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Proven (Daughters of the Sea #1)

Page 22

by Kristen Day

  "That changes nothing," I asserted. It came out with much more conviction that I actually had inside.

  "I think it kind of does," he resisted heartily. "Saving the world will be pretty difficult when our bodies give out and Nadia owns our souls."

  "If." I sat up straighter and looked him in the eye. "If our bodies give out and Nadia owns our souls. It hasn't happened yet."

  "Ever the optimist." He grinned at me and continued speaking, but his words were lost on me. My attention splintered instantly as I sensed a warm whisper travel across my skin. A darkness. His darkness.


  "Finn..." I whispered, and then louder to Sebastian, "Finn."

  In the midst of doubt, I stood without a word and dove from the cliff. The most powerful forces of the universe could not have swayed the effect his darkness had on my heart at that moment. Cool air soared across my skin as the water below rushed to greet me. The water burned my face and shoulders as I hit the surface with tremendous force, but I barely felt it. All of my senses instinctually scanned the sea and immediately honed in on a myriad of essences to my right, including Finn's. I should have felt them sooner. They should be stronger. I should be able to discern who they belonged to. That grim recognition added to the fatigue tugging at my arms and reminded me of my precariously low essence. A rope of desperation filled my stomach at the waning of my abilities and threatened to strangle my remaining hope. As I darted to the right and towards the mass of essences, I felt the vibration of Sebastian crashing into the surface of the water above me.

  "Finn?" I tried. Nothing. I could feel a thickness holding my thoughts prisoner in my own mind.

  The ensuing claustrophobia took me by surprise and my desperation to see him grew in intensity. I always felt stronger, more capable in his arms. He had a way of stabilizing the litany of thoughts whirling in my mind, grasping for the smallest shreds of sanity. His very presence stopped my world from tilting and spiraling out of control.

  "Finn!" Silence.

  Something metallic glinted off the moonlight in the distance, and the glory of Finn's body that I had expected to see swimming around was suddenly overshadowed by the intimidating vessel looming ahead of me. Their essences were most certainly inside, but I had no idea if it was voluntary or against their will. I swam closer and followed his essence to the bow, where a wall of windows showcased a vast cabin lit by soft light.

  And I saw him. Eyes I knew dazzled with strength and wisdom were trained on the floor of the cabin, revealing a mind in deep thought. His dark, lustrous hair was disheveled and I pictured him raking his fingers through it continually, leaving it to its own devices. The dejected way his shoulders slumped forward strangled my resolve and I almost shattered the reinforced sheets of glass separating us.

  "Finn," I tried one last time. This time he heard me. His head snapped up so fast I thought he'd break his neck. His shoulders visibly relaxed as relief flooded the chiseled contours of his face and the bloodshot eyes drank me in with disbelief. The smile that haunted my dreams and my waking hours spread across his face and my heart almost shattered from happiness. His eyes glittered with unconditional love and unabated wonder. The world darkened ever so slightly as he closed them briefly, allowing a lone tear to trickle down his cheek.

  I swam up to the glass and pressed my palms against it with an urgency I could feel down in my toes. It was cool to the touch and sent light vibrations through my arms from the hum of the engines. Finn climbed to his feet and slowly made his way to the windows, placing his palms in the same place as mine. Though I couldn't feel his skin, I could feel the essence he sent through to me.

  "Pasha," he managed to get through to me. It was only a whisper, but the emotion it carried was undeniable. I pressed my forehead against the glass and soaked him in. I imagined the feel of his arms, the smell of his skin, and the tenor of his voice as I watched him through the glass. A strange noise to my left caught my attention and I turned to see a google-y eyed Sebastian kissing the glass and making moaning sounds like a hormonal twelve year-old boy.

  "Don't be jealous," I told him with a smirk. "I'm sure Finn will give you some kisses too."

  "And how do you propose we get in this thing?" Sebastian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Apparently understanding Sebastian's body language, Finn pointed up.

  "A hatch," he whispered to my thoughts with a mischievous grin that made my heart skip a beat. I nodded to him and he ran up the stairs of the cabin, disappearing down the hall.

  "Bathroom break?" Sebastian snickered.

  I rolled my eyes at him and kicked upward. "He said there's a hatch up top somewhere, smartass."

  "Perfect." He smiled and followed me. "You know that talking into each other's heads is kind of creepy, right?"

  "And the fact that you're dead isn't?"

  "Well played, 'lil sis. Well played."

  We followed the upward slope of the ship past three more levels before reaching the crown of the vessel. With the exception of a few rivets, it was completely smooth. Then I spotted a small circular window near the rear. The window was actually a part of a substantial hatch that appeared to flip upwards. I peered down to see water rushing up within a cramped, brightly lit room, inching towards the window. When the small space was filled entirely with water, I heard an alarm sound and a latch popped up beside my left hand. I looked to Sebastian, who just shrugged his shoulders. I reached for the handle and pulled.

  Surprisingly it lifted easily, partly moved by hydraulics. When it was open as far as it would go, I maneuvered my feet inside and used the rim to pull myself downward. The artificial light took me a moment to get used to as spots infiltrated my vision.

  "Your turn!" I yelled up at Sebastian, who was smiling down at me.

  "Will I fit?" he observed skeptically. The room itself couldn't have been more than four feet wide all the way around, but could fit two relatively normal-sized people.

  "I don't have cooties." I motioned for him to come down.

  "What's a cooty?" he asked innocently and peeked down at me.

  "Not important." I shook my head with frustration. "Just hurry up!"

  "So demanding..." he teased. I grabbed his ankles to help him maneuver beside me, rather than on top of my head, eventually leaving me staring at his chest due to the extreme height difference. Before claustrophobia could set in, he pulled the latch closed and we felt a slight pressure change as the water began to drain from the room. It was almost like the doorway to Finn's underground place below the Sons' lighthouse. The memory rushed back to me and a renewed need to see Finn rushed over me. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  "I hope we don't get stuck in here," Sebastian mused as we waited for the water to drain completely. It passed my hips, thighs, knees, and quickly flushed all the way out.

  "Me either," I agreed. "You smell like sea horses."

  "Sea horses don't smell."

  "Of course they do,"

  "If you mean the floral aroma of unrivaled majestic power," he sneered down at me, "then yes. Yes I do."

  Before I could come back with something sarcastic and brilliant, a metallic clanking sound behind me averted our attention. A rounded metal door swung open behind me and I spun around awkwardly, trying not to get entangled with Sebastian. When I finally faced the tiny doorway, my world exploded in a shower of emotions before narrowing and settling back into my heart. He stood before me with a weary smile, his stance forlorn and defeated. The turbulent sea of blues swirling in his eyes enveloped me and the refined darkness of his essence folded around me with love.

  I peered out into the waterlogged room and was immediately cognizant of the fact that I more than likely resembled a drowned rat. A mass of people were gathered behind Finn, excitement charging the air. I caught sight of Olivia leaning against the wall in the back; a scowl plastered across her beautiful features. I knew she would be mad at me. I would be mad at me, too.

  The heaviness of my legs and arms stretched to the rest of my body and
I wanted nothing more than to fall into Finn and stay there for the rest of eternity. My wobbly legs took me forward and Finn's warm arms wrapped around me, erasing everything else around us and sending my heart soaring. The smoothness of his skin touched my cheek as I held him close and breathed him in.

  "Pasha," he murmured. "I was so worried about you."

  "I'm sorry," I whispered into his chest. "I didn't want anyone else to get hurt, including you."

  "Your essence is weaker." He inspected my face with concern. I didn't have time to explain before an elated Carmen, Phoebe, and Avery were surrounding us and hugging me.

  "Why didn't you bring elixir with you?" I heard Olivia questioning Sebastian, who had also made his way out of the cramped space.

  "We did," he divulged gravely.

  "Nadia paid us a little visit," I announced to the rest of the room. "She destroyed our vials."

  The resulting gasps blanketed the room in shock and anger as the obvious implications of her return sunk in. Always the voice of reason, Natasha stepped forward and gave me a quick hug before ushering me and Sebastian through the room. I greeted everyone else and glanced back at a depleted-looking Finn. Olivia's harsh voice cut through the chaos.

  "You two should have known better than to leave without us." Olivia glared at us both. "What would you have done if we hadn't come with more elixir? Nadia would have killed you in less than a day."

  "We brought extra ambrosia with us." Natasha ignored Olivia's outburst. "But we need to get it in your system as soon as possible."

  "She'll need some dry clothes, too," Finn's voice concluded behind me. I felt his hands on my shoulders and smiled. A chill ran through me as the air conditioned interior of the ship clashed with my wet skin. Dry clothes and maybe even a shower sounded heavenly.

  "Sebastian as well," Natasha observed. Finn's tight-lipped nod hinted at a tension between them. I glanced up at him with curiosity, but he gave away nothing else as his Mom continued delegating tasks. "Avery, find them some dry clothes. Olivia, collect the elixir from the kitchen."

  Olivia's immediate reaction of indignation at being told what to do was quickly replaced with obedience as she shared a tender glance with Sebastian before disappearing out of the room. We filed out into a wide hallway that led to a broad staircase. We clamored down its carpeted steps and my eyes drank in the luxury of a massive room filled with plush couches, chaise lounges, and what looked to be incredibly inviting floor pillows. I found a corner couch that looked particularly comfortable and fell back into it in a cloud of exhaustion. Fortunately I didn't make it that far.

  A pair of capable arms connected to a beaming smile caught me instead. He brought me back towards him and held me close, showering my cheeks and lips with gentle caresses. I clung to him with relief, allowing my thoughts to clear and my body to relax. We were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in a strange submarine ship, but in Finn's arms, I was home. I smiled and closed my eyes; blocking out the rest of the room and the impending future, soaking up the perfectness of his embrace and the feeling of completeness only he could provide.




  "As in...the Hecate," I scoffed.

  "Yep," Finn answered, and covered his eyes with the balls of his hands. I turned over onto my side and smoothed his hair, trying to console him. I had given him a recap of the disheartening details of my trip thus far - Nadia, Fallon's death, sonic swimming, the crux - but I didn't expect this kind of revelation from him. I was floored. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I'd always looked at Natasha as more than just a witch. Her presence had always been powerful and wise, so it actually made perfect sense.

  The king size bed of his cabin felt like a cloud compared to the monolith and I had to fight to stay awake, but Finn's recent news left my mind reeling. I placed my head on his shoulder.

  "She's still your mom," I reminded him gently. "That hasn't changed."

  "She lied to me," he countered.

  "She protected you," I retorted. "That's what mothers do, even if it means losing everything."

  My thoughts turned to my mother and everything she had sacrificed for me; the myriad of ways she had tried to protect me, as well as the woven secrets I was still learning about. Sending me away as a baby...removing the end of my prophecy. She sought to tie up any and every loose end in an effort to ensure a safe future for me, and Natasha was no different.

  "But to turn her back on an entire Order?" He stared at the ceiling. "For me? That just seems..."

  "Like a stretch?" I finished for him with cynicism. He was making too many assumptions. "Finn, your mom is one of the most amazing women I know. She wouldn't have renounced her title without ensuring her descendants were looked after. She didn't abandon them. She...stepped away for a while, to allow you the chance to make a difference for the Sons Order."

  "It just seems like too much," he sighed.

  "It was her decision," I reminded him firmly. "And she didn't do it so that you'd feel bad about it or shame yourself into thinking you didn't deserve it. She's still the same mother you've known your whole life. Now she's just infinitely more interesting."

  "I wish I could have known what she was like...before," he pondered. "I've always thought of Hecate like a shining star. The stories we were told and the pictures we were shown in class always portrayed her to be a loner. A protector."

  "I believe all of those things are true, but now you can add one more to the list," I added for him. "A mother."

  "Do you think I was a mistake?" His eyes slid to mine with a hint of panic.

  "I have a good feeling there are no mistakes as far as Hecate and Charon are concerned." I chuckled before my thoughts turned slightly sour. "And she may not be who you thought, but at least you had her. You still have her. She's still here."

  "Oh, Pasha." He closed his eyes and held me close. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think..."

  "I know my mother's waiting for me." I smiled sadly. "I know she loves me. But I would have done anything to have her in my life in some capacity. Even if she lied to me about who she was."

  "That's true," he agreed. "I think it just took me by surprise."

  "That's what happens when you think you know everything," I teased him in an effort to lighten his spirits.

  "I don't think I know everything!" His chest moved as he snickered. "I know for a fact I know everything."

  "I bet I know something you don't."

  "Try me."

  "Pink is not actually a color."

  "Now you're just making things up," he accused me with a sly grin.

  "Google it," I said with a yawn. "You'll see." My eyelids finally won the battle and slammed shut from exhaustion. I snuggled farther into Finn's shoulder and he wrapped me in his arms as we settled into each other. The sound of his heartbeat lulled me to sleep while the slow cadence of his breathing hypnotized my thoughts. The distant flickering of lights registered in my mind only briefly as I succumbed to the pull of my dreams.


  "You're so cute when you're mad,"

  "I'm not mad," I challenged Sebastian. I was seething mad. The only problem was I didn't know why.

  "Like I said. Adorable." He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me down onto his lap, attempting to cuddle with me.

  "I'm not mad!" I insisted. "And I'm sure as hell not adorable."

  "Wrong on all accounts." He smiled down at me, his lips suddenly inches from mine. The heat of his skin called to me and the way he eyed my mouth with hunger sent my pulse racing, sparking more waves of anger. Vulnerability twisted in my heart and I pushed him away.

  "Drink some elixir and shut up." I held up the vial full of golden liquid he was supposed to be finishing.

  "I wouldn't have let anything hurt her," he assured me between sips. "You know that."

  "I don't know that and neither do you," I scolded him. "And then who would save you? What then? You just assumed you wouldn't let anyt
hing happen to you, either?"

  "Pretty much," he replied, shrugging.

  "That just proves my point."

  "Have I told you how cute you are when you're mad?" He chuckled and tried to pull me close once more. "Especially when you're worried about me?"

  "Why would I be worried?" I played off the mix of emotions thrumming through me, threatening to show themselves as embarrassing tears. Then my heart threw up yet another foolproof defense. It turned on him. "Why does it matter? You're already dead. You'd just be sent back to the Underworld where you came from."

  "Not without seeing you again." His tone turned serious and his wet blond hair flopped across his ears and forehead as his head swiveled toward me.

  "Like that stopped you last night!" I spit at him; dejection welling up into my throat. I pushed it back down with stubborn conviction as the true source of my fury bubbled to the surface and caught even me off guard. I wasn't ready for the intensity of my feelings. This was new territory for me. I threw up my arms as my mouth spewed my fears. "You didn't even say goodbye! What if you got sent back to the Underworld sooner? What if I never saw you again, Sebastian?! Did you even think about that?"

  "Is that why you're upset?" he asked me carefully. "Because I didn't say goodbye?"

  "No," I lied, and then alluded to the truth sheepishly. "I don't know, maybe."

  "I didn't mean to hurt you," he promised gently. "That's the last thing I want to do."

  "You didn't hurt me," I snapped defensively, lying through my teeth again. "I mean, you're leaving in three weeks anyway. It shouldn't matter."

  "But it does matter. You matter." He demanded my attention; the burning in his eyes capturing mine, holding my gaze with purpose. "You matter to me, Olivia."

  "I know, I know," I brushed off his words and decided to focus on my feet.

  "No, I don't think you do," he insisted slowly, pulling my chin up to meet his eyes.

  "This shouldn't have happened, Sebastian." I continued sabotaging my current situation like a boss. "In three weeks, I'll never see you again. What am I supposed to do with that?"


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