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Alpha Breed: Werewolf Bikers (Sex & Violence Book 1)

Page 4

by Close, Amanda

  “Hope your paycheck was worth it scumbag,” spat Roland at the corpses around him as he slowly rose to his feet, slid the gory pliers into his back pocket, and hefted the bloody hammer in his firm grip.

  Roland’s wounds, now free of the cursed metal, were beginning to heal, though not nearly as fast as a typical wound. Had he been hit with simple stainless steel shot then within another hour or so after digging out the bullets it would be as if he’d never been in a fight at all. As it was the silver induced wounds would likely take him several days to recover from, though had he not removed the shot when he did then by now he’d be frothing at the mouth and dead within moments. The garage was wrecked, and the sound of engines and shooting had long since faded. The clubhouse was in shambles, and with good reason, as it looked like the set of some Hollywood horror film. There were bullet holes everywhere, and it was obvious that the hunters had come in through doors and windows using the same grenade and suppressing fire method that the ones who breached the garage had done.

  This had been a military or SWAT team level operation, though Roland to himself as he limped his way through the carnage. He was able to see at least six mangled corpses dressed in the matte black body armor were among the dead. A few members of Arn’s pack lay in pools of blood alongside several of his own, all of their bodies riddled with silver buckshot and still smoking as the cursed metal burned deeper and deeper into their corpses. He was the only one still standing in the clubhouse, and hoped that the others whose bodies he didn’t see had either died well or avoided capture.

  Roland was relieved to see that Brienne’s body was nowhere to be found, and he could not smell her blood, though he was able to catch her scent more strongly once he stepped out back of the clubhouse. By the time Roland walked through the door he could already tell that much violence had occurred right at the exit. Some of the bikes were gone, one looking like it had exploded and taken a hunter with it, and by the scents still hanging in the air Roland knew that members of both Arn’s pack and his had sped off in different directions shortly after the fight had started. He couldn’t blame them, as most shifters, including himself, had never been in the military or police force, so had not experienced this kind of heated firefight before.

  Womack, whose blood was splattered against the wall at the exit and spread out across the ground in a veritable lake, was the only veteran in their two packs that Roland knew of. Womack had been in the Vietnam War, having volunteered at age sixteen, and his shifter awakening had happened deep in some Cambodian jungle. The old shifter’s body wasn’t among the three corpses on the ground, though Roland did recognize one as Justin Morne, the youngest of his own pack. One other was from Arn’s pack, and the last a shredded hunter. It took Roland a moment to pick up the trail, with so many scents in the air it was tough to pick out a single one, even if it was his mate that he sought.

  Once he caught Brienne’s scent he followed it down the gravel road a few yards and then realized it cut hard into the forest, along with Arn’s. There were two black SUVs parked another thirty yards or so down the gravel road, and Roland could tell from the smell and the tracks what had happened. It seemed as if both Arn and Brienne had fled down the road, then cut into the forest when they saw the vehicles. The hunters must have dismounted and chased them into the forest, and through Roland could not hear them crashing through the underbrush the way that most humans would, he could smell their presence amidst the onslaught of clean forest scents. Roland pulled his lips back in a snarl as his hackles rose with jealousy that Arn had whisked Brienne away, though at the same time he was thankful that his druid mate was with a capable shifter, considering the circumstances.

  Roland was not usually a jealous man, he had in fact shared Iri with Womack several times, though she hadn’t been mated to either of them. It was different with Brienne, she was his, body and soul, as he was hers. It rankled him that Arn did not hide his lust for her, though he dared not make challenge again after the savage beating Roland have given him four years ago. Still, there was violence to be done before any of that could be addressed.

  Shots rang out in the forest and Roland heard the voice of a wolf dying. He wasn’t from Roland’s pack, though it still hurt Roland’s heart for another shifter to die while in his territory. They were all supposed to be under his protection, and he could not help but feel responsible for all of them. The alpha gripped his hammer after taking off his shoes and picked up the trail of the hunters, doing his best to balance silence with speed as he ran barefoot through the forest. More shots filled the air, from different guns, and Roland gave up on perfect silence. He was a shifter, a child of the primal wilderness, so even when he wasn’t paying attention he still moved more quietly through the world than the average human being. As he ran he shifted into his half-form, as he wanted the additional perceptive powers of his wolf form, but not at the expense of his hammer.

  Roland was at ease in his wolf form, though if truth were told he was more comfortable fighting in his human or his half-form. Some shifters were like that, each being more wolf or man depending on their individual personalities and nature. Now that he could see much better in the darkness of the forest Roland was able to dash through the tangle towards the sounds of battle. When the alpha reached the fight he was met with a scene unlike any he’d witnessed before, and it was at once one of the most inspiring and horrific things he’d ever seen.

  Arn was lying prone, his belly having been slashed open and much of his insides spilt across the ground. The corpses of several hunters were strewn about the area, most of them with ripped throats or shredded thighs, as the wolf had gone for the arteries. There were still two hunters left alive, reloading their shotguns as they crouched behind thick tree trunks. Standing over Arn’s body was Brienne, holding her empty shotgun like a war club. To Roland she looked like one of the wolfmothers of ancient times, and he nearly wept.

  The two hunters looked out of cover and realized that Brienne was out of ammo, so they stood up and began to swagger towards her. Roland’s heart surged with a fierce pride as he saw that Brienne refused to back down. The alpha sprang forward and brought his hammer down on the top of one hunter’s head. The man died immediately, though whether it was from the cracking of his skull or the snapping of his neck as the hammer pounded into him was anybody’s guess. The second hunter turned and fired, though Roland had anticipated his move and had ducked low as he spun on his heels and lashed out one handed with the hammer. His blow didn’t land as hard as the first, though the impact was sufficient to crush the man’s tailbone and send him to the ground.

  Roland briefly considered taking the hunter prisoner and interrogating him for information about the attack, then as he heard the chop-chop sound of a helicopter approaching, along with sirens that no doubt belonged to police or at least firefighters, he chose not to. An overhead swing from the hammer left the man with little more than stew meat for a head, the contours of his helmet the only thing keeping the mess from spilling out.

  Roland wrapped his arms around Brienne and kissed her deeply, the blood on both of them mingling with their saliva and awakening a sort of hunger in both of them. Roland then knelt down and pulled the silver buckshot from Arn’s body with his pliers, though the alpha silently admitted to himself that he could have been gentler. Free from the cursed metal Arn’s gut wound began to close slowly but surely. Brienne called Tasha and confirmed that the hunters had not come there, and then Roland instructed her to pull up stake and head to the emergency rendezvous point, as any who had survived the massacre would be there. Then the three of them plunged deeper into the forest, stopping only when they reached an access road that led to a small game warden utility shed. With running water and shelter they were able to finally stop to rest.


  As Brienne licked blood that still seeped from the wounds bored into Roland’s shoulder and arm she could feel the energy of his shifter spirit surging through her. It was intoxicating to taste him, to bring his
power into herself even as her touch seemed to speed his healing. The deep furrows in Roland’s body were already closing fast, a testament to the regenerative power of his shifter heritage, though Brienne could have sworn that she felt their connection pouring yet more vitality into his mighty frame.

  The silver had caused grievous damage, and somehow the presence of her energy negated the metal’s effects. She could see the delicate knotwork energy patterns swirling under his skin and swarming near the wounds, and in those knots she could see and dissipate the lingering silver. He appeared to be aware of it too, because the shifter met the druid’s eyes and the deep pools of his gaze crackled with more than just passion, of which there was already a great deal. He turned his head and she followed his gaze to where Arn lay, still in his wolf form, cleaning his fur with a rasping tongue.

  “He hurts as much as I do, but cannot ask for aide, not from you,” said Roland in a husky voice as he stood up and took Brienne by the hand, “Too much conflict has happened between he and I over you, even if the choice in mates was always up to you.”

  “Even if you’d lost I would have chosen you,” said Brienne as she squeezed Roland’s hand before kneeling down next to Arn, “Though I wouldn’t have known back then just how much of a bloody scene that would have caused.”

  “Alphas are like that, we want what we want and so we take it, unless someone stronger than us prosecutes a more potent claim,” growled Roland as he began to slowly pace around the small clearing, “Even if he beat me again later on it wouldn’t matter, I won when it mattered and for that he’ll always be on the outside. Seems like it’s just never sat well with him, and honestly had these hunters not shown up you know damn well he and I would have had to fight again.”

  “You two fought it out four years ago, and if you haven’t noticed you won, and then got a child on me, we’re mated, shifter to druid, and both know that is unbreakable” snapped Brienne as she worked her hands over the wolf to draw out the silver tendrils of energy still coiled in his wounds, “He risked his life for me tonight, killed for me, and bled to keep me safe. All while knowing he could never have me, even if he raped me the druid energy would never rise for him.”

  “It’s about having the respect of the pack. He lost hard, and then we fucked right in front of him. That kind of thing never goes away for us, his alpha status wouldn’t be solid with them until he beat me, or he was replaced,” snarled Roland, though it seemed more out of fatigue than anger.

  Brienne began running her hands over Arn’s fur and at first he whimpered, and then it turned into a low growl. Not one of warning so much as one of desire, which held a threat of its own. Brienne was no shifter, so could not fathom the complexities of the non-verbal language of the shifters, though she had been around them long enough to know that Arn was being cautious. She could see from his wolf parts that he was aroused, the evening of hunting and fighting having left all three of them with a heightened sense of things.

  “Seems like that doesn’t matter so much anymore, from what I saw both of our packs have been ripped to pieces,” responded Brienne, her voice barely above a whisper as the memory of those furious moments churned over and over in her stomach, “I just want this night to end, get back to Soren, heal our pack. Our pack is weak, his pack is weak, and who knows when those hunters might try to swoop in and try to finish the job. You both have more to worry about than some shifter pissing contest.”

  Roland’s voice was less than human as he snarled, yet when Brienne turned around expecting him to be angry she saw that he was pulling off his soiled t-shirt and beginning to unfasten his belt.

  “What are you doing?” Brienne asked as Arn responded to Roland’s voice by rolling over onto his stomach when she withdrew her hand from the wolf’s matted fur.

  “Taking your advice,” snarled Roland as he stepped out of his boots and jeans even as Arn’s body began to twist and contort into his human form.

  “We’re going to heal the pack by getting naked? Sorry lover, as much as I like the view, I’m just not getting it,” said Brienne as she stood up and backed away.

  Roland and Arn now both stood naked before her, and the heat radiating from their bodies filled the little utility room. Brienne could see that Arn’s considerable manhood was already erect and throbbing.

  “We are going to heal by making two packs into one,” said Arn as his eyes flashed bestial black, “I have submitted to your mate, what was mine is now his, for the sake of my people.”

  “You want this, I can smell your desire for him, even four years ago I could pick it out,” said Roland as he took a step forward and held his open hand towards the druid, “I am the alpha, and Arn, along with his people, are now under my protection. Which means as my mate they are under yours also.”

  Brienne took Roland’s hand gingerly and the shifter pulled her to his chest. He kissed her deeply and then began running his hands over her back, then her chest, and began unfastening the buttons of her top.

  “Arn should have one last night as an alpha, as equals, before the dawn brings our packs together,” said Roland in a voice growing thick and deep with desire, “Out of respect for his position, and for what he has done to protect you, I see no reason to deny you or he the pleasure of each other’s flesh.”

  “What about you?” breathed Brienne, flushed with arousal at the prospect of finally getting to grind out the sexual tension that had built a wall of thorns between Roland and Arn.

  “I am the alpha, now and at dawn,” growled Roland as he gripped Brienne by the waist and turned her around to face Arn as he finished pulling away her top and slipped her skirt down around her ankles to reveal her naked body, “Nobody is going to fuck my mate without my help.”

  At a nod from Roland the other shifter stepped up to Brienne and kissed her on the lips. He was surprisingly gentle, though his touch was electric, and when he pulled back both Arn and Brienne were smiling.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for years,” whispered Arn just before sinking to his knees in front of the druid, and then as he lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder he looked up at her and said, “I’ve wanted to do this even more.”

  With that the shifter buried his face in her womanhood and nuzzled her wet pussy as his tongue probed her clit. While Arn licked her Brienne arched her back and used one arm to hold Arn’s head as she reached behind her to wrap the other around Roland’s shoulders. The alpha planted kisses and gentle love bites across her neck as he ran his hands across her waist. Brienne had a few stretch marks from her pregnancy with Soren, and though they’d all but faded she could not help but notice them in the mirror.

  It always warmed her and furthered her arousal when Roland would rest his hands over them, sometimes kiss them, and tell her that he thought of them as battle scars that told the story of an epic struggle to bring about new life. She had always liked that. As Roland’s fingers began massaging her breasts and gently pinching her nipples while he sucked at her ear the kneeling shifter relentlessly worked her womanhood.

  Sex with Roland had been a religious experience ever since they had first tasted each other in the forest years before. Having two shifters of such personal power worshipping her body with their own was beyond even that. The shifter energy swelled and filled the room as Arn pushed Brienne’s arousal higher and higher with his tongue, and soon the druid felt as if she was going to burst. She gripped a fistful of Arn’s hair and pulled him away from her and lifted her leg off of this shoulder. With a feral grin she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him to the ground on his back as she followed him down.

  Arn held his cock straight at the base and Brienne lowered herself onto it, as she did the druid gasped in pleasure. She had wanted this shifter inside her for a long time, and as his girth filled her she felt all of that pent up energy explode out of her. Brienne threw her head back and moaned loudly as she bucked against Arn’s upward thrusts. For a few moments her vision was obscured by the knotwork of energy pos
itively flooding the room, and then her sight cleared and she could see Roland standing next to her. She looked up at him, all the while panting with sensation as she rode Arn’s pillar. The entire experience was like one long orgasm, and Brienne honestly couldn’t tell if she’d already come yet and was building towards the next or if the first had simply never stopped.

  “I need you in my mouth,” she managed to moan in between waves of sensation, and Roland was quick to oblige her with his throbbing member.

  Brienne had never been with two people at once, much less two powerful shifters, both of whom had fought each other bloody to win her. To her knowledge shifters were monogamous in their mating, and as Roland’s shifter magic had awakened her druid energy, it seemed logical that it was a one for one relationship. Still, as the druid savored the familiar taste of Roland’s cock in her mouth and the tantalizingly new hardness of Arn jutting up between her legs, the young woman found herself wondering. Roland gripped her long hair and put one hand around her throat to steady her so that he could pump his thick shaft in and out of her mouth even as she bounced up and down on Arn’s manhood.

  The two shifters carried on like that for a while, until Brienne started bucking so wildly during an orgasm that Roland stepped back to give her space to thrash. Brienne collapsed onto Arn’s chest and rested there a moment before Roland’s strong hands gripped her waist. The alpha began licking her asshole and Brienne whimpered at the realization for what was coming next. Roland had given her pussy to Arn, but he seemed fully intent on taking her ass for himself. Arn had never really stopped fucking her from below, and when the druid began arching her back and presenting herself to the alpha the shifter started thrusting upwards with force once more. Roland had shifted into his half-form, and his claws broke the skin on Brienne’s sides, coaxing tiny droplets of blood from her sides. His jaws were slavering and he let some of it drip onto Brienne’s upturned bottom, then slowly began working himself into her.


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