The Ghost Map
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Air, foul, as source of disease, 69–70, 74
Air quality, in cities, 232, 238
water supplies and, 132
Albert, Prince of England, 41–42, 66
antibacterial properties, 103–4
Snow and, 59
Aluminum-can collectors, 3
Amateurism, engaged, 202
Anesthetics, early use, 63–65
Anesthetist, Snow as, 66–67, 144–45, 149, 276–77n
Angola, 284n
Ant colonies, 91
Apothecaries, in nineteenth-century England, 59–60
Asymmetric warfare, 283–84n
genetic technology and, 251
nuclear weapons and, 254
population density and, 240
Australian Aborigines, and alcohol, 104
Avian flu, 243–48
Bacteria, 35–36, 260, 264n, 266n
cities and, 96–97
evolution of, 42–44
as scavengers, 7
and smell, 130
tea and, 95
Victorians and, 131
See also Vibrio cholerae Bangladesh, cholera outbreaks, 215
Barbarism, civilization and, 14–15
Basra, cholera outbreak, 215
Bazalgette, Joseph, 119–20, 207–10, 214, 260
Beer, antibacterial properties, 104
Behavior, collective, 91
Benjamin, Walter, xi, 14
Berwick Street (Soho), 18, 26–27
cholera outbreak, 53–54
Bifurcations, human societies and, 93–94
Bills of Mortality, 101
Biological weapons, 242–43
DNA-based, 251
Birth rates, urbanization and, 234
Blake, William, 16–17
Bleak House (Dickens), 13–14, 84–85, 88
Blenkinsopp (cholera victim), 70–71
Bloomberg, Michael, 222–23
Board of Health
and Broad Street cholera outbreak, 112–13, 163–65, 183–86, 200, 212
and Broad Street well, 172, 179–80
Chadwick and, 118
map of investigation, 192–93
and waterborne theory, 204
Bombay. See Mumbai Bone-pickers, 2–3, 4
Bones, human, waste recycling and, 6
Brain, smell and, 128–31
Bramah, Joseph, 12
Brand, Stewart, 232
Breakthroughs, intellectual, 149
Britain, cholera in, 32, 34, 70
See also Broad Street (Soho), cholera outbreak
Broad Street (Soho), 17, 21, 28–30, 227, 228
cholera outbreak, 51–52, 57–58, 95–96, 109, 168–69, 235–36, 246, 267n
books about, 261
deaths from, 140, 277–78n
Snow’s investigation, 275n
Whitehead and, 172, 226
Broad Street map, impact of, 198–201
Broad Street pump, 30–31, 58, 150–51, 171
and cholera deaths, 139–40, 153, 160–62
Paving Board and, 176
removal of handle, 160, 162–63, 167, 188, 277–78n
water from, 99
Broad Street well
examination of, 179
Vibrio cholerae in, 151–53
Broadwick. See Broad Street (Soho)
Budd, William, 74, 204, 279–80n
Burial grounds, London, 13–16
Burke, Edmund, 18
Burney, Fanny, 18, 62–63
Carbon dioxide, 104
Cartographies of Disease (Koch), 260
Castor oil, 47–48
Catastrophes, urban, damage from, 227
Cesspools, 10
Broad Street, 179, 199
elimination of, 120
emptying of, 8–10
water closets and, 12
Chadwick, Edwin, 15, 29, 69, 110, 112–14, 117–18, 127–28, 134, 206, 213–14, 225
and sewers, 119–20
and Snow, 204–5
and waste recycling, 116–17
Chelsea Water Company, 105
Chemical weapons, 242–43
Cheyne, George, 88
Chicago, cholera outbreak, 214–15
Chicago River, 214–15
Childbirth, chloroform and, 66–67
and Broad Street pump, 174
deaths of, 84, 217
infant mortality rates, 232, 233
as scavengers, 2
Childs, G. B., 50, 61
Chloride of lime, 112–13
Chloroform, 66–67, 145
Snow and, 65
Cholera, 22, 32–35, 37–39, 52
Angola outbreak, 284n
“blue stage,” 138
East End outbreak, 209
fear of, 86
modernization of infrastructure and, 214
recovery from, 111
remedies, 47–51
Snow and, 69–77, 98–100, 276n
theories of spread, 68–74, 98, 122–23, 131–32, 146–48, 171
water as cure for, 45
See also Broad Street (Soho), cholera outbreak; Vibrio cholerae (cholera bacteria)
Cholera, Chloroform, and the Science of Medicine, 259
Cholera in Berwick Street, The (Whitehead), 169–72
Cities, 84–85, 91–97, 231
benefits of, 237–39
crowded, and transmission of cholera, 41–42
in developing countries, 215–16
digital maps of, 220–22
and disease, 235
and environment, 238
flow of ideas, 225–26
infrastructure projects, 214
largest, 215–16
medieval system, 282–83n
modern, 232–33, 281–82n
nineteenth-century view, 88–91
post-9/11, 283n
See also Towns
City-planet, 232, 234–35
biological warfare and, 252
safety of, 254–55
threats to, 236, 239
City Press (London), 205
Civilization, 92
barbarism and, 14–15
and smell, 130
Clark, James, 66
Coevolutionary development, 246
Coffee, 104
Coffeehouses, 281n
Colosseum (Rome), 5
Internet, 218–19
and medicine, 45–47
in Victorian-era London, 82–83
Complex systems, waste recycling and, 6
Composting pits, 5
COMPSTAT system, 223–24
Confirmation bias, 186–87
Consciousness, human, 44
“Consilience of Inductions, The” (Whewell), 67
Consumers, in cities, 92
Contagion theory of cholera spread, 69–71
Cooper, Edmund, 191–93, 194
Coral reefs, 6–7
Corpses, in Victorian-era London, 13–16
Cost of cholera cures, 47–48
Cow-dung–fueled generators, 217
Craven, Earl of, 15–16
Craven’s Field, 16
Cross Street (Soho), cholera deaths, 139–41
CTX phage, 246
Cubbitt, Thomas, 120
Cummings, Alexander, 11–12
Daily News (London), 191
from cholera, 52
in cities, 84–85
Death and Life of the Great American City (Jacobs), 235
Decomposition, bacteria-driven, 7, 129–30
Dehydration, of cholera, 38–39, 246
Developing countries
cholera outbreaks, 215
population control, 234
Dickens, Charles, 14–15, 127–28, 134
Bleak House, 13–14, 84–85, 88
and children, 84
Hard Times, 29
Little Dorrit, 29
Nicholas Nickleby,
Our Mutual Friend, 2
Diffusion of gases, law of, 145–46
Digital networks, 222
Disease, cities and, 235–36
Divine will, Whitehead and, 170
DNA-based weapons, 251
Doctor of Medicine, 59–60
Snow as, 61–62
Doctors, and treatment of cholera, 50–51
Doctors Without Borders, 284n
Dog excrement, recycling of, 217–18
Dot mapping, 192–94
Drinking water
contaminated, 40, 42, 43–44
safe, 217
Drug companies, price gouging by, 48
East End, London, cholera outbreak, 209
East London Water Company, 209–11
Ebola virus, 243
Ecosystems, waste recycling and, 6
Ehrlich, Paul, 234
Electricity, 214
Elevation, cholera deaths and, 101–2
Eley, Susannah, 30–31, 77, 81, 143, 186
Eley brothers, 28, 30–31, 81, 143
Eley Brothers factory, 28, 31, 81, 143, 153
Eliot, George, 167
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 11
Enclosure movement, 94
Energy, cities and, 92–94
Engels, Friedrich, 13, 14–15, 127–28, 260
changes in, and evolution of bacteria, 43–44
in cities, 221–25
organisms and, 40
Environmental health, cities and, 233, 238, 281–82n
Epidemics, 227
and history, 32
maps of, 219
population density and, 243
Snow and, 147–48
Epidemiological Society, 193
Epidemiology, 97, 194, 218
Ethanol, 104
Ether, 63–65, 144–45
Eukaryotic cells, 36, 264n
of disease organisms, 42–44
and sense of smell, 129–30
“Exciting” causes of disease, 132–33
Excrement eating, cholera bacterium and, 40–42
Experiments, Snow and, 65
Experimentum crucis, 75, 76–77, 102, 106–9, 143, 153
Board of Health and, 186–87
Farm animals, in Victorian-era London, 27–28
Farming, efficiency of, 92–93
Farming system, disruption of, 94
Farr, William, 69, 73, 79, 80, 100–102, 127–28, 136, 148, 168, 225
and East End cholera outbreak, 209–12
records of, 140, 141–42, 272n
and waterborne theory, 211–12
Weekly Returns of Birth and Deaths, 100–101, 102, 106, 127, 132, 150, 153, 166, 177, 191
and “Great Stink,” 204
and waterborne theory, 204
Fear, urban life and, 84–87
Ferguson, Daniel, 64
Fermentation, 104
Fertilizer, human waste as, 115–16
Fleet River, 119
Folk remedies, 46, 49–50
Fossil fuels, limited supply, 237–39
French novels, of nineteenth century, 84
Frerichs, Ralph, 259
Freud, Sigmund, 134
Full House (Gould), 36
G (Mr., tailor), 29, 31, 32, 34–35
General Board of Health, 112–13, 118. See also Board of Health Generator, waste-fueled, 217
Genetic studies, application of, 249
Genetic tolerance for alcohol, 103–4
Genomic revolution, 249–50
GeoSentinel, 219
Germ theory of disease, 99, 211, 266n
Ghost class, London, 2
Global challenges, 256
Global energy network, 93–94
Global Report on Human Settlements (UN), 232
Global warming, 237–39
Globe (London), and cholera outbreak, 160–61
Golden Square (Soho), 16, 25, 27, 159
cholera outbreak, 51, 53, 81, 83, 161–62
deaths, 57–58, 112
map, 141
Snow and, 75–77, 109
water, 30–31
See also Broad Street (Soho); Soho (London district)
Google, 219–20
Gossip, and cholera outbreak, 83
Gould, John, 31
Gould, Stephen Jay, 36
and mapping technology, 222
and public health, 113, 120–21
and sanitation, 218
urban, and information, 224
Graham, Thomas, 145
Grand Junction Water Works, 142
Great Exhibition (1851), 12, 41–42, 267n
Great Plague (1665), 15–16
“Great Stink” (Thames pollution), 205–6, 207
“Green” cities, 238
Green’s Court, 52, 81–82
Gunpowder, manufacture of, 9
Hall, Benjamin, 29, 112, 134, 145, 147, 163–66, 167, 168, 172, 179, 201
and miasma theory, 183–84, 186–87
and Snow, 204
and waterborne theory, 183
Hamburg, cholera outbreak, 215
Hard Times (Dickens), 29
Harington, John, 11
Harnold, John, 70–71
Harrison (Berwick Street surgeon), 53–54
Hassall, Arthur, 99
Health, cities and, 232
Hemenway, Toby, 233
H5N1 (avian flu virus), 243–48
Hippocrates, and cholera, 33
On Air, Water, and Places, 126–27
epidemic disease and, 32
turning points, 162–63
London sewers as, 207
urbanization and, 232
Hogarth, William, 18
Homelessness, 3, 218
Hooke, Robert, 281n
Horsleydown, cholera outbreak, 70–73
Hospitals, in urban centers, 232–33
Huggins, Edward and John, 142–43, 161
Human consciousness, 44
Human culture, and excrement eating, 40–42
Human excrement, collection of, 8–13
Human genetic change, 42
Human organization, patterns of, 93–94
Hunter-gatherer societies, 92, 103–4, 130
Hunterian School of Medicine (London), 60
Hydrogen sulfide, 129–30, 133
Hysteria, in Victorian era, 87
Iberall, Arthur, 93–94
cross-disciplinary flow of, in cities, 225–26
incorrect, 126
Immune system, 133
Index case (Broad Street), 177, 178–79, 199–200
India, cholera outbreaks, 215
Industrial Age, 18
and cholera, 33
See also Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution, 92–93, 94–95, 271n
Infant mortality rates, 232, 233
Infectious diseases, Web mapping of, 219
Influence of Snow’s map, 198–201
Information technology, 218–19, 224–25
Inner-city air, as disease source, 69–70, 74
Inner-city life, in Victorian era, 171
Insulin, 223
Intellectual progress, 135, 149
Internal-constitution theory of cholera spread, 132–33
Internet, 218–19, 236–37
John Snow sites, 259, 261
Istanbul, Sultaneyli village, 216
Jacobs, Jane, 18, 221–22
Death and Life of the Great American City, 235
James, John, 34
Jennings, George, 12
John Snow (pub), 228
Kamen, Dean, 217
Kay-Shuttleworth, James, 265n
Kemp House, 227
Killingworth Colliery, 59
Knossos, composting pits, 5
Knowledge, Internet and, 218–19
Koch, Robert, 213
Koch, Tom, 196, 275n
Lactose tolerance, 103–4
Lambeth water company, 105–8
Lancet, The, 46
and contagion theory, 69
editors of, 15, 168
obituary of Snow, 206
Snow and, 61, 64, 205, 213, 269n
Largest cities, 215–16
Latta, Thomas, 45, 155
Lea River, 210–11
Leather-tanning process, 4, 263–64n
Lewis, Sarah, 21–22, 178–79, 181, 187–88
Lewis, Thomas, 21, 31, 187
Lewis infant, 21–22, 35, 54, 178–79
Whitehead and, 199
Life expectancy, in cities, 84, 232–33, 236
Lion Brewery, 28–29, 31, 81, 142–43, 146, 153
Liszt, Franz, 18
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 29
Local knowledge, 147
Internet and, 218–19
in urban environments, 225
Locock, Dr. (Queen Victoria’s physician), 66–67
London, 88–96
Regent Street, 20–21
sewer system, 207–10
Snow and, 60
Soho, 16–21, 57–58, 83, 154, 227–28, 240. See also Broad Street (Soho); Golden Square,(Soho); specific sites or institutions
in Victorian era, 3–4, 7–8, 9–13, 17–21, 203, 232, 260, 264–65n
animals in, 27–28
burial grounds, 13–16
communication system, 82–83
dangers of, 87
scavengers, 1–5, 8–13
sewers, 117, 119
waste removal, 264n
water supply, 105
London Epidemiological Society, 97
London Labour and the London Poor (Mayhew), 2–3, 4–5, 9, 125, 260
London Medical Gazette, 74, 75, 143
London Times, 112
and cholera, 33, 34–35, 122–23
and medicine, 47–49
and Thames pollution, 205–6
“Long tail” economics, 280–81n
Low Countries, waste recycling and, 5–6
Malaria, 127
Manufacturing, London, 89
Mapping systems, urban, 280–81n
of cholera outbreak, 141, 192–201
and future epidemics, 252–53
local knowledge, 219–21
Snow’s, originality of, 197–98
Margulis, Lynn, 38–39, 43, 260
Marx, Karl, 15, 19
Mass behavior, 91
Mass communication, in Victorian-era London, 83
Mayfair (London district), 16, 20
Mayhew, Henry, 91, 127–28
London Labour and the London Poor, 2–3, 4–5, 9, 125, 260
and miasma theory, 121–22, 125, 130
Morning Chronicle article, 10–11
and waste recycling, 115–16, 273–74n
Medical education, in nineteenth century, 59–60