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Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Pushing us away, denying what’s happening here isn’t going to work. You want us like we want you.”

  The door to the balcony opened, and her brother, Kyle, stood there looing shocked, angry.

  “Donata? Is everything okay? What are you doing out here?” Kyle asked. She put on a smile.

  “Of course I’m okay. You remember Jack and Turbo.”

  “Oh yes, of course. Friends of Bella’s and the Fiorres’. Good seeing you.”

  “Sorry I disappeared. I needed a breather. It was hot in there.”

  “Well, if you need more time,” he said and she glared at her brother. Did he know how she really felt about them and the others?

  “No, I’m done here. Goodnight, Jack, Turbo. Take care,” she said. Her brother opened the door and then looked right at Jack and Turbo. Jack didn’t know why. Kyle looked like he wanted to say something to them, but Donata was pulling him along, and off they went. Jack turned toward Turbo, who stood straight, fists by his sides, with a serious expression and staring right at Jack.

  “She’s in deep, whatever it is.”

  “Agreed, but what is it? Who is involved, and what are we going to do about it?”

  “What we do best.”

  Jack took a deep breath and exhaled. Any other time, and in regards to anyone else, he wouldn’t have this terrible, foreboding feeling in his gut. He would do his job. He would investigate, interrogate, get the answers he and the team needed and at whatever cost. The difference was it involved Donata and unfortunately a man like Coleman Perkins. Anger and jealousy began to eat at his insides.

  “If she thinks we’ll drop this, that we’ll allow her to push all of us away, she has another think coming,” Jack said to Turbo. Turbo fixed the collar of his shirt and clenched his teeth. He was silent, and a silent Turbo was not a good thing at all.

  Chapter Five

  “That was one hell of a class. I’m glad we did it together,” Bella said to Donata. They had just finished showering at the gym and upscale sports center most of their friends went to.

  Bella felt the aches in her abs and legs. Surely she was going to feel a little worse later tonight. As she started to get dressed, she glanced at Donata and immediately saw the bruising on her ribs and belly. They looked ugly and discolored. Her gut clenched and her heart began to race.

  “What is that? Jesus, Donata, those look terrible,” Bella said to her. Donata quickly pulled on the light sweater and then fixed her hair.

  “Oh, it isn’t that bad.” Donata quickly looked away, but Bella had already seen the welts and bruising. Bella swallowed hard. She had a terrible feeling in her gut. Donata’s behavior had been off. The whole fact that she had never called or returned texts while she was gone for nearly three weeks was an indicator that something had happened. She was the toughest of the bunch of friends. She minimized trouble and when things weren’t going right. That was just her personality. This, however, had the warning signs of bigger trouble. After the incidents that had happened to their friends and even to Bella, she wasn’t going to take any chances here. Bella knew that Donata was stubborn and put on a good act in front of all of them when it came to men and being tough. Could some man have abused her? Could she have gone away with him and wound up in trouble somehow? She was practically shaking with concern. Then she realized that she needed to confront Donata. She had to. She touched Donata’s shoulder, and Donata turned to look at her.

  “Don’t tell me it isn’t that bad. You’re lying to me. About the trip you were on and what really happened. What the hell is going on? I’m concerned.”

  Donata exhaled then sat on the bench and stared ahead.

  “Did Jack and Turbo put you up to this?” Donata snapped at her.

  Bella squinted. “Jack and Turbo? What are you talking about?”

  “Forget it. Nothing. Let’s just get dressed. I’m starving and could use a nice cup of coffee and some food. That was a hell of a kick-boxing class we took. I’ll be sore in my legs for days. You said that Mateus knows that instructor?” she asked, pulling the strap of her gym bag onto her shoulder. She began to turn as if she were going to exit the locker room. Bella reached out and held her hand. She stared into Donata’s eyes.

  “What’s really going on? You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone.”

  Donata exhaled, and Bella saw the emotion in her eyes. Then quickly Donata put on her tough girl expression and chuckled.

  “No big secret here. Just living life to the fullest. Don’t make a big deal because I had an adventure that went a little south. I’ve learned my lesson about bungee jumping and zip lining in resorts that are more like third-world countries. Come on, let’s grab something to eat. I’m sure your security team, Conception especially, are antsy to get out of this place.” She smiled and Bella exhaled. She wasn’t going to let Donata get away with this. Something was going on, and she was hiding it. Worse scenario, if Donata didn’t come clean, then she would call in reinforcements—their other girlfriends, or Mateus and Major. Made men had ways of making people talk.

  * * * *

  “Who the fuck is bringing this shit into the neighborhoods? To our neighborhoods?” Fedarro asked Mateus over the phone.

  “I don’t know, but it’s bad business. I’m going to call Cobra and Logic and have them look into things on their end, along with Harley. You know drugs and other shit pop up all the time that aren’t from the regulars,” Mateus replied.

  “I know, but when I get a call from Dominick and he says someone is selling at different prices, taking lead on suppliers who pay us, I get concerned that some dick is attempting a silent take over. We always know who the players are before they even get to the table. This silent shit isn’t a good sign. The last fucking thing we need are cops on our asses,” Fedarro replied.

  “We aren’t directly connected to any of the drugs and shit. Let’s let the men do what they do best. On another note, has Gisella heard from Donata lately?” Mateus asked.

  “No, why?”

  “Bella was with her this morning at the gym. She said she was sporting some nasty bruising on her ribs. Bella is suspicious, and considering who she was with last night, I’m feeling the concern, too.”

  “Who was she with last night?” Fedarro asked.

  “Coleman Perkins.”

  “That’s definitely means for concern. I don’t like this, especially how Donata had been gone without word for so long and seemingly in pain when Gisella saw her at the club. Something is going on with her.”

  Fedarro exhaled.

  “I know it seems like something is going on, but what, who knows. Donata doesn’t tell anyone anything personal. Not a good thing,” Mateus stated.

  “How does she know Perkins? Are they friends? Is it business? What?” Fedarro asked.

  “Sounded like more than just business, considering the man was kissing her.”

  “Harley and the guys know?” Fedarro asked.

  “Jack and Turbo were there to see it. They expressed concern over her well-being,” Mateus told him.

  “Good. They should be concerned, especially knowing that Coleman is a slimy fuck.”

  “With friends in pretty fucking low places,” Fedarro told them.

  “What would he want with Donata is what I want to know, too?” Mateus asked.

  “I’m assuming that Jack and Turbo will look into it deeper. Keep me posted on this. Gisella is concerned, as I’m sure Bella and the others are.”

  “Turbo and Jack think that Coleman may have something on Donata.”


  “They’re finding out as we speak. I’ve never seen them this pissed off,” Mateus stated.

  “Well, they seem to care about her, so jealousy over seeing her kiss another man could make them crazy,” Fedarro replied.

  “Kind of like other men we know.”

  “Looks who’s talking, cous. You were a fucking lunatic when you and Major set your eyes on Bella. In fact, when she’s around neither of you can
keep her but a few feet away, if that.”

  “As you and Collin have a short leash on Gisella.”

  Fedarro chuckled. “Yeah, well, what can I say?”

  “Nothing. Let’s just hope for Harley, Covan, Jack, and Turbo that Donata isn’t in deep with Coleman. They’ll be hell to handle and keep control of.”

  “They are a crazy set of men who are capable of many things, so I hope this doesn’t turn into a fucking mess. Let me know if you or they need assistance.”

  Mateus chuckled. “Knowing how they operate, they’ll have answers by the end of the day. Talk to you later.”

  Mateus ended the call and then sat back in his chair. Coleman Perkins had his hands in many things but only those that were profitable. What could he want from Donata? As he’d discussed ideas with Jack this morning, they had thought it may have something to do with her brother’s business. Could Coleman be interested in getting in on the action with Ellis and James Enterprise? Mateus heard that they were doing very well financially and had multiple products in their line. Donata was the CFO of that company and worked with numbers. Maybe Coleman wanted in on investing. That wouldn’t be smart on Donata’s brother’s part. He thought about the other partner, Clay Ellis, who everyone called Ellis. Why wasn’t he at the event last night?

  Mateus picked up his cell phone and texted Jack.

  Might I suggest you looking into why Clay Ellis wasn’t at the event last night. The man never misses that fundraiser or an opportunity to promote the company or pick up women.

  He leaned back in his chair after he pressed send. Why was he feeling so uneasy? He always respected his gut instincts, and when they kicked in, they were usually on target. He hoped more trouble wasn’t on its way, and especially not with Donata. Turbo, Covan, Jack, and Harley were fierce men. Enforcers of a different kind, having military experience and even experience as mercenaries. They were not men to piss off, and their connections and relatives were across the United States. When they wanted answers, they got them by any means necessary.

  * * * *

  “Explain,” Jack demanded over the phone as he held Turbo’s gaze. They sat in the SUV right outside of Donata’s apartment building. The thing was, they weren’t the only ones. A black limo was out there, too.

  “So he’s laid up in bed with multiple injuries? You know this for a fact, Alan?” Jack asked his buddy over the phone. He worked for the limo service that had provided transportation for Donata, Kyle, and Ellis on their trip.

  Jack listened as Alan told him what he observed and bits of the conversation. “They came in on a flight from New Delhi.”

  “New Delhi?” he asked.

  “Yes, some kind of business with a guy they have been working with for years and hoping he didn’t catch wind of this other situation.”

  There wasn’t much more info, but Jack was already reading into it.

  “I appreciate the information. Anything else pops up, let me know.”

  “Well?” Turbo asked and Jack told him what Alan had observed.

  “So someone put a beating in on Ellis, and perhaps Donata, too.”

  “I don’t like this feeling I have,” Jack said, grinding his teeth and looking back toward the dark limo outside of Donata’s apartment. When the door opened, Jack and Turbo watched.

  “Who the hell is that?” Jack saw the guy who looked to be of Middle Eastern descent standing there in a suit, with two definite security guys next to him.

  “Fuck,” Turbo whispered as Donata walked out of the building dressed like some gorgeous supermodel sporting business attire that was both sexy and classy. The skirt was long and hugged her curves and her blouse was tucked in just so, but from here he could see the dip in the top and the long multiple strands of pearls around her neck. She smiled, and the man reached out to greet her with a kiss to each cheek. He held her arms and looked her over. Turbo cursed the fucker.

  As they got into the limo, security got into the back seat with them. Jack took down the tags on the car and then sent them to Harley to see who the limo belonged to.

  “What do you think?”

  “What the fuck if I know what she’s gotten herself into. Let’s follow them and see, but if he takes her to a hotel or something, I’m going to lose my fucking mind.”

  “Jack, I’m right there with you. We need to confront her. To find out about the bruises, about this fucking trip to New Delhi, and who this guy is and what she could possibly be involved in with Coleman Perkins.”

  Jack glanced at his cell phone.

  “What is it?”

  “Harley and Covan have been looking into those additional drugs that have reached the streets. Mateus, Major, Fedarro, and Collin are concerned about their quality and who is making money from them in their territory. Harley said they found a guy who says the rumor is Middle Eastern dealers.”

  Turbo followed the limo.

  “Fuck, this is not coincidence. You know that right?”

  Jack swallowed hard. He thought about some of the missions he and his team, as well as their cousins out in Texas and South Carolina, had done while serving in special units for the government. Hell, they still had connections to a lot of underground people in the Middle East. Could some terrorist assholes be trying to move in on the Fiorre business? What a fucking mess that would be.

  His phone rang, and he saw that it was Harley.

  “Why did you send me this plate and tell me you aren’t following them because Donata is in the vehicle?”

  “That’s exactly why I sent it to you. What do you got?”

  “A dick with diplomatic immunity. It’s registered to a company that deals solely with international big shots from Middle Eastern countries. It’s being leased by some Saudi Arabian company. What is she doing dealing with Saudi men? I’m assuming it’s men in there,” Harley snapped.

  “That’s why we’re following them. She seemed to know the guy who greeted her. She was dressed all business like, and they’re heading into Manhattan.”

  “Stay on them, and when she’s done and you can grab her, do it and call us. We’ll meet up with you immediately.”

  “Okay.” Jack ended the call. He told Turbo what Harley and Covan had found out. Turbo gripped the steering wheel.

  “Why the hell would she be talking to men like that? What the fuck is she doing?”

  “I’m asking myself the same things, as well as, what the fuck has she gotten herself into and how deep?”

  * * * *

  Donata was trying so hard to be calm, but these men were carrying, they were associates of Admere and Mulkan, and they were checking in on the company. She hated that it was her these men had been told to see and not Kyle or Ellis. Plus, she was extra nervous after her conversation with Coleman and his talk about getting her out of this situation. It seemed instead of resolving this and getting out from under Admere’s thumb, she was getting deeper into trouble.

  They were sitting at a private table in the back of an upscale restaurant in town. She was shaking, and this guy—Lamad, a man that worked for Admere—knew it. He gave her a smile and then patted her hand under the table.

  “Miss. James, there’s no need to be so nervous. I mean you no harm. I’m merely here to get updates, and to talk to you in person about further business with Ellis and James on behalf of my boss.”

  “You should really be meeting with my brother and his partner. It’s their company.”

  He smiled and shook his head. Then he took a sip from his glass of water.

  “The rules were explained to you before you were released, were they not?” he said to her. She swallowed hard. “Of course the rules were explained to me. I still have the bruises as a reminder.” He narrowed his eyes at her, and she regretted getting a little snappy. Then he gave a soft smile.

  “Admere is quite the powerful man, and wealthy. He looks forward to seeing you again and continuing this business contract.”

  She tightened up. “I thought that this was a temporary deal and that
he would look for other means eventually to distribute his…products.” She looked around them. He squinted at her.

  “When was the last time you spoke to Ellis?”

  She was surprised by the change of subject. “I’m not really on speaking terms with him.”

  “Well, you need to be. He has been discussing deals with Halan Dajon despite Admere’s request that he not.”

  Her eyes widened. What the hell was he doing? It was her life on the line. Her brother’s, too. All business decisions needed to be handled together.

  “I take it you didn’t know about this.”

  She shook her head. “What the hell is he thinking?” she said and looked around them and reached for her cell phone. Lamad grabbed her hand and squeezed it, then covered it gently as she gasped and held his gaze.

  “Not to worry. It’s obvious that you had no knowledge of this. Otherwise if you did, then we would be heading back to Saudi Arabia together.”

  “What do you mean heading back to Saudi Arabia? I was never there. What’s there?” He held her gaze and looked over her chest, and then her lips and eyes.

  “Admere,” he said and then released her hand. Her jaw dropped and she quickly tried to recover.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’ve done what was requested. So has Kyle.”

  “Not Ellis if he’s negotiating other deals with Admere’s competition behind Admere’s back. You must understand that people have died for much less.”

  She wanted to cry. This was getting worse and worse, and it seemed like no matter what she did or Kyle and Ellis did that it wouldn’t be enough for Admere. He ultimately wanted her now, and there didn’t seem a way out of this. She felt sick, scared, and covered her belly with her hand.

  Lamad took out his cell phone and held it to his ear. “No knowledge whatsoever. The others are with the brother now. Ellis will be handled accordingly, sir.” Lamad held her gaze. “Right here. Yes, sir.” He covered the mouthpiece. “He wants to speak with you.” He handed her the phone, and she couldn’t even swallow. Her throat was instantly dry, and she felt sick.


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