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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

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by KM Lowe

  Author History

  My name is Kelly McMullen Lowe and I was born on March 19, 1986 to the proud parents of Christine Greenlees Beaumont Steedman and Hugh Patrick McMullen. My parents taught me the value of life and they showed me how to succeed. I married David Lowe, on December 30, 2006 and we have two wonderful children named Dylan and Tianna. Over the last couple of years, I was unwell and I put all of my time into my family and reading. In 2012 I wanted to commit myself to writing my own novel. I have put a lot of time and effort into all of my books. I hope that you all enjoy them, as much I did writing them.


  First of all, I would like to thank Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design for helping me to create a beautiful cover for my tenth novel. You have helped me through a difficult time when I couldn't find what I was looking for. I will always be grateful to you for your help with picking my cover photo.

  Second, I would like to thank Karen Sanders for editing my book. This process has been so much easier with you on my side. You answered all of my questions and I hope to have you as my editor for a long time to come. You keep pushing me to be the best I can be, and for that I am truly grateful.

  Also, I would like to thank my family and friends for putting up with me over the last couple of years. My husband will get some sense out of me for a couple of weeks, until I start writing again. This book would not have been possible if it wasn't for the support of my husband. I love you to the moon and back.

  Next, I would like to thank my children for being my little angels. I love you dearly and you mean the world to me. I hope that one day you will be able to read mummy's work. In the meantime, Dylan, you can read the blurb. My son is my little book worm. I hope when he gets older, he will still enjoy reading just as much.

  Finally, to my readers. Thank you all for purchasing my books. It means a lot to see so many of you reading what I write. All of your lovely reviews and comments make everything worthwhile. Your willingness to buy The Beautiful Life Trilogy gave me the nudge I needed when I was at a low point in my life. I have made lots of new friends from all over the world. That wouldn’t have been possible, if it wasn't for my writing. I would like to thank everyone on my street team. Without Suzie and the other ladies, I would be snowed under with promoting books. You ladies take a lot of the pressure off and I thank you for that.

  Special Acknowledgements

  I would like to thank the ladies of my street team for everything they do for me. There’s so many of them that I want to thank individually, but I don’t want to miss anyone out. Each day, the tags and shares touch my heart, and I love you all dearly. I’m so blessed to have you all in my life. <3


  I would like to dedicate this novel to one lady who has stuck by me through thick and thin. She has encouraged me to write when I wanted to give up. She was there when I was going through surgery and treatment. She makes me laugh every day. Life without her in it would be very dull. This novel is for her, because I know how much she loves paranormal romance.

  For my bestie – Stracey Charran. I love you girlie! <3


  7th February 2000


  I sat in my small room, counting the minutes between contractions. I've spent most of my pregnancy locked in this cabin by Damian, the Alpha of our pack. For the last year, I was used and abused to carry this child. A child Damian was hoping would be a boy. I hoped to God it was a boy as well, or I shuddered to think what would happen. Girls in the pack were treated like dirt on the bottom of the male’s shoes. We'd no place in an all-male orientated pack like this one. The men ruled the roost and we obeyed them… no matter what they asked of us.

  We were worthless.

  Five minutes. The time between each contraction was lowering every time I counted them. I didn’t want to be there alone. A single tear rolled down my cheek as fear and pain took over my body and mind. I had no one. My parents were killed in this pack, and I found it hard to believe that Damian and his bunch of merry men didn't have something to do with that. No one cared enough to be by my side, to tell me everything was going to be okay. I once thought I'd have a happy life with Jasper, a member of the pack, but that idea was squashed when Damian banished him from seeing me as a friend. Now, I had no one. I had nothing. I was nothing.

  I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth as another contraction tightened my large stomach. I told Damian at breakfast I wasn't feeling good, but I got a grunt and an unintelligible answer about him going hunting. The pack was like something from centuries ago. Women were forced to live by the rules - cook, clean, and look after the male in their life. My role was to bear a son for the Alpha. There was no love between Damian and me. In fact, I couldn’t stand the ground he walked on. I'd thought of every possibility to get out of there, but when he wasn't around, he had the cabin guarded with his security.

  It was my idea of hell.

  Three minutes. I got onto my hands and knees and tried to relieve some of the pressure from my hips. I wanted to scream out, but it was pointless. Damian would only come back when he was good and ready. No one could make him do anything he didn’t want to. Not even the birth of his child. I'd found, over the last twelve months, the best thing to do was just ride it out, smile, and accept my fate. The more I fought, the harder it was for me.

  Two minutes. The pain was getting worse and I couldn’t do anything to relieve it. The baby was coming and he or she would be born into a hell hole. I'd do everything in my power to get my child away from the pack. I couldn’t bring my baby up there. I wouldn’t. As long as we were there, we wouldn’t have anything.

  "What the?"

  I cringed at the sound of Damian's gruff voice as he entered the room. I would've much rather delivered the child alone, as opposed to having him beside me.

  "Get the healer," Damian hollered out to someone as he hauled me up onto my feet. I was fighting with him because I didn't want to go anywhere. That room had become my haven. My sanctuary.

  "I'm trying to help you. Come on." I tried to move my feet, but a contraction took over my body. If it wasn't for Damian's firm grip, I would've landed back on the floor. He scooped me up into his arms and placed me down on the bed. My heart was beating so fast and my body was becoming tired and weak.

  I had one job to do; deliver my baby safely.

  "Carmen." I lifted my head to the sound of Meg, the pack healer. She used to be my friend, but now I couldn’t get close to anyone. "This baby is ready for making an appearance."

  "I know." I sobbed.

  The pain was easy. The thought of my baby being taken from me if it wasn't what Damian wanted was killing me inside. I'd nurtured this tiny person. I'd carried it for nine months. Felt the kicks and movements. Now, it could've all been for nothing.

  "On the next contraction, I want you to push, sweetie," said Meg. "Damian, you need to support her."

  "Just deliver the damn child," he spat.

  I was glad he kept his distance. I didn't want to see, hear, or smell his disappointment. I had enough to deal with. Another contraction hit me again and I pushed with all I had. The pressure got worse and I felt my head spin. This was torture.

  "I can see the head. One more push, Carmen."

  One more push. One more scream. I heard the soft mewl of a cry coming from my child, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I did it. I gave birth to my first child. I'd like to say it was easy, but it was anything but. "You have a beautiful daughter, Carmen."

  “No!" yelled Damian. "It can't be." He walked over to the c
hild in Meg's hands then stormed out of the door. I didn’t know how he didn’t take the door off the hinges, because it rattled several times after he slammed it shut.

  "Here we go, sweetie. Do you have a name?"

  I took my child into my arms and cried. I cried so hard that the sobs leaving my body hurt like hell. What was going to happen now? Was she ever going to have a happy life?

  "Lisa." I wiped my face with my spare hand while I held my daughter close to my chest. "I want to call her Lisa."

  "That's a lovely name. I'll go and get you some sweet tea while you bond. When I come back, we'll get you cleaned up and get this little princess fed. "

  I nodded slowly and never took my eyes off my gurgling baby. She had beautiful big blue eyes. She was so alert, kicking her legs against me. Her small fingers wrapped around mine and gripped on tightly. She was already showing strength and determination. A true Alpha already, but I doubted she'd ever get that chance in a pack like this.

  "Damian, you can't do this. She needs her mother!"

  I heard the commotion outside before Damian came crashing through the door with Meg hot on his heels.

  "You can't even do that right! You're pathetic," he yelled, making Lisa cry. "Give it to me. Now!"

  "No. Where are you taking her?"

  "As far away from this pack as possible. It has no place here," he spat at me with fury I'd never seen before.

  "It? She's your daughter! You can't take her away from me, Damian. We can try for another child, just don't take her. Please!"

  "You had your chance."

  My daughter was snatched out of my hands and I tried to jump up to get her, but I fell onto the cold floor at the side of the bed. I screamed and cried for him to change his mind, but he was out of the door quicker than lightning. Jasper, one of my old friends from the pack, appeared in the doorway. He came in to help Meg get me back into the bed, but the moment I stood up, I felt a large gush of liquid leave my body. When I looked down, the blood was a puddle around my feet.

  "Jasper, help me, quickly," Meg shouted in sheer panic.

  My head was spinning and my body felt like it wasn't my own. I didn't know whether I was coming or going, but I knew I needed my child.

  "Come on, Carmen. Fight, honey," said Jasper.

  "We're losing her, Jas."

  "Jasper..." I squeaked out. "Promise me something!"

  "Anything, honey." His hands rested on my face, and for a brief moment, I felt a little bit of love and warmth from the man I knew was my mate.

  "You look for my daughter and make sure she's okay." I concentrated on his tear-filled eyes as he nodded slowly.

  "I promise." He bent down and placed his lips over mine. Those lips were what I'd dreamt of for months, and now I had them, but it was too late.

  With his promise hanging in the air, I let my eyes close and peace washed over my body.



  23rd December 2000

  It’s times like this that I wish I didn’t have to work for the council. Here we are, two days before Christmas, and we’ve to charge into this pack because the Alpha’s been abusing his role. I have my team of enforcers here with me, but sometimes I just wish this kind of thing didn’t happen. I’ve seen rogues with my own two eyes and the memories and the pain is still raw. I still think about Carmen every minute of every day. I’ve followed her orders and tracked her daughter down. I’ve moved into the same area where Lisa lives now. I do these missions on the side for the council, because I need to keep active. My wolf needs to be free. The human life is okay for me, but it would send my wolf bonkers after a while.

  “Boss, we’re all set,” says Callum, one of my good friends and enforcers.

  I try to get out of my own head and concentrate on the task at hand. I need to concentrate to come out of this alive. I need to go home to protect the one thing that means so much to me – Lisa.

  “Okay. Let’s do this.” I move forward from my spot shaded by trees and see my wolves coming from all directions. We prowl forward until we hear gasps coming from remaining pack members. I’d probably say they’re gasps of relief.

  The Alpha’s cabin door shoots open. Out comes the big brute with his supporters beside him. He looks a dirty beast and I’d take pride in tearing his throat out.

  “What the fuck do you mangy dogs think you’re doing on my land?” says the Alpha, jumping down from his steps, taking up a good position in front of me.

  I don’t shift. I won’t let my guard down. Deep down, this prick will know exactly who and what we’re doing here. Every dirty dog gets their comeuppance.

  My paws move forward against the dry land. I growl and make my intentions clear. Before he can shift to wolf form, I pounce on his body and wrap my jaws around his neck. I hear the bone crack and the body falls to the ground. I look around and my wolves are taking care of the Alpha’s main men that thought they’d get away. No one gets away on my watch.

  I walk up to the cabin and sniff the porch. There is someone else inside, but I don’t get the scent of anger or fear. Weird. I take the chance and shift into my human form. I enter the cabin on alert. The main room is clear. There isn’t anything but rubbish and clothes lying around the room.

  I creep into one room that must be the master bedroom, but it doesn’t look any cleaner. It’s clear of men. There’s a room opposite this and the door is shut. I creep over and push it open quickly, banging it off the wall. It’s clear of any adults, but I walk over to a travel cot sitting in the middle of the floor. I creep over and peer over the side. I gasp as I see a baby boy lying on his back, playing with his covers.

  He’s beautiful. I smile, bend over, and pick him up close to my chest. He’s clearly similar in age to Lisa, but he needs a good feed. He isn’t as big as he should be for a shifter baby.

  The baby breaks my train of thought when he pulls my ears. We both smile at one another and our eyes lock. Something shifts inside of me. I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel something for this child.

  “Jasper, we’re clear out he-” Callum stops in his tracks as he sees me with the child. “A baby. Whose is it?”

  I shrug my shoulders and turn to exit the room to speak with pack members who may be able to help. “Do you want me to take him?” Callum asks, but I pull the baby closer to me and shake my head. “Okay. Okay. I get it.”

  I nod and leave the cabin with the baby clung to my naked body. No one told us a child was involved. We had no idea this was going to be an issue.

  “Oh, thank God, the child is still alive,” said an elderly lady, jogging up to me.

  “What’s your name?” I ask sharply, and keep the child out of the way.

  “My name is Catherine. I knew the baby’s mother. She was killed after the child arrived and no one saw him again. You need to take him. Keep him safe.”

  “Boss, what do you want to do?” asks Callum from behind me.

  “This pack needs an Alpha. Julian wants an elder to take over until they find their feet…”

  “Joe…” the old lady interrupts me again. “Sorry, Alpha.”

  “It’s okay, Catherine. I’m not your Alpha. Explain who Joe is.”

  “Joe is the only young man we have left that didn’t conform to the rules of the man you just killed. His father was an Alpha. That blood runs through his veins and no one will question that.”

  “Okay. Bring him to me. I’m going to get the child some clothes.” I turn and stop in front of Callum. “Have a meeting with Joe. Make sure he’s able for the job. Tell him what we expect from him. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks to see if this pack is rebuilding the way it should.” I pass Callum.

  “Jasper?” I look over my shoulder. “What’s going to happen with the child?”

  I look down at the child holding my body like a vice. “He’s coming with me. I’ll see what Julian and Braxton have to say, but this child is now under my care until further notice.”

  No one questions my motives or tell
s me I’m crazy. I know I must need my head looking at, but right now, this feels right. I’ll teach him everything he needs to know about his shifting ability. I’ll give him the life he deserves.

  I never expected to be a father figure since I lost my soulmate nearly a year ago, but here I am, holding a child. The Goddess deals us the hands she believes we can deal with. She knows I need this to feel complete. She knows, with me, the child will be safe.

  “Let’s get you home, little man.” I smile and my heart beats for something other than Lisa.

  Chapter 1

  3rd January 2017


  Lying in my room, I have time to think about where my life is going. I've been brought up in the small village of Anderson, at the top of Scotland. It's small, but beautiful. I've always been made aware that my parents are my adoptive parents, but it's left questions in my mind as to where my real family is. There was never any information, because I was left on the steps of a hospital. My birth mother was never found, but the doctor that found me adopted me. Doctor Whitelands. He was my saviour. He and his wife fell in love with me the moment they held me in their arms. They had two sons of their own who are now nineteen and twenty-one—Kelvin and Clyde. They've always accepted me as their sister. They've looked out for me and chased boys away. I'm eighteen in just a few weeks’ time and I feel like I'm missing something. I'm starting Dundee University in September, where I’m going to practice medicine. I think I want to follow in my father’s footsteps. I've always liked looking after people, and I look forward to following my dreams. I know I'll have the love and support of my family no matter what I decide to do, and that’s the best feeling in the world.

  Knock knock.

  "Come in," I shout.

  "Hi, sweetheart. Your mother and I are heading out for a while. Markus just pulled into the drive. I take it he's coming to see you?" my father asks.


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