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Resurrection sf-1

Page 15

by Randolph Lalonde

  The Triad Conglomerate has closed its doors to new ventures, but is serving their populace by trading fleet and deep space assets for supplies. An undisclosed number of ships and other major resources have been hijacked however, and several large colonies have begun revolting against the existing management. Regardless of how the dissolution of these super corporations takes place, a total of thirty five worlds will be left with inadequate food and other supplies. Freeground has announced that some aid will be given, but since they are still at war with two other minor corporations and facing a major relocation, they cannot provide for everyone.

  In related news, Regent Galactic, a former trading partner of Vindyne, has been accused of using slaves for experimentation. One repossession freelance agent and his crew were responsible for recapturing an armed Galleon class cargo transport that had stolen the container train from Regent Galactic. When they managed to take possession of the vessel they discovered poor living conditions and evidence that over forty thousand slaves were bound for a testing facility.

  Hart News Service has the files transmitted by Captain Jake Valance and can verify that they are legitimate transportation and manifest logs back his claims. There were over twenty six thousand slaves in stasis pods and twenty thousand transported in a series of converted cargo pods. Just over one fifth of those not in stasis survived long enough to arrive in the Thadd system where they received medical treatment and were transported off the cargo train.

  Our affiliate there, Hart News St. Kitts was doing an interview when an attack on that port began. We have not heard from them since.”

  Alice dropped her fork, put her meal on a small shelf and ran to the cockpit. “We have to go find him.”

  “Supplemental information suggests that Regent Galactic are responsible for the attack on St. Kitts. I don't think that would be wise.”

  “I don't care. We've been running long enough. Now I know where he was just earlier today.”

  “It'll take two and a half weeks for us to travel all the way to the Thadd system and we'll arrive out of fuel.”

  “Okay, we'll stop for fuel on the way.”

  “That would be wise. We don't know where he might have gone.”

  Alice dropped the ship out of the wormhole. They were far from any solar system or anything else for that matter. She thought for a moment. “You're right. Set a course for Ara Enormis, it's the last location I gave him.”

  “If I remember correctly, he didn't reply.”

  “It's near the mid point isn't it?”


  “Then that's where we'll start.”


  Lucius Wheeler had no idea where he was. His last memory was Docking with the Overlord II, a massive Vindyne super carrier and disembarking from his ship, the Triton. With a cutting edge researcher in restraints behind him he started making his way down the broad hallway that would lead him to one of the security offices.

  Captain Wheeler had betrayed the crew of the First Light, informing Vindyne of where their rendezvous would be after accomplishing the one and only mission he accomplished with Captain Valent. He was on his way to deliver the only man with Framework technology built into his physiology. It was a regenerative system that could be implanted into any being to dramatically fortify them against disease and decrease the time required to heal. Framework could also be used to grow entire viable clones in under four hours. It would be his biggest payday in over a decade, especially if Vindyne managed to capture Captain Jonas Valent.

  He rounded a corner and realized that the hall was completely empty, unusual for a ship with so much importance.

  As he started sealing his vacsuit there was a bright flash.

  It was months, perhaps years later and he had been drawn out of deep stasis. He tied his rough black hair into a pony tail and put on his jacket. At least they still have all my effects. He thought to himself as he followed the flashing lights down the hallway and around the corner. Being angry about his predicament was pointless. His goal, as always, was to get something out of his situation and get clear.

  He walked through an office door. There was a wet wall to the left featuring a dainty waterfall. A large window was on the right hand wall overlooking a great blue planet with no signs of land. He tried to guess his location but could only narrow it down to three systems with liquid giants.

  “The Chief Recovery Officer is expecting you Captain Wheeler. Please go inside.” Instructed the holographic receptionist from the center of her desk.

  He climbed the stairs and pushed his way through the double doors. It was another perfectly clean room with comfortable chairs in front of a big desk. The company representative wore a perfectly tailored black suit. He had been in stasis long enough for corporate fashion to change. Either that or he was very far from where he was captured.

  When he was last conscious gracefully cut suit coats were in. The hologram wore a square cut black coat with a flat collar that came across the shoulders. The gentleman's image behind the desk turned to face him, his perfectly trimmed haircut framed his perfect complexion, his smile flashed perfect teeth.

  “Good afternoon Lucius Wheeler.”

  “Nice hologram.”

  “I apologize. I would much rather appear to you in person, but my office is a great distance from the storage complex you were delivered to.”

  “Where am I?”

  “We can get to that in a moment. There is more important information I'd like to get through first. Vindyne betrayed you.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “We purchased you and all their biological division assets only two months ago during a silent liquidation. You have been in stasis for seven years, nine months and three days according to their records. We honestly didn't know exactly what to use you for until just a short time ago. Even though we paid less than ten percent of your market value, it was quite expensive. So you can understand that we'd like you to do something for us before we release you into the galaxy.”

  “Nothing comes free, go on.”

  “For the last few months we had an exceptional freelance agent in our employ. He completed several difficult contracts for us and was well on his way to being our top man. Sadly he had a crisis of conscience while undertaking his last assignment. The overall losses that resulted from his poor judgement are unacceptable. He also spoke to the press and divulged privileged information to them. We are facing a public relations nightmare galaxy wide.”

  “So you wake me up and put me on his trail, I think I can work with this.”

  “Keep in mind, you have an implant somewhere in your body that we can dissolve at any moment. Once the object dissolves it becomes a powerful toxin. With no more than a simple transmission you will be killed. On the bright side, we can give you the Triton and start you off with the funds you will require.”

  “What about my crew?”

  “Vindyne used them for lesser purposes, I am sorry. We can hire a suitable crew for you.”

  “Fair enough, I'll need time to train them.”

  “You have two weeks.”

  “This target of yours sounds important, I want five million credits when I hand him over. You'll also have to remove this implant.”

  “We'll remove the implant and pay you one point five million.”

  “Three million or you may as well kill me now.”


  “Fine, who am I going after?”

  “Jonas Valent.”

  “Should have told me that before, I'd have done it for my ship and my freedom.”

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