingly familiar sound. This time her wail was not just a faraway cry; it felt as if it were coming from my own throat. It ripped my essence apart and splintered my soul as it tormented me with its endless sorrow. My own scream reverberated through the ocean's expanse while the piercing agony cascaded through my body. My thoughts slowed, I lost control of my limbs, and I went limp.

  The increasing compression against my skin was my only indication that I was sinking into the depths of the sea, pulled by gravity and my own forced surrender. Without warning, an exquisite, haunting figure appeared before my mind's eye like a flash of lightning. The tremendous depth within her dark, stormy pupils crashed into mine, pleading with me momentarily before drawing me in with the pure innocence wrapped in the torment I found there.

  Too soon, her body ebbed and flowed with the currents of the ocean, making it impossible to tell where she ended and the sea began. Just as my eyes finally locked onto her, she shifted yet again, deviating to my peripheral vision once more. As she faded away, I realized she was much like a dream - her image dissolving into the recesses of my consciousness, reduced to a gnawing feeling of deja'vu.

  A thick cloud of excruciating sadness was all that was left of her as my mind swirled back to the present and a sudden sensation of rapid displacement. Strong arms cradled me, allowing the water to drag across my skin as we ascended out of the ocean's mystic depths. The soothing warmth of the ambrosia elixir brushed my skin with the promise of relief, and I parted my lips as Sebastian tipped the glass tube and poured a small amount into my mouth. I swallowed greedily and heard a painful groan escape my throat.

  Sensing my weakened essence, the ocean automatically tried to infiltrate my body and strengthen me. A new sadness surrounded my heart as the realization that it would not succeed dawned on me. A faint coolness swept over me, but it was a shy attempt compared to what the ocean could normally provide me. It, too, was weakening with each passing moment.

  "Stasia?" Sebastian's troubled expression peered down at me while his legs propelled us upward. "You alright?"

  "We need to hurry," I managed, and wiggled out of his grasp in an effort to prove that I was strong enough to swim on my own. I was wrong. I instantly began sinking as my legs and arms uselessly flailed around. Sebastian shook his head at my stubbornness with a knowing smile when I passed by him on my way back to the bottom.

  A light brown mass appeared from the deep within a frenzy of exuberant essence that sizzled beneath me. Their individual essences blended together into a wave of proud intentions right before they condensed and created a soft pillow for me to land on. I felt a surge of energy as they supported my weight and brought me back up to where Sebastian floated with smug satisfaction. He gazed upon the mass of tiny seahorses with unmistakable pride and approval.

  Several adventurous horses wrapped their spongy tails around my fingers and wrist, sending mini waves of essence into my skin. The reminded me of tiny soldiers, meticulously following orders and pushing ahead obediently in the name of keeping a weakening sea Goddess afloat. The re-energizing warmth of the elixir was slowly returning my strength, but I could tell I would be nowhere near one-hundred percent better any time soon.

  "Another one of your armies?" I teased Sebastian innocently.

  "Actually," he said with an arched blond eyebrow. "Yes."

  My eyes widened as it hit me. "Seahorses? The mighty Achilles has an affinity for itty bitty seahorses?" I suppressed a giggle.

  "They're no different than my steeds back on Atlantis," he defended his mini-horses pensively. "Just...much smaller. Without legs. Or hair. Or teeth."

  "It would appear you can ride upon both? Minus the saddle..." I shrugged at my bed of horses with a taunting smile.

  "Don't let them fool you. They're fierce, violent beasts of the ocean that must be feared! Oh, who am I kidding?" He swam closer and hooked a seahorse around his pinky finger with tenderness. "They're painfully adorable and wouldn't hurt a piece of sand."

  "Not to mention it's the males who get pregnant, not the females."

  "Look who's been doing her studies!" He ruffled my hair lovingly and I swatted his hand away as my cloud of seahorses shifted to account for the movement. A calmness wafted over me as a melody as clear as the sky above wrapped around me. I closed my eyes and inhaled the ocean's heady scent; the accompanying harmony filtering through my essence like the tender brine of the sea. We were close.

  "It's that way." I gestured to the southwest. "Her song's clearer. We're getting close."

  Abandoning Sebastian's loyal seahorse army, we shot forward into the endless expanse of the ocean, following the pure notes of her song. After what felt like only a couple of minutes, it was as if someone turned the volume up; piercing my eardrums. The pressure of it knocked against my skull and my thoughts swam with the vibration of its staccato. I slowed and then stopped altogether, trying to focus my attention on Sebastian. His appearance vibrated and blurred amidst the chaotic sounds in my head.

  "It's loud!" I yelled; my voice quickly muted, although Sebastian's hearty laugh told me he was having no trouble hearing me whatsoever. I frowned at him when he mouthed a response I couldn't hear. He made a sweeping motion with his arms as if pulling something over his body before gesturing for me to do the same. I did as he motioned, but nothing happened. This lead to another few seconds of uncontrollable laughter before he yelled in my ear.

  "Block it out with your essence!"

  I closed my eyes and summoned what little essence I had left. I unraveled the beautiful, haunting sound from my eardrums and gently extended my essence outward. The relief was instantaneous. I could still hear her song, but it was no longer the only thing I could hear.

  "Can you hear me now!?" Sebastian screeched from inches away; a sneer slithering across his face. I cut my eyes at him and caught movement in my peripheral vision, and then I lost my train of thought as my eyes tried to understand what they were seein

  Seeing my stunned expression and following my line of sight cautiously, Sebastian's jaw dropped. "Holy shit."


  A hair-raising bolt of lightning was followed by a deafening clap of thunder that reverberated across the island of Atlantis. Avery shot the sky an apprehensive glance before continuing down the boardwalk in front of me. The storm clouds had been building since we'd left the castle and were now stalking us from above as we prepared to board the water bound, torpedo-looking piece of metal partially submerged in the east harbor. I eyed it warily as another streak of lightning struck to my left.

  The aerodynamic vessel's dark gray exterior was wrapped in five levels of windows, with only two rising just above the water. The other three were fully submerged, their mirrored surfaces somehow alluding to the many secrets hiding within as well as the foreboding mission ahead of us. Its sharp nose pierced the water at its bow, and with the exception of the peculiar way it sat low in the water, it could have been any adventurous billionaire's yacht of choice.

  "So much for laying out," I heard Phoebe whisper to Carmen up ahead.

  "Hope you're not claustrophobic," Carmen snickered; enjoying any chance to tease her.

  As we approached the group of six antsy Captains and Finn's stalwart Paradigms gathered around Kailani on the dock, I noticed one glaring difference between this boat and any other yacht on the planet: the absence of an outdoor deck or sitting area. The stern sloped down gradually, connecting with the bow and disappearing beneath the surface, completing its torpedo look. Even the lines of windows gave no indication of latches or doors to allow for fresh air.

  "I'll show you to your cabins once we're inside," Kailani instructed the group. Her furrowed brow punctuated her sapphire eyes as she scanned all sixteen people ready to board her yacht. Natasha and Finn headed up the group with the six Captains next, followed by Finn's four Paradigms, Carmen, Phoebe, Avery, and lastly, me. If all went according to plan, Stasia's four Council members and the Captains would gain access to the crux and put a stop to Selene's destruction, with the exception of Ruby. I just hoped eight somewhat-powerful Tydes and one Paladin with waning essence would be enough.

  I also counted on finding Stasia and Sebastian before they got themselves into too much trouble. I checked the smooth skin of my palm to ensure my all-seeing eye trace remained dormant. It would make it infinitely easier to find her if she would get herself in trouble, but with the promise of a doomed prophecy following her around, I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. An ominous shadow wafted over my thoughts as I realized the weight of the individuals that would be aboard and embarking on this mission. Mama always said you weren't supposed to put all of your eggs in one basket...or on a futuristic boat resembling a weapon of mass destruction, as it were.

  My shoulders suddenly seemed heavier as I acknowledged what was at stake. The future of the Nereids teetered on our success to not only find the crux, but to also defeat Selene and her witchy army to save the essence of the ocean itself. With Stasia's fateful future drawing near, if something were to happen to our ship before we reached our destination, the consequent chaos would ripple through the Tydes like a tsunami and the Order would descend into chaos; leaving them vulnerable. Lost. The existence of the Tyde Order would be no more. My chest expanded and inhaled a deep breath as I struggled to swallow the enormity of our mission.


  Maera's tranquil voice made me jump and I spun around in a ball of nerves. Looking into the placid calm of her green eyes, I felt a well of emotion flood my heart. When a frail Amphitrite stepped around her and reached for me, my breath hitched and a wave of nausea clenched my stomach. She immediately embraced me and the influx of her weak essence into my body calmed my racing heart and the flood of anxiety pulsing through every muscle. As I realized what she was doing, I pulled away with alarm.

  "Amphitrite, you need your essence!" I scolded her. She shushed me weakly and tugged me close to her again; wrapping me in a lackluster hug. Her shoulders slumped as she leaned into me, losing the ability to stand upright. I grabbed her and held her up long enough for the two guards flanking Maera to support her weight. She was left with a hanging head, sunken cheeks, and her white lips gasping for breath. Maera quickly uncorked a vial of elixir, but was stopped by a look from Amphitrite. With what appeared to be all of her energy, she glanced up and met my concerned gaze. I reached for the elixir hanging from my neck as well, but she shook her head.

  "Olivia," she repeated and swallowed thickly. "You have every weapon you here." She pointed a shaky finger towards my heart. "Trust in that."

  "I'll do my best," I reassured her pathetically; eliciting a slight chuckle from her pale mouth, followed by a dry cough that made me cringe.

  "You don't know how to fail, my dear." Her eyes crinkled as she tried to smile. "A warrior with the power of intention and a purpose for good is the most formidable foe the world has ever known. That purpose is what inspires others and lends to the loyalty of an army."

  "I don't have an army," I reminded her.

  "Every Paladin has an army. Yours simply has not been called upon yet."

  "I don't understand." I shook my head in frustration. Her next attempt to speak was interrupted by a fit of painful coughs and the guards turned in order to take her back to the castle. "Wait!"

  They paused momentarily and Maera gestured for them to face me once more. I strode forward and kissed Amphitrite's forehead before whispering in her ear, "We will be successful. I promise you." She reached out to squeeze my hand, but it felt as light as a butterfly's wing. Without another word, the guards turned once more and retreated back down the boardwalk where a man in white was waiting with an entire bottle of glowing liquid. Knowing she would be in good hands, I caught up with the others, already boarding.

  "I can't stand seeing her like that." Avery frowned as I met her at the dock, taking my bag while Kailani offered me her hand.

  "Me either," I sighed. Entrusting my balance to Kailani's stable hand, I scaled the large gap between the pier and the lip of the boat's door and ducked my head into my new home for the next couple days. The four floors of boat looming above bobbed in the water as my feet hit a rich hardwood floor and I regained my balance. Avery followed suit, trailed closely by a very focused Kailani. I watched the remaining sliver of daylight disappear as she closed the door and secured its handle, locking us in. Something felt very final about that one action and I shivered. The overhead light of the small, dim hallway did little to still my nerves.

  "This way," Kailani instructed without a second glance and slipped by us, heading down the hallway. Something about her rigid demeanor soothed me and sparked a tiny flame of hope. I carefully tucked it away for safe keeping when Avery locked elbows with me. The short hallway ended at yet another hallway that extended the entire length of the boat. Halfway down the hall sat a white carpeted staircase leading to a sprawling lounge, pierced by two hallways stretching toward the bow and stern of the vessel. I could hear the muffled voices of the others settling into their cabins as we headed down the starboard hallway of the cabin level.

  Kailani unlocked a cabin door to our left for Avery, and with a big smile, she slipped into her cabin while I continued following Kailani. When we reached the end of the hall we were met by two twin, ornate doors, standing side by side.

  "Finn will be staying in this one." She pointed to the one on the left and then unlocked the door on the right. "And this yours."

  Expecting a cookie cutter cabin within four walls, harboring generic, bolted down furniture, I gasped at the breathtaking suite that unfolded before me. I realized my room made up the entire starboard bow of the ship, while Finn's cabin was contained within the port side. My cabin was in the shape of a right triangle; its furthest convex wall housing curved windows that elegantly stretched two floors. Still standing at the threshold, it took my eyes a moment to wander back to the landing I was currently perched upon. Its plush carpet dropped d
own into a winding staircase that led to the hardwood floor below.

  Kailani bounded down the stairs, sparking me to follow. I was captivated by the suite's modern contemporary decor, complete with sleek lines and pops of color, leaving my feet to fend for themselves as I mindlessly descended each step. It was breathtaking and could have been any upscale suite in New York City except for one glaring difference: the view.

  A thin, ebbing line near the top of the windows was the only indication we were near the surface of the water. The majority of the view was dominated by a crystalline wonderland filled with aquatic life as far as the eye could see. Schools of blue, silver, and yellow fish darted in different directions, while a lone jellyfish propelled itself in an upward spiral. The bottom of the harbor was blanketed in moss-covered rock, and several juvenile sand sharks and a myriad of colorful flora sprouted out of every edifice.

  I walked up to the sheet of glass that separated me from the beauty of the harbor and flattened my palms against its cool surface.

  "This is what I'm talking about," I breathed in awe.

  "I thought you might like it." Kailani appeared beside me, smiling to herself. "Make yourself at home. We'll be diving in about five minutes."

  "Did you say...diving?"

  "Travelling above surface would be too high profile for our mission. We'll be sneaking up to the crux from below. Prepare to be amazed!" Kailani laughed over her shoulder as she walked away. She smoothed the comforter lying across the king size bed and gestured towards a large, sunken jet tub in the opposite corner. Its copper exterior was flanked by a glass door etched with a mural of waves, leading to what I assumed was a bathroom.


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