Harlequin Presents--June 2021--Box Set 1 of 2
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Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.
Welcome to the glamorous lives of royals and billionaires, where passion knows no bounds. Be swept into a world of luxury, wealth and exotic locations.
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ISBN-13: 9781488073533
From Exposé to Expecting
Copyright © 2021 by Andrea Brock
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
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“Regardless of what your reasons were for signing the contract, you did so. And while you were only eighteen, you were not a minor. You are obligated to its terms unless both parties agree to different ones.”
“I will not marry either of your brothers.”
“I am glad you did not include me in that categorical refusal.” His smile was more like an apex predator baring its teeth.
“You?” Nataliya asked faintly.
No, Nikolai could not be saying what Nataliya thought he was saying. “You’re not a prince.” The contract stipulated a prince. “You’re a king.” Her voice rose and cracked on the word king, but seriously...?
He had to be joking.
Princesses by Royal Decree
Their place at the royal altar awaits...
The time has come for royal brothers King Nikolai and Princes Konstantin and Dimitri of Mirrus to wed. Their journeys to the altar will be just as they rule—by royal decree!
Lady Nataliya was contracted to marry a prince from Mirrus but is shocked when King Nikolai, whom she’s secretly desired for years, steps in instead!
Emma’s affair with Prince Konstantin is forced to end when his duty calls, but she’s carrying a secret that will bind them forever!
Jenna’s a fashion journalist and has no desire to be a princess, but her interest in Prince Dimitri could change everything...
Read Nataliya and Nikolai’s story in
Queen by Royal Appointment
Available now!
Look out for Emma’s and Jenna’s stories,
coming soon!
And you can revisit Nataliya’s royal family of Volyarus in Lucy Monroe’s previous titles
One Night Heir and Prince of Secrets.
Queen by Royal Appointment
Lucy Monroe
USA TODAY bestselling author Lucy Monroe lives and writes in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest. While she loves her home, she delights in experiencing different cultures and places in her travels, which she happily shares with her readers through her books. A lifelong devotee of the romance genre, Lucy can’t imagine a more fulfilling career than writing the stories in her head for her readers to enjoy.
Books by Lucy Monroe
Harlequin Presents
Million Dollar Christmas Proposal
Kosta’s Convenient Bride
The Spaniard’s Pleasurable Vengeance
After the Billionaire’s Wedding Vows...
Ruthless Russians
An Heiress for His Empire
A Virgin for His Prize
Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com for more titles.
For my bestie and the sister of my heart, Carolyn. I’m just so grateful to have you in my life. Much love!
LADY NATALIYA SHEVCHENKO stood outside the private reception room in the Volyarus palace, feeling more like she was entering a war tribunal than going to the family meeting her “uncle,” King Fedir, had decreed she attend.
And she was the one about to be on trial for Acts Against the State.
Only, legally, she’d done nothing wrong. Morally, she hadn’t either, but she did not expect “Uncle” Fedir to agree.
King Fedir wasn’t actually her uncle. He was her mother’s cousin, but the two had been raised as close as siblings and he had always called himself Nataliya’s uncle.
Taking a deep breath and centering herself, calling on a lifetime of training and all her courage, she indicated with a nod of her head for the guard to pull the ornate door open. His very presence indicated that there were more people in that room than her family.
Unless palace security had changed drastically, family only meant guards at either end of the hall, which there were, so this one meant more dignitaries inside.
Two guesses for who those dignitaries were and she would only need one.
Head held high, Nataliya walked into the luxuriously appointed room. No one would mistake this space with its silk wallpaper, and gilt and brocade furniture, for anything other than a royal’s.
Her heels clicked against the marble, before stepping onto the lush carpet that filled the center of the room.
King Fedir sat in an ornate armchair that might as well have been his throne, for all his regal bearing. Except that glower he was giving her. That didn’t look so much regal as just really, really annoyed. To his right sat Queen Oxana, her expression entirely enigmatic.
Nataliya’s own mother was there too. First cousin to the King and Oxana’s best friend, Solomia, Countess Shevchenko, nevertheless occupied a seat of no distinction.
Further from the royal couple than the youngest son of Prince Evengi of Mirrus, the other major player in this farce of judgment, Nataliya’s mother sat in an armchair away from everyone else. Whether that had been by her choice or the King’s, Nataliya would figure out later.
Right now, she surveyed the other occupants of the opulent room. Prince Evengi, former King of Mirrus, and his three sons sat opposite King Fedir and Queen Oxana. Although Prince Evengi had abdicated his throne to his eldest son, Nikolai, nearly a decade ago, there was no doubt that he was the driving force behind the contract Nataliya and her parents had signed.
A contract that stipulated, among other business and private concerns, that Nataliya would wed the second son to the House of Merikov, Konstantin.
Rumored to be descendants of both Romanov and Deminov blood, the Russian family had established their kingdom on an island between Alaska and Russia, like Volyarus, but Mirrus was in the Ch
ukchi Sea.
They had another thing in common with Volyarus. The basis of their economy had started with mining rare minerals and was now just as profitable a worldwide concern, if not quite as stable as Yurkovich-Tanner, the company that supported Volyarus’ economy.
Despite the Ukrainian heritage of Volyarus and its not so amicable history with Russia, King Fedir was determined to cement a family and business alliance with Mirrus, even ten years after that draconian contract was signed.
The only other two occupants of the room were her “uncle’s” sons, Maksim, Crown Prince, and his elder brother, the adopted Prince Demyan.
There was a time that their families had been very close.
Although, Nataliya worked for Demyan and saw Maks and his wife on occasion when they were in Seattle, that closeness had been gone for many years.
Breaking protocol, Nataliya ignored the assembled Kings present and smiled her first greeting to her mother. “Hello, Mama. You look well.”
“Thank you, Nataliya. It is always good to see you.” Mama smiled back, but the expression did not reach her worried eyes, the same warm brown as Nataliya’s.
Nataliya was not surprised her father had not been summoned. He was, for all intents and purposes, a nonentity in her life and still very much a persona non grata in Volyarus.
Fifteen years ago, his decision to abandon his Countess and their child to pursue marriage to his most recent mistress had broken the cardinal rules of discretion and putting duty to country above personal considerations.
He had brought ugly attention to the royal family and the throne, and for that, Nataliya doubted he would ever be forgiven.
After greeting her mother, Nataliya gave King Fedir and Queen Oxana her full regard, dropping into a perfect curtsy between their two chairs. “Uncle Fedir, Aunt Oxana, it is a pleasure to see you again.”
That might be stretching the truth a bit. And under the circumstance, she had no doubt the man who was in actuality her first cousin, once removed was regretting not rescinding the courtesy title of uncle long before now.
“Nataliya...” King Fedir actually looked at a loss for words, for the first time in Nataliya’s memory. He certainly hadn’t been the last time they’d spoken.
That time during a phone call, she’d had to schedule two weeks in advance.
She might call him uncle, but she didn’t enjoy family privileges any longer.
When the silence had stretched, Queen Oxana gave an unreadable look to her husband and stood.
In a move that shocked Nataliya, the Queen approached her in order to give Nataliya the traditional kiss of greeting on both cheeks. “My dear, it is good to see you.” The Queen’s voice held no insincerity. “Come, you will sit beside me.”
The Queen gave a look to her son Maksim, indicating with a regal inclination of her head a couple of equally elegant flicks of her wrist what she wanted done. Despite being Crown Prince, Maks immediately jumped up and oversaw the moving of chairs so that Nataliya’s mother sat on her other side, thus cementing in the minds of everyone present just where the Queen stood on the issue to be discussed.
Nataliya’s scandalous behavior that had not in fact been scandalous at all.
The King did not look pleased by this turn of events, but Nataliya did not care.
His lack of true concern for her and her mother had been shown fifteen years ago, when they had been forced to emigrate to the States to protect the good name of the royal family. Though neither were responsible for the gutter press dragging their names through the mud.
No one spoke for several interminable minutes while both of the older Kings looked on at Nataliya in censure. King Nikolai had a better poker face than even Oxana, however.
Nataliya had no idea what the current King of Mirrus thought of the proceedings and what had prompted them, but even his unreadable regard did things to Nataliya’s insides she wished, for the hundredth time at least, it did not.
And because she never lied to herself, she did not try to believe she did not care what that was. He was not the man she was supposed to marry, but he was the only man in the House of Merikov whose opinion carried any weight with her.
When she did not let the clearly strategic silence force her into speech, King Fedir frowned. “You know why you are here?”
“I prefer not to guess.”
“You signed a contract promising marriage to Prince Konstantin.”
“I did.” Though if any man did not live up to his name, it was the one she was not engaged to, but still expected to marry one day. “Ten years ago,” she added, letting her tone tell them all what she thought of a decade-long wait for that contract to be fulfilled and yet her being here because she’d done what? Gone on a few dates?
Not that she hadn’t wanted just this reaction, but seriously?
Get real.
A very unroyal-like sound came from Prince Evengi. “Then explain yourself.”
Nataliya stood and gave the King a curtsy, acknowledging him formally, before returning to her seat. One must observe the niceties. “What would you like me to explain?” she asked.
“Do not play obtuse,” he barked.
King Nikolai said something in an undertone to his father and the older man yanked his head in acknowledgement.
Prince Konstantin, current heir to his brother’s throne, frowned at Nataliya. “You know very well why you have been summoned here, why we have all had to take time from our busy schedules to deal with this mess.”
“What mess might that be?” she asked, unimpressed.
Had she curtsied to him? No, she had not and the ice cap on Mount Volyarus would melt before she did.
This man lived and breathed the company that made up the majority of his country’s economy. The time he’d taken for his affairs had been negligible and Nataliya had felt no actual envy toward the women he’d taken to his bed and done nothing else to romance.
Ten years ago, she had signed that draconian contract for two equally important reasons. Ten years in which this man had not even made enough time in his schedule to announce the engagement. Ten years during which Nataliya had lived in a stasis that had not upset her all that much, honestly.
Her mother’s limbo, she was not so sanguine about. Because one of the clauses of the contract was that Countess Solomia would be able to return to Volyarus upon the marriage of her daughter to the Prince of the House of Merikov.
Without the formalized engagement, much less a marriage, that had not happened.
Her second reason had been no less successful. Nataliya had hoped that by agreeing to marry Konstantin, her inappropriate feelings for his married brother would go away.
While she’d gotten over Nikolai, it wasn’t because of her commitment to Konstantin.
“This mess.” Konstantin threw down the fashion magazine that had run the “50 First Dates for a Would-Be Princess” article.
“Are you hoping to claim that in the past ten years, you have not dated anyone, Prince Konstantin?” she asked him, with little interest in his answer and aware that the term date was in fact a misnomer. “Only I have a whole file full of pictures that would indicate otherwise.”
“You had me followed?” he asked with fury, surging to his feet.
Only his brother’s hand on his arm kept the angry Prince across the room.
She should probably be intimidated, but anger and posturing held no sway with a woman who had endured years in her father’s household. She could have told her erstwhile intended that.
His position as Prince was no more impressive to Nataliya. She’d been raised as part of the royal family of Volyarus until the age of thirteen and had never ceased being the daughter of nobility.
“Perhaps you would like to explain, Uncle Fedir?” she prompted, her own anger a wall of cold ice around her heart, making her voice arctic.
; And she did not regret that. At all.
The King of Volyarus winced as his own family and that of the other royal family present gave him varying looks of anger and condemnation.
“Of course we kept track of Prince Konstantin, but it was in no way nefarious.” He made a dismissive gesture. “I have no doubt you had your interests watched, as well.” He indicated Nataliya with a tip of his head.
She wasn’t offended being referred to in that manner. The King’s ability to hurt her had passed years ago.
“You shared your investigator’s findings with your niece?” Nikolai asked, his voice laced with censure, but no shock at the other royal’s actions.
If he’d given a bit of that censure to his brother, Nataliya would have respected him more. And something in her expression must have told him so because he gave her a strange look.
“I did not,” King Fedir denied categorically.
“Then how?”
“I believe I can answer that,” Prince Demyan, who had remained silent up until then, said.
Interesting that her mother and Queen Oxana were the only other women who had been invited to this ludicrous tribunal.
King Fedir stared at his other son. “How?” he barked.
“You know I use hackers to watch over our interests,” Prince Demyan said, clearly unafraid of making such an admission in the rarified company.
Not one of these royals would voluntarily share anything being said in this room right now.
King Fedir nodded with a single jerk of his head.
“Nataliya is one of those hackers.”
“The best one,” Nataliya added. “Not to put too fine a point on it.”
Demyan actually smiled at her, but then they were still friends, if no longer as close as siblings. “Yes, the best one.”
“You did not assign her to watch over her own errant fiancé,” the King asked, obviously appalled at the idea.
“He is not my fiancé,” Nataliya said fiercely.
“No!” Demyan said at the same time.