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The Sinner: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Grace Prep Book 1)

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by Kelsey Clayton

  The Sinner

  Kelsey Clayton

  The Sinner

  Kelsey Clayton

  Copyright © 2020 by Kelsey Clayton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editing by Kiezha Ferrell at Librum Artis

  For my best friend, Ashley.

  Thank you for keeping me out of trouble,

  and for getting into trouble with me,

  and for listening to me even when I

  don’t make any sense.

  You’re my better half.

  I love you.

  P.S - The kitchen floor would have been so lonely without you.

  You can take this heart.

  Heal it or break it all apart.

  No, this isn’t fair.

  Love me or leave me here.

  — Little Mix


  1. Savannah

  2. Grayson

  3. Savannah

  4. Grayson

  5. Savannah

  6. Grayson

  7. Savannah

  8. Grayson

  9. Savannah

  10. Grayson

  11. Savannah

  12. Grayson

  13. Savannah

  14. Grayson

  15. Savannah

  16. Grayson

  17. Savannah

  18. Grayson

  19. Grayson

  20. Savannah

  21. Grayson

  22. Savannah

  23. Grayson

  24. Grayson

  25. Savannah

  26. Grayson

  27. Savannah

  28. Grayson

  29. Savannah


  The Saint


  About the Author

  Also by Kelsey Clayton



  I run across the beach, feeling the wind blow through my hair. My toes sink into the sand as I scurry away. Just when I think the coast is clear, I’m swept up into my father’s arms. An involuntary squeal leaves my mouth, followed by a fit of giggles as he spins us around and tickles my sides. He places me back down and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  “I love you, my sweet Savi.”

  The blaring noise of my alarm rips me from my dream and back into reality. My stomach drops as thoughts of the freshly relived memory play in my mind. Of course it wasn’t real, not anymore at least. Those days are so far in the past that sometimes I wonder if they actually happened.

  I roll out of bed, still feeling half comatose. My feet pad across the floor as I leave my bedroom in search of some water. The small, beaten-down house is in its normal state of post-tornado aftermath. Empty liquor bottles lie across every possible surface, making it hard to get around. If anyone saw this, they’d think a raging party took place last night. I wish that were the case.

  Careful not to make too much noise, I grab some of the glass containers and deposit them into the trash. It doesn’t do much, but it’s better than nothing. Taking a bottle of water from the fridge, I retreat to the bathroom to get ready for school.

  As I climb into the shower and the cold water chills my body, the excitement of senior year adds a little sparkle to my normally grim life. Just one more year and I can get out of this godforsaken place. The moment I graduate is the moment I ditch this lie of a life I’m living.

  Once I’m clean, I wrap a towel around my body and quietly slip back into my bedroom. The perfectly dry-cleaned uniforms hang in my closet. I smile as I pull one out and begin to put it on. The gray skirt is disgustingly plain, but provides a sense of safety and security. The maroon shirt isn’t much different, except for the school crest in the top corner. It may not be what I would choose to wear on my own, but it makes everything easier in the wardrobe department of my life.

  I brush and blow dry my long blonde hair before applying a thin coat of makeup. It’s enough to say, “I’m completely put together” yet not enough to look like I just came from a strip club. After a quick once-over in the mirror, I smile at my own appearance and grab my bag.

  The house is still just as lifeless—and just as destroyed—as it was when I woke. I lightly tiptoe down the hallway and into the dark bedroom. Blackout curtains covering the windows make it hard to see anything, but I can just make out a body slumped across the bed. As I step further inside, I cover my nose, gagging immediately from the smell.

  “Dad?” I whisper-shout, but get nothing in return. “Dad?”

  A low grumble comes from the back of his throat. Well, at the very least, he’s alive. I come closer and see that he’s fully dressed and his shirt has what must be dried vomit all over it.

  “Dad, come on. Wake up. You’re a mess, and we need to get this shirt off you.”

  I try to pull him up, but he yanks his arm from my grasp. “No.”

  Usually I’d take a deep breath before trying again, but if I do that now, the contents of my stomach will join his. “You can go back to sleep as soon as I’m done.”

  Grabbing the hem of the shirt, I start to roll it upwards but I’m pushed away. “Fucking stop, you little bitch.”

  His words should feel like a punch to the gut, or at the very least cause me to feel sadness, but I’ve been living this nightmare for so long. There isn’t anything he can say that I haven’t heard. Instead of fighting him further, I pick my bag up off the floor and head out the door. If he wants to stay covered in his own puke, that’s his problem.

  I’M HALFWAY THROUGH MY walk to school when a familiar SUV pulls up next to me. I pull out one of my earbuds and turn to face the driver. Brady, the closest thing I have to a real friend in this place, gives me a knowing look as he reaches over and opens the door.

  “How many times have I told you I would drive you in the mornings?”

  “Technically, none. New school year, new rules.” I quip as I get in the passenger side.

  “Savannah,” he deadpans, clearly unamused with my antics. “I’m serious. I don’t want you walking through that part of town. Especially not alone.”

  I scoff. “I’m a big girl, B. I think I can handle a homeless guy or seven.”

  “I’m sure you can, Rocky, but let’s not test that theory.”

  We get to the school in less than half the time it would’ve taken me to walk. The sidewalks are filled with kids on both sides of the street. On the left is North Haven High, the public school I’d have to attend if it wasn’t for Mrs. Laurence—Brady’s mom and my incredible dance teacher—paying a hefty sum each year. And on the right is my prestigious private school, Haven Grace Prep. The two institutions across from each other couldn’t be more different, and the rivalry between them has run strong for decades. If we aren’t battling it out on the football field, we’re throwing punches at parties. It’s a constant war that shows no signs of ending any time soon.

  “Thanks for the ride.” I say as I reach over and give Brady a hug before getting out of the car. “I’ll see you after?”

  He nods. “I’ll be here.”

  As the car pulls away, I take a deep breath and start walking up the steps toward the large doors. Students hanging around outside all say their hellos to me, hoping I’ll stop to talk to them, but none are lucky enough to get more than a fake grin sent their way. I go inside and turn right down the hallway, seeing my posse, as people lik
e to call them, already surrounding my locker. The urge to roll my eyes is strong, but I guess it comes with the territory of being deemed the most popular girl in school.

  The second I’m close enough, I hear Becca ranting about something I can only assume is a rich bitch problem. All eyes turn to me when I reach my locker. My eyebrows raise in a silent command, causing Kinsley and Paige to move out of my way.

  “Hey, Savannah,” Emma greets.

  I smile warmly at her. “Hey, Ems.”

  Out of the four of them, Emma is the most genuine—though the competition isn’t very fierce in that category. I’m not stupid enough to believe their loyalty is any thicker than water. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that they would throw me to the wolves if it meant they’d get a little more attention. Hell, I’m pretty sure the only reason they worship the ground I walk on is because they think I’m dating Brady. To them, he’s an older college guy with a nice car. To me, he’s my dance teacher’s very hot, yet very gay, son. Still, what they don’t know won’t hurt them.

  “So, what’s the issue today, Bec?” I question as I shove my bag into my locker and slip my cellphone into my back pocket.

  She runs her fingers through her hair. “I asked for a hot stone massage at the spa, and they gave me a shiatsu.”

  Yep. I was right—rich bitch problem.

  “Ugh, I hate when that happens.” The lie comes out of my mouth with a practiced ease and Becca gleams with validation.

  It’s almost amusing how highly they think of me. If they had any idea how much money I have, or lack thereof, there’s no doubt they would treat me like gum under their shoes. Thankfully, with a last name like Montgomery, no one even thinks to question it. There are only a few people who know where I live. One is Brady, and the others are Knox Vaughn and his brigade of goons. Knox lives a couple houses down from me, so it was only a matter of time before they found out. It took a little convincing to get them to keep their mouths shut, but once Brady promised to get them alcohol whenever they want it, they agreed.

  The hallway gets louder as the guys from the football team make their way through the school. Carter Trayland is sporting a smile as he winks at a girl passing by. Poor thing almost faints on the spot, yet he’ll never give her a second glance. She’s too insignificant for him to actually notice her.

  Next to Carter is Jace London, the best kicker that Haven Grace has ever seen. The two of them look like Hollister models, with their blonde hair and perfectly muscular physique. Flanking their sides are Hayden Waters and Wyatt Averson, being every bit as gorgeous but a little less intimidating. Wyatt may be your typical jock, but he’s secretly a computer genius. I don’t think there’s a single thing he can’t do in the cyber world. And Hayden, despite being in constant company of the other douchebags, is a total sweetheart. If his crush on Emma wasn’t devastatingly obvious, he might even be someone I’d consider dating.

  “Well, well, well,” Carter says as his eyes land on me. “Hey, gorgeous. Long time no see.”

  I roll my eyes as I lean against my locker. “I saw you two weeks ago at Jace’s end of summer party. You got drunk and used the pool as your own personal urinal.”

  His grin widens. “Oh, yeah. Good times.”

  The bell rings and everyone scatters to get to class, except us. We casually make our way to homeroom, knowing there isn’t a chance in hell we’re getting in trouble. The last time a teacher tried to punish us for something, Carter’s father made such a big deal of it she was fired the next day. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the captain of the football team and your dad is the district attorney.

  As we enter the room, everyone stops to stare at us. Some don’t mask their irritation at the way Mr. Englewood chooses to say nothing about our tardiness. Just when I’m about to take my seat, my eyes meet a familiar pair in the middle of the room. Delaney Callahan. Back in the day, when my life wasn’t a sickeningly close resemblance to a bad sitcom, she and I were best friends–but that’s just another thing stuck in the past. She gives me a shy smile that I almost return involuntarily, but Kinsley nudges my shoulder to get my attention.

  “Who are you looking at?”

  I shake my head. “No one important.”

  With one last glance at Delaney, I notice her smile is gone, and she’s averted her eyes. Good. The further she stays from me, the better.

  I WALK OVER TO the table and place my tray down, taking a seat next to Hayden. Becca, Paige, and Kinsley join us only a couple minutes later. Carter does nothing to conceal the way he’s staring directly at Paige’s chest. I can’t help but laugh as I clear my throat. He reluctantly pulls his eyes away to look at me, knowing he’s caught but having no shame.

  “You’re such a pig,” I tell him, only half joking.

  He leans forward on his elbows. “Aw, is someone jealous?”

  “In your dreams, Trayland.”

  A devious grin graces his face. “No baby, in my dreams I’m doing a hell of a lot more than checking out your rack.”

  I chuckle but choose to say nothing. Carter has made his attraction to me known since freshman year, along with every other remotely good-looking girl in this place. Calling him a man whore would be a massive understatement. At eighteen years old, I’m surprised his dick hasn’t fallen off from catching something by now. And if I’m being honest, Jace is no better. I prefer to stay in the category of girls they haven’t fucked.

  Emma takes the seat next to me, placing the french fries she bought for lunch down in front of her. Just as she picks one up, Kinsley’s voice halt her movements.

  “Are you really going to eat that?”

  Em hesitates, looking defeated as she stares down at the food. “I guess not.”

  “Good choice,” she answers primly.

  “Kinsley,” Hayden chastises.

  “Aw, I’m sorry. Did I offend your little girlfriend?” she mocks. “I’m just trying to help. Her cheerleading uniform was looking a little tight at practice the other day.”

  Emma squirms, and I can’t listen to this anymore. “That’s rich, coming from the girl we needed to move from a flyer to a spotter because she became one of the heavier members of the team.” I give her my sweetest fuck you smile before turning to Emma. “Don’t listen to her, Ems. She’s just jealous of your basket toss.”

  Grabbing a fry from her plate, I grin and bring it to my mouth—giving her the confidence to do the same. Carter’s whole body shakes with laughter as Kinsley glares at me from across the table, but she doesn’t dare say anything back. For one, what I said was nothing but the truth, and two, she’s not ballsy enough to fuck with me.

  I’m halfway through my salad when Jace’s phone dings on the table. He picks it up and snickers before showing it to Carter. There’s the slightest hint of anger on Carter’s face before it changes to sheer amusement.

  “Yeah, right. Not with our new QB they won’t.”

  My eyebrows furrow. “What’s going on?”

  “Knox Vaughn is over at North Haven talking shit. Saying they’re going to kick our asses on the field this year.”

  “I swear, all that pot has gone to his head,” Wyatt chimes in.

  Or it could be the coke I saw him buying the other day. The thought crosses my mind, but I don’t dare say it. If I did, they could use it against him, and he’d get kicked off the team. Finding out the info came from me would be detrimental to my reputation. Besides, how do I explain how I saw it? Oh yeah, I just so happened to be walking through their shitty neighborhood when I came across NH’s football captain doing a drug deal? No thanks, I’ll pass.

  “Speaking of your new QB, where is he?” Paige questions.

  Carter smirks. “He’s starting tomorrow. Keep your panties on, Paigey.”

  “Wait, you have a new quarterback?” I clearly missed something.

  “Yes, princess. You’d know this if you showed up to practice the last week and didn’t leave their poor souls with Commander Kinsley as acting captain.

  I grab a leftover cherry tomato from my salad and throw it at him, only slightly impressed when he catches it in his mouth. “I told you, I was in Bora Bora with my dad.”

  It’s a complete lie, but it sounds so much better than telling them that Brady and I were training to the point where I could barely stand by the end of the week. When Mrs. Laurence told me that she got a scout from Juilliard to come to this year’s recital, I knew I had to up my number of practices. Thankfully, Brady has been fully on board. He knows how badly I need not only the admission there but also a full scholarship, to get as far away from here, and my father, as possible.

  “Well, you’ll meet him tomorrow.” Carter winks. “Though, don’t get any ideas. Seems like your girls here have already staked their claim.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised that Kinsley is already thinking of ways to get in this guy’s pants. She’s like the female version of Carter, only nastier. At least he has some standards. If this new guy knows what’s good for him, he’ll stay far away from that STD-ridden monster.



  I wake in the morning, feeling way too out of place in this massive house. One would think that I’d bask in all the memories it holds, being as this was my childhood home—but I don’t. Everything in here is tainted with thoughts of a life I’ll never get back. A life that was ripped away by the hands of the one person I trusted more than anything. Being back here just fuels my fire, and I’ll enjoy getting the revenge I deserve all the more.


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