Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1) Page 2

by KM Lowe

  "Yeah. We have a Biology project to finish for Monday." I smile brightly.

  "Okay. We won't be late. If you need us, just call. Kelvin is out, but he'll be home at some point."

  "No problem. Have fun."

  My father is one of those men every woman dreams of. He’s kind, sensitive, helpful... I can't say anything negative about him. He truly is one of a kind.

  "Hey, doll face. Are you ready for me?" Markus says as he walks into my room, throwing his backpack down.

  Markus is one of my best friends. We've been friends for years. He puts up with me when I'm moody. He holds me when I'm upset. He laughs with me when I'm stupid. He's a good friend. Sometimes I wish he'd take the plunge and ask me out on a date, but he never has.

  "As good as I'll ever be. Unless you want to write the report for me? "

  "Aye, good one. Get off your arse and get your books. We aren't finishing tonight until it's done and dusted."

  "It's Saturday night, Marky. We should be out having fun. My parents have a better social life than we do." I huff a sigh and do as I’m told. I'm wasting my breath, because Markus is as geeky as me where schoolwork is concerned. He has his whole future mapped out. He wants to be a top criminal lawyer. Yeah; rather him than me. I'll stick with the wonderful world of medicine.

  "Are you okay?" he asks softly.

  "Aye, I'm just fed up." I cross my room and throw my books down on the floor. I wasn't telling lies. I have a bee up my arse about something, but I can’t understand why.

  "I know you better than you know yourself, so spill."

  I sigh. "Remember how I keep having crazy dreams?" He nods, never letting his eyes drop from mine. "Well, they're happening every night now. I can't put my finger on it. They feel so real that, when I wake up, I feel like my head is going to explode, like something was trying to get out. I'm exhausted trying to figure it out."

  Silence surrounds us, and I walk across to my desk and sink down on my chair. I can’t understand it, and I doubt my best friend will either. It just feels good telling someone about it.

  "Lisa, have you told your mum or dad? Maybe they could help."

  "They'd probably think I'm going crazy and, trust me, I've even thought that myself."

  I shake my head and turn back to my laptop. I’m done letting my dreams get on my nerves. I just have to find a way to make them stop.

  "Look, I'm not an expert, but why don't you come to my house tomorrow? We'll do some online searches and see what we can do to help you. Dad always cooks Sunday roast and he always tells me to invite you over. I'm sure he'll enjoy our company."

  "Yeah. I haven't seen your dad for about two weeks. It's a plan. My mum and dad will be okay with me joining you. Now, let's get this bloody report finished. I swear, if I research anything else on chromosomes, my brain will die."

  "Very dramatic, doll."

  I roll my eyes and throw my pen at Markus' head. Luckily, he's got good reflexes and he ducks out of the way before my pen reaches its target.

  This is one thing I love; having a good friend I can share anything with. My dad always says, 'A problem shared is a problem solved.’

  It's official. I'm turning into my parents.

  Chapter 2


  I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. My father is sitting at the table with his newspaper. His usual Sunday ritual; coffee and newspapers until at least lunch time. My mum is busy preparing the Sunday dinner. Again, another ritual. It happens every Sunday like clockwork. They work hard all week and come Sunday, it's their day of rest.

  "There's my girl. Did you get your Biology assignment finished last night?" Dad asks, giving me his full attention.

  "Eventually. Markus and I always work well together. Two brains are better than one. Talking about Markus, his dad invited me over for dinner."

  "I was talking to Jasper this morning at the store. He was telling me that he hadn't seen you since before his trip overseas, so he's looking forward to catching up with you kids."

  Jasper is another man who would make any woman swoon. He's my dad's friend, so it figures that they're alike. He's fun to be around and he looks out for Markus and me. I'm lucky to have a loving family and good friends, considering what my life could've been like.

  "Looks like it's just you and me tonight, Max," my mum says as she places a kiss on my cheek. "If you need a lift home, just call me, honey."

  "Thanks. Markus is on his way over for me. Did you guys have a good time last night?"

  "It was just one of your father's work events. He had to do a talk about the cancer treatment they're working on. I was glad to see the back of it, but don't tell your dad," my mum whispered.

  "I do have ears that work, Val."

  My mum and I laugh as I hear a horn beeping from outside. I know it’s Markus, because I’d know the sound of his car anywhere. I'm jealous he passed his driving test two months ago and I haven't. Saying that, he gets to chauffeur me around, so I call that a win.

  "That's Markus. I'll see you tonight," I tell my parents as I gather my things.

  "Okay, darling. Have fun."


  I practically run to Markus' car. I’m eager to get to the bottom of these nightmares. I’ll do or try anything to get a full night’s sleep. I really need the rest for my exams. I’m just not used to having little to no sleep and my body is struggling.

  "Hey," says Markus the moment I open his passenger side door.

  "Hi. Thanks for picking me up."

  "No worries. You ready?"

  "Yup. Are you okay?"

  I can't help but notice that Marky is a little on edge. He isn't his usual bubbly self, and his fingers drum on his steering wheel as he bites the inside of his lip.

  "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

  "I don't know. That's why I'm asking."

  He sniggers.

  "Let's get going."

  I look at Markus as he pulls out of my driveway. I scrunch my eyes in concentration because I really want to know what’s wrong. We've got this connection that I've not got with anyone else, and I know when he's happy and sad. I think it's because I'm with him a lot and we’ve been friends since we were toddlers. That's the only reason I have for it.

  I turn my attention outside. The countryside flashes by my windows as we drive out to Markus' farmhouse. It's a beauty spot where Markus and his dad live. They're surrounded by fields and acres upon acres of woodlands. It's beautiful. I love going out there just to walk around, but the weather isn't good enough to do that until about April. Before that, we have the typical Scottish weather—cold, wet, and snowy.

  Markus' car comes to a stop at the front of his house and I unbuckle and get out. When we got to the front of his car he places his hand on my shoulder, making me stop and gaze into his eyes. "Whatever happens, I'll always care about you. These nightmares, school, university. I'll always be here."

  Weird. It isn't like Markus to be so serious.

  "I know. Just like I'll always be here for you."

  "Come on. My dad is waiting for us."

  Markus moves first, and I watch his back for a few moments before I make my way into the house. The house I've spent a lot of my time in while growing up. It's warm and inviting, modern and up to date with the latest technology and gadgets. Jasper likes to play around and invent new gadgets that will help out here in the middle of nowhere. Not that he needs to, because we're not in the 1800s.

  "Hey. Let me look at you. I feel like I've not seen you in months."

  I turn at the sound of Jasper’s raspy voice and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

  "Hi, Jasper. How was your trip?"

  "Boring. I was counting down the days until I came home. How are you, honey?" He takes me into his arms and places a kiss on the side of my cheek. Some people would think that was a weird embrace for my friend’s father, but Jasper is like an uncle to me. He always has been.

  "I'm good. Markus said you were cooking today, so y
ou have a guest."

  "You're not a guest. You're part of the family. You kids go and amuse yourselves for a wee while until I cook us up a treat." He winks and turns back towards the kitchen area.

  "Okay. Lisa and I have something to do anyway." Markus pulls my hand and drags me down the corridor to his room.

  "What's the hurry?" I giggle.

  "Sorry. I didn't sleep too well last night."

  "Okay." I close the door behind me and Markus flops down on his double bed. He looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders, and as his friend, that breaks my heart. "We can just chill out if you like."

  "Aye, I'd like that. Here, stick this on the iPod speakers." He launches his iPod to me and I’m surprised I catch it. I must admit, my reflexes are getting better as I get older. I was a clumsy child, falling over my own shadow on many occasions. It's a good job I have parents who are doctors, because they patched me up a lot, saving me many trips to accident and emergency.

  I press play on the iPod and throw my jacket down on his chair. I climb on the bed beside him and place my hand in his. The electrical current runs through my arm, and instantly, I relax into his pillows.

  "You know you can talk to me, right?" He speaks first, breaking the silence between us.

  "Of course I do. Just like you can talk to me. Anytime."

  I’ll miss this when we go to university. Who knows what will happen when we have our own lives to lead? It makes me nervous, because Markus is my comfort zone. He’s the friend who’s always there. Yes, I've got girl pals but whenever I have a problem, it's Marky I call.

  "Where did you go there?" he asks.

  "Being silly. I had a ‘what the fuck’ moment. Come September, when I go to uni, we'll be on our own. I won't have you by my side. I won't have you to pick up the pieces of my broken heart," I joke.

  "No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you, doll. Always. I've applied to a few universities and, who knows? Maybe I'll be at Dundee with you. But, if I'm not, I'll only be a phone call away. That will never change."

  "You say that now, but life moves on. You'll have new friends. A girlfriend even."

  Just thinking about Markus having a girlfriend makes my stomach clench. I know I have no excuse to be jealous. It's none of my business who Markus dates, and I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer.

  "Not going to happen. I promise that I'll always be here for you. When have I ever broken that promise?" He nudges me with his elbow and raises his brow at me.

  "Why do we have to grow up?" I sigh.

  "Come here." Marky's hand leaves mine and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. He pulls me into his chest and my head rests softly on his collarbone. He’s growing into a strong, muscular man. All the women will be falling over themselves to get to him. They'd be crazy not to, because he's a pure diamond. "This friendship will never die, Lisa. We’ll only get stronger."

  A smile spreads across my lips. Why? I have no idea. All I know is that I love Markus with every fibre of my being. I don't think I'll survive without him by my side. I'll miss him deeply; physically and emotionally.

  "Tell me about these nightmares. Explain them to me."

  I’m glad the sappy conversation has changed, but this isn’t a subject I know how to broach. I don’t understand them, so I don’t expect anyone else to make head nor tail of them.

  "They're not nightmares. More of a joke. Promise not to laugh."

  His hand lifts my chin until our eyes meet. "I'd never laugh at you. With you, now that's another story." He winks.

  I hit his chest and leave my hand to linger over his beating heart. I can feel it pumping hard underneath my hand. It’s strong, just like him.

  "I'm a wolf in most of them. Running through a forest. I feel like I'm carefree. Happy. The wind blows in my face. I feel it all. When I wake up, I feel like I've just been for a run in the forest. My skin is prickly. My head is fuzzy. The adrenaline runs through my veins…” I pause, because I know how stupid I sound. “I told you they were weird." I try to chuckle, but just hearing myself speak out loud makes me realise how crazy I’m being.

  "My little she wolf."

  "Stop it." I laugh and sit back up, breaking away from our embrace.

  When I look into Markus' eyes, I swear I see them glittering, but I shake my head and lean back against his pillows. I'm really losing my mind.

  "I'll be back in a minute. Do you want a drink?"

  "Yes, please."

  Markus jumps off the bed and leaves me lying comfortably. I watch his retreating back until the door closes behind him. He’s definitely weird today.

  Something is up with him and I’m not leaving until I find out what.

  Chapter 3


  I walk as fast as I can down into the basement where my dad has his workspace. He's always messing about with gadgets down here. My head is spinning, my heart is pounding, and I feel lost. I've just left the woman of my dreams on my bed while I get us drinks. Well, that's my excuse, but it's to stop me blurting out my secret. The secret I've kept for as long as I can remember. The secret that haunts me every day.

  I'm a wolf shifter.

  A fucking wolf of all things. I did my first shift on my fifteenth birthday. I've always been aware of my ability to shift, but I've not been allowed to tell a soul. My dad is an enforcer on the council, and has been for the last sixteen years. He dedicates his life to this world, to keeping everyone in place, and to keeping our existence a secret. He cares about what he does, and that shows with every shifter he saves.

  Just like he did with me. Jasper isn't really my dad, but he saved me from the evil Alpha of our pack, who was also my uncle. He killed my parents just to take over as Alpha, but he had no interest in taking care of a baby. I was left to fend for myself until Jasper showed up. Jasper was the enforcer that took over our pack until a new Alpha could be recruited. When Jasper's time came to an end, he asked the council if he could take me and raise me as his own. Here we are, sixteen years later, in this small Scottish village of Anderson.

  "Markus, buddy. What's wrong?" Dad asks as he watches me pace back and forth in his space.

  "I..." I run my hands through my hair and pull it as tight as I can to stop myself from screaming. "It's Lisa."

  "What about Lisa?"

  He walks over to me. His face is straight, and I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  "She... she's been having these weird dreams. They were every so often, but now they're every night. She's a wolf in her dreams and when she wakes up she feels like they're real. I love her, Dad. What does this mean? I can't think of anyone but her. I can't even think about losing her. She's my soulmate. I've known it for so long, but I've tried to ignore it. I can't ignore it anymore because it's driving me crazy. My beast is on the prowl all the goddamn time. I can't eat. I'm not sleeping. I'm anxious and on edge whenever she's not with me. She isn't a wolf, so what do I do? I've kept it together for as long as I can," I tell him, gasping for breath.

  I sigh and let my hair go.

  "Come and sit down. We need to talk."

  His tone is harsh but his eyes are the opposite. I don't blame him because this is all fucked up. "Don't tell me I'm not feeling this, Dad."

  "I wasn't going to. I've had a suspicion for a long time that Lisa is your soulmate. I'm happy about that. I really am. In fact, I'm over the moon about it."

  "But you don't look it and, let's face it, humans can't know about our existence."

  "The thing is, we've been stationed in Anderson because my sole mission was to look after Lisa. You see, nearly eighteen years ago, Carmen, my friend, gave birth to Lisa. She was forced to sleep with the Alpha of our pack because he wanted a son. Carmen was abused for a year before she gave birth to Lisa. When she was born, a daughter was no use to Damian, the Alpha. He ripped Lisa from Carmen's arms and left her to bleed out. She died.” I can’t help but hear the sadness in my dad’s voice. I have a feeling there is a lot more to this story. “The heale
r couldn't do anything to save her. Just before Carmen died, she made me promise to look after Lisa. I promised, Markus. I don't break my promises. That night, I left the pack. I followed the scent to Lisa and set off on my adventure to keep her safe. That was when Braxton, the chief of the council, came to me with a job. Since then, I've been keeping my eye on Lisa, and doing other jobs in between."

  "I don't understand. Why are you doing this?"

  "I promised her mother, but most importantly, Braxton asked me to keep an eye on Lisa because she's a shifter and doesn't know about it. She's late to do her first shift, and I'm guessing her wolf is starting to prowl. It's probably getting impatient. Hence the dreams. Her wolf will sense her mate if what you’re feeling is true."

  "Wait a minute. Are you telling me that Lisa's a shifter?"

  What the fuck?

  "That's exactly what I’m telling you. She's going to need our help, son."

  Fuck me.

  I can't believe I'm hearing any of this. Why have I been kept in the dark for so long? I've been going out of my mind thinking that I can't tell Lisa how much I love her because I'm a shifter and she’s human. Only, she isn't human.

  "And she truly doesn't know?"

  "No. By the sounds of it, the time has arrived to tell her exactly where she comes from. I'll call Braxton now and find out what he thinks. Go to her. Act normal, buddy. I'll call you both down when I have answers."

  Act normal. Yeah. I've done a poor job of that today.

  "She's my soulmate, Dad. I can't bear for her to think badly of me."

  This is all fucked up. I've promised her that I’ll always be here for her, but what if she doesn't want me in her life after this is revealed? I’ve lied to her all her life.

  "Lisa's a clever young lady. She'll come around. You're both lucky because some shifters live a long time without ever having a soulmate. Some never even find the one. I'm proud of you, Markus. "

  "That's why you took me on as your own, isn't it? You saw Carmen and Lisa in me and my story."


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