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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

Page 13

by KM Lowe


  I was so stuck in my own head, I didn’t hear the door click open, or anyone enter the room. "Kev."

  I feel him kneel beside me and his cool hand rests on my soaking wet forehead. I moan and lean into his touch. The coldness feels amazing. "How long have you been like this?"

  "I don't know."

  "I'm so sorry. I had to go out hunting last night. I stayed away until now. If I had been here I would have heard you..."

  "Don't." I rest my head back against the wall and close my eyes. I'm past caring what a mess I look. "It isn't your fault."

  "I’m going to get you out of here, Lisa. Hang on for me, okay?"

  The tears roll down my cheeks at Kevin's words. I honestly don't know how long I can hang on. My body is weak. My mind isn’t my own. I feel like everything is going against me.

  "Your pack. Where are they? I'm in the dark here. Anything you can give me that will help you?"

  I’m about to speak when I hear a bang from above us. I startle into an upright position. I’m not okay, but I would be damned if I'd let those assholes see me like the weakling I’ve become. Kevin stands and walks to the door. The distance from him isn’t what I want. I want to give him as much information as I possibly can, anything to get me out of here, but now we're not alone that isn’t an option.

  I’m shocked when Kevin is pushed back into the room with force. It takes all his strength not to fall on me when he lands in front of me.

  What the fuck? Do they know Kevin is helping me? Have they heard what he said?

  I pay attention to the tall figure standing in the doorway. My father. I would take great pleasure in watching someone tear his throat out. In fact, torture is a better idea. I want him to suffer as much as I am. As much as my mother did.

  "Get up!" he yells, but I don’t know if he’s talking to me or Kevin. I don’t move, but Kevin straightens to his full height. He’s tall and muscular. He looks older than his sixteen years.

  "I won't tell you again. Get up!"

  I start to move but my body is so weak. My legs give out underneath me and I end up on my hands and knees. Kevin bends to help me, but our father pushes him away and hauls me up by my arm.

  "She’s ill. She needs a healer," shouts Kevin, not backing down from the man in front of us.

  "And why would I get the bitch a healer? I want her to suffer. Now move!"

  I’m dragged out of the room for the first time since I woke up here. My body is crying out for help, but I’m not going to get that here. I try to take in my surroundings, but I’m being moved so quickly. All I can gather is that I was in some kind of old, run down cabin. The floors creak under our weight. The smell of damp is terrible.

  The moment we get outside, I’m flung to the floor. My knees scrape off the gravel and I cry out in pain. It’s at moments like this I wish they would just end me. Stop the suffering.

  "Why are you doing this?" asks Kevin from behind us.

  "Why? You know nothing. You'll never be an Alpha! You're useless. You don't even deserve to walk on this Earth," our father snaps, kicking up dirt and stones.

  "No!" I scream. There’s no way I’m letting him talk down to Kevin like that. "You don't deserve to walk on this Earth. You don't deserve to have the magical ability to shift. You're a poor excuse of a shifter. You. Are. A. Bully."

  His hands slaps of my cheek so quickly I never see it coming. My face stings like a bitch, but anger radiates through my body. I lift my head up just as another slap hits the side of my head. The power knocks me dizzy, but not before I see Kevin launch from the porch of the cabin. Several other men stand around but no one moves. Kevin is flung far away from us and his body hits a tree. The bang is sickening.

  "Poor little Kevin, trying to stick up for his bitch of a sister. You're both as bad as each other."

  I try to stand but a kick to my ribs sends me back to the ground. My face flat against the dirt makes me cough and sputter when dust settles in my throat.

  The wind is knocked out of me and any fight or confidence I had is gone too. I just hope I see the day this bastard gets his comeuppance.

  He's going to hell.

  Chapter 21


  We've been running for what feels like weeks, but nearly twelve hours later, we come to a halt at yet another lake. I shift into my human form. Agitation takes over me. I kick a tree stump and lean my head against the bark. My heart is beating so fast in my chest that I feel like it's going to burst. Every minute that ticks by makes me feel further and further away from finding Lisa.

  "Hey." I slide down the tree and sit on the ground. I let my head rest against my knees as I tried to calm myself down before I take it out on my family. "Silly question, but are you okay?"

  "Yeah, just peachy, Dad. How the fuck have they got this far away? We were hot on their heels."

  "We'll keep following the trail. We'll get her, son."

  "You keep saying that, but what state is she going to be in? The longer they have her, the worse it's going to be."

  My head jerks up at the sound of a scream. Lisa. I jump to my feet, but my dad pulls me back. All of our other wolves circle us and I have no way of getting away.

  "Calm down. We've come this far. Another few minutes won't hurt. Half of us will shift, half of us will stay human. We'll take it easy. We'll assess the situation when we get to where they're holding Lisa. Markus, I swear to God, you better not get yourself killed. Please, screw your head on."

  I pull out of my dad’s grasp. "Let's go."

  I’m in no mood to listen. I’m certainly in no mood to follow fucking orders, especially when no one in my position would. It's like taking a child into a sweet shop and telling them not to touch.

  "We'll walk." Jasper squeezes my shoulder.

  I don’t say another word, I just follow the scent I've been following for hours. The same scent I’m beginning to think is all in my head. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I haven't seen any civilization since we left the camp. I just hope Lisa isn’t too badly hurt, because we're a long way from home and there’s no healer amongst us. I’ve never been as terrified in my life.

  Jasper throws his hand across my chest and we stop abruptly. We hear a lot of shouting up ahead and adrenaline rushes through my veins. I watch closely as my dad sends hand signals to the other wolves and they scatter slowly, light as a feather, so no one will hear their approach. A simple nod of my dad's head and we walk slowly straight ahead. Right beside us are two of my dad's enforcers. I've always wondered what my dad did when he went out on these enforcer tasks. I guess this is my chance to see first-hand. Not that I ever intended to find out like this. A go to work with your parents day would have sufficed.

  Up ahead is a rundown cabin. I guess it's some gamekeeper’s cabin because no one else would want to be here. There were two large vehicles parked at the side, but we creep up, hiding behind the trees as we go.

  My body freezes the moment I see Lisa's body being kicked to the ground. Every part of my body feels like it’s on fire. The blood rushing through my veins, my heart pounding; it’s all feelings I’m not used to it. My wolf howls in my head so hard that it’s taking every effort to keep myself from shifting.

  "I'm disappointed, Lisa! I thought I'd get more of a fight from you. Come on. Get up!" I can only assume the large, scruffy man is her father. I notice another man lying against a tree. I don't know who he is, but he looks injured. Jasper holds his hands up, showing seven fingers. I guess that's how many men he can see.

  When Lisa is pulled from the ground by her hair, I can see how pale and limp her body is. I’m about to dash to her when the man that was lying against the tree runs and knocks Lisa away. The two men roll about on the ground and moans escape Lisa's perfect mouth. I've seen enough. I ignore everything my dad said and show myself. My wolf growls and grabs everyone’s attention.

  I sense my dad and his men behind me and my nerves ease slightly. Every part of my body is on high alert and I know
my shift will happen in seconds. We have our mate to save.

  "Well, well, well. You took your time, Jasper."

  Lisa's head lifts slightly and her body slumps flat to the ground. I don't know if it’s relief that we’re here, or that she’s exhausted, battered and bruised.

  "I believe you have something that belongs to me, Damian. Why don't you hand Lisa over? Make it easy for yourself."

  Laughter surrounds us and this brazen mad beast jumps to his feet. The other man walks over to Lisa. I growl out of instinct, but my attention is caught when I hear him say, "It's okay, Lisa. You're going to be safe now. Keep fighting."

  Is he really helping her? Who is he?

  "Now, tell me why I would do anything for you? She's not yours, she's mine," says Damian.

  "Whatever. I'm not here to play games. You either hand Lisa over, or I'll take her, lock your ass up, and make sure you never live to see another day. Trust me, the council have been looking for you. Kind of stupid that you took Lisa from under our noses because you led us right to you. You're pathetic. Does it make you seem like a big man beating a young girl? Well, now it’s our turn to beat you and your minions."

  "Bring. It. On."

  The sneer in his tone is sickening. He’s crazy. Jasper never takes his eyes off the bastard, but he says to me, "Get Lisa a mile or so out of here. I'll catch you up."

  As much as I don’t want to leave my dad, I know Lisa needs me more. I need her just as much. I begin to jog over to my girl, but out of nowhere, I’m flung several hundred yards. I don’t even turn to see what knocked me flying; I shift instantly and let my wolf do the fighting. I’m not a helpless young girl. The quicker these fools see that, the better.

  Just like that, World War Three erupts. All of Jasper’s enforcers shift, and the wolves we had hiding are here to assist. The sound of crunching bones is deafening. I take on a large, lanky wolf that’s no match for me. I pin it down to the ground and tear at the throat. I spit the flesh and blood to the ground just as the wolf stops fighting. The taste of blood is usually welcomed to a wolf, but this bastard tastes like poison. It’s rotten to the core.

  I howl with pain as teeth sink into my hind flank. I turn and fight the wolf. It’s stronger than the last but, face on, it’s powerless. Again, a crunch to the throat and the beast goes limp underneath me. I take in the area around us, but the scene in front of me is like a horror movie. Wolves lying on the ground. Blood, flesh, and bones surrounding them. My dad is in a battle with the bastard that caused this mess, but his howl makes me realise he’s telling me to get to Lisa. I limp over to my girl and beside her is the man I don’t know. I don’t feel threatened by him, but I’m not backing down easily. I shift back into my human form and kneel down beside Lisa. I take her into my arms and run my hand across her cheek.

  "She's ill. She needs a healer. I tried to keep her hydrated, but I don't know what's wrong with her. I found her this morning being sick."

  Her pale, sweaty skin is anything but normal. My girl usually has pink cheeks, bright eyes, and perfect lips. "Lisa, baby, can you hear me?"

  Her head lifts slightly and her eyes open like slits. Her body is limp in my arms and I’m clueless to what I can do. "Markus," she whispers.

  "It's me, sweetheart. We're going to get you home to Stracey. She'll fix you up. Hang in there for me, okay?”

  "I'm tired."

  "I know, sweetheart. Just keep talking to me. You can sleep for as long as you like when we get home." I wipe the hair away from her clammy skin.

  "I love you." She coughs and winces with the pain.

  "I love you too, baby."


  Kevin? Who’s Kevin?

  "I'm here, Lisa. Everything is going to be okay. You can go home now and live your life. Forget about all of this."

  "No!" she shouts louder than I've heard her since I arrived here. "You can't leave me. I've just found you. Please, come with us."

  I concentrate on the man beside us and he isn’t giving anything away. My wolf is prowling again and, this time, it's because of jealousy. She's ours. Why does she want him with her? Have I lost her?

  "How is she?" I look up at my dad towering over us. Her skin is covered in blood, but she’s alive. That's all that matters.

  "We need to get her help. This guy said she’s been ill. It’s too long to walk back."

  "Where are we? Can we drive out of here? There are two vehicles here." Jasper evaluates what we have to work with.

  "Yes. We're about ten miles away from any main road. There is no actual road here but there is a trail that you can follow to get out," explains Kevin. "The keys are in the vans."

  "Thank you. Now, tell me. Who are you? Why are you here? But before you speak, may I remind you that I'm a member of the council, and I can end you here."

  "No!" Lisa tries to sit up in my arms, but she’s exhausted. "Jasper, he needs our help. He's been looking after me. This is Kevin... my brother."

  Brother? Lisa's head rolls back into my chest and I rub my hand down her cheek to get her attention. "Lisa, wake up, baby. Dad, what do we do?" I yell.

  "Erm... your blood, here..." My wrist is yanked up to my dad’s mouth and his teeth pierce my skin. "Hold your wrist over her mouth. I'll massage her throat to make sure it’s going down. This won't fully bond you, but your blood will hopefully help her enough until we can get her to Stracey. Okay, Kevin, we can talk when we get back to camp..."

  "I don't want to intrude," he interrupts, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

  "You're not. You're Lisa's brother. That means you're family. Look, we can talk properly back at camp, but we need to get Lisa home. We're a long way away and she’s very weak."

  "Boss, shall I burn this place down?" asks one of my dad’s enforcers.

  "Yes. Make sure they all burn in hell."

  The enforcer nods and makes everyone jump to getting us out of here. Luckily there were two vehicles and only ten of us. I cradle Lisa to my chest and climb in the back of the van. My dad and Kevin join me. There’s nothing we can use to wrap around my girl so my body heat is the best I can do. I will do anything to get her home safe and well.

  Five minutes later, the cabin is up in smoke, all those bastards are gone, and we are moving. My eyes never leave Lisa's unconscious face. I’m scared that, if I blink, she’ll disappear.

  If I have my way, she’ll never be let out of my sight again.

  She’s mine forever.

  Chapter 22


  Three days. Three days we've been back in camp, and Lisa still hasn't regained consciousness. Her frail body is lying in our bed like an angel. Stracey and Chardonnay worked their magic at getting Lisa cleaned up. She’s battered, bruised, and covered from head to toe in scratches. Her beautiful skin is black and blue. Her hair is the only thing that looks the same as before she was kidnapped. It fans out beautifully on her pillow. She’s still beautiful, even with all the bruises.

  I haven't moved from the cabin since we arrived home. The Alpha, Joel, Chardonnay, Stracey... they all check in on us hourly. If I’m not beside Lisa’s bed, I’m in the kitchen drinking coffee. I need a major energy boost; anything to keep my eyes open. Anything to keep me focused.

  The healer has done everything she can for Lisa, and now we have to wait for her to come around in her own time. I keep telling myself that her body is exhausted, and as soon as she gets enough rest, she'll wake up. She needs to wake up.

  A knock on my bedroom door has me turning my head to look over my shoulder. Kevin enters with a tray of food and coffee. After speaking with Kevin last night for several hours, I believe he’s had a horrible life. He deserves a chance and I know that Lisa will love getting to know him. Jasper also promised to help him fit into a proper pack life. We all know Lisa will want this.

  "How is she?" He places the tray down on the bedside table beside me and takes up his place at the opposite side of the bed.

  "No change."

  "I don'
t know if it's my eyes, but her cheeks look like they've got a little bit more colour."

  I follow his eyes to look at Lisa. I study her carefully and I think he's right. She’s still as white as a ghost, but just along her cheek bones there is the softest tinge of pink.

  "Yeah, you might be right. I just wish she would wake up and give me that sassy tongue of hers. I bet you haven't met that side of your sister yet, have you?"

  He shakes his head and smiles. "No. She was already in the basement when I arrived at that cabin. She was defeated, or so she thought."

  "I wouldn't have given up looking, Kevin. Deep down, she would have known that. I was going out of my mind."

  I take her hand in mine and run my thumb across her knuckles. This waiting game is driving me crazy, but it’s better than when we didn't know where she was.

  "I'll just be next door if anything changes, or you need anything."

  "Thanks." I nod my head, lift her hand to my mouth, and place my lips over her delicate fingers. If only she had her wolf for backup she wouldn't be as ill now. Why isn’t her beast coming to help her? I've tried on numerous occasions to connect with her wolf, but I've failed miserably.

  Suddenly, her fingers twitch under my mouth and my eyes roam up her body until they land on her face. Her eyes are closed, but I catch her eyelashes flickering.

  I jump up from the seat my dad brought into the room days ago. I lean over her small body. "Lisa. Can you hear me, baby?"

  My bedroom door is thrown open and the scurry of feet across the floorboards can be heard, but it doesn’t stop me from hearing the whimpering from Lisa. My spare hand instantly lands on her cheek. Her skin has been cold and clammy since her attack, but today it’s warmer.

  "Get Stracey," Dad tells someone behind me. Anyone could be in the room because I haven't taken my attention off Lisa.

  Her eyes flicker open very slowly. They scrunch together until she gets used to the light again. Her eyes lock with mine, but there’s no emotion on her face. I can’t read her expression.

  "Baby, can you hear me?"

  "Markus," she croaks. Her hand moves up to rub her throat. She’s clearly struggling and my head is void of what to do. I have no idea what to do or say to help. I'm useless with illnesses.


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